MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 74 he locked her in the room

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Even the moonlight couldn't dispel the red that lit up everywhere.

The whole ghost is immersed in the cold red and black, but the eastern district is full of flames.

In the other courtyard of the Red Moon Inn, a group of sensible children all went back to the room, and there were only three men left in the courtyard.

Xiao Qi lazily leaned against the back of the chair with a stick of candy given by A-Ding in her mouth.

Qinghe stood in front of Wuxuan, his eyes were not kind.

Wuxuan's face was pale, and he pursed his lips in silence.

Qinghe laughed: "Wuxuan, what are you?"

Wuxuan looked down at his Bodhi Pearl, and said softly, "I don't know either."

"It seems... there are many things that I can't remember."

"I originally thought I was coming out of the Bodhi Temple to look for the missing juniors."

"But along the way, I gradually found something was wrong."

"I asked Wuchang, and Wuchang told me that he had never heard the names of these brothers."

"When I arrived in Ghost City today, that feeling became clearer and clearer."

Wuxuan stood up, looked at the east district, he looked at it for a while, and said in a low voice: "I saw Wunian sitting on a tall building that day..."

"I think he is me."

"I also sat on that tall building every day, listening to the sound of those wind chimes."

Xiao Qi took out the candy stick and asked, "What happened next?"

Wuxuan said: "I can't remember clearly."

Xiao Qi said: "Have you ever practiced some forbidden exercises? It caused me to have a lot of distracted souls..."

Wuxuan thought about it seriously, and said, "It's also possible."

He pointed to the East District and said softly, "At least that guy has tried a lot."

Xiao Qi glanced at the sea of ​​flames where no one could set foot, and said angrily, "I can see it."


【East District·Study】

The wooden table was pressed against the bookcase, and the floor was full of fallen books, making it a mess.

Jiang Yan squatted in front of the two of them, a little confused for a moment.

Yun Ranran's hand was still held by Wu Nian, and her trembling was clearly conveyed to him.

Wu Nian pointed at Jiang Yan with a sullen face, and asked Yun Ranran: "What are you doing with him in the study?"

do what? what can be done

Yun Ranran immediately said: "Don't get me wrong, we didn't do anything, he just came up to see me."

Wu Nian's gloomy look became heavier, and he said coldly, "Didn't you say you were sincere in treating me?"

The breath on his body was too cold, Yun Ranran couldn't help but took a step back, and said stumblingly: "It's true, it's not what you think..."

Wu Nian turned a deaf ear, his eyes were full of wind and snow, full of hostility.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't lie to me, or have someone else behind my back?"

As he walked closer and closer, Yun Ranran was clutched by his hands, and there was no way to retreat, so he hurriedly said: "Calm down and listen to me, I am not what you think with him."

Wu Nian couldn't listen at all, his eyes gradually turned red, he suddenly pulled her in front of him, and stared at her: "Did I trust you too much?"

Just as Yun Ranran was about to continue to appease, Jiang Yan beside him suddenly stood up.

From his point of view, Wu Nian suddenly pinned the girl under him, his eyes were blood red, his body was full of hostility, and he was extremely dangerous. He must have wanted to harm the girl, he couldn't just watch the girl get hurt, and immediately pulled himself out The bone knife, infused with spiritual power, slashed at Wu Nian fiercely.

Wu Nian snorted coldly, and the scarlet Buddha lotus bloomed suddenly.

Yun Ranran turned pale with shock, Jiang Yan was no different from a gnat shaking a tree, this is not dead, she hurriedly grabbed Wu Nian's arm, and said anxiously: "Don't..."

The moment she met Wu Nian, his eyes fell on her soft fingers, and his movements froze slightly.

Jiang Yan's bone knife was already approaching, and he shouted: "Let go of my master."

Wuxuan, who was originally stagnant, was startled suddenly, and his hostility soared. He gritted his teeth and looked at Yun Ranran: "Master?"

The strength on his body turned into a black substance, enveloping his whole body.

Yun Ranran: ...

Ah, Jiang Yan, that idiot!

