MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 754 water conservancy

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  Chapter 754 Water Conservancy

  Yang Siyi was obviously very worried about his sudden resignation, and that the water conservancy project that had already started would fail, which would cause disasters to the people, so he spoke in great detail, even to the point of being a bit long-winded.

  But Zhu Biao did not urge him, and even asked Liu Jin to take a pen and paper to write down the important parts carefully. The prince attached so much importance to it, which made Yang Siyi feel more at ease.

  After the old minister finished speaking, Zhu Biao stopped writing and said: "Aiqing made very detailed arrangements before leaving. I will order the place to move forward steadily, and will also let Yushitai go to supervise. I will not disappoint Aiqing's painstaking efforts."

   "Don't dare, eat the king's salary, be loyal to the king, take care of the king's worries, and do your duty as a minister."

Seeing that it was almost time, after changing the crown prince to a new cup of tea, Liu Jin also replaced Yang Siyi with a new cup of tea, but seeing that he just put it on the side after taking it, and his figure was a little restless, he suddenly understood, and returned to the tea room. His Highness said something in a low voice behind him.

  Zhu Biao got up and said with a smile, "I'm going to change clothes, Aiqing can do it herself."

   After saying that, he got up and walked towards the side hall. Yang Siyi didn't know, so he got up and sent him off, while Liu Jin stayed behind and walked beside him and said, "My lord, this servant will lead you to the outer room."

  Yang Siyi finally realized that His Royal Highness was taking care of his face, and thanked Liu Jin with gratitude: "Thank you, Manager Liu."

After all, he is getting old, coupled with the selflessness mentioned just now, and drank too much tea, he really couldn't hold back at this time. You must know that this kind of thing can be big or small. If you say that you are young, you have three urgencies, and if you say it is big It is because of the imperial disgrace, he will be impeached by the imperial censor.

  After all, when you are talking about the government affairs of the state, you suddenly stand up and say that you are going to pay respects.

When Liu Jin brought Yang Siyi back, Zhu Biao really changed his clothes and came back from the side hall. After sitting down, he continued the topic just now: "It's a pity that Qi Guogong was ordered to inspect the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and I heard that he was ill recently. Otherwise, you can feel at ease by letting him go up and down."

In addition to being good at fighting, Kang Maocai, the Duke of Qi State, was an envoy in the field in the past, and he patrolled various places to build water conservancy projects, so that the high-lying areas would not be affected by droughts, and the low-lying areas would not be affected by floods. Organize soldiers to garrison the fields, plow and fight.

Yang Siyi didn't care about Kang Maocai's health, but frowned and said, "Your Highness, it is important that the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal runs through the north and the south, but it must not be tampered with. Twenty-eight years ago, the Yellow River flooded and the Grand Canal was blocked by silt. It was only because of the corvee that the stone man with one eye stirred up the Yellow River and the whole world went against him."

  Zhu Biao reassured: "Duke Qi has already submitted a memorial to this point. After discussions between the Holy Majesty and the Ministry of Zhongshu, it has been decided to levy a small amount of corvees to dredge the river in sections during the slack season. It would rather take more than ten years to waste time."

  Yang Siyi breathed a sigh of relief: "My emperor is wise."

  My father has always been very keen on this aspect. He advocated wrapping as many rice dumplings as big lotus leaves.

   It is not blindly abusing people's power to repair, but following big moves such as relocating people and farming. Wherever the land is opened up and cultivated, it must be followed immediately. Wherever it is planted, it will be repaired, and production and irrigation will be seamlessly connected.

  The attitude of the Grand Canal that indirectly led to the collapse of the Sui and Yuan Dynasties is extremely cautious, and it has not been overhauled so far. At present, the supply of materials in the north is still mainly based on reclamation and supplemented by sea transportation.

But the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is not only a passage for transporting food for a dynasty, but also the backbone of the dynasty, supporting the huge body of the Central Plains dynasty. Otherwise, how could the Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties pay such a high price for it, so the repair must It needs to be repaired.

   But according to Lao Zhu privately, it is best to wait until Zhu Biao ascends the throne in the future when the national power is strong and then start repairing. Now I would rather make more troubles than waste national power and people's hearts on a large scale.

