MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 114 Jealousy unrecognizable...

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The little girl looked at him eagerly, and asked in a nasal voice, "Are you... unwilling?"

Qinghe finally woke up.

unwilling? He is now her captive, her slave, under her eyes, he can do anything for her.

He put his arms around her back and legs, and pulled her into his arms.

The little girl wrapped her arms around his waist, and pressed her face against his chest. The soft touch made him lose his mind for a moment.


Qinghe couldn't move, his body was stiff.

She never took the initiative by herself, even before, when she thought he was Xiao Jin, she said she was seducing him, but she was like a piece of wood, she dared not even touch him, and if she was pushed too hard, she would find all kinds of reasons escape.

You say she is timid, she dares to go to anyone, you say she is bold, she dare not take the initiative to hug her.

But right now, she's taking the initiative...

Nesting on his chest like a milk cat, her hands softly wrapped around his waist, and her small face rubbed against his chest.

He is greedy for the tenderness of this moment, unable to speak, unable to move.

After hugging Yun Ranran for a while, the tension was finally relieved. She felt his body temperature and raised her eyes quietly.

He was good-looking, his tightly pursed lips were ruddy and beautiful, and his rolling Adam's apple made her unable to look away.

Oddly enough, she sat up straight, raised her head, and contained the bulge.

The man visibly trembled and let out a muffled grunt.

He pressed her fluffy head, lowered his eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse: "What do you want to do?"

The little girl raised her head, her cheeks were flushed, she didn't speak, she looked at him for a moment, then sat up straight, wrapped her hands around his neck, went up to him, and kissed his lips.

She is clumsy, young, but very serious.

He couldn't bear it anymore, pulled her by the back collar and moved her away, and said hoarsely: "You can't, I will teach you."

Unexpectedly, the little girl pressed his chest and said angrily, "I will."

Before Qing He could speak, she pushed him down forcefully, and she followed closely behind, lowering her head and licking his earlobe.

Rao Qinghe couldn't stand her messing around like this, her cheeks flushed slightly.

This guy obviously doesn't know anything, and he doesn't ask for help. What a bad habit...

He couldn't stand being teased by her casual teasing, so he simply grabbed her waist and turned over to press her down, but before he could move, he met her watery eyes.

There is a mist in the eyes, looking extremely wronged

He had no choice but to say: "It's not that I won't let you come, I'll teach you one time first, and let you come the second time."

Such tiger-wolf words made his words really fresh and refined.

The girl stopped resisting, and said softly: "Okay, whatever you say, I will listen to you."

Cute and cute in appearance, Qing and soft-hearted are in a mess.

The girl stared straight at him, looking at him, the water vapor in her eyes accumulated more and more, and finally flowed down the corners of her eyes, she panicked, and hurriedly reached out to wipe it away.

He asked, "Afraid?"

The girl shook her head, tears rolled down: "No, I, I am happy..."

Qing He was puzzled: "Why are you crying?"

The girl put her arms around his neck, pulled him down, hugged him tightly, buried her head in the socket of his neck, and tears fell on his neck, which was wet.

"I like you so much, so happy."

"I didn't expect to be with you one day."

"I will do anything for you, I will give you everything I have."

The girl said such words with all her heart and soul, it was too sincere, but also because of this, Qinghe's evil fire was suppressed, even if he was such a beast, he couldn't ignore such a girl.

He simply turned sideways, lay down beside her, took the petite her into his arms, and stroked her head gently.

She could still control it, but when he comforted her like this, she had an outlet for her emotions. She lay on his chest, trembling silently, and the moisture wetted the fabric of his chest.

Qing He frowned in pain, but the night is long, so it's not impossible to coax him before continuing.

The girl cried for a while, then stopped, choked up and said, "Do you know how much I like you?"

"Do you know how much I want to be with you?"

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"

Qing He listened silently, thinking how great it would be if the little girl told him these words, but unfortunately it was only the effect of the medicine, but fortunately she has no sweetheart now, so it wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

The girl nestled against his chest, and said again: "You don't know, because we parted."

She raised her head and looked into his eyes: "I will never forget the time we spent together. You took me for a walk under the moon, riding the wind with a sword, drinking wine in the snow, and many, many other things."

"We have walked so many ways and been together for so long, but we finally parted. I miss you so much, and it makes me so uncomfortable to think about it. I thought we would never see each other in this life."

"I didn't expect to see you again."

"I'm so happy, don't you go, okay? Be with me all the time, don't leave me again."

She hugged his waist tightly, and looked at him without blinking, full of affection and nostalgia.

Qing He frowned, sensing something was wrong, he gently pushed her away and asked, "Shall I take you for a walk under the moon?"

The girl nodded sweetly: "Yes, you said that the moonlight is so beautiful, and swimming with me will make the flowers in a radius of a hundred miles bloom in an instant."

