MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 46 I... want a hug...

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I am Wuwei, I died in the fire in autumn.

Through the firelight, I saw the complex and compassionate expressions of the people in the city.

When my soul was about to dissipate, the gray wolf appeared, and he looked at me mockingly, little monk, do you regret it now?

I said, the saved person is safe and sound, so why regret it?

The wolf was a little angry, he looked at me coldly for a moment, then said, do you want to bet with me?

I looked up at him.

He said, just bet on your Buddha bones and the good thoughts in this world, he smiled, and added, it's the kind of thing you thought there would be.

How to gamble?

The wolf said unabashedly, everyone covets your Buddha bone, and I am no exception, but you have to give it yourself, it is worthless to force it, I will protect your soul, you play a game with me.

I will put your broken soul in a secret realm and invite foreign monks to enter. After they watch the whole process, if half of them think you are innocent, you will win. people shot.

If more than half of the people think you are guilty, you will allow me to take a piece of Buddha bone.

until... you have nothing more to give...

OK, I bet you.

Little monk, don't you think about it? Heh, what a stupid and unclean little gambler.

Later, I was handcuffed on this rack and accepted the trial day after day and year after year.

Canglang is smart, he set up the secret realm extremely simple, there is no punishment, no criticism, and he can go back on his word at any time, as if it is a random evaluation in life, without any burden, everyone will speak their truest thoughts freely.

He is merciful, he does not conduct any guidance, he fully presents everything that year.

He's brutal, he doesn't channel anything, he's all about what he was.

He brought in the treasures he had collected for many years, and set guilt as the final answer. Those who voted for the guilty could finally get part of the treasures, while those who voted for the innocent would get nothing.

But no matter which one you choose, there will be no penalty.

That, too, is part of the test, he told me.

He looked at me and said seriously, would a person who sticks to his beliefs persist like this when he gets nothing in the end?

It's like he said it to me.

Then the game started like this. At first, a small number of people would vote for innocence, but after the trial, when they saw that the guilty person got the treasure, they regretted it.

Later, more and more monks entered. Some people got treasures and wanted to come in again after going out, so they did everything possible to obtain the key to enter and enter again.

Canglang also hopes that these people will come back. When these people come back as old players, those newcomers will lose all judgment, start no longer investigating, no longer pursue the truth, but blindly follow opportunistically.

As long as there are old players in the same group of monks, he always wins.

For more than ten years, he has never won.

I looked outside through the firelight again and again, and all I saw were faces excited about getting the treasure.

Canglang sat beside me, sneered and said, "Once again, you will have nothing left, do you regret it?"

Do I regret it?

I suddenly remembered that when I first came down the mountain, Master touched my head and said, You will suffer a lot.

All the way, indeed.

But so what?

Even if I do it all over again and pack my bags again, I will still step into the world of mortals contentedly.

I am tiny.

But... try your best.

I looked at the wolf, hey, ask me again.

The wolf was a little inexplicable, and asked, do you regret it?

I said, not this sentence, I told you, the sentence my master asked me before I went down the mountain.

The wolf thought about it and asked, what do you want to do when you go down the mountain?

I smiled.

Don't regret the original intention, save all sentient beings.


Withdrawing his hand, Wuxuan did not move for a long time.

His frosty white monk's robe was windless and automatic, traces of blood crept up to the corners of the clothes, leaving little spots of red plums on the frosty white.

He saw the excited eyes of the people, the salivation of the monks waiting for the treasure, and the blind followers who had not yet voted but had already run towards Wuwei.

The little girl also mingled among these people, trying to find out something, she pointed at Wuwei's feet from time to time, asking for something, and finally she ran to the people of Wan Famen, begging and asking, and those people mocked her Pushing him away, she ran up again, stalking and asking.

Is she asking for the correct answer?

She clenched her fingertips tightly, and then raised her eyes, one eye had turned blood red.

He closed his eyes and opened them again.

