MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 1 If you don't attack, you will die

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When Yun Ranran returned to the sect, everyone was celebrating Luo Yu's birthday, and no one noticed her existence.

She didn't know about it at all, no one informed her.

The moment she appeared, everyone's expressions changed, and Luo Yu was even more frightened and leaned on Qingyun Immortal.

Eldest brother Gu Yiting hurried over, grabbed her arm and pulled her aside: "Ah Yun, today is Yu'er's birthday, so please stop making trouble."

She frowned, she really didn't understand when exactly she had trouble.

Gu Yiting said again: "I know that everyone is taking care of Yu'er and neglecting you, but it's not Yu'er's fault, she just joined the school, we should care more, don't be jealous of her."

Yun Ranran raised her foot to go in, but Gu Yiting grabbed her and said awkwardly: "Ayun, don't go in, I don't want Yu'er to be unhappy today."

Yun Ranran glared at him.

Gu Yiting is the man she has been looking for for five years. Her sword and ribs were broken countless times before she finally broke through the siege of the demon cultivator and found him who was imprisoned. But when she arrived, she found that he was pinching Luo Yu's waist and holding her against the wall. On the road, with red eyes, he said that he would give her life.

She covered his ribs dripping with blood and asked him what was the matter. He said that the girl passed by occasionally, bandaged him and fed him, and she was his savior.

She was really confused, Gu Yiting looked at her miserable appearance and asked, can you still fight? You open the way, she sprained her ankle, I have to carry her.

She really escorted these two people back to the sect, and then retreated for a whole month.

She stared at him fixedly, Gu Yiting dodged and just sighed.

The elder brother treated her very well in the past, and she never wanted him to be difficult, she lowered her eyes, took out the soft armor made of ice spider silk from her bosom, and whispered: "I won't go in, I just want to give this to you and the teacher." Lord, I bring you gifts every time I come back from training, this is the best thing I got this time."

Gu Yiting looked at the soft armor on the thin white palm, was slightly startled, and said after a long silence: "Ayun, Yu'er is going to pass the sect trial in a few days, I'm worried that she has something to do, can I give this to..."

Yun Ranran suddenly raised her eyes and glared at him angrily.

Gu Yiting scratched his hair and knew that he was going too far, so he said, "Then how about I buy it?"

Yun Ranran's heart was blocked, she was really depressed, she punched Gu Yihe in the chest, but Gu Yihe didn't hide.

The surroundings were suddenly covered by shadows, and a cold voice sounded: "I'm back."

Yun Ranran looked up and saw that it was Qingyun Immortal, so he lowered his head and called "Master".

Qingyun said: "You have practiced hard, go back and rest first."

This is also not allowed to enter...

She raised her eyes to look into the courtyard, and saw Luo Yu was surrounded by a group of seniors, smiling very sweetly, and a jade hairpin in her hair was so translucent and moist, it was not ordinary at first sight.

Qingyun followed her line of sight and looked over, his expression darkened: "I know you have spent a lot of effort to find this for me. What Yu'er doesn't want is what I forced."

"If you are unhappy, I will compensate you. Don't make things difficult for Yu'er."

Yun Ranran was very sad, it was obviously not the case, she was the one who was wronged, why did they say it was all her fault?

She really didn't understand what was wrong, and the circles of her eyes were a little red.

Luo Yu noticed the movement here, and looked up.

Gu Yiting grabbed Yun Ranran's arm and pulled her into the shadows, and said fearfully: "Ah Yun, don't be like this, you also know that Yu'er is soft-hearted, seeing you cry is uncomfortable, today is her birthday, you let her go Bar."

Luo Yu called Senior Brother Yiting from a distance, and Gu Yihe urged: "Ayun, you... go back." After speaking, he couldn't wait to return to the brightly lit courtyard.

Among the senior brothers in the courtyard, there are those who have been experienced by her, those who have broken through with her, and those who have come to her for relief when they encounter depression. They used to call her senior sister with a smile, but for some reason, they all stood beside Luo Yu at this moment .

Even Gu Yiting and Shizun are...

At this moment, Luo Yu looked over provocatively from a distance, and she stretched out her hand, intentionally smashing the jade hairpin in her hair to the ground.

Anger welled up in her heart in an instant, she clenched her sword tightly, and when she raised her foot to rush in, the jade pendant that she had worn with her for more than ten years suddenly became slightly warm, preventing her from impulsiveness.

She stopped and took out the jade pendant, only to find a line of writing appeared on it.

【Have you remembered yet? 】

Just when she saw these few lines of words, she felt a pain in her head, and something crazy rushed into her mind.

She really remembered it, and it was ridiculous.

