MTL - Flower Demon’s Inn-Chapter 59 A flash of dust settled

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She and the scholar still have a long way to go, but if the small spoon is dead, there is no future.

As a grass monster, she was also afraid of fire. She was very scared. She was once burned by a cricket, and she knew that the hot magma could not be touched. She wouldn't think of it if it was poured on a small spoon. In any case, Little Spoon did nothing wrong, there was nothing wrong with her to save her. When I saw the inn in the fire, I never thought about life and death, I just wanted to save her. It's just instinct.

It just flew out, his head buzzing, and the eardrum almost cracked. She drew in pain, and suddenly lost her strength.

Suddenly the Qing Emperor had caught up, took her into her arms, and landed steadily on the head of Qinglong. Looking at her pale face and blood, she reached out to give her gas, but found that her body was very hot, and it was hot for no reason.

The spoon shivered into his arms: "Scholar ..."

The Qing Emperor held her tightly to protect her with qi, weakening her burning sensation. With a long sleeve wave, the heavy rain poured from Lang Langqing in the air: "It's all right, and the little spoon is fine."

Suddenly spring is approaching, and the son-in-law has come to the front like a wind, with a dignified look. "This fire is very strange. How could someone turn three beasts at once ... what happened to the spoon?"

Qingdi held her up and stood on the air. The person in her arms became lighter, looked down, and just faced with the weak eyes of the spoon, she was blurred to nothing in her arms, and her hands were empty. The complexion suddenly changed, and so was it. When the space and time were reversed, the spoon almost disappeared. But now the smell of the nine-tailed fox is not heard, that is, the spoon is not related to the matrix formation being destroyed at all, but for another reason.

Can not help but think, the emperor has flew to the inn. The whispering spell of Zhentian shrouded the town of Zhuangyuan, and all the ghosts who rescued the fire were surrounded by freeze. When they saw Xin Niang who was standing in front of the inn, he suddenly thought about the situation on November 1st, almost the same.


There is no scoop smell around here, I can't even feel half a minute. The Qing Emperor sank, and entered the room with a small spoon. When she got to the bed, she saw her curled up in pain, very painful. As soon as she held her hand, she didn't question her. She saw her eyes opened slightly, her eyes full of joy, and she trembled, "Daddy."

Qingdi paused, glanced around the house, no trace of a spoon. He leaned over and picked her up, leaving the inn. Leaving the place still tangled by the fire, Xiao spoon clutched his clothes tightly: "Where's mother?"

The Qing emperor put her on Qinglong, clutching her tiny wrists, and she said, "I should ask you this."

The small spoon was pale: "I don't know ... I feel dizzy, as if I have returned to that dark place."

"Where's that dark place?"

The small spoon trembled, "I don't know ..."

The Qing emperor handed her over to her son-in-law, remembering the peony flower given to her by the spoon, clenched her right hand, and injected the aura of peony flower in her palm into her heart.

The daughter-in-law paused, holding the small spoon in fear that she would disturb the emperor. Injecting other people's aura into one's own heart, a little difference, it takes half a life. She couldn't help sighing, she couldn't figure out why he had to do this, but couldn't understand it at all.

Waiting for the blue shadow to rush under the inn, the head of the small spoon buzzed and his eyes flashed. When the son-in-law noticed that something was wrong with her, the cold suddenly dissipated, and the hand holding the spoon was painful. Want to see what happened, the little white shadow has disappeared ...

Spoon never knew why the little spoon was so scared every time it said the dark and cold place, now she understood. It's cold, it's very cold, and it's dark and invisible. I turned a lamp on my hand, but I couldn't see the end. The place where the light shines was still dark.

"Scholar ... Xin Niang, Sister Du? Fat gourd?" The spoon called, but no one responded. If you know how long this road is, you won't feel palpitated. But she walked aimlessly, but it scared her. She didn't know how to come here, she was holding on to the scholar's clothes, but it was here in a blink of an eye. Scholars should be in a hurry. Didn't the small spoon save it? Is the inn still burning? What happened to Xin Niang?

Everything was piercing, and the spoon was in a worse mood. He raised his breath and wanted to shake it up, but he didn't move at all. He couldn't help muttering, "If I am still 700,000 years old, that would be great."

Jumping from three hundred years to seven thousand and then seven hundred thousand can not be more abuse. Spoon just begged not to come up with seven million in the future, otherwise she would have to learn Jingwei to fill the sea to block the sky hole, let you open such a large pit, pit my big peony.

