MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 734 famous school

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  Thinking of this, I can't help but shake my head. In the world, those who can reach a high position by their own strength must not be underestimated. Li Chenggui is a scheming temptation. If the crown prince doesn't care about this, he will just sit back and watch King Qi wantonly absorb his party members to grow.

   It can be seen that the Tian family is close to each other, and it can also be seen that His Royal Highness still believes in his own family more than himself, an outsider, and is determined to bring the entire Koryo under the rule of King Qi.

  In this way, as a subject, there is no room for him to struggle. It is better to obediently abandon Goryeo and find another way.

Zhu Biao stretched out his knuckles and tapped the armrest lightly. The slight pain feedback made him clearer. It is not only Li Chenggui who is waiting for him to express his opinion, but also Jiang Side and others, and even Li Renren and others. The participation of the Goryeo family.

Too many people are waiting for his judgment before they dare to take any action. It’s just that this order is not easy to issue. Zhu Di sent it by himself. Stop it.

   But such a dominant family is not what he wants. It's not that he is afraid of Zhu Di. It's not a worry for him to own a small corner of Koryo. Besides, Zhu Di's power is gathered because of him.

  Zhu Biao triggered the Battle of Liaodong with the intention of consuming Nahachu and Goryeo’s vitality. Now Nahachu is almost done, but Koryo’s side is almost meaningless, especially Goryeo’s aristocratic family.

  In their current state, instead of being damaged by the war, they have become stronger because they took the opportunity to search for people's wealth. If it ends like this, there is no point in overthrowing Wang's Korea.

  Whether it is Zhu Di or others, the establishment of a new dynasty is just a change of skin, and the inner bag is still the same. This is not the Goryeo that Zhu Biao wants.

Why didn't he let go even if he welcomed Duan Qiangna into the palace, he still wanted Duan to move out of Yunnan, and wanted to open up wasteland to build fields, and didn't dig out the thick and long roots of those weeds and trees and burn them into ashes to use as fertilizer. There may be enough nutrients to grow food.

   "Has everything been arranged for Li Chenggui?"

  Shang Honghai lowered his head and replied: "In the past few years, Li Chenggui has been in the limelight and recruited members of the party. He has a shallow foundation and is unable to identify him. He can only rely on his talents. Many brothers have already started to climb up."

   Supporting a person naturally requires countermeasures, especially for those who are ambitious and capable and are not yet in the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Biao has arranged for the pro-military Duwei Mansion to do infiltration work since he selected Li Chenggui.

  If he is obedient, this group of elites will be his arm to help him rise up. If he is not obedient, these people will be the dangling sword to punish the heavens.

   "Since Jiang Sider arranged for someone to ask for credit for Li Chenggui, the official positions and even the titles were given to him with all his strength. This palace wants him to be the most dignified official in the Koryo court."


  Zhu Biao beckoned, Liu Jin hurriedly stepped forward to study ink to wait, and wrote a personal letter to Zhu Di, explaining why Li Chenggui should be praised, and also so that he didn't have to deliberately avoid it.

  Jiang Sidee represents Zhu Biao's will. His movements in the Goryeo court will inevitably lead to the decline of Zhu Di's momentum, and Li Chenggui's side is about to feel proud again.

  Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind, one side always has to prevail.

But Zhu Biao's actions are for the benefit of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Di is the prince of Ming Dynasty, he should understand, because everything he has obtained so far is not because of his own ability, but because of his status, so he has to understand if he doesn't understand. understand.

  At the end of the letter, Zhu Biao wrote the last sentence, raising the bandits to be self-respecting, feeding tigers and sheep.

  He will also convey this sentence to Li Chenggui through letters. The soldiers and horses of the aristocratic family should be firmly in the hands of the war, and the local rebellion should be well used and guided.

   No matter how many bandits and rioters there are, it is difficult to make a big deal, but the disaster and destructive power they caused are obvious to all. As long as there is proper guidance, it is difficult for aristocratic families to resist even with armored soldiers.

   What's more, a large part of their armored soldiers were sent to fight under the command of Li Chenggui and Zhu Di. It was easy to go but difficult to go back.

The family of Zhongming Dingshi that has been passed down for thousands of years, as long as the rioters rush into the clan land, the family is considered to be over. Without clan members, loyal and trustworthy family servants, there are only big cats left outside. How can two or three kittens support a huge family business.

