MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 112 fishing for the wildest men

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When the Exiled City hit Penglai Island, there was a loud "bang".

The teenage Xiao Wuxuan looked at Tian Yan with a steady tone: "What are you going to do?"

Tian Yan replied: "Originally, I planned to find a solution by myself, but since you are not dead, I will return it to you again. Broken Sword listens to me, and it is also convenient for you to act. As for the Nether Flower, I have nothing to do."

"Hurry up, I'll delay going back to Taihuazong, and I'll send these scrap iron back after you separate the trapped soul."

Wuxuan nodded in agreement.

Yun Ranran looked at Qinghe who had nothing to do with him, and suddenly remembered something important, and asked, "Senior brother, where are Xiaoqi and Chengyin?"

Qing He glanced at Tian Yan, and smiled maliciously: "I handed Xiao Qi to Cheng Yin, it should be fine."

How did Yun Ranran know that Yun Jian returned to her body, Xiao Qi is a fool now, she still wants to use Xiao Qi's cultivation, it's not a big problem.

But Tian Yan's face changed, this Gou Qinghe actually handed over his unconscious part and body to the weak little girl.

Yun Ranran said: "Let's go quickly to join Xiao Qi and Cheng Yin, Chang Sheng and the others have to bring them back, we can't let them be taken away by the Twelve Sects."

Thinking of Cang Jue's fate back then, she felt more and more that it would be no good to fall into the hands of Twelve Zong. She immediately ran to Twelve Zong, paused, and suddenly looked back, seeing three men standing behind her. She gritted her teeth and thought Go hold Xiao Wuxuan's hand.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Qing He grabbed her, pulled her into his arms, and led her out.

Yun Ranran was taken aback for a moment, and just about to refuse, Qing He lowered his eyes and his tone was slightly cold.

"I have endured you for a long time."

Yun Ranran paused and swallowed the words in his mouth.

Forget it, some things should be done behind Qing and senior brother's back.

She turned around from Qinghe's arms, and reluctantly glanced at Xiao Wuxuan, who smiled gently and even winked at her.

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, forced her to turn back.

Qinghe looked at her lazily.

She shrank her neck and said in a cowardly manner, "Don't watch it, don't watch it."

Only then did Qinghe let go.

Yun Ranran looked at him, thought for a long time, but stopped talking.

Qing He raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to say?"

Yun Ranran earnestly said: "Brother, I didn't blame you, you won't be able to win a wife if you are so fierce."

Qinghe: ...

Suddenly, Yun Ranran's feet were empty, and she was hugged by him horizontally. Before she could scream, she flew into the air, and then her eyes blurred, and she quickly lifted into the air.

Damn it, Qing and senior brother are crazy again! This will fall into the space gap!

She hugged his neck with a pale face, and the man kept going up.

Yun Ranran screamed: "Brother, stop!"

Qinghe didn't stop, just lowered his eyes and asked: "Can you ask for it?"

Yun Ranran wanted to get a fart, with such a bad temper, no girl would be willing to be with him, but under the eaves, she could only say: "I can get it, I can get it."

Qing He said: "Aren't you full? Be louder."

Yu Ranran: ...

Qing He raised his eyebrows: "Otherwise, you will live with me in the gap in space for the rest of your life."

Yun Ranran's face changed, this is terrible, there is no Xiaoqi and Wuxuan, only Qing and senior brother, it is really ineffective every day, no one will save her anymore.

Really scary...

She immediately said loudly: "If you ask for it, you can ask for any girl."

Qinghe asked again: "What about you? Can you ask for it?"

Yun Ranran thought about my high mountain flower, where can you get it, but now is not the time to be proud, so she immediately said: "Of course I can get it."

Qing He was satisfied, but she added with a smile on her face: "But it's not necessary."

Qinghe: ...

This guy actually rejected him secretly, it's too bad!

His eyes sank, and he suddenly accelerated.

Yun Ranran paused and screamed.

The little girl's shattered cries fell in the air, intermittent and hysterical.

Tianyan and Wuxuan looked up from below.

Xiao Wuxuan softened his heart: "I have no strength, you go and save me."

Tian Yan was unhappy: "If you don't save me, she wanted to hold your hand just now."

Xiao Wuxuan: ...

When Yun Ranran came back, her soul was about to fly away, her face was white, and her steps were flimsy.

Qing He held her waist and led her out of the city.

It took Yun Ranran a long time to recover, she scolded Qinghe a hundred times in her heart, and then came to Twelve Zong after cursing.

Chang Sheng was still following Luo Yu, she had some headaches, how could she get over this? Not to mention whether Twelve Zong would give it or not, even whether Chang Sheng was willing to come was a problem.

