MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 2 Mother is more valuable than mother

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  Chapter 2 Mother is more valuable than mother

  Mr. Chen watched the mother and son look at each other, and laughed and joked on the sidelines. The two spoke with accents, and even Zhu Gan couldn't tell the difference when they spoke too fast.

  But his mind is not on this now, the baby's body is too weak, it has been five days since it was born, and it only has one or two hours of sobriety every day, and it still has to be wasted on breastfeeding and shitting.

Through the conversations between the nanny and the maid, Zhu Qian judged that he should be the king of Xiaoming Han Liner, the master led the army to attack Jiqing, Li Shanchang came to seek refuge, General Xu Da's mother celebrated her birthday, and congratulated his wife for giving birth to the master's first son. It is the first child of Zhu Yuanzhang, Prince Yiwen in history...

  Zhu Qian looked at his mother, tears flowed down his mouth as soon as he shrunk his mouth. He was 19 years old before he died. If he calculated correctly, Empress Ma was only 23 years old this year...

   Zhu Gan recalled the life of Zhu Biao, the first crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, and his head became a little dizzy.

  If you think about it too much, you will get sleepy, and your immature brain can't afford to think for a long time.

  Zhu Gan could only close his eyes, rest and think for a while.

   Fortunately, his junior high school history teacher is very beautiful, so he is more interested in history, and he also has a general impression of the deeds of the early Ming Dynasty.

   He also knew about Zhu Biao. After all, this prince is too unlucky, and his son Zhu Yunqi is also relatively famous.

  Of course Zhu Gan is actually very satisfied, he knows his own ability, he didn’t do well in modern times, even if he was thrown into the Three Kingdoms, Sui and Tang Dynasties, he didn’t have the ability to sweep Liuhe and dominate the world.

  Prince Zhu Biao’s identity couldn’t be better, and when he crossed over to the newborn Zhu Biao, he could learn everything slowly, and he would appear smarter than ordinary children no matter what.

   Opening his eyes again, he glanced at the biological mother beside him, showed her a big baby smiling face, and tricked her into kissing her.

  Generally, the mother is more expensive than the son, but in Zhu Yuanzhang, the son is more expensive than the mother.

  Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed a hero of the world, but he was a monk in his early years and had to eat, which made his personality a little irritable!

  Once he touches his bottom line, there is only a dead end, and only Queen Ma can persuade him in this world.

  Empress Ma's ancestor was once a rich man in Suzhou, Guide Prefecture. His father, Ma Gong, lived in Xinfengli. Because of his generosity, the family business became increasingly impoverished. His mother, Zheng Yu, died shortly after giving birth to Ma Shi in 1332.

  Ma Gong has no sons, and he regards Ma Shi as the apple of his eye. Ma Shi was smart since he was a child, capable of poetry and painting, especially good at history books, and had a rather stubborn personality.

   Ma Shi's father, Ma Gong, fled to another country because of murder to avoid revenge. Before leaving, he entrusted his beloved daughter to Guo Zixing, his life and death friend. Mrs. Zheng died early, and afterward Ma Gong also died away from home. Guo Zixing felt sorry for her loneliness and adopted her as an adopted daughter.

  Guo Zixing taught her cultural knowledge, and his wife Zhang taught her knitting and embroidery. The teenage Ma Shi is extremely smart, and he knows everything as soon as he is instructed. Mrs. Ma has a dignified appearance, a beautiful expression, and a gentle attitude. No matter how urgent the matter is, she always behaves calmly and never speaks harshly. Therefore, Guo Zixing and his wife love Ma Shi very much and have always wanted to find her a good husband. I have a trust for life, and I will live up to Ma Gong's last words.

  Three years ago, Zhu Yuanzhang joined Guo Zixing's army. He was shrewd and capable, and handled things properly.

   Received a reward, and said that the credit belongs to everyone, so he distributed the reward to everyone. Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang's good reputation in the army spread. Guo Zixing also regarded him as a confidant, and always discussed important matters with Zhu Yuanzhang.

  Guo Zixing sees that Zhu Yuanzhang is a talent, which will be of great help to his great cause. So he betrothed his adopted daughter Ma to Zhu Yuanzhang.

  Although Guo Zixing held Zhu Yuanzhang in high esteem, he was irritable, shy of talents, protective of his weaknesses, easy to listen to slander, hesitant and hesitant. Under the instigation of others, he had suspected Zhu Yuanzhang many times and scolded him.

  Once, Guo Zixing got angry and locked Zhu Yuanzhang in an empty room, not allowing him to eat. When Ma learned about it, he went to the kitchen in person, "stealing the pancakes, taking them into his arms, and burning the meat."

   Later, seeing that the situation was not right, Mrs. Ma resolutely gave all her property to her adoptive mother, Mrs. Zhang, and Guo Zixing’s concubine, Mrs. Zhang, and asked them to say something nice to her god-son-in-law in front of her adoptive father, so as to bridge the gap and enable Zhu Yuanzhang to get out of the predicament.

  Which man would not love such a lady?