A spiritual fire suddenly rose in the palm of his hand, and with the determination to burn everything, he raised his feet and walked towards the crowd.

But before he got there, he saw the little girl running towards him with a pile of dusty things in her arms. Because of her haste, beads of sweat were dripping from her forehead and nose.

She carried the pile of things and ran all the way to him, her round black eyes full of joyful smiles.

"Buddha, look quickly."

He lowered his eyes and saw that she was holding a bunch of torches, all piled up in her arms, how could there be so many, where did she come from?

The little girl looked at him happily: "I was a stalker just now, and I asked those at Wanfamen what the correct answer was. They said it was a crime, and I asked what I could get if I answered it correctly. have."

The little girl puffed up her chest and said happily: "I found the monks who hadn't voted yet, promised to give them the treasures they wanted, signed a contract, and bought all their torches on credit."

He froze and looked at her in surprise.

The little girl said: "They don't want to vote for innocence, so I'll buy them all. It's fine if I can't vote myself. Am I smart?"

He was speechless for a while, and after a long time, he asked her, "Why did you do this?"

The little girl glanced at Wuwei, and said with a smile, "I don't let him lose."

I don't want to...let him lose.

This is probably the most touching sentence in the world.

It turned out that she was negotiating with those people just now, not intending to follow the vote, but to discuss this...

He has never been in contact with people, and he is cold and unwilling to make friends.

Appears to be friendly, but actually alienated.

But the little girl in front of me really makes people feel soft...

He suddenly reached out, grabbed her arm, and pressed her into his arms.

hold on tight.

The fire threw the thunderbolt all over the ground.

Yun Ranran was stunned, unable to speak for a long while.

Ah...what's going on here...the embarrassing...

She blushed belatedly, and the smell of milk on Fozi's body made her a little confused.

In a blur, she noticed that he lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

"Miss Yun, it's really touching."


【Yongning City·In front of a stick of incense】

Some people have already voted, some people are still waiting to see, Wan Famen and others have already voted, and they voted guilty. After thinking about it secretly, Yun Ranran decided to find out what she could get, so she ran in front of Wan Famen and the others , wanting to know what the treasures were, but no matter how much she begged, those people were arrogant and refused to answer.

She couldn't do anything, so she thought that maybe someone else had been here before, so she asked those who had voted one by one.

Wan Famen and the others looked at her busy back and laughed mockingly.

Xu Yang said: "It's really unnecessary, just follow the vote, why ask so many questions."

Just as a few people were laughing and laughing, a man came slowly from a distance, and then stopped in front of them.

He was tall and tall, with a handsome face, standing there with a lazy smile on his face.

Xu Yang was taken aback, isn't this guy the soft bone he met the first day? He has never been in a fight and is threatening like others, why did he come in front of them? Are you courting death?

The person who came was naturally Qing He. He looked at the tall man who was clearly the leader, and said softly, "Anything she asks, she answers."

The tall man understood his nonsensical words, obviously it was for the girl who came just now, and the girl stalked her to ask what the correct answer was and what the treasure was, how could he have the time to spare.

This weak man even rushed to him and said such words, he mocked: "This is how you beg for help..."

Before he finished speaking, his chest suddenly hurt, and his eyes were blood red. He looked down in disbelief, and saw that the man's hand had been inserted into his chest, and his heart was being held in his palm. among.

The severe pain turned his irritated face pale, no one around him dared to speak, it was too fast, no one saw how the man made the move, his cultivation was so high.

But no matter how high the cultivation base is, no one will be so uncertain, who is still smiling, and suddenly...

Even now, his smile has not changed.

Can't help but make everyone feel creepy, looking at him with fear.

The tall man looked at his **** chest, trembling and speechless, tears involuntarily filled his eyes, and tremblingly looked at the man.

The man leaned over to find his eyes, and said with a gentle smile, "Do you understand?"

The tall man looked away in a panic, nodded hastily, cold sweat, tears and blood fell together.