Qing and his brows frowned even deeper, he had never done this before...

How did the little girl say it so clearly? It's so strange, love Gu just makes her regard the person she sees at first sight as her sweetheart, how could it stuff stories into her mind for no reason?

Or is there something wrong with this Love Gu?

He pressed the little girl's shoulder and asked again: "Yu Jian rides the wind?"

The girl recalled the past, and smiled even sweeter: "Yes, you said that the scenery on the high place is infinitely beautiful, and no one disturbed you, so you took me to stand on your spirit sword, and even kissed me secretly..."

The veins on Qing He's forehead twitched, which he had never done before.

He thought for a while, and then asked, "Drinking in the snow?"

The girl said: "It was snowing heavily at that time, and it was extremely cold. You put your coat on my shoulders, and went to the restaurant with me to eat mutton hot pot. When you opened the thick curtain, the heat rushed in. Strong wine, drunk until drunk."

Another thing he didn't understand at all, how could she have these messy memories for no reason?

But her gaze was very serious, with the sourness and sweetness of memories.

Qing He asked, "Who did you do these things with?"

The girl was a little sad: "You, have you forgotten?"

Qing coaxed only to say: "I haven't forgotten, but are you sure these things are true? Isn't it a dream?"

The girl looked at him even more strangely: "Of course it's true, I remember it clearly, even the date."

Qing He felt that something was wrong, remembering it so clearly and full of details, it didn't seem like she had imagined it, but it seemed like she had done it, but she had never heard it mentioned...

He can be sure that he has never done these things with her, why does she insist that she did it with him? He thought about it carefully, she had taken love Gu, and in her eyes, he was her favorite person, could it be that she did these things with her favorite person?

How to think how to feel strange, he was puzzled.

At this moment, the door was suddenly kicked open. He turned his head and saw Tian Yan standing at the door with a cold face, holding a cold spirit sword in his hand, full of murderous aura.

"Gou Qinghe, you bastard!"

Why did this guy come here suddenly? I'm afraid he figured out what happened just now.

He was indeed shameless, and he didn't have any regrets when he was exposed, he just said: "You just happened to come here, I have something to ask you."

Tian Yan really underestimated his beast level, narrowing his eyes, the spirit sword suddenly dropped, reaching Qing and the tip of his nose in the blink of an eye.

The spirit sword is violent, with a suffocating sense of oppression.

He did want to kill him...

Qinghe turned to the left side, narrowly dodging, and the spirit sword brushed past his cheek. It was supposed to hit the wall behind, but after passing by Qinghe, it suddenly collapsed into the air, turning into a ball mist.

Like not wanting to scare a little girl.

Qing He: "Don't be angry, something really happened."

Tian Yan ignored it, spread out his palm, and the spirit sword took shape quickly.

Qing He said: "About Ran Ran, it's very important!"

The hostility on Tian Yan's body almost turned into substance, but he didn't make any more moves after all.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Qing He turned around and kissed the **** the cheek, stuffed her into the bed, covered her eyes with his hand, and said softly, "Go to sleep for a while."

The spiritual power entered her body, and the girl became sleepy in an instant, and soon fell asleep.

Qing He got up, walked to the door, and dragged away the angry Tian Yan.

He closed the door behind his back, saw Chang Qi passing by, and said: "Go and invite Miss Ning."

Chang Qi said "Oh" and obediently went.

Qing He pulled Tian Yan into the courtyard to sit down, and said: "There is something wrong with Ran Ran."

Tian Yan looked at him coldly, and silently drew his sword.

Qing He pointedly said: "We... haven't started yet."

Tian Yan: "A beast like you, will you start?"

Qing He spread his hands: "Really, I look like I'm in a good mood?"

Tian Yan snorted coldly.

At this moment, Chang Qi brought Ning Kui over, and Qing He knocked on the table, signaling her to sit down.

Ning Kui looked around, picked the farthest and safest place, and asked, "What are your orders?"

Qing He asked: "What is the effect of your Love Gu?"

Ning Kui said: "Take the person you see first as the person you like."

Qing He frowned, it sounded like something was wrong.

Ning Kui glanced at the two of them, and carefully explained: "If there is no one you like, you will regard the first person you see as your sweetheart."

"If there is someone you like originally, then after eating Love Gu, you will regard the person you saw at first sight as the person you originally liked. In simple terms, it is a substitute."

Qinghe: ...

Ning Kui immediately said: "But I can be sure that Ran Ran has no one she likes, so there shouldn't be any mistakes."

Qing He paused word by word: "No, she has."

Tian Yan was taken aback.

Qing He gritted his teeth and said, "She has a sweetheart whom we don't even know about, who walks under the moon, rides the wind with a sword, and drinks wine in the snow!"