The bone knife had reached the top of the head at this time, but it completely shattered the moment it touched Wu Nian's body. Jiang Yan also flew backwards due to this terrifying force, and hit the wall.

He clutched his chest and became unconscious, and the whole ghost became more transparent.

Wu Nian's black hostility was extremely cold, Yun Ranran was held in his arms trembling all over, and he asked with confused eyes: "Master? Are you his master?"

Yun Ranran said with difficulty: "Calm down, listen to me, I didn't sign a contract with him, it was a misunderstanding."

She racked her brains to comfort him: "I've been looking for a way to get rid of it."

But he didn't seem to listen to anything. He looked at her with sad eyes, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it enough for you to have me? Why are there others?"

His voice turned cold suddenly: "That's right, just kill it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a red Buddha lotus condensed out. The lotus bloomed slowly, and suddenly formed a sharp sword array, all aimed at Jiang Yan.

If this sword array goes down, Jiang Yan will definitely be out of his wits.

Yun Ranran stopped him desperately, and said anxiously: "Don't, stop quickly, you calm down."

This time was different from the past, that Folian didn't show any signs of restraint, instead, as her pleading became more and more intense, the tip of the sword glowed red, and it was about to stab Jiang Yan.

Yun Ranran was so forced that he had no choice but to condense out his spirit sword, gritted his teeth and stab at Wu Nian.

While stabbing at Wu Nian, she waved a palm at Jiang Yan.

Whether he wanted it or not, this palm swept Jiang Yan out of the window, at least for a short time he was safe.

She didn't dare to hold back the sword that pierced Wu Nian. She intended to force Wu Nian back for a short time so as to give her a chance to save Jiang Yan, but she didn't expect that the sword was approaching Wu Nian's chest, but he didn't move.

The spirit sword was too strong, even if Yun Ranran realized something was wrong and wanted to take it back, it still sank into his chest.

Blood gushed out suddenly, splashing her cheeks and wrists.

The Buddha lotus sword array trembled suddenly, and then dispersed.

Yun Ranran froze on the spot.

She maintained the posture of holding the spirit sword, unable to move for a long time.

She said in disbelief: "You, why don't you hide."

Wu Nian looked down at her hand and the spirit sword that had sunk into her chest, her eyes were extremely cold.

He held her hand, slowly pulled out the spirit sword, and blood flowed down his chest.

Yun Ranran was flustered for a moment.

He held her hand, and with a light sweep, the spirit sword suddenly shattered. He looked into her eyes and said slowly, "How can you play with such a dangerous thing?"

Yun Ranran was frightened by his eyes, he grabbed her hand and forced her to open her palm.

What is he going to do?

She looked at him anxiously, but he didn't make a sound for a long time, but carefully inspected inch by inch.

Yun Ranran's back was tense, and his eyes were frightening.

After carefully looking at each finger, he said softly, "No injury."

Yun Ranran:?

What do you mean?

Could it be to see if her hand is injured?

No way... He was still bleeding from a sword wound in his chest, why did he check to see if she was injured first? Did he pay attention to the wrong point...


His actions made her somewhat guilty... She didn't know what to say for a while.

After checking her hands, he clasped the back of her head again, forcing her to look up, then he stretched out his hand and wiped off the blood stains on her face little by little, until only the blood drops on her lips were left. He leaned down and stuck out the tip of his tongue.

Crispy and numb.

He seems to have become soft, can she try to communicate with him?

She tried her best to control her emotions, and when she was about to speak, he suddenly picked her up and went to the depths of the study.

Soon, she saw a small bedroom with a small wooden window and a bed.

He carefully placed her on the soft bed, stretched out his hand to form a red chain, and tied it to her ankle and soft bed.

He locked her up.

Yun Ranran sat on the rug in a daze, looking down at the chains on her ankles.

Wu Nian knelt down in front of her on one knee, held her hand, and said in a low voice, "This way I won't leave."

Yun Ranran finally found her way of thinking, this guy is crazy...

How can this be good, I can't stay anymore, I have to go...

She was still thinking wildly, Wu Nian got up suddenly and went out, and locked the door outside.