The man chuckled and withdrew his hand, and a creepy "puchi" sounded in everyone's ears.

Their legs and feet trembled, and they dared not speak. The tall man even lowered his head to look at the big hole in his chest, his eyes full of fear.

The man casually grabbed his collar and slowly wiped off the blood stains on his fingers one by one.

The tall man was so frightened that he coughed up a mouthful of blood, and dared not move.

Yun Ranran managed to ask some questions, but it was still not enough. When he was in distress, he saw those from Wanfamen walking towards him.

The tall man in the lead was pale, with a large number of bandages wrapped around his chest, and his complexion was particularly bad.

Isn't this asking for trouble for yourself? She vigilantly made a tactic, planning to run away if something went wrong, but when those people arrived in front of her, they even apologized to her first, and then enthusiastically told her everything they knew.

Although she felt strange, this did help a lot.

She said: "I didn't expect you guys to be kind people."

The faces of those people changed, and they almost cried on the spot.


Yun Ranran was suddenly hugged by Wuxuan, her little heart stopped suddenly.

She didn't know why he was acting like this all of a sudden, but this guy, despite being gentle and polite on weekdays, was actually really abstinent, and he wouldn't even let her touch him.

Anyway, don't take advantage of the bastard, she quietly stretched out her hand, wanting to wrap her arms around his waist, and was approaching him little by little, when someone grabbed his collar suddenly, and the whole person was dragged out of Wuxuan's embrace, Back bumped into a person.

She turned her head and met Qing He's smiling eyes.

The man's sharp gaze fell on her hand, and he asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

Yun Ranran was inexplicably guilty, retracted her claws, coughed lightly and said, "I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything."

After this interruption, Wuxuan also regained his usual calmness.

The time for the trial was coming to an end, Yun Ranran hurried to the barrel with a large pile of torches in his arms, and threw all of them into it.

Wuxuan then asked, "Why did you vote not guilty?"

Yun Ranran said: "I think everyone is too harsh on Wu Wei."

"I have learned so much, and there is no accurate evidence pointing to him being malicious. Instead, Chan Ning and Lin Wang indirectly confirmed that he did not do dirty business, but everyone believed it based on their different positions."

"The fallen hate him, and the survivors avoid suspicion. He has become the target of public criticism. How perfect can he avoid this trial?"

"He needs a prophet. When he came to Yongning Town, he didn't have contact with Qian Ning or Lin Wang. When the final decision came, when he was spying on the secret in a short time, he could clearly see who was alive and who was dead when he entered the forest. Who lives and who dies in the long bridge, and then judges one by one whether these dead people will pose a threat to oneself, whether they have had contact with themselves, whether they can bring benefits to themselves, and then subtly choose the one with the most benefits. "

"But is this enough? Will he not be blamed?"

"As long as he stood up at that moment, he must have been judged like this?"

"Then what is he going to do?"

"He should hide in the crowd from the beginning to the end, be a mediocre self, don't show up and don't advise, even if he has a glimpse of the secret, he should not tell anyone, just keep himself safe."

"But such a person, isn't it us who are called all living beings?"

Wuxuan looked at her tenderly.

Yun Ranran said again: "No one stands in his position, no one bears the pressure for him, no one is in such a life and death situation, but it is too harsh to judge him with an attitude of absolute rationality?"

Wuxuan lowered his eyes and smiled: "Miss, I have told you this before, and it is still touching when I hear it again."

Yun Ranran felt embarrassed and said, "I am talking nonsense."

The incense in the square finally burned out, and the torches piled by the monks under Wuwei's feet were not as many as in the wooden barrels. This time, Wuwei was innocent after all.

The sky suddenly shook, and then the houses around him began to collapse, and the people gradually disappeared.

What reappeared in front of everyone was a desolate deep forest, which should be the Yongning Mountains, the territory of the wolf.

Everything disappeared, but Wuwei was still there, tied to a wooden frame with a calm expression.