Changsheng was captured by Luo Yu, but now she is her admirer, it is very difficult to ask him to go with her, and he is the backbone of these ghost flower parasites, it is really difficult to do.

The three men stood behind her and looked at each other.

Qing He said: "Look at what I'm doing, I'm a ghost, you still expect me to go?"

Wuxuan coughed lightly: "I haven't been fully resurrected...I'm also a ghost..."

Tianyan: "..."

Didn't these two **** make it clear that they wanted him to go?

Qing and Lanlan glanced at him: "You are shameless, go grab it."

Tianyan: "..."

How could this guy be ashamed, if you really want to talk about shamelessness, isn't he the best in the world?

But until now, only he can come forward. He crossed Qingyun, walked to the elder Jinyuan, and said coldly: "Everyone, Youminghua, give it to me."

As soon as these words came out, the anger of everyone was ignited.

This guy is too deceitful, he has the final say on everything, taking away the broken sword and flowers is not enough, even people are not spared.

For a while, there were discussions everywhere.

Qing He watched coldly from a distance, suddenly took a mask over his face, and followed slowly.

The scene here is very embarrassing, even Elder Jin Yuan also showed embarrassment.

It is fine to hand over the Broken Sword and Flower to him, but the host is human after all, and Tianyan's reputation is not very good, and the rumors are even more terrifying...

Gui Wu couldn't take it anymore, and said angrily on the spot: "No, you can take it away if you say so, but you still think of us?"

Tian Yan was about to say something, when a white shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and the white figure flashed in front of Gui Wu, no one could see his movements clearly, so he heard Gui Wu let out a muffled groan, followed by seeing Gui Wu A large amount of blood spurted out from the chest, and the smell of blood permeated the air instantly.

Everyone was stunned.

Only then did I realize that Bai Ying was a man wearing a mask. His eyes were indifferent, and he was stabbing Gui Wu's chest with a dagger. At this moment, he slowly withdrew his hand and wiped the blood stains on Gui Wu's face. Lazily said: "Who allows you to talk to my Immortal Venerable like this? Huh?"

Gui Wu clutched his chest in disbelief, his face was pale, he didn't see how close this man was at all, he just blurred out, and a dagger appeared on his chest, he was terrified speechless, trembling Dig through the stash bag for the Elixir of Healing.

Bai Ying was Qinghe, he clapped his hands and raised his eyes happily: "Anyone else have any objections?"

A group of people stood quietly, no one dared to speak, and Gui Wu was severely injured with one blow, and it was only Tian Yan's subordinate...

Elder Jinyuan coughed lightly and stood out from the crowd: "Even so, I can't rest assured that I will hand over people to you."

Qinghe's eyes turned cold, and he was about to make a move, when a hand stood in front of him, it was Tianyan.

Qing He turned his eyes away in disdain: "It's really boring to be Yun Jian again."

Tian Yan was unmoved, and only said to Jin Yuan: "I must take him away, but I can temporarily live on Penglai Island, right under the eyes of Elder Jin Yuan, how about it?"

Jin Yuan thought about it for a while, and reluctantly said: "That's it."

Qing He was full of displeasure, and pulled him to his side with a small hand. He lowered his eyes and saw the little girl.

This guy has always been soft-hearted, and he probably wanted to scold him, but his mood suddenly became worse, he didn't want to listen, and was about to leave, the little girl grabbed his collar and told him to bend down, and said with bright eyes: "You are so handsome just now, Qing and Senior Brother."

He was startled, and his mood suddenly improved. He hugged her into his arms and rubbed her face vigorously.

The matter was resolved amicably because of Qinghe's cruelty and Tianyan's ceiling combat power.

Chang Sheng was very unwilling, but he didn't have the right to refuse, and when he left, he seemed to be parting with Luo Yu.

Yun Ranran found the little fool who was eating bricks and the anxious Cheng Yin in the corner. Fortunately, she came in time, snatched the bricks from Xiao Qi's hand and dragged him up.

She never expected Xiao Qi to become like this, she was panicked for a while, Qing He and Wu Xuan agreed that there is no need to worry, she will be fine in a few days, and she was relieved.

Everyone left the city of exile, and when they set foot on Penglai Island, the city of exile collapsed in an instant, and the huge city suddenly collapsed and turned into dust.

Wuxuan turned his head and took a look, his eyes were slightly red, his palm suddenly warmed up, and a small hand was stuffed in, he knew who it was without looking back.

With a hook on the corner of his lips, those pains and unbearables, together with the city of exile, turned into powder at this time.

Everyone returned to their residence on Penglai Island, and the children were eager to see through them. When they saw them coming back, they were so excited that they almost cried.