As soon as the door was closed, the room was completely dark, and there was only weak moonlight in the window that could not illuminate anything.

She sat on the soft bed, thinking about how to escape.

The door lock can be broken easily, the important thing is the chain on the feet, what the **** is this?

She was about to lower her head to study carefully when the door suddenly "clicked" again.

Mindless is back.

He closed the door behind his back, and the room fell into darkness again. She smelled the stench of the soup, and then vaguely saw a touch of red.

She couldn't help but wanted to run towards Ruan Tang, but suddenly her waist was caught, and she was pulled forward fiercely, and she bumped into the hot chest.

I couldn't see anything clearly in the darkness, I could only hear the man's shallow breathing.

She nestled in his arms with her hands and feet stiff, he didn't make a sound, and she didn't know where he was looking, but she always felt uncomfortable, and when she was in a state of disorientation, her lower jaw was lifted, and a mouthful of medicinal soup was poured in.

She swallowed it down and passed it in one gulp.

It's not that she hasn't been fed before, but now she can't see anything clearly, and the unpredictable feeling makes her tense up, making her more sensitive, and every touch is infinitely magnified, making it impossible for her to deal with it.

I don't know how much he fed her, she was in a daze, while she was still waiting, she was hugged into his arms and whispered in his ear: "Don't wait, the feeding is over."

She was taken aback for a moment, then came back to her senses, and after understanding what he said, her whole body turned red.

He hugged her into his arms, and said in a low and light voice, "I'll give you everything, don't leave, okay?"

Yun Ranran really didn't know what to say, Wu Nian made her feel so confused, she couldn't even figure out a clear idea, where did his feelings for her come from?

Even if it's because of Buddha bones and fragments, it shouldn't be like this...

But in the current situation, there is no other way but to follow him, so she can only respond: "Okay."

She had just finished speaking, but Wu Nian said, "Liar."

Yun Ranran: ...

This guy! If you don’t believe me, why ask!

"But..." Wu Nian whispered in her ear, "Locking you, you can only see me, so it's not a lie."

Just as Yun Ranran was about to protest, he hugged her and fell down on the collapsed floor. He stretched out his hand and pulled the thin quilt to cover the two of them.

"Go to sleep."

Yun Ranran: ...

She was forced to nest in his arms, her eyes widened with anger, but she still couldn't see anything clearly.

There was a sudden heat in front of her eyes, and a hand covered her eyes, forcing her to close them.

Not knowing where the anger came from, she suddenly raised her head, opened her mouth and bit his finger, exerted some strength, and heard Wu Nian's muffled moan in the darkness.

After biting for a long time, she finally let go, but his face was suddenly pinched by him. With a little force, she was forced to open her mouth.

There was no movement for a long time.

In the dark, she didn't know what he was doing, and her previous anger dissipated, but now it turned into anxiety.

What the **** is this guy up to? Nervousness climbed up bit by bit.

Just when the tension gradually turned into fear, she heard him whisper.

"It was checked, no injuries."

Yun Ranran: ...

He was silent for a long time, actually checking her tongue for...

This successfully angered her.

When he was about to speak, his waist was pressed into his arms by him.

In the darkness, there was only the sound of shredding cloth, followed by his pressing her head and nibbling on his neck.

He didn't know when he tore off his collar, exposing his slender neck.

He put his neck into her mouth and said hoarsely.

"Bite here."

Yun Ranran's eyes were red with anger, and he really bit down on it viciously.

The smell of blood gushed out in an instant.


The next few days passed by Yun Ranran in the dark.

She still couldn't get out of the small room, and she couldn't even study the chains on her feet carefully.

Because Wu Nian would stay in the room with her whenever she was free.

Sometimes just after jumping off the building, blood dripped from the wound before it healed, and she sat at her feet bleeding silently.

She couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to wipe it for him, and he obediently let her manipulate him.

But he still refused to let her go.

At night, he hugged her and slept with her. When she was angry, he would coax her, but he would not agree to her leaving anyway.

He looked terrible, but he never hurt her once.

She thinks this guy is not bad, but he lacks a sense of security, which may be caused by bloodlust and Dafa. If she just stays with him for a few days, it may relieve his anxiety, and maybe he will get better.

