MTL - First Evolution-v16 Chapter 3 Epic difficulty start?

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Obviously, this police officer's negotiating skills are quite skilled. If Fang Linyan is really a hopeless jumper, then he might be moved by him.

Fang Linyan was about to speak, but his pupils shrank suddenly, because he suddenly saw that one of the six policemen had an obvious phantom target mark on his head, and it was still blood-colored!

He immediately thought of the description of the side quest: Blood Debt: All fighters from the hostile space appear in your field of vision, and they will get hunting marks!

Immediately, Fang Linyan discovered something even more terrible. There were still two people with hunting marks! "Damn it, is this the beginning of epic difficulty?"

Fang Linyan had already started to complain crazily in his heart. He immediately realized one thing. He should be the stronger party, so he was a few days late when he was assigned to enter. There should be some space warriors in this world who entered earlier. And then make up for their shortcomings in strength.

Of course, there is another crucial point, that is, does the other party know that he is a fighter in the S space? According to Fang Linyan's speculation, it is very possible!

S space can mark the fighters of hostile R space, K space, etc. Although other spaces cannot make their fighters exempt from this, they can also mark you in reverse!

The space number S is strong, okay, the hit rate of the mark you put on increases by 8%, the attack power increases by 25%, and the movement/attack speed increases by 15%. Then the hit rate of the marks on me will be increased by 4%, the attack power will be increased by 15%, and the movement/attack speed will be increased by 10%, right?

At this moment, so many things flashed through Fang Linyan's mind, so he didn't even look down at his feet, but just pushed with both hands, and the whole person slid down directly!

The police chief who witnessed this scene immediately shouted in despair: "***! NO!!!"

Then he rushed forward quickly. Of course, according to the plot of the movie, he rushed up and grabbed the hand of the target to be rescued at the last moment, and then slowly pulled him up.

But Fang Linyan didn't really want to jump off the building, but he didn't want to fight a completely unfamiliar enemy at such a time and place! This is not because of his cowardice, but because of the prudence he must have when he is alone in the rivers and lakes!

In a place where the right time and place are not his choice, fighting against an unknown number of enemies with unknown circumstances, a guy like Fang Linyan who is determined to be safe will definitely not be fooled.

After falling seven or eight meters, Fang Linyan took a deep breath. There was a strange light shining in his black pupils, and then his mental power began to be consumed, which directly inspired the newly acquired talent: metal affinity.

Immediately, the surface of Fang Linyan's right hand quickly turned silvery white, a metallic color that seemed indestructible! Temporary Metallization: Titanium!

Then Fang Linyan hit the glass curtain wall in front of him with one punch! There was only a loud bang, and a big hole suddenly appeared on the curtain wall. Surrounding the big hole, dense cracks like spider webs appeared nearby.

After Fang Linyan punched through the glass curtain wall, he grabbed the edge of the curtain wall, hoping to use this move to cushion the impact of the fall.

Hearing a series of "crackling" noises, Fang Linyan felt countless shards and glass shards splashed out between the gaps between his fingers, but he didn't feel any pain at all, and the whole person fell down ten meters quickly due to the huge falling force , which stopped.

Because of this scratch, the glass exterior wall of the building directly left a huge glass breach with a length of more than ten meters. From a distance, it looked like a tragic scar. People screamed, it was obvious that what Fang Linyan did suddenly frightened them.

After firmly grasping a curved iron frame in his hands, Fang Linyan swayed easily and jumped into the room inside.

Obviously, this place has not been rented out yet, only basic decoration, dust everywhere, which can be regarded as saving Fang Linyan, an unexpected guest, a lot of trouble.

While striding out, Fang Linyan changed into a new coat, put on a wig, and took out a document to make a border

He watched as he walked, changed his walking posture by the way, and walked out calmly.

What, you said that the space does not have a direct transformation function? Brother, there is a charge for that. Now Fang Linyan and even the entire legendary team are so poor that they can't wait to sell their asses. Of course, they can save as much as possible.

