MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 61 let me see who has the best body

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Yun Ranran slept very soundly that night because she was very tired. When she woke up the next day, she also had a splitting headache because of the hangover. When she got up from the quilt in a daze, she heard a stranger's voice outside the door.

somebody is coming?

Hearing vaguely that it was a girl, who was somewhat familiar, she jumped out of bed to tidy up a bit, then opened the door and walked out.

When the people outside the door saw her, they stopped talking.

Qinghe sat on the wicker chair drinking tea, Xiaoqi sat at the stone table and gnawed some fruit to play chess with Wuxuan, both of them naturally put down their chess pieces at this moment.

There were two women and a man standing in the middle of the yard, they were Shen Xi, Fang Hao and Lingxi whom Wuxuan met on the street a few days ago.

Yun Ranran frowned, if these three people came here, they probably came to look for Wuxuan.

Sure enough, he heard Lingxi ask: "What is the Buddha's thinking?"

Xiao Qi stood up neatly, walked quickly to Yun Ranran, and explained to her: "These people came on behalf of the Xiaoyao Sect. They said that the seal under the Wan Cemetery was loose and it was difficult to repair anyway, so they came to ask Wuxuan help."

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell meaningfully on Qing He who was beside him, who was drinking tea leisurely, his expression remained unchanged.

Wuxuan also remained silent, and did not immediately agree.

Lingxi persuaded: "Everyone knows that that person is cruel and kills innocent people indiscriminately. If he is really allowed to break through the seal, the world of cultivation will be devastated. I also ask Buddha to help Xiaoyaozong for the sake of the common people in the world."

Yun Ranran saw that they were discussing important matters, so she was about to leave, but Wuxuan called her back and asked, "What do you think, girl?"

Yun Ranran was very puzzled, how did this matter come to her.

But when Wuxuan asked this question, Qing He who was drinking tea at the side also looked over.

Everyone in Lingxi also looked over naturally, and Yun Ranran was under a lot of pressure immediately, so she could only say: "Then go and have a look, if it can help, it would be great."

Xiao Qi stood beside her and laughed softly.

Yun Ranran looked at him puzzled, and he said, "Good strategy."

Qing He took a sip of tea and smiled, "It's pretty good."

Wuxuan glanced over Qinghe and looked at Lingxi: "In that case, then I will go and have a look with you."

Lingxi was overjoyed, motioned Wuxuan to go with them, Wuxuan said: "There are also my friends."

Lingxi's smile froze on his face, especially after seeing Yun Ranran, he was even more unhappy, but because of Wuxuan's presence, he tried his best to hide it, and took the lead to lead the way.

Xiaoyaozong's spirit beast chariot was parked outside the door, and when everyone got into the chariot one by one, the four spirit beasts jumped forward, soared into the air, and then jumped into the air, pulling the chariot.

Clinking all the way, this is going to Xiaoyaozong.

Xiaoyaozong is not far from Xiaoyaotian. On the high mountain surrounded by white clouds, a waterfall hangs down from the high mountain, winding all the way to the bottom.

Because Lingxi led the team, everyone easily entered Xiaoyaozong Mountain Gate. After entering the mountain, Lingxi arranged another courtyard for them and invited Wuxuan to meet the suzerain. The others were of no importance to her, so naturally she ignored them.

The children were left in Xiaoyaotian by Yun Ranran, and told them not to run around and wait for her to go back. At this time, only she, Wuxuan, Qinghe, and Xiaoqi came to Xiaoyaozong.

Yun Ranran chose a room to settle herself down, then left the house, walked a little around the periphery, and found that the disciples in the sect all looked haggard and listless.

Yun Ranran grabbed a tall and thin man and asked, "Why is senior brother so worried? But what happened?"

The tall and thin man said in pain: "It's not the one from the Wan Cemetery who caused the trouble. It may be that the spiritual power has not been replenished in time over the years, which has weakened the power of the enchantment, and it is somewhat uncontrollable."

"The demonic energy overflowed a lot. Many disciples were pulled into the enchantment in their sleep, and all of them died of blood. Now we dare not even sleep."

Yun Ranran didn't understand: "But there is only one arm, is it so powerful?"

