MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 101 bullying sister

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The boy looked over with a smile, with a bit of deliberation.

"Tell me, why do you look like this?"

Unexpectedly, Yun Ranran could still be deceived by this little liar, and she was very depressed.

Xiao Qi didn't rush, and waited slowly, her gaze was frank and bold.

Yun Ranran suppressed the anger in her heart and waited until her emotions were stable before saying, "That's right, it's because of you, so what?"

"You are so young and good-looking, and you are in good health. Isn't it normal for you to blush and have a heartbeat when you kiss me?"

"What else can it represent?"

Xiao Qi: "At least it means you have feelings for me."

Yun Ranran pointed at those boys just now, and said mercilessly, "Those boys gave me the same reaction when they kissed me."

Xiao Qi froze, her eyes suddenly sank.

Yun Ranran finally regained some momentum, she reached out and grabbed the boy by the collar, dragged him to the front, and said word by word: "You are no different."

The boy didn't speak, his eyes were deep.

Yun Ranran patted his little face and smiled: "Do you understand?"

The boy was silent for a long time, and finally broke out a few words: "I'm angry."

Yun Ranran said disdainfully: "So what if you are angry? What can you do to me if you are angry?"

Xiao Qi took a deep look at her, then turned and left.

Yun Ranran was taken aback, reached out to grab him, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Xiao Qi turned her head, her gaze serious: "I'm going to tell Qing He."

Yun Ranran: ...

Xiao Qi: "I want to tell Qinghe that you kissed me here, and if you are not satisfied, you want to kiss another boy."

Yun Ranran: ...

Xiao Qi: "You also said that you would blush and heartbeat if you kiss anyone."

Yun Ranran stiffened her neck: "Do you think I will be afraid?"

Xiao Qi raised her eyebrows: "Aren't you afraid?"

Yun Ranran refused to admit defeat: "What are you afraid of? Why should he control me? I can do whatever I like."

Xiao Qi pulled her arm: "Then let go of me, what are you doing pulling me so tight?"

Yun Ranran: ...

She cleared her throat: "It's not necessary to tell Qinghe what to do about this kind of thing."

Xiao Qi: "Oh."

Yun Ranran became angry: "You are only good at this, if I don't agree to you, you will use this dirty trick."

Xiao Qi said: "After all, I am not as ruthless as he is, I can't use his methods."

"I will only love you, but you are angry with me, and the account must be settled."

Yun Ranran: "Why am I mad at you?"

Xiao Qi: "Do you dare to bring Qinghe and Wuxuan here and ask those boys to sit around you?"

"Do you dare to ask Qinghe and Wuxuan to move over?"

"Do you dare to say that it's the same in front of the two of them?"

Xiao Qi approached her and whispered, "Are you just bullying me? Huh?"

Yun Ranran thought about it for a while, then shivered... That is really not daring...

Xiao Qi tugged at her sleeves: "Release."

Yun Ranran: "I don't..."

Xiao Qi: "Then let me ask you again, is there any difference between me and those boys?"

Yun Ranran stared at Xiao Qi's pretty face, speechless.

There is a difference, of course there is a difference, this is her little Qi.

It's just that she couldn't give him what he wanted, and she might die in a few days, so she didn't want to delay the child.

Yun Ranran dragged him to sit down, and licked his head on his shoulder: "There is a difference."

She originally thought that Xiao Qi would follow up and ask what the difference was, she was still thinking about how to make it up, but Xiao Qi just glanced at her and said, "Okay, let you go first."

Regardless, a sigh of relief.

She was still tightly clutching Xiao Qi's sleeve, and after much deliberation she asked, "You won't tell Qinghe about today's matter, will you?"

Xiao Qi squinted at her: "Aren't you afraid?"

Yun Ranran smiled awkwardly: "I'm not afraid, but one more thing is worse than one less thing."

Xiao Qi looked at her amusedly, but didn't reveal it, just said: "It's too noisy inside, let's go out for a stroll."

The two got up and left. At this moment, there was a loud noise inside, followed by the sound of the wine jar smashing on the ground.

