MTL - Flower Demon’s Inn-Chapter 20 Frankly I'm an expert

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The spoon jumped in front of the ghosts, grabbed the bowl with one hand, and shudder: "Qin Sheng, go back to the sun with me and see your grandmother."

Qin Sheng stared blankly at her: "Who are you? Who do you see?"

"I am entrusted to come back to the sun to fulfill your wish for your grandmother."

Qin Sheng was still indifferent, his eyes gloomy: "What grandmother, after drinking Mengpo soup, I can reincarnate. Yan Wang promises me to be an adult, and the girl is not to stop."

With a spoonful, the scholar took the bowl down and said slowly: "Mortal is no better than us. As we walk across Huangquan Road, our memory is almost worn out. He can't remember his grandmother now, and once he has drank the soup, he completely forgets the past . "

"What about grandma?"

"If the soul is unwilling to leave and forcibly take it away, it will break the rules of the underworld. Moreover, he has now entered the cycle of reincarnation. If he misses the hour, the next reincarnation will not know when."

The spoon was silent, so he said, "Return the bowl to him ..."

Returning to the ghost town from Naihe Bridge, the downcast spoon did not notice anything wrong. When the gloomy gaze piled up, she looked back, looked up, and saw Lu Gui staring quietly, and she remembered that she had no smoke umbrellas now, and she was so envious! Can not help but swallow, look at the scholar next to him, his back is straight, his steps calm. This was a very reliable scene ... but why did he sweat on his forehead?

The scholar said that he was under a lot of pressure now, and could still feel the breath of those saints. If he was incarnate, he would be noticed within a short time. It ’s just that the aura is now sealed, and it is inconvenient to want to “run the rampant”, and said hardly, “Ready to run.”


After waiting for her to react, her gaze swept away, and she happened to meet the eyes of a female ghost, who immediately screamed, "She wants to eat me!"

Suddenly, the streets were chaotic, and the provocation and shouts shook the eardrums, and the ghosts came into the sky. The scholar embraced the waist of the spoon, a little toes, and flicked long sleeves. In front of him, a avenue of ink and wash was opened.

The wind rushed past, and the flowers underneath the carmine rose, as if stepping on the road of blood red, shocking.

The spoon grabbed his clothes and stared at the road ahead, for fear of falling by accident. Seeing that the meditation road was about to close, his heart sank, the scholar's pace was quicker, and he scratched the seams. The pressure on his feet spread slightly, and he fell on the hard floor.

She fainted for a while, and found herself sitting beside Qingshi Road. Fortunately, it was just bright and there were no pedestrians. She looked to the side, seeing the scholar lying there, hurried over: "Treasurer, Treasurer?"

The scholar breathed a little, this body really wants to exhaust the last aura, or the original soul is easy to use. The saint must be beaten when he goes back. He hasn't gone out for many years. Is he so concerned about it?

When Spoon saw him look slumped, his heart pounded, "Treasurer, Treasurer?"

The scholar tilted his head and looked at her: "It's all right."

Compared to a cowardly scholar, Spoon still likes to see his spirited appearance. His eyes were red, and he lifted him up carefully: "Go back to the house first."

Looking at her nervousness, the scholar did not want her to worry, although the feeling of being worried was still quite good, at least it showed that she cared about herself. But looking at her eyes reddish, she felt uncomfortable.

When they returned to the room, the rising sun rose. The demon in the backyard also woke up, shook his body toward Lu, and stretched his waist. Look at each other for a while and touch your chin:

"Where did the boss go last night?"

"It seems that the scholar is not there."

"Did ... must ..."

Everyone looked up at the window of the scholar's room. They were just joking about the spoon. Who wanted to see the spoon jumping out from there, wondering: "Boss! When did you have a leg with the scholar?"

The spoon gave them a white look: "Be careful, I'll punch you."

"But your clothes and buns are messed up!"

Looking at the thief with a smile on their faces, Spoon missed them ~ They! When she could not care about her hair, she looked at her nest and said, "I went to the underworld last night. When I came back, I ran in a hurry and was disturbed by the wind ... Hey? Sister Du, how about my Yaodan?

Du Juan stooped and looked at, "Did you say that you want to let Yaodan absorb the essence of the earth and bury it deep? Look for it. Wrong ... Boss, why do you take Yaodan?"

"Student is injured, I'll take him to heal."

Brother Bai Shu reminded him, "It's the right amount, otherwise you should repair less if you spend too much demon."

"Um." It was so hard to find, the spoon was thrown into his mouth, and he immediately felt full of energy. Taking a step back into the room, I smelled an unfamiliar breath as soon as I entered, carefully sensing, Master? She blinked and looked around the room without seeing him. Back to the bed, the scholar was still lying there, but his face had recovered. She leaned over and glanced, "Scholar, was anyone here just now?"

