MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 740 Gao

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   "Biaoer, what do you think?"

   "Corruption and perverting the law to oppress good and good people is a capital crime. Trying to escape the court's criminal laws and fighting with swords is a felony for punishing the family. The local gentry and officials colluded with each other to harm one party. It should be severely punished, and the father and emperor will be sentenced."

   "Then let's make it so, let the Ministry of Criminal Justice Dali Temple imprison, and don't let one person get away."


  The decision to reach the Dali Temple of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in this way will inevitably further expand the scope of the case, and most of the people who tipped off the news and had helpers staying overnight along the way will not escape the disaster.

   What's more, Hu Weiyong's side, even if it's to clean up the mess, will inevitably urge the Ministry of Punishment to take people.

  Zhu Yuanzhang paused and said: "This situation is by no means limited to the counties in Liyang. All prefectures and counties in Ming Dynasty have to conduct a thorough investigation again. Originally, they focused on the conduct of officials. This time, we need to investigate officials and gentry powers!"

   "Those who have repeatedly committed evil deeds and harmed the people, their heads will be punished and their families confiscated and exiled. Those who have committed lesser crimes will be moved to Fengyang to settle down, and the place will be returned to Qingning."

   "No, I will order Yushitai to implement the imperial edict."

   "We also know that this move will treat the symptoms but not the root cause, but at least it will make the local people live better in the past ten or twenty years, which is not a loss."

   "It's not a loss. Yunnan, Guizhou and Liaodong are short of Han people, but they have found the first batch of immigrants."

  Since ancient times, everything is difficult at the beginning, especially the matter of relocating people to settle down and open up wasteland, not to mention Yunnan, Guizhou and Liaodong, which are far away from the Central Plains, are young and strong.

  After the answer, the hall fell into silence. Both father and son were thinking about the subsequent impact of this time, and prepared countermeasures in advance. In any case, the Jiangnan case was followed by the Liyang case. The oppression of the local gentry is already a bit too obvious.

   Mole ants are still alive, not to mention human beings. It is unrealistic to let them sit and wait for death. However, the early Ming Dynasty was full of vigor and vigor, and the elites of all battles defended the country. No matter how they refused to accept it, it would be useless.

"A few days ago, I met Master Song. The Imperial College was ordered to expand the number of recruits, but it will take time to train officials. The imperial examination was stopped and the number of officials dropped sharply. I thought that the emperor would not order the local government to select people with both talents and virtues. Become an official."

  The so-called slap to a sweet date, should be killed, should be killed, should be appeased, and should be appeased. You can't be killed with a stick. The gentry family is also a part of the country, and the court still needs them.

  Zhu Yuanzhang frowned slightly, and Zhu Biao comforted him: "If the person recommended is good, it's fine. If it's not good, there are laws, so why should father worry about it?"

   After all, basic education has not been popularized, and it is the gentry class that can provide literate scholars and scholars. If you don’t use this one, you have to use that one.

   "The expenditure in the palace will be further reduced, and all prefectures and cities, no matter how big or small, must build prefectural schools, and Zhili County, the capital, will set up social schools!"

  Zhu Biao was a little helpless. His own mother and empress were already frugal in running the house, and the palace had long been operating at the lowest level. Let alone the concubines and eunuchs, they couldn't stand it anymore.

But at this time, it's not easy to tell my father about this, so I had to respond first, thinking about finding compensation from other places. Fortunately, the goods that the Tea Horse Division exchanged from the grassland have already started to sell, and the wine manager should be able to do so very quickly. Collect some of the tax money.


  At the foot of Zhonghe Peak in Cangshan Mountain in Dali, the capital Yangjubai City, which was the capital of the two dynasties of Dali and Nanzhao, is still prosperous today, but the people in the city look at the palace with some faint worries.

  The Central Plains Empire, which destroyed the Yuan Dynasty, sent troops to invade their land. Hearing that King Liang’s army had been beaten to the ground, they sent envoys to ask the king to send troops to rescue them.

  If you want them to say, it’s better not to worry about it. You only fought with King Liang two years ago. You were already an enemy. Now that the Yuan Dynasty is gone, why bother with him.

In the charming palace, Duan Bao sat on the throne, wearing a crown and wearing a golden dragon robe. He was very handsome and handsome. Since he broke with King Liang and was no longer in the Yuan Court, he returned to the position of king of Dali from the general manager of Dali. superior.

Liang Wang Zuocheng Dade bowed and stroked his chest to salute and said in Mongolian: "My lord, the Han people have a saying that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The conflict between us can be discussed later, but now facing the menacing Ming army, we should watch and help each other." right."