After murmuring indignantly for a while, he heard the scholar's soft laughter.

The spoon paused and tempted, "Stupid student?"

A hand had been stretched behind her, and she hugged from her shoulders to her. The spoon fell back. The familiar atmosphere made her look up without any resistance. She tried to look up, saw the white face, turned and hugged him, and kissed hard, her voice shook, "Are you all right?"

The Qing emperor heard the voice of the spoon god, and felt that he was more worried. His spoon was optimistic by nature. Well, why bother him?

This kind of feeling that she can't be regarded as leaning again ate the vinegar silently. You can see that she was trembling and careful, and she knew that she was not scared. Finally smiled and said, "Should I ask you this?"

"I suddenly disappeared, are you scared? Didn't you look everywhere?"

Qingdi finally knew why she asked so, leaned over and printed her soft lips, and drunk Fangze while crossing the air. Silently thinking that this skill is really wonderful, and will not be treated as a satyr. No, the point is actually ferry.

Spoon's legs were a little soft just now, and now it's much better. When the scholars leave their lips, they also try to step on "scholars and scholars".

The Qing Emperor leaned over and hugged her, afraid that she would suddenly disappear again: "Good, go back."

"I'll go by myself, not tired."


Spoon hugs his neck around his hands, and it's no trouble. Before waiting for her to speak, Qingdi said, "The small spoon is good, and the inn's fire has gone out."

"The fire went out ... I guess it can't be restored." Spoon thought of the roof beam that had been burned at that moment, and drilled into his arms again. "But everyone is fine. The inn ... is OK reconstruction."

"Well." What the emperor is worried about now is not the problem of the inn, but what happened today is similar to most of what will happen in the future. Did the fate of the spoon change before he reversed his destiny?

In other words ... Someone helped the spoon to change his life in advance?

What he wants to change is November 1, and the son-in-law will never intervene. In addition, he never imagined that people who knew him would be powerful enough to change his life.

Just to change his mind, if the man successfully avoided a catastrophe for the spoon, he would not have to be robbed by the sky, no memory loss, and continue to be with the spoon.

"The spoon." The Qing emperor put out some more effort, "Ready to go out."

Spoon clasped her hands tightly: "Be careful." She worked hard to widen her eyes and heightened her vigilance. If there was danger, let go immediately, lest the scholar should be hindered.

One shock, two shocks.

The Qing emperor has used five points of magical power and has not seen any movement. If it is a normal thing, use up to two points of strength. After sinking again, a crack was finally seen, and the light source shone in through the gap above the head, illuminating an inch of the ground. I still want to crack the gap again, and my hand is light again. Surprised, he hurriedly stopped, this is basically the rhythm of the spoon disappearing again.

Spoon still didn't know it. Seeing him pause, he asked quickly, "Are you uncomfortable?" Then he saw that his arm around him was almost transparent, and was shocked.

Qingdi stunned her, and was about to turn into cotton! After thinking about it for a while, she hugged her even more and made it happen!

He didn't believe that his tens of millions of years of cultivation could not fill the spoon!

Sure enough, the weight of the spoon returned as soon as the qi was crossed, and it would not flutter any more. Qingdi was relieved, and his spoon squeezed his face. There was no change, and he was relieved.

The light on the ground disappeared, the Qing Emperor froze, looked up, and the gap was closed. Immediately used seven layers of strength, tearing a bigger mouth again.

"Scholar, scholar, my hands are almost clear again."

The Qing Emperor stunned, and finally saw that the aura on the spoon was scattered and drifted straight to the gap. It's just ... the monster is healing by sucking aura of spoon! He really wanted to hold up his hand: "Spoon, you are a heaven and earth spirit. Everyone wants to take a bite."

Including him.

No, the point is that the spoon is going to be eaten! Qingdi twisted her eyebrows, her eyes froze, and a hundred imaginary flying knives stabbed into the gap, and she was already covered with the spirit, and the weight of the spoon was finally saved. There seems to be something wrong ...

"What the **** is that?"

Now bending over, the Qing Emperor drew his hands to the ground and pressed the ground. The ground was very hard, and the fingers were barely moved: "Stone ..."

The flying knife has cut the gap wider, I wonder if it is impossible to remedy the aura of the spoon, and it can no longer heal. The emperor sneered, and said to the spoon again, "This stone is also born of absorbing your energy."

