MTL - Flower Demon’s Inn-Chapter 62 Extra

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The sun was shining outside the house in June, and the summer was hot.

Yun Kong felt that the suffocation outside was extremely heavy, and this timeless daylight had been stained with filth and smolder. The court lady Qing Qing just rushed forward. He had put on his hoe, and went out with his stick, just hitting her head-on.

"Guo Shi, the noble man has a nightmare again, and the emperor ordered you to pass as soon as possible."

Yunkong strode towards Jinheyuan, and as soon as he stepped into the gate of Zhu Hong, he could feel the eerieness of the courtyard, but he couldn't see it. Although his mana is high, he does not have the same mastery as Master. But it ’s enough. Drink lightly, lift the stick into the ground, close your palms together, and read the obscure words “Nan Wuyin, Na Ye Ye, Nan Nie Ye Ye”, again and again. I understand, but I feel that the irritability in my heart is getting rid of it, and the peace is like a pool.

The shouts of the people in the room were suddenly violent. A shocked man screamed, "Who is making trouble, the guard?" The guard looked at each other outside, and I wondered if he would drive away the teacher. There was a loud scream from inside, and the guard was sweaty, so he had to pull out his knife and "request the teacher to leave."

Qing Qing stopped in front and said, "Every time the evildoers make troubles, the state teacher's approach is the same. How can you still be disrespectful?"

Difficulties of the guards: "Just holy ..."

"Imam Buddha Shari ..."

The thin lips were slightly opened and closed, and here the sound of a spring sounded like a tinkling sound, and there was a fire in the back room. The emperor finally got out of the house and ran to the sky in shock: "Monster, monster!"

The guard was busy guarding him, and a gust of wind blew, and everyone trembling trembled. Only Yun Kong was like a cypress tree, not moving.

It slammed throughout the palace, and the cloud sang softly, and the Buddhist curse stopped suddenly. If it was covered by a golden bell, the sound was incorporated into the golden aperture, shrinking and shrinking until it was retracted into the hand, and no more weird sound was heard. .

The emperor had already left under the **** of the guard. Yun Kong took the light ball into his sleeve, raised a zen stick, turned around and saw that there was another girl in Tsing Yi, and nodded: "Why don't you leave, aren't you afraid of monsters?"

Qing Qing laughed: "Qing Qing is waiting for adults. If there are monsters running, it is incompetent."

Yun Kong glanced at her. A pretty girl, like a white lotus in the mud, was not stained, and was a rare seedling.

Back in the room, bathing and washing the body, it seems to wash away the dust. After each demon, he always washed like this, so that he felt clean inside and out.

By the time he bathed out, the palace people outside were already standing on the corridor, holding all kinds of valuables, and all owed to the "National Master". The **** said, "Master, these are all rewards from the Holy Spirit.

Yun Kong didn't go to see, Qing Qing had stepped forward and led the palace people to put things in. He said, "Deguis are invaded by demons and need to take good care of their bodies. They cannot see animals or even birds. Please pay attention to them."

The **** laughed and said, "You don't have to do what the National Normal University said."

Yun Kong paused: "Why?"

The **** replied, "The Holy Lord has made a decree that will give virtue and death to the dead."

Yun Kong's inexplicable face was finally surprised: "Why is this?"

"De Gui's heart is unclean, and he is contaminated with monsters, which is considered as ominous. After death, he must burn his body and sprinkle his ashes into the river outside. At that time, he must also bother the master to do a ritual."

Yun Kong lingered for a moment: "But this has nothing to do with the noble man, that monster will stare at anyone. Now that the monster has been removed, why add this crime to her head, isn't this Hulai?"

The **** hurriedly signaled him softly, "This is a bad thing. Actually, even if she isn't given death, if this happens, she can still be loved by the Holy Spirit. Of course it is impossible. Without the love of the Holy Spirit, It's not a dead end, it's better to die earlier and be safe. "

Yun Kong Weiqi said, "How can things be concluded in a hurry?"

The **** did not dare to argue with him, and he was too lazy to say that when he led the palace man, his belly was slandered, and this character did not last long in the palace.

Qing Qing saw the cloud and the complexion, never seeing him like this, and served the tea ceremony: "What is the anger of the adult? The **** said, don't take it to heart."

Yun Kong shook his head and looked at her and asked, "Isn't that noble man ... not the emperor's favorite concubine? Why kill when you say kill?"

Qing Qing smiled bitterly: "In this palace, where is the real pet. I have been in the palace for seven years and I have seen no less than ten concubines. Most of them have been in pain for some time, so I abandoned them. No more, there are other young and beautiful women like water tenderness. Why should the Holy Spirit take the risk to touch the dear people again, so kill it early and be at ease. "

After Yun Kong heard it, his palms were folded together, his face was painful, and he trembled and said, "I Buddha is compassionate", only to feel confused. The lives of others can be so easily wiped out. The killer was selfish, but he could continue to take away life forever.

Qingqing took the fan and fanned him for the heat, but he couldn't fan his heart anxiety.

Bai Ku had a gap, and half a year later.

Yun Kong is still praying for the exorcism of the royal family, and will protect the royal family that controls this country, and the world will be more peaceful. It's just that it's getting dirty here, as Qing Qing expected. A few months ago, there was another noble man, and there was another chant, and that noble man had long forgotten where he had been forgotten.

After noon that day, there was no stove in the room. He was not an ascetic monk and practiced in the temple built by the royal family since he was a child. No worries about eating and drinking. When he was young, the abbot personally passed on to the palace and became a master at an early age. In summer, there are fans, and the breeze sleeps slowly. In the winter, a stove is as warm as the early spring. But today he didn't see the stove. He got cold early.

When I saw the fire on the ground, there was only ashes. I added it last night and did not continue it today. What about the youth who gave him charcoal?

