MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 76 Back then secret

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Fang Linyan is very pleased with such a result. It doesn't matter if he can't use the power of fate. On the contrary, he didn't own this thing before, but the skill system of the abyss lord is built around the power of fate. Without this What a fool, he has become a toothless tiger!

Even if he recovers from the huge damage caused by the Flame of Destruction, he will no longer be able to have that overwhelming strength against fighters of the same level. It's over.

As soon as this guy appeared on the stage, the feeling of coercion was like that of Lu Bu in the Three Kingdoms period when he faced the other generals—all the princes and even the soldiers took it for granted that the three heroes fought against Lu Bu—the funniest What's more, even Lu Bu himself thought it was reasonable and expressed no objection.

After this matter was settled, Fang Linyan immediately felt relaxed, as if a boulder weighing on his heart had been overturned directly.

After all, before this, the word Abyss Lord was hanging on his head like the sword of Damocles! And the abyss lord really put him under great pressure, it really cut off his head!

Although all the good news I received before, such as the Abyss Lord being unable to appear in several worlds, this kind of news is gossip after all—even the official news is often unreliable, not to mention that miracles can happen at any time space out.

In fact, without today's experience, it would not be surprising that the abyss lord suddenly appeared in Fang Linyan's next adventure world. Who doesn't have two cards? Who hasn't had a miracle or something?

I just got the support of the semi-incomplete space like the Mobius mark, and I have already reaped great benefits, let alone the support of the Abyss Lord with the space of Noah K?

After digesting the information, Fang Linyan held the black old man's phone in his hand, and suddenly got a prompt in front of him, and the prompt came from the Mobius mark:

"A mysterious and unique power has been stimulated in the black old man phone in your hand. Although this power is not perfect, it can already provide you with a considerable degree of protection." "You have obtained a passive ability: Favor of fate."

"For those with this passive ability, the duration of the curse will be reduced by 70%. When the enemy's next attack is about to strike you critically, you will have a clear premonition."

"At the same time, enemies who have caused actual damage to you will suffer from the hatred of fate within 24 hours, and will often make some bad decisions, walking towards the path of fate that failed."

"The above abilities: the effect is regular."


After reading the above prompts, Fang Linyan strode away, walked to the door of Xiangyang Welfare Institute (Plus version), and then voluntarily extinguished the oil lamp in his hand, and then returned to his childhood hometown——Seven or eighty Badong County in the 1980s.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar scene, Fang Linyan stopped for a long time, looking greedily at the surrounding scenery. This kind of scene was common at his previous age, but now it looks very cordial—after all, not everyone can witness it in person again. Take a look at what my hometown looked like when I was a child!

Since the soul of the old man in the black machine was activated, he has been able to freely enter and exit this world, so Fang Linyan planned to find the lost Xingyi and bring her out of here.

However, just after Fang Linyan took two steps towards the distance, he suddenly felt empty in his heart, as if he had missed something crucial! But for a while, I lacked inspiration and couldn't think of it. Then Fang Linyan suddenly heard angry shouts from the Xiangyang Orphanage in the rear. It was none other than Zhang Kun, the dean of the Orphanage. This guy still looked young and strong at this time, unlike the last time I saw him in decline. The appearances are in stark contrast, and it is even very appropriate to describe them as two different people.

Zhang Kun held a bamboo stick specially used to teach children in his left hand, and pointed with his right hand:

"Little bastard! Your skin is itchy, isn't it!"

After seeing Zhang Kun, Fang Linyan suddenly took a deep breath.

He took a deep breath, and suddenly thought of one thing again in his mind. When he came back last time, he had dealt with Zhang Kun. This guy was killed on his own deliberate indulgence (wanting to find out who was behind the scenes), and finally left I kept a diary.

And in that diary, most of the inside pages were torn off, leaving only a few pages.

Fang Linyan remembered very clearly that the few pages plus the newspaper clippings added up to less than 5,000 words, but even those few pages gave Fang Linyan a lot of clues.

For example, *** is pregnant and has a child,

For example, there was a baby who was abandoned outside the orphanage and had 10,000 yuan with him.

Now I have an extra choice. First, I can catch Zhang Kun and force him to ask him the truth. If I can’t find out the truth, I can also look for the existence of the diary!

After all, for Fang Linyan at this time, he had solved the deep-seated secrets of the Xiangyang Welfare Institute, but there were still some doubts on the superficial level.

After thinking about this matter, Fang Linyan's mind suddenly became clear, and he suddenly understood what he had missed! That is the fourth floor! The fourth floor that I never went up to when I was a child!

If Fang Linyan's guess is correct, then the fourth floor is where the

The place where the abyss lord lived when he was young, even though his young self was not reproduced here, so there is a high probability that the young abyss lord at that time would not be reproduced, but... cannot reproduce people, What about other things, such as belongings, bedding, and beds?

According to Fang Linyan's speculation, this inner world should be created by the abyss lord with the help of Noah K's space.

For the Noah K space, the easiest and quickest way is to travel through time and space, return to the historical node in between, and then directly copy this area, and then go to the designated area of ​​​​the abyss lord to paste.

At this time, most of Noah K's space will get a reminder, for example, it is very difficult to copy the hunter CD8492116 of Fang Linyan, and the hunter of the abyss lord, and an extra huge price will be paid.

Then the Noah K space must be directly in the copied data, delete the direct data of Fang Linyan and the abyss lord, and paste it again.

There is no doubt that the probability of doing so is the greatest!

Therefore, everything I imagined is very likely to be realized!

With this in mind, Fang Linyan continued to ignore the dean Zhang Kun, and ran towards the orphanage. He no longer suppressed his strength at this time, and his agility and speed completely crushed these ordinary people. It's as slippery as a loach, and it's impossible to catch him at all!

