MTL - First Evolution-v16 Chapter 20 This mission is very Decepticon

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Chapter Twenty

At this time, Xingyi also realized this, and looked at Fang Linyan with envy and hatred, and then said his name to Shengbo.

However, it is obvious that her reputation +1 does not give her such treatment. Sheng Bo just nodded indifferently, and then said to Fang Linyan:

"Mr. Yaodao, I want to know your real reason for coming this time." Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"I want to join the Decepticons—more precisely, the faction of Lord Megatron."

"Because my enemies are now on the side of the Autobots, their alliance makes me feel a strong threat, so I must also have reliable and powerful allies in order to tide over the current difficulties."

Then Fang Linyan pouted at the drifting body:

"This is my meeting ceremony. In addition, if Lord Sonic has something to do, then I can also help with my companions."

Soundwave stared at the drifting body for a while, then said:

"Okay, I accept your gift, but so far, no human has joined the ranks of Decepticons..." Fang Linyan said lightly:

"The Autobots have joined hands with humans to become allies a long time ago, so they become stronger as they fight. On the contrary, although the Decepticons are powerful, there are huge hidden dangers inside. If they can't keep pace with the times, then forgive me , I am afraid that the final destruction is within the snap of a finger.”

Hearing what Fang Linyan said, Kotia and Confusion spoke out at the same time, retorting angrily: "Impossible!"

"Stupid human being, you are talking nonsense."

Even the robot dog took a step forward and bared its fangs.

Rubes stepped forward to confront him without showing any weakness, and let out a low growl.

At this time, Soundwave did not express his opinion, but stared at Rubes for a while before appreciating:

"This is a very unique creature. It looks like a metal creature, but its source of life is completely different from ours."

Fang Linyan said:

"Yes, your life begins with the source of fire, and the fire in your body, and the creature that follows me starts with alchemy, and it grows in the alchemy core in your body. I named it a construct creature. It looks They seem to be of the same kind as robot dogs, but they are actually two completely different species from the root.”

Soundwave nodded and said:

"It's very interesting... Okay, I accepted your gift, but although you have a great reputation and strength, Yaodao, anyone who wants to join the Decepticons must pass an assessment. It's not against you, it's the rules."

"Among the Decepticons, this is called the maiden voyage ceremony, and we will hold a grand welcome ceremony with the spoils you got from the assessment!"

Fang Linyan looked at Shengbo and said:

"Okay, no problem, if I complete the maiden voyage ceremony, then I will be a Decepticon recognized by you, right?" Sound Wave said:


Fang Linyan pointed to Xingyi next to him and said:

"This is my companion. At that time, in order to grasp Drift's whereabouts and related information, she could only mix into the Autobot camp. So in fact, she also had a share of credit for killing Drift. Master Sonic, she also completed the maiden voyage ceremony together. Question?" Soundwave nodded and said:

"Okay, I have something urgent to do now."

Having said that, Sonic raised the silicon ring data storage ganglion in his hand. "As for the maiden voyage ceremony, Chaos can arrange it."

Then he dragged Miran to the side and said, "Can you handle the maiden voyage ceremony?" Miluan immediately laughed and said:

"Daddy (the word in Transformers slang is also used to refer to respected elders), that will be a super perfect maiden voyage ceremony. Of course, the premise is that Mr. Yaodao can bring back enough spoils."

Sound Wave simply turned around and left. It seemed that the conversation had come to an end. However, a sentence was received on the electronic screen of the bewildered inner core:

"If you mess up this thing, you can consider replacing with a new manganese steel frame." (meaning intimidation

, similar to breaking your leg)

Confusion immediately felt a chill in his heart, and hastily protested:

"NONONONO, Dad, I like the current skeleton, I brought it from Cybertron! It has witnessed my love!"

Of course, the confused protest was ineffective, and he could only stand there for a while, then came back to Fang Linyan and the others.

This little Decepticon looks a bit rebellious, but Fang Linyan's reputation +4 deterrence is still very strong. More importantly, he is not the opponent of Drift, but Drift has already been defeated by this group of people. They were beaten so badly that they didn't even need their bodies.

Chaos can disrespect humans, but it must respect power! So this guy still suppressed his disdain for humans on the surface.

But Chaos doesn't like humans from the bottom of his heart, let alone let them join the Decepticons, so it's almost impossible for him to be honest.

It only took two seconds for the bewildered seven-core high-energy processor to conceive a seamless plan (it thinks it does), which must make these two damned humans quit.

So confusedly said to Fang Linyan:

"Now we are short of manpower, so many guys who betrayed the Decepticons have not been punished. Therefore, you only need to kill one person to complete the maiden voyage ceremony. This is his information."

Fang Linyan took a look at this person's information, and frowned slightly. This guy named Golan is not an ordinary person. He used to be a governor, a congressman, and his son is now a major general in the military.

Not only that, it is said that he also has a close relationship with the boss of a huge enterprise, and often attends receptions together. The name of this enterprise is: Stark Industries.

In fact, Miluan actually wanted to kill Golan a long time ago, but this old guy suffering from emphysema, genital warts, rheumatoid arthritis, and Parkinson's disease made Sonic feel like he was a mouse - even though this old man was so weak Looks like it will be killed by a mouse!

Every flaw that Golan showed looked like a well-prepared trap!

Therefore, Miluan now throws this hot potato to Yaodao in front of him. If he can do it well, then he will solve a problem for Mr. Sonic Wave.

Seeing Fang Linyan's hesitation, Miluan began to admire his own wit in his heart, so he said in a low voice, "What? Are you scared?"

Fang Linyan said lightly:

"Are you afraid? Hehe, this mission is actually nothing special. The point is to find this Mr. Golan who is good at hiding, and then shoot him in the head."