"Well, the injury is all right. Spoon ..." The scholar opened her eyes and looked at her. Why did she think she was a lot brighter?

I don't know the spoon. After thinking about it, is it that the Supreme has helped him heal? I thought he had left himself just now. Was it just urgent? She clapped her hands happily: "That's good. I wanted to heal you, but now it seems unnecessary."

The scholar slowly blinked, crossing the demon? The legendary crossing of the demons? Looking at her pink, moist lips, the tone was difficult: "Actually ... my injury ... is not good yet."

The spoon fluttered and smiled: "Come on, the Supreme Master can even heal the dragon god's injury. Can't you heal it? Well, take a good rest, I'll open the door."

"Spoon ..." The scholar reached out to catch her, but Qian Ying had already left, just a short distance away ... In fact, he should be more cruel and worry about the spoon, instead of refilling the aura, it is estimated that the Holy One will follow in two days. Here comes the trace. Of course, this is not the point at all, the point is ... he missed the opportunity of Zhengda Guangming and spoon to kiss!

Spoon closed the door of the room, glanced at his door again, and hesitated before passing. After entering the room, the small lantern in the room was very weak and more difficult to detect than the previous two days. She stepped over and looked down at the increasingly worn lamp on the bed, unable to bear to call her. As soon as I was about to leave, I saw her turned into a corpse, her face pale, but her eyes brightened when she saw herself: "Did your sister find a little grandson?"

"I found ... just ..." Spoon wanted to send her to the flower bed, at least with the help of a demon, and would be more comfortable. "Little grandson, he has already drank Meng Po Tang and passed away. He didn't bring him back. . "

The small lantern suddenly froze, and his hands and feet suddenly became cold: "What can I do ... Grandma's health is very bad, and I may not be able to survive it for a few years. I have never dared to go back and tell her that my grandson is dead, just afraid of grandma I ca n’t accept it. I wanted to find his soul, and went back to meet him, so my grandma had no regrets. "

The spoon was silent, and touched her head: "I will take you to the flower bed first, and stay with my brother and sister, otherwise the evil spirit on your body will be exhausted."

Take her to the flower bed, let Xin Niang take care of her, and the street outside the shop door is very lively. She cleaned the front hall, sat behind the cashbox and looked out, thinking. Obviously a little monster, even those of them who are not so high are afraid, that is how to hold back the fear of drifting for more than a year to find the little grandson.

When I was thinking about it, there was another person next to me. I tilted my head and looked startled. "Treasurer, why are you somber and you see the plague god?"

"Oh ..." The scholar was weak and in the end, "I actually haven't recovered ..."

When someone came, Spoon quickly stood up: "Is the guest officer staying at the shop or sharpening it ~"


The guests came in waves, waiting for the end, it was already noon. The spoon made the meal, and gave the scholar a lot of dishes: "The shopkeeper eats more and grows the meat."

"Well." The scholar asked, "What are you going to do about the little demon? Even if you have the intention to keep her at the inn, she may not stay."

The spoon chopped a few sips of rice and hummed quietly: "I didn't want to keep her ... I just thought about it just now. Since the small lantern has been with the grandmother for 20 years, it may be feasible for the small lantern to impersonate the grandson .Otherwise there is no other way. "

The scholar said, "But her magical power can't be transformed into other people at all. If you can, even if you can change, you will be seen through at a glance."

Spoon twisted her eyebrows and thought, "What if I lend her both my demon heart and demon dan?"

The scholar nodded, "That would work."

"Just if I give her both, I can't even beat mortals."

The scholar smiled, "I protect you."

Spoon's heart was warm. Although it was not very powerful, he ran out of the underworld and was exhausted, but clearly felt very reliable. He nodded slightly: "Well." After eating, I remembered the matter. Did you leave without saying anything? "


"Well ... I haven't thanked him yet."

"The spoon." The scholar said earnestly, "I'm actually an expert."

Spoon almost didn't laugh out loud: "Okay, shopkeeper, you and the Supreme are obviously not in the same tone."

The student was helpless: "What's different?"

"It's all different." Spoon looked at him and thought for a while, "Well, then you can show it to me."

The scholar immediately put down the chopsticks, and then saw the holy man drifting past the door again, drifting around, and floating back to face him. He covered his face with his forehead, and looked up when the airflow left.

Seeing his appearance unchanged, the corner of the mouth of the spoon twitched: "Stupid student, tease me again! I'll slap you! Clean up the dishes today!"


The scholar sighed, wait until the small lantern is resolved, then confess to the spoon.