The tall and thin man was about to jump up angrily, and said, "Only one arm? How can you say that? Do you know how terrifying and cruel that man is? One arm almost wiped out our Xiaoyao Sect."

Yun Ranran shook her head and said, "I don't know."

The tall and thin man was so angry that he didn't want to talk to her.

Yun Ranran asked again: "What do you mean by being dragged into the barrier in your sleep? Is it the soul or the body?"

The thin and tall man said: "The body is like sleepwalking. He is used to bewitching people. He is usually undefended when he is asleep. Those with low cultivation bases or those whose hearts are not strong enough will be attracted by him into the enchantment and become his nourishment. "

"In short, pay attention, once you are dragged into the enchantment, you will definitely die."

His tone was gloomy and fearful, and Yun Ranran was really startled by him.

She looked at the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, who was also the main courtyard where Shen Xi's father Shen Feng lived, thinking that Wuxuan should be able to solve this problem, right?

What she didn't expect was that in the afternoon, many people came to the Xiaoyao Sect. It was Shen Feng who was worried that the barrier would be broken, so he invited high-level monks from various sects.

What Yun Ranran didn't expect was that Luo Yu was among them.

At this time, it was no longer Gu Yihe who followed Luo Yu, but a tall, thin and gloomy young man with a murderous look in his eyes and a terrifying aura. Yun Ranran has heard his name before, and it is Shen You, the uncle of Shen Xi who has been in seclusion for many years. When it comes to cultivation, Shen You is the highest in this Xiaoyao Sect. This time, it was Shen Feng who went up to beg and begged him to leave the customs.

Yun Ranran was stunned when she saw it. How could she have thought that Luo Yu could even conquer this guy? The way Shen You looked at Luo Yu was definitely pampering...

And the moment Luo Yu boarded the Xiaoyao Sect, Fang Hao, who always loved his junior sister Shen Xi, also appeared beside her, and even talked shyly when talking to her.

Yun Ranran had a headache, and the speed was too fast. It seemed that Luo Yu had already completed the attack on Taihuazong, and the next target was Xiaoyaozong.

At that time, she was wandering outside the main hall of Xiaoyao Sect, because she was insignificant and no one cared, so she stood in the corner with a group of low-level disciples.

The distinguished guests entered the main hall one after another under the guidance of high-ranking disciples. Luo Yu was even more famous. I don’t know if it was Cangwu or her good brothers who gave her some treasures. Her current cultivation level has exceeded It hurt her a lot.

She couldn't help thinking of what Yupei had said about the catastrophe after three months, that Luo Yu would stab her to death with a sword on the Zhuxian platform of Taihuazong.

Now it's halfway through, and there's not much time left.

And Luo Yu's power has become stronger and stronger, only she is still struggling in the ground like a rookie.

She was a little melancholy, and suddenly saw Luo Yu who was about to enter the hall in front of her, looking sideways at her, and then revealed a mocking smile.

After Luo Yu laughed at her, he entered the hall without looking back. Shen You followed Luo Yu and looked at her coldly. The killing intent seemed real. She had no doubt that as long as Luo Yu ordered , this guy will kill her.

Shen You stared at her like a poisonous snake for a while, then followed Luo Yu and disappeared into the hall together.

Yun Ranran felt that this place was somewhat unlucky, and was about to leave when Lingxi and Shen Xi also walked over from a distance, heading for the main hall, and saw Yun Ranran when they entered.

Shen Xi angrily scolded those low-ranking disciples, but looked at Yun Ranran, and said, "All the **** can come outside the main hall, so hurry up and get out."

When the disciples saw that the eldest lady had lost her temper, they all hurriedly rolled away, and Yun Ranran stood still.

Consonance pointedly said: "It's just some idiots who have never seen the world, are they worth your temper?"

Shen Xi snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, glared at Yun Ranran angrily, entered the main hall, and Lingxi followed closely.

Yun Ranran was inexplicably connoted, and was very speechless, but she ran away after scolding one, two or three, and she couldn't chase into the palace, and she was somewhat depressed.

When she returned to the house, Xiao Qi was taking a nap in the yard, while Qing He didn't bask in the sun in the yard as usual, but shut himself in the room.