Zhang Kun was also angry and angry, so he could only chase after him cursing. Of course, it's another matter whether he can catch up or not.

Although Fang Linyan is in a very serious negative state (gene disorder) at this time, he is in an indescribably happy and relaxed mood. In fact, it is also one of his childhood dreams to be able to fool/resist these guys from the orphanage. one.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan rushed back to the dormitory. Now he wanted to prove one thing, that is, in this other world, how high was the restoration of the time?

Almost immediately, Fang Linyan found his old bed, rushed forward in two steps in three steps, and then lay down on it... Although the bed board is very hard, the mattress even emits The musty smell, the mosquito net above the head is also tattered and there is a lot of dust, but Fang Linyan still feels very friendly!

After all, on this bed, I spent my difficult childhood years. It is also such a simple bed and tattered bedding, which gave me warmth in countless cold nights, and protected me to grow up bit by bit.

Then Fang Linyan turned his head, and saw the enamel jar next to him with bad paint. This thing is a very important utensil for every child in the orphanage, because it has too many functions.

When you wake up in the morning, it’s a jar for rinsing your mouth, and when you eat, it’s a rice bowl.

Usually, it is a water cup for water. When you wash your hair, it's a shower that scoops up water.

There are also individual bear children who will use other people's tanks when they wake up at night

Come on as a urinal....

After a hasty inspection, Fang Linyan confirmed one thing, that is, although his body has not been engraved into this other world, but the traces of his own life are left behind! A happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"As expected!"

In this situation, Fang Linyan simply wanted to do one thing,

The thing he always wanted to do when he was a child but didn't have the strength to do it.

That is the fourth floor.

At this time, Zhang Kun of course continued to chase after him, but this fellow seemed to be a strong outsider, and he was panting after running for such a short distance. It seemed that he was almost foaming at the mouth. His insatiable love affairs are by no means groundless.

At this time, Zhang Kun was obviously very angry. He picked up the bamboo stick in his hand and slammed it towards Fang Linyan. If Fang Linyan still maintained his physical fitness as a child, then he would definitely die after this blow. swollen for three days.

But now Fang Linyan is extremely agile, he just turned around and dodged cleverly. Zhang Kun ended up pulling the bamboo stick viciously onto the table next to him, and it broke immediately, and then the other end bounced up. , It happened to hit Zhang Kun in the eye.

This blow was not light, Zhang Kun let out a cry of pain, covered his eyes tightly and sat down on the ground, sucking in the cold air from his mouth in pain, Fang Linyan smiled, turned and ran away. The reason why he has not fought back now is because he wants to maintain the rules of this inner world as much as possible, so as to avoid any unforeseen consequences and minimize the probability of problems.

Soon, he buried his head and ran up quickly, and then came directly to the stairs from the third floor to the fourth floor. At this place, Fang Linyan saw an unexpected person again, that is Ma Jing, this woman He was standing in the corridor blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

It was introduced before that Ma Jing's position in the orphanage is the director of the office, but her sense of presence is actually very low! However, Fang Linyan found out in the follow-up investigation that Ma Jing was actually a very important person, and among the fog in the orphanage, she had the most secrets.

In order to cover up her existence, the black hand behind the scenes even went to great lengths to cover up her existence.

It took a lot of trouble to tamper with the memories of the rest! Finally had to kill it.

Fang Linyan didn't want to have a confrontation with the people here at this time, otherwise, wouldn't it be a good idea to kill all directions along the way?

However, Ma Jing is here in a daze at this time, and it seems that she will not leave in a short time. Isn't this too much of a hindrance?

Now that Fang Linyan saw Ma Jing, his heart was moved, and he shouted:

"Something happened, something happened, Teacher Ma!" Ma Jing looked at Fang Linyan suspiciously and said, "What is it?"

Fang Linyan said:

"The dean suddenly fell to the floor, foaming at the mouth, and convulsed non-stop. They all said he was insane."

After Ma Jing heard this, she was surprised and said, "How could this happen?"

Then she immediately turned around and ran downstairs. Fang Linyan's concern for this woman was beyond words, and he thought that Zhang Kun and her probably had an ambiguous relationship. Of course, Fang Linyan thought of Ma Jing again at this time. The wicker chair at home, so I took a cold look at Ma Jing's back.

Ahem, although women nowadays dress conservatively and generally wear army green trousers that don't show off their figure, Fang Linyan still verified his previous judgment. Ma Jing looked thin and small, but UU Reading has a big butt. ..

After coaxing away Ma Jing, who looked like a door god, Fang Linyan went directly to the stairs from the third floor to the fourth floor.

It can be seen here that there are thick and rusty iron railings, an iron fence door that looks indestructible at least for children, there is an iron padlock the size of a fist on it, and there are two big characters "Yangtze River" on the front.

If you look closely, you can see that the lock is shiny and shiny, and even the patina has been rubbed out. It must be used frequently. For the vast majority of people, this lock is

It was difficult to open, but it was not the case for Fang Linyan. He directly reached out and pressed the lock, and immediately activated his natural ability: metal touch.

As soon as this innate ability was activated, Fang Linyan immediately opened his eyes wide in surprise! Because this feeling is completely different from usual, when he puts his hands on it, he immediately has an indescribable silky feeling, and he can even clearly feel that the keyhole of this lock was made three and a half years ago, and the lock body is was made five years ago.

Even if Fang Linyan is willing, then even the manufacturing process and process at that time can be clearly identified. Not only that, but Fang Linyan also feels that a large part of the potential of his talent is still huge, and it has not been fully developed at all.


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Read The Duke's Passion