Besides, Fang Linyan is being hunted down by a group of hostile space warriors. Even if he uses the space transformation function, but there is a bright mark on his head, wouldn't he become lonely and can only coax the aborigines.

Fang Linyan was not in a hurry to go out at this time, but directly activated the time of the dark moon, because Fang Linyan observed that several items in the milestones required tracing, so Fang Linyan specifically chose to summon Rubes, its smell tracking system It's really awesome.

As for the flying unit Fang Linyan, he used a random call, and soon, a big bird with a sharp neighing sound appeared on the stage!

It looks majestic and majestic, the feathers of its wings are a sky blue like metal, with light blue lightning hovering in it, and the bright red soul flames are burning in its eyes.

When it landed on Fang Linyan's shoulder, its sharp claws grabbed it deeply, causing Fang Linyan's skin to feel a tearing pain.

Soon, the introduction about it appeared in front of Fang Linyan. Leiyingha LS

Chief Creature

When Rexxar was hunting in the Blade's Edge Mountains in his later years, he accidentally cut out a complete Thunderhawk egg from the stomach of a spar lizard.

Most of the time, what Rexxar does when he sees a Thunderhawk Egg is build a fire and set it on fire.

When the surface of the Thunderhawk egg starts to crack and crack, Rexxar will spread the Tirisfal Glades pepper on it, bake it for 20 seconds, then sprinkle the soothing grass powder, and then eat it.

For Rexxar, who is a hybrid of ogre and orc, eating such a baked thunder eagle egg can keep his mood happy all day————until he found Misha’s son messing around in the house As far as **** goes.

However, when Rexxar was surprised to find that this thunder eagle egg was throbbing, and even contained a strong vitality, the softest corner of his heart was touched. Back then, he also met a little wolf with tenacious vitality, and then started his own legendary life.

Therefore, Rexxar decided to hatch this thunder eagle egg, and then named it Ha LS in memory of his comrade-in-arms black wolf Ha LS who died for him.

Under the training of the legendary hero Rexxar, Ha LS's strength grew very rapidly, and at the age of three, it was even able to fight adult Chimeras.

As a Thunderhawk, it is born with the ability to control lightning, so breathing lightning bolts has become its normal attack method, and occasionally it will breathe out a terrifying chain lightning.

Shuttle among the dark clouds and thunder for a long time, HaLS has mastered a trick that can hide in the thunder and attack the enemy. While making a huge thunder roar, it instantly rushes into more than 100 meters, causing thunder and lightning to all the enemies on the way. Damages and stuns it for 1.5 seconds.

Of course, under Rexxar's training, Hals has also learned to draw strength from the blood and pain of the enemy. Whenever it successfully injures an enemy once, its attack power and attack speed will increase by 10%, lasting for 60 seconds, and can be stacked up to five times.

As a semi-elemental creature, Thunder Eagle has a long lifespan, so before Hals was fully grown, Rexxar sensed the call of his ancestors and passed away. Hals was so sad and died of a hunger strike.

A powerful alchemist admired Harley's loyalty so much that he revived it into a constructed creature, allowing it to soar in the sky again.

After summoning it, Fang Linyan immediately disguised it, making it look like a Detroit robin, which is quite common in North America.

The main reason for Fang Linyan to do this is because the shape of Ha LS is too unique. At first glance, it does not look like a creature from the original plane.

A large number of people gathered around to watch.

Next, Fang Linyan hesitated for a while, but still did not summon the exclusive thug Xiang Hezhen, mainly because he hadn't considered whether to kill first or complete the main task first, so Fang Linyan's top priority now is to weigh the enemy's weight .

With Ha LS as his eyes and ears, Fang Linyan also suddenly felt the pressure on his body lighten. It stands to reason that he was so startled that he jumped off the building and ran away. At this time, he should quickly go downstairs and leave, but Fang Linyan is going to do the opposite. Following the path, he walked directly along the stairs towards the rooftop.