He covered himself outside and it snowed.

Looking at the silver and white sky, there was no turbidity in the world, but he lied to himself. His heart was full of bitterness. When he saw a face-to-face maid, Duan Shui came over and asked, "Where is Qing Qing?"

The palace lady paused, and her head answered, "She's not feeling well. She's gone."

Yun Kong heard the vibrato in his words, and asked again, "What about Qingqing?"

The legs of the maid were weak, and the basin was light when it fell to the ground, kneeling and said, "Qing Qing is still in the maid's room, but ... adults, save her!"

Yun Kong didn't ask much and ran to the palace room.

The guard saw him and thought that there was any evil here, so he didn't stop him, but he didn't dare to follow in.

Yun Kong rushed in, and the other maids were still on duty, not in the house. He looked around the house, but didn't see anyone. After looking for a while, he saw a quilt arching, and he stepped forward: "Green."

She wanted to lift the quilt, but she was clutching it, her voice was very deep: "Go back, adults, Qingqing can't wait for adults."


There were crying sounds in the quilt, and Yun Kong ripped open the quilt and couldn't help but stun it.

Qing Qing was still wearing a pink palace dress, but it was like a ragged suit, all the blood stains were seen, bruises on the cheeks and neck, he raised his hand to touch, but she avoided it, and trembled, "Master ... go back . "

Yun Kong stood for a while, and the palace lady just came in, pulled him out, and closed the door well. Yun Kong asked, "What's going on?"

The palace lady was silent for a moment, and her voice was almost inaudible: "I ran into the prince last night and was dragged into the room ... robbed ... innocent."

Yun Kong's mouth was dull, and the palace girl raised her hand to wipe her tears: "The prince has a bad temper, and there are many people in the palace who were beaten by the staff. Three years ago, a palace man resisted and scratched his face. As a result, there were 37 people in the family. ... was killed overnight. "

Yun Kong slayed God: "So many people have been killed, but have been so far away?"

She smiled bitterly: "Prince ... he is a prince, and even the emperor cannot handle him at will."

"What about the law?"

"Fa is set by heaven, who dares to control it?"

Yun Kong froze for a long time, and the palace sighed, pushed the door into it, and just stepped in, screaming. He went in immediately, but saw that the navy blue bedding was all blood and red dazzling. He stepped forward, and for the first time found himself shaking.

He reached out and held Qing Qing's bleeding wrist, screaming, "Go and see the doctor!"

The palace girl almost cried out, "The doctor will not come, and the doctor is not allowed to come in. Without a waistband, he cannot go out of the palace."

My chest was full of pain, Yun Kong picked up Qingqing and ran out, and went directly to the Taiji Hospital!

Qing Qingyu was in his arms, his mind was unclear: "Master ..."

"Well, I'm here, I'm here."

"Sir ..." Qing Qing said in a low voice, as if she said, she can feel at ease, and whispered, over and over again.

The voice gradually became inaudible until it was completely ... inaudible.

The person in his arms was very cold, Yun Kong was nourished and accustomed to running so long, holding a person so long, exhausted, slipping on the snow, almost falling her.

"Qing Qing ..." Yun Kong looked at her with no blood, and called again, but she would never speak again.

Snow was falling all over the sky, and the coldness of winter pierced into the bone marrow. He was cold and unconscious, his brain was blank like snow, and he couldn't call any more.

"Sir, the camellia blooms in the courtyard."

"Sir, it can be cold at night. How about adding another stove?"

"Master ... Master ..."

The heart stabbed like a sharp sword, spit out blood, and the sky was dark.


I don't know how many nightmares I had, Yun Kong woke up, dry mouth. The maid came in and poured tea. He took a sip and asked with a dumb throat, "Is there news?"



The maid whispered, "Innocent."

The tea cup in his hand was smashed to the ground, and Yun Kong looked at her in horror. These days, the prince's evidence he had collected was enough to let him die a hundred times, and his life was so innocent? For a moment, the voice was more dumb: "Not over there?"

"Yes, the Holy Lord made them withdraw."

Yun Kong froze for a long time, then suddenly smiled, laughing out loud. The maiden looked at him. This was the first time she saw him smiling, but she smiled ... so sternly, so desperate.

"Okay, innocence ... it would be innocent. Thirty-seven lives a night can also be considered innocent. Where is this king of the kingdom of sound?"

The maiden listened to the laughter, and her heart was desolate: "Master ..."

This adult called, Yun Kong thought of Qingqing again, raised his hand and trembled, "Light the stove, cold."

The winter of that day has been cold to this day. Every time I get cold, I think of Qing Qing.

He went to the court several times, searched the Ministry of Penalties several times, and visited the holy place several times. Each time he was rejected, rejected ... The Prince was still at large.

On this day, the emperor was playing with the minister in the garden, and he was listening to the guard to report the master to the outside, and he almost wanted to get him back. It's just that this teacher's magic power is high, and it's not good to offend. Immediately asked him to come over and sank his face: "What are you doing here again?"

Yun Kong and his two palms clasped together: "The courtier resigned and resigned as the teacher."

The crowd was stunned, Yunkong had taken off, and the stick was placed on the ground. The emperor said, "I've treated you kindly? You can fill your whole house with gold and silver treasures. What's not satisfied?"

Yun Kong sighed, but did not answer.

The way is different ... not the same, but playing the piano against the cow.

Coming out of the palace, snow is still falling. He walked on the snow, without the golden hoe, but as if unloaded. He prayed for the Buddha and his heart, and he continued to hone. He only sighed that the human heart intended evil, and what the law was for, but he did not know if he could find the true meaning.

The snow was blowing, and he looked up, the road ... still far away.

Read The Duke's Passion