She sat beside Xiao Qi, pushed him, Xiao Qi pressed her cheek on her arm, turned her face in a daze, saw her, her sleepy eyes lit up: "You are back."

The young man whose eyes light up as soon as he sees you is really doting, Yun Ranran's depressed mood dissipated just now, she asked him with a smile: "Where are Qing and senior brother?"

Xiao Qi said: "This place makes him uncomfortable, so he went into the house to rest."

uncomfortable? Yun Ranran felt it was strange, she wanted to see it, but was stopped by Xiao Qi, who was obviously fine before.

"It's okay, just let him rest."

Well, Yun Ranran didn't insist on going any more.

Xiao Qi straightened up, put her arms on the table to support her cheeks, and asked, "You went out just now, what did you see?"

Yun Ranran recalled carefully, and said: "A lot of people came, with many magic weapons to strengthen the enchantment. I heard that there are still monster bones needed by the cemetery. With such actions, the repaired enchantment is definitely unbreakable. That person There must be no way out.”

Xiao Qi nodded and said, "Probably."

After that, Yun Ranran didn't go out again. He thought Wuxuan would come back at night, but he didn't come back until the full moon was hanging on the treetops. Not long after, a senior disciple brought a message from Wuxuan.

It turned out that tonight is the night of the full moon, the cloudy energy is heavy, and the barrier is damaged even more, so tonight it needs to be repaired, and Wuxuan stays with Shen Feng to control the magic energy of the barrier and make the barrier stable.

After that, the masters of Xiaoyaozong and the invited foreign aid will enter the enchantment together. They will carry all kinds of magic weapons and monster bones, and bury these things in specific corners of the enchantment. Only in this way can they be completely sealed. that monster.

After Yun Ranran found out, she knew that Wuxuan would not be able to come back tonight, so she simply turned off the lights in the yard and went back to the house to rest.


Xiaoyaozong Main Hall

Dozens of people walked to Wuxuan in order, and Wuxuan gave him a heart-cleaning spell, so as to keep Mingtai clear after entering the enchantment.

Lingxi, Shen Xi, and Luo Yu are all in the team.

In the process of slowly advancing, Shen Xi asked Lingxi: "Is it safe for us to go in? We won't be caught by that monster..."

Lingxi said: "Don't worry, I specially invited Patriarch's Zhenzong's treasure this time, didn't your father also give you good things?"

As she was talking, she glanced at Luo Yu who was not far away, and said in a low voice: "What's more, that woman persuaded Shen You that you know your uncle's skills best."

Shen Xi took a look and said angrily: "Who knows what that woman is from, my uncle has not been close to women for more than ten years, how could he be so fascinated by her."

Lingxi said: "Didn't you say that she rescued your uncle when he was in a coma?"

Shen Xi said: "Yeah, who knows what a coincidence, and why did this woman follow us into the enchantment? I don't believe what she said for the cultivation world. There must be something wrong."

Lingxi said: "If she wants to go, let her go. This is not a good place. If you are not careful, you will die inside."

Shen Xi couldn't help but tremble when he heard this: "Tell me, can we really do it?"

As she spoke, she lowered her voice: "Can we really successfully refine that man's arm and take his magic power for our own use?"

Lingxi also whispered to her: "Of course, he has been sealed for so long, and he has long been weak, not to mention it is only an arm, which is his weakest part. If we don't go, someone will covet this sooner or later, and grab it before us." Go ahead with the two cases, don't worry."

Hearing what she said, Shen Xi finally relaxed a bit.

But Luo Yu was standing at the back of the team, sweeping past the people in front, but was thinking about another thing.

Just when she was about to conquer the Taihuazong strategy, the system gave her a reward, telling her that there was a ghost in the Xiaoyaozong's Ten Thousand Graves Barrier, which was in a chaotic state. If this soul is rescued, it can gain the favor value of this Demon Lord.

The judgment value given by the demon venerable system is extremely dangerous, but at the same time it is also the ceiling of combat power, and it is extremely difficult to attack. If she can gain a certain amount of favorability, this demon venerable will be devoted to her and become her strongest guardian.