  Duan Bao shook his head without hesitation and said in a cold voice: "There is also a saying among the Han people that the hatred of killing one's father cannot be shared with the heavens!"

  Poisoning Duan Gong was indeed a bad move, but King Liang never listened to his persuasion, and lamented in his heart, God of longevity, do we still have a chance to go back to the grassland to build boiled buns to worship our ancestors?

No matter what he thought in his heart, Dade opened his hands and turned around and then pointed to Duan Bao on the throne: "Then how will the lord of the country plan to deal with himself in the future? Lose the glory of his ancestors again and take off this noble clothes A dragon robe?"

   Duan Bao's eyes became colder and colder, but his heart felt pain from being told. No one would be willing to lose this supreme honor after enjoying it.

   "Master, as long as you are willing to send troops, we don't need to defeat the Ming army. As long as we can delay until the rainy season arrives, the roads are muddy, transportation is difficult, and the miasma is pervasive, the Ming army will definitely retreat."

   "My lord's granddaughter is in full bloom, and she is willing to marry the lord as his wife. In the future, your two descendants will become the only kings of this land. This is my lord's sincerity."

  The civil and military officials of Dali, who had been silent for a long time, couldn’t help discussing. They would rather be neighbors with King Liang than invade by Ming Dynasty. King Liang would be wiped out by them sooner or later without the Yuan Dynasty.

  But once the Ming Dynasty came to power, they didn't even have the strength to resist. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty belonged to the Han people, with a large number of people. It was different from the Yuan Dynasty of the Mongols, and they had to rely on them to govern.

Gao Ami, the prime minister of Dali, said to Dade who was beside him: "Don't try to confuse my lord. The Ming army is powerful and gathers the power of the world. It cannot be stopped by Dali, let alone how it can be stopped for a while. You wait for the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty. Death without life!"

  Following Gao Ami’s statement, Dali ministers Jing Fu began to crusade Dade loudly. In Dali, the hereditary Gao’s influence is not weaker than Duan’s.

  The Gao clan started at the end of Nanzhao period. Gao Fang, the patriarch of the Gao clan, assisted Duan Siping to overthrow Yang Qianzhen, the Ning Kingdom of Dayi, and established the Dali Kingdom.

  It was not until Duan Silian of Xingzong reached its peak, Gao Zhisheng supported Duan Shouhui as the emperor of Dali, appointed himself Buxie, and made his son Gao Shengtai the Marquis of Shanchan.

  In the fourth year of Song Shenzong Yuanfeng, Gao Zhisheng and Gao Shengtai father and son forced Shangming Emperor Duan Shouhui to abdicate and become a monk, and then supported Duan Zhengming to succeed him, that is, Baoding Emperor, and Gao Shengtai was named Shanchanhou.

In the first year of Song Zhezong Shaosheng, Gao Shengtai, who had always been in power, abolished Duan Zhengming and established himself as king, but it was also the so-called prosperity and decline. Perhaps it was Duan's peaceful attitude that was willing to delegate power and wanted to become a monk. Appreciated by various ministries of Dali.

Gao's power as the queen was hit instead, and all the ministries in the territory were injustice against the Duan family. The political situation was turbulent and the people complained, forcing Gao Shengtai to order his son Gao Taiming to return the government to the Duan family at the end of his life, so Gao Taiming supported Duan Zhengming's younger brother Duan Zhengchun as the emperor of Dali .

  However, this kind of compromise-style return of power also caused the Gao family to still retain great power. Since then, all the prime ministers have come from the Gao family, and the Gao family has been awarded the Duke of China and has real power.

This is also a typical example of the power of the prime minister overpowering the imperial power, but the Gao family is indeed worthy of the Dali Kingdom. Facing the attack of the Yuan soldiers, the members of the Gao family, led by the country's relative brother Gao He, died together, as well as Gao Fushan and Gao Ming. Sheng, Gao Mingxiang, Gao Zhengyun, Gao Zhengzhi, etc.

  Gao Taixiang, who was the prime minister at the time, came to the battlefield to fight his back, but in the end he was defeated and captured. Yuan Shizu Kublai Khan pityed his loyalty and promised him a high-ranking official. Gao Taixiang would rather die than surrender.

   Had no choice but to kill him. Gao Taixiang was slaughtered with his neck stretched. When he was about to be executed, he shouted: "Duan Yun will not return, and the angel made it so. I will die as a minister, and my work is over."

   Kublai Khan sighed and said: "Loyal ministers too! Bury him with rites!"

  Since this is the case, is the Gao family treacherous? Loyalty?