The spoon trembled and bitterly said, "It's no wonder Brother Cypress said that for three hundred years as a peony of heaven and earth, there should be two thousand years of spiritual power, but only seven hundred years is incredible. It turned out that I had to feed alone to cultivate Three people. "

The Qingdi sighed, "Do you know where I came from?"


"On the inn."

Spoon stunned: "Do you mean, this is an inn?"

"Here is below the inn." Qingdi looked at her, and said slowly, "under the inn."

The spoon suddenly understood: "Is this where the small spoon is confined?"

"About touch. Little spoon once said that she always wanted to go out but couldn't get out. She is like your Reiki. I'm afraid this stone monster can also **** her Reiki, so she can't come out. It's not until your Reiki surges, Your blessing is transformed. "

"What the **** is that little spoon?"

The Qing Emperor shook his head: "Not in a hurry, break the stone first and then talk."

"Can't break!"

The two of them yelled, the voice was clearly son-in-law. A woman in a white robe flashed in front of her. She looked at them and said, "This stone cannot be broken."

Qing Emperor Shen Sheng: "Why?"

Nuwa looks calm, looking at this dark place, but looking at her own child: "It is a colorful stone ... I came to the world and came to this champion town because I found the color of colorful stone, but I didn't expect it. It's right here. The colorful stone is hard to find for thousands of years. I will never allow you to damage it for half a minute. "

Qingdi thought for a moment, and said happily, "Then you take it away and take it back to the Nine Heavens, and don't get near my spoon. Make it into a real flawless multicolored stone, so you don't have to breathe the aura of the spoon and live. "

"..." Nuwa shook her lips. "Do you know how difficult it is to conquer the colorful stones? If it was easy, I wouldn't have thought so hard to make stones. I always thought that the inn had strangers and monsters got together. Now I think It's because of the colorful stones that so many monsters have formed. "

The spoon was weak and weak: "No, it **** my aura."

The son-in-law gave her a glance: "You are a peony flower, and you can purify filthy spirits since ancient times. But at the same time, if you can't purify them, they are perceived to be in danger, and by instinct, they will eat you.

Qingdi finally figured out that the strange place of this inn is here. Backyard well water is a hint. The spoon once said that the well water was better than the ordinary Lingquan. He did not expect that the problem was under the inn. And the inn has been provoking so many strange demon feats, it turned out to be because of colorful stones.

But the three still don't know what the small spoon is.

The Qing Emperor decided to be a real treasurer-shake the treasurer. Hugging the spoon happily, and smiling happily at the son-in-law, "You could conquer so many stone monsters in the past, and now this one will never bother you and leave it to you."

The son-in-law slanted him.

There was a sudden sound in the belly of the stone: "I want to subdue me and dream! How can aura and other aura be wasted for nothing! Take it all!"

The son-in-law sneered, "Little Shi Jing dare to be so bold."

The colorful stone was the most spiritual thing bred by heaven and earth. It survived here in the ancient times and immediately fought with the son-in-law. The colorfulness of the bucket is as gorgeous as fireworks, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner from the moment.

"Student, go and help your son-in-law."

The Qing Emperor whispered, "If she can't conquer even a stone, she will be regarded as the creation god." All he wants now is to protect the spoon. Although the stone essence is powerful, she can't fight the son-in-law, but it is only a matter of time.

The stone spirit was beaten one after another, and when he saw that he was going to be surrendered, he was disgusted and roared, and the heat in his body rose sharply.

The Qing Emperor and the son-in-law were nothing, the spoon was uncomfortable. The hot roasted woman was hot all over, her blood seemed to boil, and she was peeled off little by little.

The primordial spirit of the spoon is being devoured by colorful stones!

The Qing Emperor clenched his spoon, and the spirit suddenly overflowed. It was this colorful stone that took away the Spoon Primitive!

The son-in-law saw that he wanted to lift up the broken stone, and said, "If any day collapses and there is no stone to make up for, you can afford this charge? Colorful stones are hard to find, you ..."

The Qing Emperor whispered coldly: "Colorful stones can be found again. There is only one spoon."

"If you dare to break the stone, I will kill her!"

The Qing Emperor raised a hand, and opened a long ditch in the middle of the two. The knife fluttered and fluttered, and the knife was cut on the stone essence. The annoyed son-in-law flew in long sleeves and scattered thousands of pieces. The knife was tangled with satin, and the tearing sound was deafening.