After walking a few steps, he heard a series of "crackling" footsteps coming from above. Fang Linyan stood in the blind spot at the corner, waiting quietly.

At this time, he was paying attention to another perspective brought by Harbin LS. When the group of policemen above rushed down, Fang Linyan stepped out abruptly. rushed up.

And Fang Linyan aimed at none other than a space warrior with a hunting mark on his head, and Fang Linyan shamelessly chose the best one to kill.

What? How to judge the best kill? Of course it depends on the position.

Space fighters have experienced many adventures, and they are very clear about their own positioning. When the gunners, archers, mages and other crispy occupations are advancing, they will naturally fall into the middle and rear positions of the team. Melee occupations will come to a position close to the front of the team.

Of course, it’s not that the foolish people who don’t have a strong head don’t take the usual path and insist on rushing forward, but 90% of this kind of people will die after experiencing two or three worlds. As for the remaining 10%?

9% of people have corrected their wrong habits and continue to live on. Of course, there are 1% of people who continue their uncommon ways and really break through.

Therefore, Fang Linyan directly chose the guy standing at the back, and instantly used the blade to fly to come behind him. As a result, Fang Linyan stabbed him with a dagger, but found that the hand pierced by the predatory teeth felt empty. Only then did he know It turned out that he was stuck in the phantom.

And Fang Linyan took a closer look, only to realize that this person looked as slippery as a loach, and he felt the danger ahead of time. He first left a clone in place, and then flashed out directly. The landing point was just right. By the side of my teammates!

You know, Blade Flying's attack is actually divided into two parts:

The first part is to use the flying weapon/wind blade to attack the enemy, and then Fang Linyan rushes in instantly, leaving an afterimage on the spot. The second part is to trigger the dizziness, and then Fang Linyan can do whatever he wants.

There was an interval of about 0.1 seconds between these two attacks. Fang Linyan felt that it was almost impossible for anyone to catch this loophole, but he did not expect to encounter it today!

This person seized the 0.1 second time difference and flashed out, leaving an afterimage in place to confuse Fang Linyan.

By the way: In normal actual combat, Fang Linyan prefers to use the wind blade method, because the wind blade is extremely concealed, and it is completely invisible when he shoots, without any warning, but when throwing a weapon, it will be obvious. Much worse in this regard, just more damage.

Obviously, the use of the flying blade is to advance and control, UU Reading does not lack that kind of damage, so the wind blade has become Fang Linyan's favorite.

The opponent was obviously well-trained and cooperated tacitly, and launched a counterattack in an instant! What Fang Linyan didn't expect was that there were four enemies!

Except for the policeman who shouted before, the rest are space fighters! The reason why only two people have hunting marks on their heads is because there are two other people in the neutral space. Obviously, the four of them are forming a temporary team. Thinking about how they can get it done with four-on-one, right?

In just one second, Fang Linyan was hit by an ice pick, a desert eagle bullet, and an instant curse, but! The reminder Fang Linyan received showed that the three who attacked him were all contractors, and they were directly crushed by his status as a hunter at this time.

You must know that if low-level space fighters fight high-level space fighters, they are suppressed by ranks, and there is a certain probability of losing normal attacks.

There is a certain probability that the spell will fail, even if the negative state hits successfully, the duration will be greatly reduced.

In addition, Fang Linyan still has the dodge bonus brought by +4 fame at this time, and he originally had more than 30% dodge bonus, so both the ice cone and the desert eagle's shooting appeared to be MISS, only the one called "fatigue" Curse" took effect, its effect was to reduce Fang Linyan's movement speed by 30%, but the duration was weakened to 33 seconds.

Fang Linyan let out a long laugh, and thought to himself, no wonder he arranged to enter this world late, it turned out to be such a reason.

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