It turned out that she had long been transmigrated into a book of comprehension and coolness, and worked hard for decades, and finally it was time to play a role. Unfortunately, she did not become the heroine of the world, but became the face of the heroine of the coolness, A tool man cannon fodder female supporting role.

The heroine is exactly the Luo Yu who puzzled her a lot.

The original plot tells the story of the heroine Luo Yu who was born in troubled times, and occasionally got a strategy system, followed the tasks issued by the system to conquer the male protagonists one by one, and finally reached the pinnacle of life.

She always appears when every hero needs her the most, comforting their hearts, and getting the greatest return at the least cost.

In the original plot, Gu Yiting was unconscious in the valley, so she used the teleportation array in the system to reach him directly, bandaged the wound, fed water and applied medicine, and gained his favor.

The same is true for Qing Yun Xianzun, who first lured him into a madness, and then teleported to him after he became a madman, seduced him to be close to his own skin, made him feel guilty and turbulent, and finally became her loyal licking dog.

How cool it is in the original text, logic and IQ are not considered at all, and her existence is to make Luo Yu feel better.

For example, she and Luo Yu asked Gu Yiting at the same time, Gu Yiting chose Luo Yu, Luo Yu coyly said that this is not good, you should stay with Senior Sister Yun, I am fine, Gu Yiting said but I just want to be with you.

For example, she hurried to find the master, saying something was wrong, Moxiu came to the door, the master scolded her severely, who allowed you to be so loud, Yu'er was resting in the bedroom, you disturbed her.

She must be riddled with wounds and bruises all over her body, and let the senior brothers and masters step on her true feelings and dignity, so as to bring out their preference for Luo Yu.

She must use her more than ten years of companionship, even if she can't match Luo Yu's coquettishness, to bring out Luo Yu's specialness.

Her life is for Luo Yu, and she has lived to let her slap her hard in the face at this very moment.

It's disgusting.

And the current birthday celebration scene is a turning point in her life. Luo Yu deliberately provoked her to go crazy with anger, ruined her birthday party hysterically, and confirmed the rumors that he bullied her. No one present spoke for her. They all pointed at her.

After that, she really started to break down, distorted and irritable, and against Luo Yu everywhere, after several times, she annoyed her senior brother and master, and locked her in the back mountain to think about her mistakes, but she still couldn't let go of those resentments and unwillingness, and it got worse after she came out , was finally stabbed in the chest by Luo Yu's sword, ending the insignificant life of the tool man.

Oh, that's great.

The jade pendant became slightly hot, and the previous words faded away, and soon a new line of words appeared.

[Your fate is to be slapped in the face by Luo Yu, no matter where you go, Luo Yu will eventually find you. 】

【The more people she raids, the smaller your living space will be. 】

What's the matter with this jade pendant? This thing has been worn around her neck for as long as she can remember, and she has never had such a reaction today. Could it be that the thought of wearing a book activated it?

The jade pendant is still continuously showing new words.

[Now Qingyun has all been successfully captured by her, and no one cares about you. 】

No wonder no matter what she did was wrong, Yun Ranran was so angry that she had nothing to say.

【Everything Luo Yu does is to pave the way for the ultimate goal of the attack. 】

【Her ultimate goals are three. 】

[Ruthless Sword Immortal, Widowed Buddha Son, Sick Demon Lord]

Yun Ranran had really heard about these three people in the legend, the original plot description was very little, but it did not weaken their strength at all. To her, these three people were like in the clouds.

【If you can successfully conquer the three of them before Luo Yu, even if Luo Yu conquers the entire cultivation world, you won't be able to touch you at all. 】

So awesome?

But she suddenly remembered something important. If she remembers correctly, these three were all blackened in the end and became the big villains who would destroy the world.

[It is currently in the early stage of blackening, and it is in an approachable state, so you need to hurry up. 】

Yun Ranran said that she understood, but she suddenly thought, Luo Yu has the halo of subduing wisdom, has the system to assist, and can predict their most vulnerable and helpless moments in advance, so what wins?

[These three people are different, they are all sick, one is crazy and the other is crazy, the halo of reducing wisdom must first be wise, you understand? 】

Yun Ranran: ...

The jade pendant flickered again, and then a few rows of characters appeared.

【Get Heartless Sword Fairy's Heart】

【Let the widowed Buddha fall into the world of mortals】

【Healing the Extinct Sick Demon Lord】

[Have you thought about it? 】

Among the three missions, the one closest to her is the Ruthless Sword Immortal, named Tian Yan, who is in their Tai Hua Sect, and in charge of the last peak, Banyuan Peak. Because of his cruelty and indifference, it is a taboo in the entire Tai Hua Sect.

Coincidentally, he was the former enemy of the Qingyun Immortal, and the pain that caused the root of the disease was thanks to him.

Light-white fingers pointed at the Ruthless Sword Immortal.

"It's decided, let's start with him."