  The two of them discussed the matter of the Grand Canal for a while, but when they counted the cost, they could only shake their heads and sigh. Now that the Ming Dynasty has a lot of waste to do, there is no capital to build this terrible canal.

  After talking about the water conservancy, Zhu Biao led the conversation to Yunnan: "Does Aiqing know something about the situation in Yunnan?"

   "Weichen learned a little from the mansion newspaper along the way, but the details are still unclear."

Zhu Biao looked at the book case in front of him and said: "It's not a big deal, Bo'er just defeated the Zaravalmi army and killed him. There may be local Tu ethnic rebellion, but Pingxihou is enough to suppress it."

   "Deliberately dispatch Aiqing to go. One is that Pingxi Hou knows the military affairs, and the civil affairs are weaker. He needs Aiqing to help him set up a team. The other is to change customs and Sinicization."

  Yang Siyi frowned first. His Highness clearly meant that all matters in Yunnan should be based on Pingxihou.

   But Silai Yunnan is special, and there will be many rebellions at the beginning. It really needs a stronger general as a transition, and Ping Xihou, as the son of the Holy One, has always been loyal, so it is hard to say anything.

  As for changing customs, this is not uncommon. Not to mention Yunnan, which was originally self-contained, even the state capitals in the southwestern part of northern Xinjiang have also been vigorously dehumanizing in recent years.

Zhu Biao saw that he did not realize the seriousness: "Although Yunnan has been ruled by the Yuan Dynasty for a hundred years, and the lord of Dali was reduced to the general manager, it seems to exist in name only, but in terms of culture, it can also be said to exist in name only. Nanzhao The literary and historical classics handed down from Dali to Dali for hundreds of years are different from our Central Plains."

   "So, we must burn his books and destroy his history! You dare to accept this matter. Although it is a government order, it is inevitable that scholars will be infamous."

Burning the inheritance of more than 600 years of local civilization in Yunnan, strangled the possible secondary civilization in the cradle, and cut off the birth of another civilization from the spiritual and cultural levels. This is the most direct and effective way to force all ethnic groups in Yunnan to accept the new culture. method.

  Yang Siyi's face was solemn. This matter was not so much about himself, and even his ancestors and children and grandchildren were included in it, so he couldn't help thinking carefully.

  But after only a moment, he still cheered up and cupped his hands: "The old minister still said the same thing, eating the king's salary, being loyal to the king, and worrying about the king's worries, what is there to be afraid of!"

  Things have to be done by someone. How big is the territory of Yunnan, and how many lands and populations it represents? Both the country and the people have made great achievements for thousands of years. How can they retreat just because they cherish the reputation of their family and family name?

  Zhu Biao nodded happily: "This way, the Holy Majesty and the Palace are at ease. Pingxihou has already started preparations, and Aiqing will start immediately after taking office."

   "The Duan family will move out one after another in the next two years, and it will take time for the Gao family and other aristocratic families. You might as well try to attract appointments. The imperial court is currently short of officials, and I am afraid that it will not be able to send you enough manpower."

After Zhu Biao finished speaking, Yang Siyi stroked the short beard of the goat under his jaw and said: "The old minister has an idea. If you want to burn books and destroy history, if you don't go further, emigrate and change species. The first thing is to send people from Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan Doping and swapping over and over."

Zhu Biao was taken aback, and if he really wanted to say it was bad, he had to look at these scholars. The assimilation of life in the exchange area would inevitably force the local residents to Sinicize, change people’s original land memory, and force them to accept the new culture, and identify with new cultures.

  Without the land inherited from the ancestors, large-scale forced relocation, the old people with folk customs and memories may all die on the road. When they arrive in the new land, if they do not accept or agree with Sinicization, they will perish.

At this time, it was Yang Siyi who came to persuade him: "Your Highness, after all, Yunnan is different from Guizhou and Liaodong. They used to be a country with a founding system and a sound military law. It is difficult to cure a chronic illness without strong medicine. Otherwise, if the weather changes in the future, Wouldn't it be a situation of splitting up the regime and restoring the country in an instant, Your Highness, at this time, there must be no benevolence for women."

   "All the crimes, let the old minister bear the burden."


  (end of this chapter)

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