Spoons have no time to pay attention to the two great fighting methods. A string struck through her heart, dragging her Yuan Shen little by little to the outside, she trembled in pain, but did not dare to call the scholar, fearing that he would be distracted and injured. She was fragile and couldn't do anything for the scholar, at least not drag him down. What kind of son-in-law is a god, it is estimated that the scholar will also be injured.


It seems that I can really hear the sound of the original god.

Spoon opened his eyes and looked at the splendid spells, his consciousness gradually became unclear.

She seemed to see her grandfather carrying a bamboo basket again. She was dug up carefully by the rain and torrents and planted in the inn. There are cypress brothers, fat gourds, Xin Niang cuckoo and climbing, as well as a sweet and sweet well. Every day, I start a day of cultivation under the well water.

In their free time, they will play cards, and when monsters come to the inn to make trouble, they will scream and frighten them with a spatula.

One day, a tiger spirit came, and several of them managed to drive it away, all of them turned into wounded, but very happy, and happy to be able to protect the inn.

"That being the case ... then, you call it a spoon."

Grandpa told her so.

"You are all part of the inn. You need to protect the inn together."

Grandpa said so every day when watering.

But now that the inn is gone, she wants to rebuild it, but she has no strength. Maybe she will disappoint the inn, and she has made so many scholars for her.

"Spoon ... spoon."

Suddenly, a fragile female voice was heard. Opening his eyes slightly, he saw a small spoon.

The small spoon smiled slightly: "Don't sleep, wake up quickly, but you are the peony flower of the most wonderful spirit by the side of Tianchi. How could it be swallowed by the small multicolored stone? Your grudges, you can live well. "

The spoon thought too, but couldn't move the fingers.

"The spoon ..." She stepped forward, but her eyes were softer than the spoon, her eyes moist, "Thank you for protecting me."

Spoon eyes widened: "Little spoon ..."

She smiled: "I was a sacred beastmaster, who would be cut off by the people in the elm wood of the self-cultivation, who would like to be cut off here. The colorful stone awakened that day and almost destroyed the inn. You want to protect me. But I was devoured by the colorful stones and lost my life. At that time, I thought that even if I want to re-rob, I will protect you once and be able to grab the emperor ... Very happy, at least after I die, someone can continue to protect you. "

Spoon stabbing God: "Are you ... are you an inn?"

Little spoon smiled: "Yes."

The spoon was shocked and delighted, and almost got up to sit up, tears of joy: "You are a small spoon, you are an inn." She stunned God, "If it is you who reverse the destiny, then you ..."

The little spoon nodded, still smiling: "So the inn is now like this, and it's me who should be robbed, and I should go back to practice. But ... I have no regrets. You save me without regrets, and I do too. Spoons Let's go with the scholar without concern. "

Tears shed tears, even though the inn and Xiao spoon were the same person, but the feeling of distress was twofold.

The face of the little spoon turned greener and paler, and the smile on the little face calmly bloomed like a flower: "I'm still in the midst of robberies, I can't transform, I can only rely on your aura to change my life. But my spiritual power is not enough, even I have forgotten it. I turned my life around, stunned, almost exhausted your aura, and almost became a murderer. Spoon, get back to work, and return to this world. "

The little person wearing pink and white clothes in front of her had slowly faded, and the spoon struggled to get up and wanted to hold her hand, leaving only a trace of coldness at the fingertips, watching the little spoon with a slight smile turned into Soot.

"Little spoon!"

Openly and secretly, no response. The spoon was full of tears, and she always thought that she was guarding the inn, but it was unexpected that it guarded herself.

The spoon trembled, and must not lose the opportunity to change her life for her! She will live well, with the expectation of a small spoon, live together!

Suddenly, a large flower branch bloomed under the foot, like a tide of flowers and flowers, and Yingliang this darkly, swallowed every inch of the dark place into the golden flower, a thousand miles away.

The Qing Emperor guarded the weak spoon, and had been seriously injured. The satin full of vigor came out again, but there was a scent of flowers. Instantly went to the murderous qi, straightened my heart to kill the suffocation, and a large sea of ​​flowers poured in, swallowing the filth in the belly of this stone.

The surprised stone monster cried and kept mourning.