Immediately after, a skinny girl rolled in front of Yun Ranran, lying on the ground coughing in embarrassment.

Before Yun Ranran could respond, he heard a man sneer: "I'll see who can help you."

Yun Ranran looked up, and saw a man dressed in Penglai Island uniform standing not far away with a hostile face, with fragments of wine jars spread at his feet.

People around watched quietly, not daring to go forward, this person is Penglai Island's junior brother Pei Lang, he has a high level of cultivation, usually reserved and arrogant, rarely entangles with others, I don't know how this girl made him look like this today appearance.

The girl finally recovered from coughing for a long time, she got up, she was a rare beauty.

She glanced at Yun Ranran, then hid behind her, and said in a low voice, "Sister, it's urgent, take me away."

Yun Ranran: ...

Pei Lang's murderous gaze has already looked over from a distance.

Yun Ranran said to the girl, "Tell me what's going on."

The girl hid behind her and said softly: "Hey, he just cheated his feelings, stole some of his spirit stones, chased after him, and even raped me."

Yun Ranran froze, and silently moved away: "Girl, you should face it by yourself."

The girl sighed: "Pei Lang is famous for being an iceberg, who knew that I would be hooked as soon as I teased him, it's because I'm too capable."

Yun Ranran silently stood back in front of her, and asked in a low voice, "How capable are you?"

Seeing something interesting, the girl breathed lightly in her ear, and said softly, "My name is Ning Kui, Senior Sister of Hehuan Sect."

Elder Sister of Hehuanzong? Yun Ranran was taken aback for a moment, she had heard this name from Hongling when she was in Xiaoyaotian, Hongling was a disciple of Hehuan Sect, and she was full of praise when talking about this elder sister, she is indeed very capable...

Yun Ranran had evil thoughts.

Ning Kui breathed like blue behind her, and the devil whispered: "With me here, sisters can have any man they want."

Oops, it's a heart-wrenching feeling.

Ning Kui said: "Don't worry, it really won't work. I still have my own recipes of Zhongqing San and Hehuan San. I also taught myself the Must You Gu."

So many talents? It would be a pity not to stay...

Yun Ranran coughed lightly, stepped forward, and said to Pei Lang: "How many spirit stones does she owe you, can I pay for her?"

Pei Lang has an outstanding temperament, he was born in a jade tree facing the wind, he has never been entangled with girls, and he is not so bewitched by a witch, he has lost his usual self-control.

He looked at Ning Kui who was behind Yun Ranran. The woman was hiding behind and licked her red lips at him.

His heart and lungs exploded in an instant, and his eyes suddenly fell on the young man beside the woman.

This young man was tall and handsome. Could this woman have set her mind on this man again? With her temper, it's not impossible!

He is still here! In front of him...

With his eyes pressed down, he looked at the little girl in front of him who said he wanted to return the spirit stone, and said sharply: "You don't need to pay back the money, let your companion compete with me, and if she wins, I will let her go."

Yun Ranran was taken aback, why did this person inexplicably want to compete with Xiao Qi? She said: "Give me back the spirit stone, can't I compare with you?"

Pei Lang said: "No."

"If you don't dare, you don't dare, just say it."

Pei Lang sneered, let's see, what's the use of being good, he's not just a wimp!

Yun Ranran didn't want Xiao Qi to compete with some inexplicable person. Although she coveted Ning Kui's ability, she could only do nothing to help her...

Just as she was about to take Xiao Qi away, Xiao Qi raised her foot and walked forward.

Yun Ranran was stunned for a moment, and stretched out her hand to stop her, but Xiao Qi avoided it lightly and walked in front of Pei Lang.

The young man stood idly, smiling briskly: "Look hard, study hard, you only have one chance."

Pei Lang said coldly: "The tone is not small."

Xiao Qi clasped his hands behind his back, straightened his hands forward, stretched his muscles a little, turned his head, and said to the crowd: "Stay away, it won't be good if I hit you."

Pei Lang sneered and said, "The universe inside the Fuyun Restaurant has dozens of layers of barrier protection, no amount of sword energy can break through it."