Everyone in Changsheng was arranged in a nearby courtyard, and Tianyan set up an enchantment outside, temporarily restricting their movements.

Everything became stable again, as if nothing had happened.

Wuxuan went back to his room for retreat, and Tianyan didn't know why, so he wanted to stay here too.

At first, Yun Ranran felt that Tian Yan was attacked by Luo Yu, so he would definitely not turn towards him, but now that he thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was not the case, he seemed to have never looked at Luo Yu directly, could it be that Luo Yu did not succeed?

Isn't this an opportunity that came to your door?

She was sitting in the courtyard, holding her head in her hands and dreaming, Wuxuan was very kind to her, she begged, it should be no problem to save her life, but he has not yet fully integrated with the rebirth, he is in retreat, it will take time, and he will not I don't know if I can catch up with the sword of fate, after all, it's only a few days, if she doesn't catch up, she will be too wronged.

Maybe God took pity on her, sent Tianyan to her side, and lived with her in the same courtyard...

Doesn't she try to talk about the past?

So people can't be idle, and they will start to wander when they are idle, which is the case with Yun Ranran.

As soon as she said it, she immediately got up and ran out of the house to find Ning Kui. Although Ning Kui is unreliable, what he did last time was really not wrong...

That really shook Wuxuan's heart...

She found Ning Kui in her room and quickly explained her purpose.

Ning Kui looked at her expressionlessly: "Say it again?"

Yun Ranran rubbed his hands together: "What? Didn't you hear clearly? Tianyan is the Tianyan Sword Immortal. You haven't heard of this, so it's too ignorant, right?"

Ning Kui couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed her collar and shook it desperately: "Are you crazy? First Wuxuan, then Tianyan?"

"Sword Immortal Tianyan, are you out of your mind? Why are you seeking death like this?"

Yun Ranran was shaken to pieces by her, and said bluntly, "Calm down, calm down."

Only then did Ning Kui let go of her hand.

Yun Ranran smoothed the wrinkles on her clothes, and said angrily: "It turns out that you are not good either, and you are very capable at lying to me, so pay back the money!"

Ning Kui: "?"

"Be an individual, who can fulfill this request for you?"

Yun Ranran was dissatisfied: "Repay the money!"

Ning Kui glanced at her angrily, and said, "OK, OK, I'll find a way for you."

"When he was in the other courtyard, I met a few times. He is a ruthless person who is almost cruel, but unexpectedly, he occasionally reveals softness, like two completely different people who are separated."

Yun Ranran nodded: "I also feel the same way. When I first met him, he was a bastard, but this time, he seems to have changed a little bit. It's hard to say. He became... less indifferent..."

Ning Kui said: "In this case, take this elixir, go to him tonight, and take it when he is soft."

Yun Ranran looked at the familiar elixir, and said angrily, "You don't know how to do it, do you? You want me to eat this kind of thing every day, and you are a human being. I won't take it."

Ning Kui glanced at her sideways: "What do you know?"

"I'm not talking about you. You're just a piece of wood. You can't seduce people at all. You can't teach them well. You talk wildly, but you always retreat in your heart. It's useless."

"Only if you eat this and lose your mind, can you show your fatal temptation. Of course, it's not for you to eat indiscriminately. I have weighed it myself. I know that this situation is best for you. Do you think I am acting recklessly? "

Yun Ranran didn't expect her to be particular, but she still said: "No, I was almost...I was scared..."

Ning Kui: "..."

Ning Kui thought for a while, and took out another pill: "In that case, you can take this."

Yun Ranran asked: "What is this?"

Ning Kui said: "I think you have no heart at all. You actually don't like anyone, right? The reason why you are afraid is because you have no one you like."

"This one is called [Encounter], and it will make you regard the person you first see as someone you like, so you can do well without teaching."

"Girls are always cute when facing the person they like."

Yun Ranran was half-believing: "Is this thing really good?"

Ning Kui said: "This is actually a love Gu. It was originally given to someone you like to make him fall in love with you. In fact, you can also give it to Tianyan."

"But I think you don't want to, you scum, but there are some strange insistences."

Yun Ranran: ...

That's true, you can give medicine to yourself, but you must never give it to the other party...

Yun Ranran was at a loss: "Okay, I'll try it."

Standing in the corridor, Ning Kui was relieved to see this terrible little ancestor disappear. When she turned to go back to the house, she was startled, and saw a handsome young man in white leaning on the railing, looking at her coldly.

She has rich experience in the world, and immediately stated: "If you ask, I will tell you everything."

The young man in white looked into the distance, and asked lazily, "What did she do?"

He paused, then asked again: "And last time, what did you take away from you?"

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