Yun Ranran stepped forward and wanted to help him untie, but when he touched him, his body suddenly turned into a starlight.

His Buddha bones are gone, and his soul can no longer support him. He is about to dissipate.

Yun Ranran felt a little sad, and reached out to touch his face. He seemed to have sensed something, and looked up at her.

Yun Ranran saw a pair of crystal clear eyes.

Then those eyes bent slightly, and they also turned into stars and dissipated in the air.

As soon as the tip of her nose became sore, water vapor appeared from her eye sockets, making them foggy.

At this moment, Yupei suddenly became hot. She wiped away her tears, took it out, and found that there were a few more lines on it.

[Obtain Wuwei's memory fragment - karma]

【Congratulations on getting the reward—the last Buddha bone】

[Please make persistent efforts. 】

A lot of memories about Wuwei suddenly appeared in her mind, and she saw everything he insisted on.

My eyes were once again clouded by water vapor, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Then something lightly landed on her palm, she wiped her eyes, and looked down, it was a broken rib.

Under her gaze, that rib turned into starlight, and then penetrated into her limbs and bones. At this moment, the spiritual power in her body suddenly rolled and rose rapidly.

When the dryness finally calmed down, she finally came back to her senses.

What the **** is going on...

She didn't have time to look inside her body yet, but carefully checked the jade pendant. Why did a strange name appear on the jade pendant again?

In the past, only Yunjian appeared on this jade pendant, but now there is Wuwei...

Isn't Wuwei just a little monk? He's dead, so what does it have to do with him?

It's really weird, Yun Jian hasn't figured it out yet...

She was confused and confused, but since she appeared on the jade pendant, she was probably destined for her. From this point of view, thinking optimistically, maybe Wuwei didn't die, and maybe we could meet again in the future.

Yun Jian was dying at that time, and it was not impossible for Wuwei to appear on the jade pendant like him.

When she thought of this, she became happy, she liked this little monk very much, and she sincerely hoped to see him again.

The moment Wuwei disappeared, someone came out of the deep forest. He looked quite young, tall and thin, with well-proportioned muscles, slightly dark skin, a stern face, two wolf ears on his head, and sharp and sharp eyes.

This, couldn't it be the wolf who bet with Wuwei?

The man brushed the wooden frame with his hand, saw the burn marks on it, and his eyes sank: "I am the wolf, and I built this secret realm."

He looked at Yun Ranran, and then said: "You are the first one to let him win. I will pay back the contracts you signed with those monks for you."

ah... this...

Originally, Yun Ranran was still worrying about where to find the treasure to repay these people, but she didn't expect to get it so soon, she immediately said: "Okay, thank you."

Canglang was startled by her shamelessness, gritted his teeth and asked, "Don't you just refuse, you answered so quickly."

Yun Ranran said: "I'm afraid you will regret it."

Canglang: "..."

Now that he said it, he would naturally not regret it, and said: "Now that this is over, everyone can leave from the teleportation array. From now on, there will be no more secret realms, and there will be no future."

After the wolf finished speaking, he returned to the deep forest, and Yun Ranran quickly chased after him.

Hearing the footsteps, Canglang turned around and saw the panting little girl. He looked at her indifferently.

The little girl sniffed the air, and suddenly said: "There is not a trace of **** smell, but the fragrance of grass and trees."

She pointedly said: "Did you change your career to grow flowers?"

Cang Lang was startled, and said angrily, "You don't have to worry about it."

Yun Ranran said: "How long has it been since you killed someone? One year, two years, or more than ten years?"

He didn't expect her to be so keen, and she kept her eyes silent.

Yun Ranran smiled: "The first person to let him win, isn't it you?"

"Obviously he won, so you didn't kill anyone, but he never won, but you haven't killed anyone since then, right?"

The wolf's sharp eyes gradually softened, and a sadness called memory appeared.