The face of the son-in-law changed, and this stone monster was purified by the pure aura!

Qingdi felt that the weight of the spoon was back! The breath was almost held, and this powerful spiritual power came from the man in his arms: "Spoon ..."

Suddenly, the stone cave was suddenly bright, and the son-in-law quickly put up the satin, and the spell started again. The stone was put in the palm of her hand, and the purified stone essence of the turbid gas finally became a flawless and transparent multicolored stone, which could be used by her.

Zhuangyuan Town is still calm and calm, everyone is still, and the colorful stones are collected, and they are no longer in the cave.

The Qing Emperor held the unconscious spoon and half-knelt on the blue stone road in front of the inn. Secretly predicting his fate, the spoon hits the calamity, it has passed ...

The son-in-law got his wish and fought a fierce battle with the emperor. He didn't realize what was wrong with the emperor's protection of his loved one. But by the same token, she didn't feel that she was wrong. There are several spoons that have nothing to do with her, but the colorful stones are hard to find. Her mission is to protect the earth.

"I know you don't want to see me ..."

The son-in-law also wanted to say something sensational, and the emperor had no patience: "Go away then."

"Oh." Son-in-law squatted, but didn't leave, "Old friends don't do this."

The Qing Emperor obliquely asked her, "You haven't cultivated anything, so you have a thick face."

The son-in-law smiled abruptly, "This must be a compliment."

Where do you praise you!

The girl sighed, "Okay, I'm going to store the stones. But next time if the spoon is still preventing me from collecting the stones, I still won't miss any chance."

Qingdi silent for a moment: "I understand, but I will still stop."

Nuwa smiled. The two people valued each other differently, but they both understood that, maybe so, she could be a friend with Qingdi.

After the son-in-law left, the champion town was even quieter. Qingdi held his spoon, lowered his head slightly, and kissed his lips.

The spoon was not awakened by the scholar's breath, but was awakened by the scholar's kiss. Opening his eyes and pushing him, he tilted his head and panted, angry: "Stupid student!"

The Qing Emperor saw her look of anger, and could not help but smile: "Spoon, your calamity has passed."

Spoon looked at his happy appearance, froze, and nodded slightly: "Sorry, scholar, I have worried you for so long."

The Qing Emperor held her head and kissed him again, "then work hard to compensate."

Spoon Fang: "Huh!" She looked up at the inn that had been burned to pieces, sucked her nose, and said earnestly, "Stupid student, the little spoon is the inn. She used repair to help me reverse the change. Destiny. "

Qingdi didn't expect the truth to be so, sighed and hugged the tearing spoon: "I blame her wrongly."

The spoon wiped away the tears: "Little spoon doesn't want to see us like this."

The emperor chuckled: "Well."

Although the inn was gone, it was still in my heart.

In this way, the inn has not disappeared, it will always be there.


"I think it's fine with pine, strong enough."

"No, elm is good!"

"No, no, birch is fine."

Lin Shuixian and Daddy Lin watched as they gathered in the lobby to discuss. No, the people who were arguing with red ears and red ears whispered together:

"Is it really okay for them to discuss this with their opponents so openly?"

"Tongfu Inn has burned. Do they have money to pay for drinks?

"Jomo didn't."

"Well! Get out!"

The demon's argument was inconclusive, and Lin Shuixian couldn't bear to come over and angered: "A bunch of rookies, can't you go to the old carpenter on East Street!"

Spoon suddenly said: "Yes, we can't find a carpenter."

The neighbourhoods full of people in the house asked her, "Spoon, don't be transparent, we need money and power."

Spoon's heart warmed, and he nodded hard: "Yeah!" Seeing the inn Xiao'er give refreshments to everyone, he silently tightened his pockets. After a while I gave away roast chicken! She was almost paralyzed, and she said, "Water, Narcissus ... your roast chicken ..."

Lin Shuixian flew green silk: "No, that's a roast chicken for you."

The tears on the spoon suddenly moved to tears, and the people in Zhuangyuan Town loved the most! A moment later, Lin Narcissus said, "I made money after building the inn. Remember to pay me back for the chicken money."


Everyone laughed abruptly, and someone would ask, "Spoon, where is your treasurer?"

Xin Niang thief laughed: "Boss, I just saw Nine-tailed Fox coming to him."

The spoon's face changed greatly, and Brother Cypress agreed.