So she went to Xiaoyaozong alone, and easily captured Shen You and Fang Hao according to the tasks refreshed by the system. These two people now regard her as the light of salvation and can easily work for her. She got a lot of points, and she used all the points to exchange for a very awesome prop—the physical version of [Light of Redemption].

This is a round fluorescent stone, about the size of a palm, and a small one that can be hidden around the waist. Now it is dark and dusty, no different from ordinary stones.

Using this prop is different from her usual hard-working missions. You don't need to use any means or make any effort. You just need to inject spiritual power into [Light of Redemption] by the side of the person who needs a strategy, and the fluorescent stone will Activate it immediately, as long as there is a little light next to it, the other party will involuntarily have a good impression of her, and give her one of his hearts.

This is forced by the system, and no one in this world can resist the power of the system.

When she got this, she hesitated for a moment, thinking whether to use it for Tianyan or Wuxuan, and then thought about it carefully, Tianyan was in Taihuazong, she had a chance to get close, and Wuxuan had a good temper, so she insisted on it. The only one who can get close is this Demon Lord, who has been suppressed under the barrier all the time, and the system evaluation is so horrible, then this heaven-defying thing will naturally benefit the most from this guy.

Now that she has this opportunity, she must do it. She clenched the [Light of Redemption] in her hand, and she came before Wuxuan.

Just thinking that Wuxuan is also the target of the attack, when he wanted to say something to Wuxuan, Wuxuan handed her a piece of rice paper, which was full of Qingxin spells.

She had no choice but to take it, and when she was biting her lip and trying to speak, Wuxuan said softly: "Next."

Luo Yu: ...

Damn it, I really want to use this [Light of Redemption] on him right away, and let this noble Buddha bow his head in front of me, thinking this way in my heart, but I still hold back after all, walked aside, and silently began to recite Pure Heart Curse.

In this way, each of the people had their own minds, and each of them recited the Mantra of Purifying Heart slowly. After a few times, the altar seemed to be enveloped by a layer of faint Buddha's light, and it became clear in an instant.

It was time to enter the enchantment, and everyone left the main hall one after another, heading for the enchantment of the Wan Cemetery.

Shen Feng and Wuxuan were responsible for maintaining the stability of the barrier, while the rest brought various items to strengthen the barrier into it.

In order to prevent the intrusion of devil energy from affecting Shen Feng and Wuxuan's sanity, Shen Feng set up an isolation barrier around the two of them, then sat down according to the deduced position, and began to inject spiritual energy into the barrier.

The enchantment, which was originally crumbling, made a "buzzing" sound under the hands of the two, and gradually stabilized.

This is OK.

Everyone glanced at each other and entered the barrier one after another.

Lingxi pulled Shen Xi aside and asked, "How is it? Are you done?"

Shen Xi glanced at the other courtyard not far away, and said: "Don't worry, I've already spread the soul-inducing incense in the room where Yun Ranran sleeps, that's the treasure I got from my father, and her cultivation level is so good." It's almost impossible to resist."

She pinched her fingers slightly, and said proudly: "I have already sensed the connection with her, I will call her right away, let her fall into the enchantment, and she will die."

She rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Tell her to kill Zhang Lang, and I will avenge this revenge."

Lingxi said: "Don't make any trouble, she is Wuxuan's friend, I don't want Wuxuan to know."

Shen Xi said: "Don't worry, Wuxuan is in the barrier with my father right now, and doesn't know anything about our affairs here."

She spread her palms, and there was a sudden burst of spiritual power, she said: "I have already summoned her, she is already on the way, let's go in first, she will follow in later, you will see a little bit of her tomorrow They died without blood in the open space outside the ten thousand graves."

Lingxi nodded and walked ahead first.


Yun Ranran's eyes were blurred, she felt strange, rubbed her eyes vigorously, the picture in front of her eyes became clear, she saw clearly, it was a very beautiful two-story bamboo house, located in the stream and jungle, occasionally Running past panicked deer, and butterflies perched on flower petals.

Why is this so familiar...

She frowned, and thought for a long time before she remembered, isn't this the scene she saw when she, Xiao Qi and Qing He left Lingshui Town and first arrived in Jingyun City, when they went to Xuanji Pavilion?

At that time, it was said that it was a marriage test, but I saw this building myself...