"However, Mr. Golan's whereabouts are actually very difficult to grasp. The fundamental reason is that he has applied some technology beyond the times in his daily life, and these things are ordinary technologies provided to him by Stark Industries. It's hard to break through the firewall around him."

"So, it's okay for me to kill Mr. Golan, but only if you go with me." "What!"

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"Did I not make it clear enough? There is no problem with the target selected for my maiden voyage ceremony, but the other party is protected by powerful high-tech, making it impossible for me to confirm the other party's whereabouts, and I am not good at this."

"However, it's different for you. You can transform into a laptop and a mobile phone. You are the most powerful hacker. You can enter the network without leaving any traces at the fastest speed. With the intelligence service you provide , then this task can be successfully completed.”

Confusion never expected that this would be the result! Is this shooting yourself in the foot? He is not good at fighting among the Decepticons, he immediately refused subconsciously:

"Oh, sorry, I don't think I can participate in your actions." Fang Linyan stared into his eyes and asked:

"Oh, why?" Dazed confusedly said;

"Because I still have some very important things to do." Fang Linyan pressed on every step of the way:

"It's okay, what's important

Please tell me, I will intercede with Master Sonic, you are really very important, we need you. "

When he heard that Fang Linyan wanted to find Shengbo, he panicked! The threat of Shengbo before his departure suddenly appeared in his mind. Obviously, Shengbo did not imply that he was here to make trouble!

So, confused immediately said:

"Wait, wait! Lord Sonic is very busy right now, don't bother him, I...I..." Fang Linyan looked confused and smiled:

"So you still want to go with us to kill that old guy Golan?"

Confused immediately stuttered again. It was the first time he realized that human beings are so hateful, and it made him feel very embarrassed no matter how he answered. It was really a dilemma!

Fortunately, at this time Xingyi finally stood up and said:

"Since this is the case, let's let Golan go for now? We'll deal with Mr. Confusion when he's free. What do you think?"

Confusion immediately said loudly as if he had caught a life-saving straw: "Yes, yes, that's what I mean."

It's also thanks to the fact that Transformers don't have the function of sweating, otherwise, Miluan must be in a cold sweat at this time. Xingyi continued:

"If this is the case, then the goal of our maiden voyage ceremony..." Fang Linyan said suddenly:

"I hope I don't run too far. I hate trouble. If I need to leave New York to do this, I'd rather go to Lord Sonic and say I'm willing to kill Golan."

To be honest, the word "Golan" is a taboo word for Confused now, just like Boss Wang may be very unhappy with the number 209 for a while. After he heard Fang Linyan's threatening words, He sighed and pressed a few times on the nearby screen, then said with a sad mood of breaking the pot:

"There are only so many troubles in New York at the moment. Choose one for yourself?"

Fang Linyan looked at the screen, and found that the tasks given were all Decepticon + Megatron, either kidnapping, murder, or sabotage.

But suddenly, Fang Linyan saw a familiar word in the mission introduction, that is New York Road!

Fang Linyan remembered very clearly that this was mentioned in the hidden milestones he received.

Mysterious Curse: Please go to the Metal Poison bar in New York Avenue to find Captain Monta.

This milestone is of high value marked by the mark of Mobius. Of course, Fang Linyan is also very clear that high value means high risk.

After weighing the pros and cons with narrowed eyes, Fang Linyan said, "I'm going to do this task, kidnap Booker."

After hearing Fang Linyan's choice, Miluan glanced at him in surprise. This kidnapping mission is not easy, at least they have failed three times.

As for kidnapping, the probability of success for the first time is undoubtedly the greatest. Once the target is prepared, the difficulty will double.

And Booker is also an important person with a prominent status. He only did one thing right in his life-that is, he had a good pregnancy.

There are two major difficulties in kidnapping him. The first is how to break through the blockade and come to him, and the second is how to take him away alive.

Here I have to mention Booker's specific condition. He is a young man under 30 years old, but suffers from congenital heart disease. Of course, under the influence of money ability, this disease has been well controlled.

But after the age of eighteen, Booker was addicted to unrestrained parties, illegal drugs, sex, and all-night carnival, which logically messed up his body, which already had huge hidden dangers.

Even under normal circumstances, Booker has a six-member medical team on standby at all times.

And in his mansion, he spent huge sums of money to purchase a series of expensive medical equipment, in order to be able to rescue him anytime and anywhere—and these equipment can even maintain the operation of a large specialized hospital. UU reading

so kidnapping

It may not be difficult for him, but it is very troublesome to let him be kidnapped alive.

After choosing the specific task, Fang Linyan received the relevant task, and a prompt appeared on the retina: "Hunter CD8492116, you have successfully obtained the faction task: Kidnapping Booker."

"Mission content: Take Booker away from his mansion, and then force his parents to disclose some key information." "Mission time limit: 48 hours."

"Mission reward: Decepticon-related prestige."

"Warning: During the whole process, Booker cannot receive more than slight damage, and his health cannot drop below 90%, otherwise the mission will fail completely, and you will lose the trust of some important figures in the Decepticons, and at the same time Wanted by human society."

Fang Linyan squinted his eyes and read it carefully, then asked Miran to ask for Booker's latest information, then threatened him again and blackmailed some gadgets, then went to fix Kotia's new body and set off directly.

It is worth mentioning that because Fang Linyan specially selected some brand new materials, Kotia is still very satisfied with his new body, and feels that his combat power has increased by at least 20%.

When Fang Linyan drove away from the gate of the iron and steel factory, Sound Wave also quietly appeared in a nearby factory building, watching him go away.

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