MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 811 turn on

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  As long as the sea route can be guaranteed, the income will not be a problem. There may be risks, but the profits are definitely considerable. The imperial court has begun to invest heavily in trade.

  The most important thing here is that, as the royal family with absolute control, they did not set the maritime trade as a monopoly because of huge interests, and moved all the proceeds into the emperor's internal funds.

Rather, it was quite generous, and all the income was attributed to the treasury of the household department, but this was also temporary. Zhu Biao knew very well that having money in the treasury does not mean that the emperor is rich, and if an emperor really has no money, it will cause big trouble of.

Therefore, when the royal family enters the arena, it is also negotiable to take some shares for the Mongolian princes to participate in gold, silver, leather, etc. Well worth it.

  At least it must be like this before the major breakthrough in firearms, and after the major breakthrough, national integration will begin. Not only the grasslands, but also those in Southwest and Southeast Asia will be integrated into one to deal with this world that has opened the age of great navigation.

  No matter how you say it, when facing those black-skinned ghosts with red hair and golden hair, the racial issue is bigger than the ethnic issue, and unity is mostly necessary.


  One month later, the battle between Tatars and Oirats still started, with a scale of tens of thousands. Qiyang King Li Wenzhong led Qingqi to mediate. After a certain degree of casualties, they finally sat down.

Needless to say, the Tatar side wanted to support Tianbaonu as a khan, while Oala firmly opposed it. As for the descendants of another Alibu brother pushed up by Oara, it was like a joke, and the Tatars simply dismissed it. Don't mention identifying him as the co-owner of the grassland.

   The conflicts between the two parties were almost irreconcilable, and Daming was not in the mood to reconcile, but just launched Enke, which was not as high as the wheel. The result was obvious, and neither Tatar nor Wala was willing to accept it.

Then it seems that we can only continue to fight, but after a few days of quarreling in a weird atmosphere, Enke, who had just died of his father, successfully held a meeting between Changshengtian and Shanbin Jianzan at the Kuliltai Conference on the Bank of the Onan River. Witnessed by the lama, he took over Daming's canonization decree and announced his rule over the grassland, calling him Zhuoli Hutu Khan.

   After the meeting, the young Khutu Khan in the table was brought back to his father's Golden Horde Court by Meng Ge Timur, under the indifferent gaze of the Tatar kings.

  Wala is his enemy, he is not the choice of Tatar, and obviously he will not be the spokesperson of Ming Dynasty.

  No one knows how long this Hutu Khan can live under the blessing of Changshengtian, but it will not be too long, so everyone can't relax, because the next war will start at any time.

  Generation of kuliltai conferences has been accompanied by conspiracies, **** coups and wars. Some people fall down and others rise to power, but there should be no atmosphere that can be weird than this one.

  Not to mention the tribal leaders, many herdsmen on the grassland left crying. They may not have enough knowledge, but they are not fools, especially they are very sensitive to the danger of war.

This Kuliltai Conference did not dispel the cloud of war, and did not establish a destiny Khan who could lead Mongolia. The brave leaders and wise elders all closed their eyes in pain. The great family that trampled the world has become like this.

  As an outsider, Li Wenzhong was obviously very happy. He took Li Wenzhong out of the sphere of influence of the two films. On the way back on the horse, Tian Baonu's expression was a little downcast.

   "You can't sit still in this position."

  Tian Baonu said sincerely: "I was able to receive the great favor of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and survived the pursuit of Yasudele in that rebellion. I am already very satisfied, and I don't expect anything else."

   "But no matter what, seeing the son who killed his father and enemy ascended to the throne that belonged to me in front of my eyes, I feel unbearably sad."

  Li Wenzhong looked at the endless sea of ​​grass around him: "Why don't you run away?"

   "Because it's even more hopeless if you run away." Tianbaonu pointed to one side with his whip: "They arranged for a support team, and it's in that direction."

   "I want to go to Beijing to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Please help me. As long as I don't die, I will definitely have the opportunity to repay your kindness in the future."

   "You are a smart man." Li Wenzhong nodded and said, "Your Highness should agree to meet you, but you'd better think about what you want to say. Your Highness is busy with government affairs, and there will be no extra opportunities for you."


  Chen Youzong has already arrived in Liaodong. Although he is still a low-ranking official, he cannot govern Liaodong justly like a real feudal official, but it will not be the same.

  The current Pingzhang political affairs in Liaodong is weak and sick, and his ability is not too strong. The old man who is old enough to beg for bones and return to his hometown is a specially arranged candidate.

  Furthermore, where is Liaodong, it is the same as Yunnan and Guizhou. The township is more important than governance, and General Ma Yeer is the core. Zhu Biao specially arranged for Chen Youzong to go to Liaodong, mainly for Korea.

   It's been so long, it's time to close the net, and Lao Zhu really misses his fourth son. From the past half a year, he didn't ask a question, now he asks every now and then.

  In the Wenhua Hall, there was a figure kneeling in front of Zhu Biao. It was Jiang Yu, the commander of the former military captain's mansion, but he was a little darker and thinner than before.

   "Get up, thank you for your hard work."

   "Serving His Highness, the final general dare not complain, it's just his duty."

   "What's going on in Goryeo now, um, I'm asking the common people."

Jiang Yu didn't get up and still knelt and replied: "Kaijing, ten rooms and nine empties, Jeolla Province selects men and women who are weak and weak to give food to the army. Man-made disasters are endless, Koreans eat and talk with each other, bones accumulate, and the roads are full of filth."

Zhu Biao's hands trembled a few times, and he felt inexplicably panicked. In these few short sentences, every word seemed to ooze flesh and blood. But in a trance, he pushed all these meaningless emotions out of his mind.

"very good."

   "How is Li Chenggui, is he still available?"

"I went to meet Li Chenggui on purpose in the future. This man is ambitious, but he is in awe of me, Daming, and he fears and respects you like a **** and Buddha. He not only sent two boxes of gold and silver jewelry to the general, but also entrusted him I will offer you two ships of treasures, and a hundred Korean beauties."

  Jiang Yu took out two letters from his bosom: "One is Li Chenggui's gift list, and the other is a letter written by him. The general has never read it."

  Liu Jin stepped forward to take it, first opened it for a few moments, and then sent it to the prince's desk. Zhu Biao was not interested in the gift list, nor was he interested in Li Chenggui's handwritten letter.

  So after glancing at it, I didn't have the idea to look at it. I just tapped the book case with my fingertips thoughtfully, and a very weak sound sounded rhythmically. Everyone seemed to be addicted to it, and even their breathing had to be deliberately controlled.

   "Go ahead, just start according to the plan and tell them that I don't like accidents."


  Jiang Yu kowtowed respectfully, got up, bowed and backed out. He was going back to Korea overnight, and he couldn't stay in Beijing for a moment, even though he hadn't seen his wife and children for almost two years.