   You must know that Zhu Yuanzhang is twenty-seven years old. As a marshal, he does not have concubines. How could it be possible that he has no heirs except his adopted son.

   Later, Lao Zhu gave birth to 26 sons alone. Presumably he was determined to let his first wife give birth to the eldest son before allowing other women to have children.


  Student Xiao Zhu was so sleepy after thinking about such a little thing. Just when he wanted to sleep, he felt a hot current flowing down Xiaoyuan's legs, which was very uncomfortable.

   But when I opened my eyes, the two women were still praising each other, there was no way!

   Enable nirvana!

   "Ah~ ah ah~"

  Zhu Gan is an excellent baby Zhu who urinates but does not shed tears. He howled a few times and attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

  Queen Ma has just recovered, Zhu Biao has been taken by the nanny for the past few days, and it is the first time she has seen her son howling like this.

  Mr. Ma hurriedly touched his little face: "What's wrong with my son? Be good~ don't cry~"

  The maid on the side looked at the master's mother and coaxed the child to dare not go up and intervene. If she bumped into the master's mother, when the master came back...

  Thinking of the maid and the nanny, their bodies trembled and their feet went limp.

  Zhu Biao is also really uncomfortable. Seeing his mother's bewildered look, is it true that she has been pregnant for three years?

   That’s right, after all, you’re only twenty years old, and you haven’t taken care of a baby. Zhu Yuanzhang’s adoptive sons were only recognized when they were eight or nine years old. In this case, Miss Sister, your son, I will reluctantly forgive you.

  Zhu Biao saw that he could not count on his mother at present, turned his head with difficulty, and looked at Chen's eagerly,


   "Hurry up~ Miss Sister doesn't understand, you young woman is still not sensible?"

   Mrs. Chen had already seen that the child was peeing, but Mrs. Ma didn't want to intervene directly without asking.

   Seeing his son looking at Chen, Shi Ma also reacted: "Sister, what's wrong? Are you hungry or...

  Before he finished speaking, Ma Shi himself reflected, his cheeks were reddish and he waved to the nanny. The nanny quickly gave a sigh of relief, and stepped forward to change the little boy's diaper.

   Ma Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and lay down on the bed: "I made my sister laugh."

After seeing the nanny began to change the diaper and the child stopped crying, Mrs. Chen began to comfort Mrs. Ma: "What did my sister say, this is the first time you have a baby, and you don't know much about it. After a while, this child will not be crying anymore. Open your mouth and you'll know if he's hungry or peeing."

  Zhu Biao was so sleepy that he couldn't hear anything clearly, and lost consciousness as soon as he closed his eyes.

   After a few more hours, I got up and drank a few mouthfuls of milk, and then I was sleepy again.

  Baby is like this, hungry and sleepy every day.

  However, they spend more and more waking hours every day, and the more they listen to what they say, the more they get used to it.

  As Ma's body recovered, Master Zhu Biao moved from the nanny's bed to his own mother's bed.

  One night, Madam Ma took advantage of the fact that all the maids were going down, and secretly breastfed Baby Zhu himself, but it was a pity that Baby Zhu couldn't take a sip of milk even though he tried his best.

   I had to call the nanny over again. Is there any entertainment in ancient times? For women, teasing their own children is the greatest entertainment.

  Up to now, Ma Shi can no longer tolerate anything but his own baby Zhu, and if he doesn't see his son for a while, he will look for him.

  Student Xiao Zhu doesn’t quite know that this kind of life has passed for a few days. Every day is eating, drinking, and messing around.

  In the eyes of the mother, her child is extremely cute even if she poops, so kissing is naturally easy to deceive.

   It must have been more than ten days, and Baby Zhu was playing a game of sticking his forehead with his mother.

  A maid came to report: "Madam, Mr. Ying is here."

  A boy's voice came from outside: "Son Zhu Ying came to see his mother! How is mother, brother?

  Xiao Zhu thought for a while, Mr. Ying, that should be Mu Ying, the famous Prince Mu of Yunnan.

  Empress Ma showed a soft smile on her face, "Come in, Yinger! Come and meet your brother.

After speaking, a maid went to open the door of the outer room, and a boy in his early ten years old walked into the outer room, knelt down facing the inner room, and touched his forehead to the ground: "Son pays respects to mother, how are you recovering? Son After consulting the doctor, I went to the mountains to find nourishing mountain treasures to nourish my mother."

   There is a door between the outer room and the inner room, so no one can be seen. Xiao Zhu stretched his neck and didn’t see the future Lord Mu who will guard Yunnan.

  Queen Ma frowned: "How old are you! How could you just run into the mountains like this, mother has everything here, you don't need to take risks, and you are never allowed to go again in the future, do you hear me!"

  The boy outside did not refute, but hit his head on the ground again: "Yes, the son should not let the mother worry, and he will not dare again in the future."

  Empress Ma hurriedly said, "You child, why are you still kneeling! Get up quickly."

   Said him a few more words softly, then picked up little Zhu Baobao and handed it to the nanny, "Go, let Yinger see his brother."

  (end of this chapter)

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