He was clearly greedy for the inaction Buddha bone from the beginning to the end, but slowly, unconsciously, he began to look forward to it with him.

He also wants to see if there is such a thing as inaction.

He pulled the corner of his mouth and squeezed out a sad smile: "I also... don't want him to lose."

Such a good person, who is willing to let him lose.


After the matter of Wuwei was over, everyone returned to the small wooden boat from the Yongning Mountains in a teleportation array.

It was just when night fell, and the full moon in the sky was like a disk.

The small wooden boat is sailing lightly on the sea, bound for the distant shore.

When the children saw them coming back, they all cheered for joy.

Yun Ranran fumbled in her pocket for a long time, but couldn't find anything decent, so she could only smile apologetically.

The children didn't care, and happily prepared food and wine for them.

After eating and drinking in the full moon, everyone went back to their respective cabins, intending to rest.

Yun Ranran felt a little uncomfortable, ran back to the room after eating, and closed the door behind her back.

The uncomfortable feeling became more and more intense, she touched her forehead, and found that the tentacles were hot, as if the blood was boiling in her body, her body was getting hotter and hotter, and she felt extremely uncomfortable due to the heat.

When she thought of the Buddha bone, she probably knew what was going on. It should be that the spiritual power was too overbearing, and she couldn't digest it in a short time, so she was backlashed by the spiritual power.

If this anger doesn't come down, I'm afraid people will burn out.

Enduring the pain, she ran out to fetch two large buckets of water, poured it all into the basin with a "clang chirp", then jumped in with a "common" sound without taking off her clothes.

Gululu, Gululu, she stuffed her head in, but the heat didn't disappear at all, on the contrary, it became more intense.

It seemed that she had to find someone who knew ice-attributed exercises. According to calculations, Wuxuan Buddha had the highest cultivation level, and he should be the most proficient in ice-attributed exercises. She had to find Wuxuan.

At this moment, her mind is already unconscious, and she sees things in a blur, and she crawls out of the tub wetly, dripping water all over the place.

She didn't wipe it either, and went out the door in a daze.

Wuxuan...Which room does Wuxuan live in...

She was so dazed that she couldn't even see the room number clearly, and her meridians began to swell and ache due to the fire in her body. If this continued, she would be burned to death.

She struggled to read the writing on the door, and finally found the Jiazi room where Wuxuan lived. She was going to knock on the door, but she couldn't control her hands and feet, so she slammed into the wooden door. opened.

There was no light in the door, and it was pitch black. She stumbled in, her feet went limp, and she was caught by a pair of hands, and then she was hugged into a cold embrace.

She couldn't see her face clearly, only vaguely heard the door close behind her.

She was so uncomfortable, he was so cold, which made her feel very comfortable, so she instinctively burrowed into his arms.

The man's suppressed voice fell.

"Ran Ran, what are you doing here?"

The little girl was dizzy and was about to be torn apart by her spiritual power. She was in so much pain that she was stuffy in his arms, her voice was soft, with a soft cry: "Come to find you."

The man seemed to be patient for a while, before speaking again, and asked, "Looking for me... what do you want?"

Yun Ranran was still terribly uncomfortable being hugged through the clothes, and her little hands began to tug on his belt restlessly, and was grabbed by the man, she raised her little face, her eyes were red with anxiety, and said: "I... want to hug."

The man's body froze, his eyes suddenly turned around, his fingertips couldn't help touching her little face, and pulled her closer to him.

Yun Ranran couldn't stand the pain. Why didn't this guy hug her? She couldn't stand it anymore, so she begged, "Wuxuan, you use the ice attribute technique, can you hug me?"

The man froze, and his tone suddenly became cold: "Wuxuan?"

Yun Ranran didn't realize it yet, so she just said to herself: "Wuxuan, hurry up, hurry up."

The moonlight slanted westward slightly, illuminating Qing and that livid face.

He narrowed his eyes, clasped the little girl's slender waist, and pressed her into his arms.

really not bad!


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