  In the final analysis, the goal is to create a Goryeo with a simple and clean structure, with a large number of land and few aristocratic powers that are extremely weak, so that Goryeo can be perfectly controlled by Ming, rather than controlled by its local aristocratic clans.


  Staying in the hall, with a sound of silence, Chen Mingjie, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, knelt down with lightning speed, and the sound of his knees touching the floor was almost louder than the emperor's slap on the table, which shows how hard he was.

   "The crime of ten thousand deaths for a humble official, but please take care of the dragon's body."

  Zhu Yuanzhang let out a deep breath: "It's a big case, and it's so close to Beijing. After so many days, you didn't even bring back the criminal. What are you doing, the Minister of Criminal Affairs!"

   "Your Majesty, Pan Fu first replaced it with a false body, intending to hide it from the world. After the minister found out, he hurriedly sent officers to arrest him, but he was cunning and well-informed."

  The officers of the Criminal Department chased from Liyang to Guangde, and from Guangde to Jianping, but in the end they were all in vain, and Pan Fu turned back and fled back to Liyang..."

  After the trial, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help laughing angrily: "Then tell us, where is he now?"

   "According to reports, he fled to Yixing..."

   "Hahaha, come here!"

  At this time, the guards outside the door were about to enter, and it happened that Zhu Biao arrived, but he did not stop him, and at this time, the guards would not listen to him, but just asked who was inside, and followed him in.


   "Father Emperor."

  Interrupted the words of his father, then glanced at the trembling Minister of the Ministry of Justice who was kneeling on the ground, and then stepped forward a few steps to salute: "My son pays homage to father, long life my emperor."

   Seeing his son coming, the cold light in Zhu Yuanzhang's tiger eyes slightly subsided: "Bao'er, get up."

   "Thank you, father."

  Zhu Biao got up and waved his hands. The guards glanced at the emperor and then retreated carefully. Chen Mingjie finally returned to his original position with his heart in his hands. His Highness will have everything to say when he comes down.

   "Father, it is because of the case in Liyang. I also know a little about this matter. The minister of the Ministry of punishment has made mistakes, but the case involves a wide range of cases. It is really difficult to close the case in a short period of time with only the officers of the Ministry of punishment."

Zhu Biao motioned to Liu Jin with a sideways glance, and Liu Jin hurriedly bowed and sent a memorial to the imperial case. Zhu Yuanzhang opened it and saw that it was written to the prince by a criminal official named Ma Ze. Still unable to catch Pan Fu in Yixing, he had to commit suicide and apologize.

It turned out that their large group of people was like baskets leaking wind everywhere, while Pan Fu's side was insane. Endless false news interferes with sight.

   Zhu Yuanzhang’s anger dissipated after reading it. This is not the power that a county official can have. It is because many officials have risked their lives and wealth to interfere with the case.

  Looking at his son, Zhu Biao shook his head slightly, indicating that Hu Weiyong was not finished. Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes instantly became colder. There is no official face, so it is purely the power of local autonomy.

  Zhu Biao sighed slightly and said: "County officials are made use of by Confucians who are too pedantic and useless, and officials who are more treacherous and practice law. The government is harmful to the people, and it is impossible to do it."

   "The local aristocratic family secretly cover up, openly violated the laws of the imperial court, and assisted the criminal to escape. He should be severely punished and respected!"

  After saying that, the eyes of the father and son fell on Chen Mingjie, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, causing them to kowtow repeatedly, and then they hurriedly retreated after receiving the order to mobilize the cooperation of the local guard.

   "It's time to clean up the bottom of our feet."

  Zhu Biao nodded and said: "The good people under the emperor's feet just moved more of their homes to the land of Yunnan, Guizhou and Liaodong to spread their branches and leaves."

  In recent years, I have been used to catching the big and letting go of the small, targeting the famous and famous families in one state and one capital, but neglecting the management of these small ones.

  Zhu Yuanzhang snorted: "Since you know about this, you won't let the pro-military captain's mansion take down Pan Fu. If there is such a trouble, I think you did it on purpose."

  Zhu Biao said with a smile: "The teacher is well-known, and the imperial court can't do things without teaching. If this happens, no one can make a mistake if the imperial court has a decree to relocate people."


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