MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 743 come to Beijing

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  In the evening, the Jinshen Hall of the Jingshi Imperial Palace was brightly lit, and the other palaces overlooking the palace city had all extinguished their lights and candles early.

  Emperor Prince, Prime Minister, General, and six ministers gathered in front of the situation map of northern Xinjiang to discuss the situation. The day before yesterday, Mongolia retreated in a panic.

   "Your Majesty, the food and supplies have been prepared and transported to the northern border. If we don't take the heads of a few Mongolian royal families, wouldn't we let the grasslands peek at my Ming Dynasty!"

   "That's right. The barbarians of the grassland are afraid of power and not virtuous. No matter how many shepherds kill, it's not enough to make them feel the pain. They must kill their dignitaries first!"

  The high-level officials of the Ming Dynasty instantly unified the strategy, and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion immediately passed on orders to northern Xinjiang.

   After adding some details, Chang Yuchun led a group of officials and generals from the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to retreat, and they had to improve things after they returned.

  Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes fell on Hu Weiyong, but he didn't say anything after all. The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was also relieved. It is really inappropriate for the court to have any major turmoil.

  After everyone retreated, Zhu Yuanzhang fell into deep thought. Zhu Biao, who had been silent all this time, said at this time: "Isn't Father still thinking about whether to completely abolish the position of prime minister?"

  Zhu Yuanzhang crossed his hands and kept circling each other with his thumbs: "What do you think?"

   "If it's a son-in-law, although he doesn't like it, he still feels that the post of prime minister must be retained."

   "Of course, the necessary weakening and division of its rights is affirmative."

  Zhu Biao continued: "Sometimes it is indeed necessary for such a high-ranking person to take certain responsibilities."

   After all, the prime ministers are a minority, and most of the prime ministers are puppets of the imperial power. After all, he is naturally at a disadvantage, and a little boost from the imperial power is enough to suppress him.

   "How to split?"

   "Divide a part into the cabinet, strengthen the independence of the six ministries, and separate the civil and military departments without involving the military."

  In ancient times, the Sangongs were so respectable. The so-called Sangongs are the only ones, discussing Dao to compete with the state, and clarifying Yin and Yang, but now it is just a vain job.

  Actually, for their father and son, it doesn't matter whether they have a prime minister or not. What Lao Zhu is worried about is that the descendants will be born in the deep palace and grow up in the hands of women in the future, so it will be difficult for them to be able to control them.

  Get rid of the prime minister and completely divide the power of the prime minister, then the difference between the monarch and his ministers will be insurmountable. Unless the dynasty is changed, the ministers will only be the ministers after all.

  Zhu Biao is too lazy to plan for his children and grandchildren. Any plans and plans will not be able to withstand the scouring of time. If people die and the government rests, it is difficult to climb out to make things right. Let them go, and do their own generation's work well.

  Heaven has permanence, it does not exist for Yao, and does not perish for Jie.

There is a big difference between father and son in this regard, but it is also understandable. It is not easy to pass on the family name through untold hardships. I hope that it can be passed down from generation to generation. In fact, it is also a kind of sobriety. Manpower will eventually be limited, and the way of heaven will eventually be determined.

  Zhu Yuanzhang sighed. His son’s excellence also has its disadvantages. He will not follow his orders. He has his own ideas and will, even if he temporarily retreats, but after he ascends the throne, he will definitely implement his ideas according to his own ideas.

   Even the son can’t be controlled, can the future generations really follow his "Emperor Ming Zu Xun" to conduct themselves in the world and govern the country as he expected?

  Seeing that his father was a little depressed, Zhu Biao was also a little distressed, but he still didn't say anything. It is extremely unrealistic for one generation to set the code of conduct for several generations to govern the country.

  No matter who becomes the emperor, he will naturally resist restraint, for nothing else, just because the emperor should not be restrained, even if you are my ancestor.

   "Forget it, it's up to you, but the plan must continue."

  It doesn’t matter if the son has ideas, it’s just that he is different from him, and it will not delay the inheritance of Ming Dynasty, but if the Huaixi martial arts are not cleaned, it will inevitably lead to disaster and threaten the survival of the dynasty.

   "Father Fu Wei."