The people around also roared with laughter, this young man has never seen the world, not to mention the Floating Cloud Restaurant, even the entire floating island group is blessed by protective barriers, otherwise, if a battle breaks the island, how can everyone live.

Xiao Qi said "Oh", and said with a smile, "Then I don't need to pay for the damage?"

Pei Lang couldn't hold back anymore, he gritted his teeth and said, "No need."

After Pei Lang finished speaking, he drew out his spirit sword and attacked Xiao Qi first.

Xiao Qi lazily stood on the spot, grasping the palm of his hand, the spirit sword formed out of thin air, and with a horizontal movement in front of him, he easily blocked Pei Lang's attack, then he looked at Pei Lang who was close at hand, and grinned.

The violent spiritual pressure suddenly rose and poured violently into the spirit sword.

Pei Lang was quickly pushed away by this force, and just as he was about to step forward, a sword slashed past his ear and flew close to his scalp.

His pupils shrank, and a few strands of black hair fell leisurely.

Then he heard a devastating sound coming from behind him, the sound of "click" and "click" was endless.

This is the sound of the barrier breaking.

The sword cut just now shattered the barrier! More than one floor!

He looked at the boy with trembling eyes, he was standing relaxed, with an indifferent look on his face.

The air flow reversed, making the boy's clothes rattle.

The sword slashed against his ear, and the boy deliberately turned his direction, otherwise he would have died just now.

He found out about it belatedly, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back.

In the wine shop, there was silence except for the crackling sound of "click" and "click", and even the sound of breathing disappeared.

Xiao Qi walked back with a smile, held Yun Ranran's hand, and said, "Let's go."

Yun Ranran was led out of the restaurant by him, and Ning Kui glanced at Pei Lang, then ran out briskly.

As soon as the three of them left the restaurant, they heard a "click" and turned their heads to see that the door was cracked...

Xiao Qi's face darkened: "Let's go."

The three left quickly, away from places where they might need to lose money.

After walking far away, Yun Ranran pulled Xiao Qi aside, and said softly: "Next time, don't be so impulsive, at least discuss it with me, what should I do if I get hurt?"

Xiao Qi looked at her silently, her heart softened.

When she trusted Qinghe in the past, he always lost his temper with her. She was not angry, but coaxed him. He always felt guilty. If it weren't for her unconditional trust, no matter whether it was him, Qinghe or Wuxuan, they would not be the same. This is what it looks like now.

He said obediently: "You always have your reasons for saving people. From now on, I will never question you, and I will trust you."

Yun Ranran was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Xiao Qi to say such a thing, and she had mixed feelings for a while.

The child has grown up, which is so touching.

At this time Ning Kui came over and said with a smile, "Thank you."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Yun Ranran, and her red lips curled up: "If the girl is useful to my place, I will not hesitate."

Yun Ranran glanced at Xiao Qi, and said vaguely, "Yes, I see."

Ning Kui originally wanted to say goodbye and leave, but unexpectedly found out that she and Yun Ranran lived in the same inn, so they went together.

When entering the inn, Ning Kui froze suddenly, and then hid behind Yun Ranran, Yun Ranran asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Ning Kui didn't speak, until the handsome male cultivator in front of her left, she stood up and said nonchalantly, "It's very annoying to pester me every day."

Xiao Qi was thoughtful, and suddenly asked: "Which sect is the girl?"

Ning Kui knew everything and said, "Acacia Sect."

Xiao Qi suddenly looked at Yun Ranran.

Yun Ranran wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said guiltily, "I just found out, too, just now."

The three entered the inn, Ning Kui returned to her room, and Yun Ranran and Xiao Qi went to another courtyard.

Xiao Qi looked at her coldly.

Yun Ranran walked forward with her head down, not daring to look up at him, she was walking very fast, she was about to rush into the yard, Xiao Qi grabbed her collar from behind, pulled her back, and pulled her into her arms.

He lowered his eyes and asked, "Why did you save her?"

Yun Ranran insisted: "Of course it's because saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

Xiao Qi gritted her teeth: "You didn't plan on her skills?"

Yun Ranran immediately shook her head: "No, I didn't even know she was from the Hehuan Sect."

