MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 66 black hands show up

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This Mr. Liu is a genuinely good person. He has sponsored many students and even used his own demolition money to help poor students go to university. It can be said that he is well-known and everyone knows that he is a good person.

After Fang Linyan heard about it, he went directly to the school and handed over Yaya's tuition and living expenses directly to the graduation, and then went to the school's food group to buy her a meal ticket worth 2,000 yuan. It is used in the canteen in the school and for food groups, so it is safe for little girls.

In other words, Badong County is remote and backward, so there are such things as meal tickets, which have long been eliminated outside.

In the end, Fang Linyan took Yaya to Mr. Liu's house, and said that he was a good friend of the child's father and owed him a sum of money. Can you help your child keep the money?

Teacher Liu was originally a warm-hearted person, and he cared about Yaya, a child. After hearing about this, he readily agreed.

When Fang Linyan was doing errands in the school, Xingyi had already found him. After leaving the school, she didn't say a word the whole time, and suddenly said to Lin Yan:

"You spent an hour and forty minutes on this little girl, and she didn't serve the purpose of your trip, do you think it was worth it?"

Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Xingyi to ask this question, and then he said firmly, "Of course it's worth it."

"First, since I promised her father to take good care of her, I will definitely keep my word. This is my principle of life."

"Secondly, if I can help such a smart and sensible little girl, it will be equivalent to changing her life and destiny, and it will make my thoughts clear."

Xing Yi didn't say anything after hearing this, but nodded, and then said:

"You are busy with these things. I collected information by the way and found that this county has not been peaceful recently, especially in the past six months. It can be said that there are often supernatural events, which are similar to fried strong."

"And this is only limited to the county town. If it is in a more remote countryside with fewer people, then the victims are estimated to be more."

"Another piece of data is that the supernatural incidents began to cause casualties, which happened to coincide with the time when the abyss lord was seriously injured more than a month ago."

After speaking here, Xingyi took out a map, and many marks appeared on it:

"I just found an insider to investigate, and then marked it, and found two key points: Xiejiaba and Paifang Street."

"More than 80% of related supernatural events happened within two kilometers of these two key points. Among them, Paifang Street is the location of the houses rebuilt after the fire in Xiangyang Welfare Institute, and Xiejiaba doesn't know about it, maybe We can use this as a breakthrough to start an investigation?"

Fang Linyan pondered for a moment and said:

"Xiejiaba? I remember that Ma Xian's mother's house is there. Now it seems that the last time I went to find this woman, she was already lying, and there was no truth in her mouth, so this time you come to invite her. Drink a glass and fine the bar!"

Xingyi smiled slightly and said:

"Bring someone a fine wine? I like it! By the way, there is another piece of good news, I think you will definitely be willing to hear it." Fang Linyan's eyes lit up immediately and said:

"Oh? What good news?" Xing Yi said:

"I received the news five minutes ago that the magician is still in the space, and then he started to collect the materials he needs first, called the Swedish heart, but it seems to be to meet the requirements of the artifact soul."

"And this directly led to the annulment of the previously agreed material for the seal: metal moon spider silk. The two parties originally agreed to buy seven ounces with 370,000 utility points, but the magician was only willing to pay two 100,000 utility points, and the balance is deducted with a piece of equipment, so the buyer is not happy."

Fang Linyan's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this:

"That is to say, when the magician is purchasing, he has put his personal needs before the needs of the abyss lord?"

Xingyi nodded:

"That's right, people's hearts are scattered, so it's not easy to take."

"Actually, there is one more important thing. I don't know if you have thought about it." Fang Linyan pondered for a moment and said:

"Tell me." Xingyi said:

"You are very afraid of the magician in your heart. That's because you know that all the members of your team have left, and it is difficult to rely on the power of the church, but...the news from the magician's side is still there. Now that your team is making big purchases, hoarding goods and wanting to do something big!"

"Besides, the last time the magician confronted you head-on, and he had his teammates by his side. However, in the end, he was defeated and fled in embarrassment by you. Think about it, at this time he Your reaction is very telling. The magician is also very afraid of you! Maybe he stays in the space deliberately, just waiting for the information about your return before entering! After all, to him, you are not An out-and-out local snake."

Hearing Xingyi's careful analysis, Fang Linyan's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "You make a lot of sense."


The two of them were chatting and walking forward, when they suddenly saw a car coming from behind, it was a semi-new and old domineering car, and after getting off the car, the driver warmly greeted Xing Yi:

"Miss Deng, come, come, I will give you a ride."

Fang Linyan said in his heart that Xingyi must have used the God of Cupids to make troubles when he was not around before, but the driver seemed to be very personable, and he greeted his male companion with a smile .

Xingyi gave way again and again, and Captain Xu of the inspection team also insisted on giving it away, so he had a free ride. After arriving at the village where Ma Xian's mother's family lived, Fang Linyan immediately felt that something was wrong, because although the people here were still walking and talking normally, they gave people the feeling of being dull and rigid, and they always talked when they spoke. It's going to slow down a should I say it? It is most appropriate to describe it in four words.

That's The Walking Dead!

Ma Xianniang didn't go anywhere else, she was at home, but unfortunately she didn't recognize Fang Linyan, or anyone else, she just lay on the bed, staring at the roof with empty eyes, the cheekbones on her face were high and protruding After coming out, it is very appropriate to describe it as skinny.

From time to time, he muttered some obscure sentences in his mouth, and his expression was constantly changing. Occasionally, a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, completely living in his own world.

"How long has she been like this?"

Xingyi said to a man waiting beside him. The man said somewhat cautiously:

"It's been a while. Besides, it's not just my mother. Mistress Qiao from the production team next door, and Blind Jiao on the other side of the river have also been bewildered recently."