The spoon immediately asked for directions, ran to find a scholar, and was hooked away by the nine-tailed fox for a while, so he must catch him and kneel.

When the demon saw the spoon and went away, they were overjoyed, and finally deceived the spoon from the gods, and they could enjoy the food of Jinxiu Inn! Thank God, thank you scholar.

Spoon ran angrily over there, and sure enough saw the scholar squatting ... by the pool. Spoon twisting eyebrows, isn't it peeking at the nine-tailed fox washed in vain, and immediately the vinegar smelled like a throat: "The color book student!"

The Qing Emperor's face froze, and he watched the fish about to be hooked swim away. The spoon was lying on his back, hugging him and saying, "Are you peeking at the girl to take a bath again?"

The emperor laughed aloud and pulled her to the front: "No one will appear again in the future."

The spoon laughed: "Good."

The Qingdi sighed, "It's a pity that I have a horizontal male fish, but Dabu's beast."

Spoon pouted and smiled, "Don't eat the beast, okay, it's so hard to grow so big."

The Qing Emperor smiled, lost his fishing rod and hugged a spoon, but his spoon was better, the gods and beasts were all clouds.

"Spoon, when the inn is built, let's go back to heaven for a while."

Spoon laughed and asked, "Why is it so urgent?"

The emperor's eyes moved slightly, and his ears whispered, "Aura is enough, so have a little spoon early."

The spoon jumped apexily, and buried his head against his chest: "Well."


Ten thousand years later, it was spring time.

Yuan Shi Tianzun, who had been sleeping for 100,000 years, had enough food and drink in the hall, and was going to stroll around Tianchi to see the flowers and plants he raised. A hundred thousand years ago, it must have grown mighty.

On the edge of Tianchi, flowers bloom, all kinds of fragrant flowers are tangy, for Yuanshi Tianzun who just woke up, it is very pleasant.

It was fortunate that the place didn't let her son-in-law know about this place, especially the emperor who loved flowers like a flower, otherwise the garden wouldn't let him pack it away.

After a while, all kinds of flowers immortal emerged, rushing to come out "Grandpa came, Grandpa finally came again."

Yuan Shi Tianzun waved his hand all the way to say "Hello everyone, everyone is working hard." When he got under the fairy tree, he saw the deep pits there, where there were shadows of flowers.

Taking a sip of air-conditioning, Fushu was distressed, and Yangtian shouted, "Which **** stole the peony flower that I raised for seven million years !!!"


At the Guanghan Palace, the Qing emperor sighed, and couldn't help but sigh, it really was cold here. Had it not been for the spoon to watch the moon, he would not go to this cold place and eat a cold moon cake at the cold Chang'e.

Want to stop, shivered again. Sneeze, it's so cold.

Looking for a cup of tea, I went to find a spoon, and saw that the spoon jumped over holding a jade rabbit. Hey, isn't spoon really grabbing rabbits for walking?

The spoon finally grabbed the rabbit, sweating so tired that he sat beside the scholar and drank it.

"Spoon, that's my tea."

"Anyway, it's okay to kiss."

The Qing Emperor was warm all over. This Guanghan Palace is actually not cold. He reached out and touched the rabbit, squinting his eyes: "If this rabbit is stewed, it should taste good."

The rabbit shuddered and burrowed into the arms of the gentle and kind spoon.

The spoon stared at it, and slowly nodded: "It seems to be good, I haven't eaten a jade rabbit yet."


The spoon fangs smiled, and the jade rabbit was let go, and his eyes fell on the osmanthus tree, which is often open in the four seasons, overflowing with fragrance. Leaning on the scholar's shoulder, humming the small song, if you hold a pot of osmanthus wine, it is even more beautiful.

There was a faint chill, and the emperor reached out to embrace her. The spoon called him leisurely: "Stupid scholar."

The emperor chuckled, "What?"

The spoon grabbed his hand and felt the warmth: "Nothing, I just want to call you."

Qingdi smiled: "Stupid spoon."

The spoon is also smiling, looking up at him: "For the next thousand years, ten thousand years, we will come here every year." At the end, he raised his hand and touched Weilong's belly, "Bring our little spoon."

The Qing Emperor's eyes were soft and he nodded and smiled, "Okay."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree is covered with golden yarn, and the fragrance is diffused, which cools the air in the moon and warms the hearts of the two under the tree.

End of the text "Hua Yao Inn / Shaoyao Inn"

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