  Father and son hold the same attitude on this point. The rapid downfall of Yang Xian and Wang Guangyang has proved that even if the emperor personally appoints a person, as long as he is not from Huaixi, he must be defeated until he is replaced by himself.

   This is the Huaixi nobles simply showing their power. We supported our superiors and became the emperor. Now even the capital of civil servants belongs to us. Who else can do anything to us?

   Talents in one place can support the troubled times, but talents in one place are by no means enough to govern the whole world. If the upper class is always this group of people, then Daming will go back to the Wei and Jin Dynasties when the emperor and the family shared the world.

This is an absolutely intolerable situation. During the endless wars in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, Huang Chao started massacring aristocratic families in a large-scale and organized manner, and Zhu Wen created the disaster of Baimayi. The real aristocratic families were all physically destroyed. Could it be that Ming Dynasty Are they going to be re-cultivated?

  You must know that the so-called aristocratic families in Ming Dynasty are only in name, but in fact they are just bigger landlords, and there are more proletarians in the clan who are literate.

   In the final analysis, they still have to rely on the imperial examination or the Imperial College to become an official, and they need the promotion and favor of the imperial power, not the inheritance of family rights. This makes them have no resistance to the Jiangnan case and the Pan Fu case.


  In the early morning at the welcoming pavilion on the outskirts of Beijing, a group of people kept looking into the distance, and finally saw several riders coming leisurely. When they approached and hugged each other, it seemed that the three brothers hadn't wanted to get together for more than a year.

  After a simple greeting, Zhang Cuncheng, the current procuratorate in front of the palace, couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother, your journey has been glorious, and you have already been promoted to General Fengguo."

   "This is from the second grade. Guangzong Yaozu, it is time to worship the ancestors. Father is the spirit of heaven, and he will be happy!"

   Zhang Cundao is tall and strong, with swallow jaws and tiger beards. His father was born with purple eyes. He looked past his two younger brothers and looked at the imperial city: "Yesterday, I received the imperial decree again, and I am already a general of Hussars."

  As soon as this remark came out, the two people who were originally excited became suspicious. If they were from the second rank, according to their elder brother's achievements over the years, plus his father's past hard work, the Holy Majesty remembered that he was planning to reuse it.

   But this has not yet taken office, it has already reached its head. The Hussar General of the second rank is really a bit scary. His father taught him in his early years that if he is not worthy of virtue, there will be disasters.

  The second child, Zhang Cuncheng, looked at his younger brother and said, "I heard that His Royal Highness wanted you to come to Beijing for the big brother's promotion. The third child, you once served the prince in the palace to lecture on the scriptures and study. Do you have any news?"

   Zhang Cunhou smiled wryly: "Your Highness has a gift from heaven, even Song Longmen said that there is nothing to teach. Those of us who are waiting for our studies have long been sent by His Highness to serve in the Imperial College."

   "Brother, the situation in Beijing is turbulent and unpredictable. Whether this is a blessing or a curse remains to be seen. Don't..."

  I didn’t say anything after I said it. My father is like a father after the elder brother. As a younger brother, he is not good at persuading him with strict words, especially when his elder brother is so proud of himself.

  Zhang Cundao patted his second younger brother on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I know what's in my heart, but it's empty to think too much. Just serve the king with sincerity, and I will never fall into the lintel of my Zhang family."

Looking at his third brother: "You have also heard what your second brother said. An Xin should not be rampant because of my gaining power. Brothers and I don't talk about complicity. It's just a share of honor and disgrace, but you have to remember that you can't humiliate your father." posthumous name."

  Zhang Cunhou is not a superficial person, and he promised earnestly: "Don't worry, brother, it will be what it was before, and it will be what it was before, and obey the father's deathbed instructions to be loyal, honest and self-sufficient."

  Wuying Hall, He Wenhui, the hereditary commander of Henan Wei, the governor of the left army of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, entered through Tongtong: "The last general will see His Royal Highness, Your Highness will be forever."

  Zhu Biao put down the book in his hand and stood up with a smile: "Brother is here, Liu Jin, give me a seat."

   "Thank you, Your Highness."

  There are not many people in this world who can be Zhu Biao's elder brother, but He Wenhui is just one of them. He is fourteen years older than Zhu Biao, and it just so happens that he was adopted by Lao Zhu as his adopted son when he was fourteen years old.


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