At that time, even when the door was opened, she couldn't see the inside clearly, her heart beat a little faster for no reason, she paused for a while, then raised her feet and walked towards the gate of the bamboo building.

With a push, the emerald green bamboo door was pushed open, and there were still many rooms inside, one next to the other.

She walked to the door of the first room, stretched out her hand and pushed it, and saw a piece of black clothes, and then looked up, and saw Xiao Qi's lively and flying eyes.

ah this...

The young man didn't see her and didn't respond, so she closed the door and went to the second room, and then saw Bai Yiqinghe, who looked over with an inexplicable sadness in his eyes, which made her somewhat soft-hearted.

Then she closed the door, went to the third room, and saw the gentle Wuxuan.

Now she can't tell whether she is dreaming or awake, and in the blurry gap, three men unexpectedly came out of the room and walked in front of her together, each of them wanting to have **** with her.

She was dumbfounded, and blurted out: "Are they coming one by one, or together?"

The three men looked at her with anger.

She tried her best to save the situation and tried to communicate: "Together must not work..."

The expressions of the three eased slightly, but they still looked at her relentlessly, it was for her to make a decision.

She thought about it, and said carefully: "Should you three take off your clothes first, and let me see who has the better figure?"

Those three actually came to her on the spot, Qing He was the first to tear off his clothes, and lifted up his coat for her to see, her saliva was about to drop at the sight of those beautiful but not too much abs.

When the other two saw it, it rolled up on the spot, and they also started to pull their own shirts. After all, Fozi was more shy, and he pulled slowly. , Repeatedly said: "Why do you really take it off, you can't make it."

Just when she was immersed in this dizzying sweetness, she suddenly felt a pain in her body, and she cried out on the spot, and she woke up completely with this cry.

It turned out to be a dream, no wonder he was so bold, thinking about being bullied all the time, he became violent in his dream.

The **** hurts badly, looking down, it turned out that she fell from a high place, but isn't she sleeping in the room, how could she appear in such a strange place?

The surroundings are very dark, it seems to be night, and the surroundings are full of weeds. When you reach out and touch it, it is a real touch.

She was in a daze for a while, until she noticed that there seemed to be no magic energy in the air, and she was surprised to find that this place seemed to be that terrible taboo place—the barrier of ten thousand cemeteries.

The suppressing place on the demon's arm.

This is strange, why did she fall here inexplicably? She suddenly remembered what the tall and thin man had said to her. Could it be that she was bewitched by this Demon Lord in her sleep, and her body was involuntarily pulled into the barrier?

If so, that sucks.

She tried her best to sort out her thoughts, the sequence should be, first she slept in the room, then had a strange dream, and then was bewitched by the Demon Lord, and fell into this place.

But it takes a while to sleep... This is too miserable...

She wiped her saliva vigorously, then she calmed herself down and began to observe her surroundings. From now on, she had to be careful about every detail, the tall and thin one said that no one survived after entering.

And there must be that person's soul on that arm, I don't know where it is at the moment, please don't let her touch it, please.

The place she was standing at the moment was a depression overgrown with wild grass. When she climbed up from the edge, she saw a few small thatched huts. Looking forward, she found that it was a complete village. It was just a deserted village.

There is also moonlight in this enchantment, which is thin, barely illuminating the ground.

The enchantment is not very big, and the whole village is the central building. She was about to walk towards the village, but suddenly there were noisy footsteps around her.

When she turned her head, she saw a team of about dozens of people, led by Luo Yu, Shen You, Ling Xi and Shen Xi.

When these people saw her, they all showed extremely indifferent and malicious eyes.

She was suddenly a little scared. At this moment, she was alone in the enchantment, and the other side was aggressive, and everyone hated her to the bone. What this group of people wanted to do to her, she had no ability to resist at all...

She actually didn't understand, she obviously didn't do anything...

Involuntarily took a step back.

Shen Xi was the first to speak: "Fang Hao, this woman broke into my sect's forbidden area privately, you go and teach her some lessons, don't beat her to death, it will be useful later."

Yun Ranran's face changed, and he clenched the sword in his hand.

She knew very well that facing this group of people, she had no chance of winning.

Read The Duke's Passion