Obviously, Mistress Qiao, Blind Jiao and Ma Xianniang are all colleagues. Simply put, they use supernatural powers to practice medicine... Fang Linyan and Xingyi asked a few more questions, but found that they didn't find anything in the end The results come.

Fang Linyan and Xingyi were a little frustrated because of this bad start. At this time, Captain Xu looked at the sky and said:

"It's getting dark, let's go early, I heard it's not very peaceful around here recently."

When Fang Linyan said this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. It turned out that it was already the time of twilight. At this time, the rural people usually went home to make a fire and cook, and every household was full of smoke. The mist is mixed together, and it still looks quite idyllic.

However, the village is still lifeless, there is no sign of a fire for cooking, there is a word that is good, people are inhabited, and where there are people, there is smoke. But with this ghostly appearance right now, the whole village is like a ghost, and like a quiet and dangerous monster lying on its knees, it doesn't even make a sound like a chicken barking or a dog barking, it's really palpitatingly quiet.

If ordinary people are in this situation, they must be a little frightened, and they are in a hurry to walk immediately, but Fang Linyan has already been mentally prepared, and after thinking about it, he went directly to the back kitchen of Ma's house, and found that there was something inside the stove. The ashes were cold, and there was leftover food in the bowl next to it, which had been cut

raw meat, peeled raw sweet potatoes, etc.

Fang Linyan then went directly to the next door to Ma's house, of course he broke in with some arrogance, and found that the food here was similar. After seeing the situation, Xingyi said:

"They know how to slice raw meat and peel raw sweet potatoes. This is enough to show that they still have a certain sense of reason, and they are also quite organized when they talk to us. This should be some kind of variant of pica."

After Fang Linyan thought for a while, he nodded, expressing his agreement with Xingyi's statement.

At this time, Captain Xu saw that the sky was beginning to turn dark, and urged again anxiously:

"Let's go first. If it's getting dark, what if the car stops on the road?" Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"it is good."

So the three of them got into the car, and after driving for two kilometers, Fang Linyan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly called out, "Stop, I'm going to pee on the side of the road."

Captain Xu was taken aback for a moment and immediately said:

"Not here, you see there are no street lights, it's very dangerous to go down."

At this time, the speed of the car on the country road was already slow, so Fang Linyan opened the car door and jumped off. After the fait accompli was established, he lazily said:

"What are you afraid of, the bold ones are overwhelmed, the timid ones are starved to death, ghosts or ghosts, they are all scary!"

Captain Xu had no choice but to stop and wait for someone. Fang Linyan didn't make any fuss. After draining the water, he walked around to the side of the driver's cab, took out a cigarette, and then lit up the lighter with a "click" and took a sip from the fire. .

Then Fang Linyan breathed out a puff of cigarette comfortably, and flicked the lighter at Captain Xu: "Brother, do you want one?"

The lighter's flame was obviously still 30 to 40 centimeters away from Captain Xu's face, but he leaned back violently, as if burning his eyebrows! Huge range!

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan smiled and said, "Why, do you think my cigarettes are bad?"

Captain Xu opened his mouth, but found that his voice was extremely hoarse and dry: ""

Fang Linyan ignited the lighter again with a "wipe". Under the light of the jumping flames, Captain Xu's face could be seen distorted and pale, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, he shrank back instinctively. .

Seeing his appearance, Fang Linyan said lightly:

"After the onset of rabies, one of the major characteristics is fear of water. After hearing the sound of water or seeing water, they will convulse and convulse, inexplicably manic."

"Since there is hydrophobia, there is also firephobia. Although there is no such disease in nature, there are man-made ones."

"For example, in the Majiazhuang where Ma Xianniang lived before, those people did not light a fire to cook, because they also suffered from fire phobia, so they could only eat cold food and drink cold water. If I guessed correctly, the cause of the disease should be poisoning. Let The most convenient way to poison a whole village is to poison the water directly.”

"Captain Xu, you must have been recruited in the drinking water, right?"

"What...was recruited? I don't know!" Captain Xu said struggling. At this time, Xingyi sighed slightly and said:

"When I went to inquire about the news, I completely followed the principle of randomness. How did I choose the right one?" Fang Linyan laughed and said:

"In fact, the truth is very simple. It's worthless to put it bluntly. Whoever you choose, you can infect whoever you choose? You know, after you asked Captain Xu for information, you separated from him for a while. .”

"During such a long time, it can be said that it is more than enough to do anything, and at the same time, it can give you a price of the other party's pervasiveness, am I right? Old monster?"

When Fang Linyan uttered the word "old monster" at the end, he specially emphasized his tone, so the voice spread far away and echoed in the field.

A series of sharp and strange laughter suddenly came from a distance, floating in the dark field, if ordinary people heard it, they would definitely be scared to death, but who are Fang Linyan and Xingyi? scarier than this

I have seen too many battles, UU reading just pretend I haven't heard it.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan grabbed Captain Xu with his fingers like hooks, strangled Captain Xu's neck tightly, took out a pill, and forced Captain Xu to swallow it.

Captain Xu's eyeballs were about to bulge out, and he resisted wildly, but how could his strength be comparable to Fang Linyan's, and his actions were completely futile? After taking the medicine, he felt the veins on his forehead bulge, and his throat rumbled as if he was about to vomit.

After a while, Captain Xu kicked his legs and passed out. Several golden-headed centipede-like bugs crawled out of his nostrils, and they also had tentacles-like long legs. Outside, they convulsed and froze on the ground.

The shrill laughter of the old monster in the distance suddenly turned into an angry scream: "Impossible, what kind of medicine did you use? It can paralyze my child."

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