Xiao Qi's black eyes were deep: "Do you think I believe it?"

Yun Ranran: "Just now you said you believed me."

Xiaoqi: ...

He was furious: "You only bully me, don't you?"

Yun Ranran refused to admit it: "Xiao Qi, look at you, why are you talking nonsense every day. Stop making trouble, and go back quickly."

After she finished speaking, she went into the yard. Although Xiao Qi was angry, she followed her in.

The children all ran out to play, Qing and Wuxuan were playing chess in the yard, they played casually, when they saw them coming back, they raised their heads to say hello.

Yun Ranran didn't want to talk too much with Xiao Qi, so she just moved a small bench and sat next to the two of them to watch a game of chess.

Xiao Qi took out a fruit from the bamboo basket on the table, and the juice splashed from the bite.

Qinghe's level is poor, Wuxuan is more than capable, Wuxuan dropped a word, and went to touch the teapot next to him, only to find that the teapot was empty, and when he was about to get up and go, the little girl stood up.

"I go."

Yun Ranran smiled at Wuxuan, thinking what to do, be careful.

Wuxuan rubbed her hair and said warmly: "The tea leaves are on the bookshelf in my room."

Yun Ranran turned her head and saw that Wuxuan's room was not far away, she said "OK" and got up to go there.

After a few steps, she pushed open the door and saw the bookshelf in front of her at a glance. After a little searching, she found the tea in a jade box, took a box in her hand, and took away the kettle and teapot There is also a pot full of cold tea in it, which is quite heavy.

She took her things and was ready to go out.

When she came in, the door was half-opened, half-closed and half-opened, light came in through the open half, and Qinghe and Wuxuan's white clothes could be vaguely seen.

Just when she was about to leave, her shoulders were suddenly heavy, and the person who followed her was pressed against the thin half of the closed door. When the person approached the door, she suddenly withdrew her strength, and her back was very close to the door. There was a slight "creak" sound when they touched each other lightly.

Yun Ranran was taken aback, and when she recovered, she realized it was Xiao Qi.

It was this guy who pressed her against the door just now, and now he is standing in front of her, looking at her with a smile on his lips.

She was holding a kettle full of water in her left hand and tea leaves in a jade box in her right hand. It was difficult for him to push her away when he blocked her here. She didn't want Wuxuan to see her, so she lowered her voice and said, "Xiao Qi, what are you doing?" ?”

Xiao Qi approached her, reached out to wipe her red lips, and smiled lightly.

"My sister can't just bully me, and occasionally bully others."

Yun Ranran didn't know what this guy was doing again, so he just said: "Stop making trouble, let me go."

Xiao Qi said slowly, "This is Wuxuan's room, and it's full of his sandalwood fragrance."

"Now Wuxuan and Qinghe are playing chess outside the door, and they can hear even the slightest movement from your place."

Yun Ranran didn't understand what he was going to do, and when he was confused, he leaned over and kissed her.

Yun Ranran's pupils shrank, and his fingers clenched tightly.

Both the kettle and the jade box made a slight sound in an instant.

The back touched the door panel, and the creaking sound was frightening.

Yun Ranran's face turned pale, and she even forgot her heartbeat.

Qinghe and Wuxuan are just outside, separated by a door, but she is here with Xiao Qi...

Xiao Qi raised her head slightly, leaned close to her ear, and said in a low voice: "If you are not afraid of being discovered, you can speak louder."

Yun Ranran was startled.

Xiao Qi Wu kissed again.

She was carrying heavy and fragile objects in her hands, unable to push him away, and didn't dare to make any movement, so she had to try her best to keep still.

The thin door panel behind it is terribly strong, it is a terrifying thing that can make a sound as long as it is lightly touched.

She could only stiffen her back, not daring to move backwards.

But Xiao Qi didn't care, usually he would hold her waist to stabilize her figure, but today he didn't touch her.

He even exerted some wicked force.

She had no choice but to move forward slightly, as if throwing herself into a hug.

When she was nervous and collapsed, she heard Xiao Qi's voice laughing.

"The corners of her eyes are red, my sister is so cute."

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