After that, she didn't resist him, and she didn't say she wanted to leave again. Wu Nian became visibly happy, and the hostility in her body almost dissipated.

This day, he walked into the small room, accustomed to holding her in his arms, and then happily said: "Your physique has almost recovered, let's form a bond."

ah? Is it so sudden?

She suddenly became nervous and persuaded: "Did you hand yourself over so easily? Don't you think about it again?"

Wu Nian looked at her seriously: "I just want to form a bond with you, there is no one else."

Yu Ranran still wanted to persuade, but he said: "I only have you in my heart."

He lowered his head, and his tone was soft and gentle: "I want to give you everything."

Yun Ranran felt that she deserved it, but then she thought, if she became Wu Nian's master, wouldn't she be able to order him and lead him on the right path? Thinking of it this way, he also felt relieved cheekily.

She looked at him, and said in silence for a while, "It's okay too."

Wu Nian's eyes lit up and he became happy, he kissed her cheek, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Master, I will give my soul to you right now."

Yun Ranran's face turned red when she heard these words, and she only said: "It's not necessary..."

Wu Nian stubbornly said: "If it doesn't work, I'll give it to you."

Yun Ranran's heart softened, and she couldn't help but said: "Okay, I will keep it well."

Only then did Wu Nian smile, with shyness and anticipation in her eyes: "From now on, I'm yours, Qingqing."

Yun Ranran blushed: "Why do you say such sweet words... Wait, Qingqing?"

Yun Ranran was stunned, her brows furrowed, and she couldn't help asking: "Who is Qingqing?"

Wu Nian looked at her suspiciously, and said, "Master, Qingqing is you, you are Qingqing."

Yun Ranran narrowed his eyes, this guy, he must have misunderstood someone!

She gritted her teeth and asked, "tell me clearly, who is Qingqing?"

Wu Nian was dumbfounded by her question, and said suspiciously: "Qingqing is you, the girl with big eyes."

Yun Ranran got a headache and asked, "Where did you meet Qingqing?"

Wu Nian was a little hurt, and said: "Qingqing, don't you remember? The first time I saw you in the back mountain, you were chased by a wild wolf, and I saved you."

back mountain? wolf? Hell, she's never been to such a place!

Ah, this nasty little monk, for a long time admitted the wrong person, and she said why his feelings for her came so abruptly!

What do you say don't leave me, I belong to you, I only have you in my heart, the relationship is not about her at all, but what is Qingqing?

Got a headache from being angry with him.

Wu Nian looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "Qingqing, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Ranran said angrily, "I'm not Qingqing."

Wu Nian looked carefully for a long time, and said distressedly: "You are Qingqing, Qingqing, are you angry with me? Is there something wrong with me?"

As soon as he said that, he was a little anxious, and he stretched out his hand to hug her, but Yun Ranran pushed her away angrily, and said angrily, "I told you I'm not Qingqing."

It's really exciting!

Wu Nian held her hand and said earnestly: "Qingqing, I was wrong, can we form a bond, I really only have you in my heart."

Yun Ranran withdrew her hand and said angrily, "I told you I'm not Qingqing. If you really want to form a bond with Qingqing, go find Qingqing."

Wu Nian felt wronged and said, "You are Qingqing."

Yun Ranran became emboldened when she became angry, and shouted in his ear: "I'm not, you should see clearly."

Wu Nian was stunned by her roar, and really sat there for a long time, just staring at her.

Yun Ranran glared at her angrily.

I didn't know how long I watched like this, Wu Nian suddenly leaned in front of her, and said softly: "Of course you are not Qingqing."

Yun Ranran thought, finally figured it out, this bastard, just as she was about to talk to him, he held her hand again.

"Yuyou, I belong to you, form a bond with me."

Yun Ranran: ...

Who the **** is Yoyo!

Yun Ranran's head hurts from anger.

But Wu Nian looked at her aggrievedly: "Yuyou, are you angry with me? I can change it."

"Yuyou form a bond with me, I only have you in my heart."

Yun Ranran rubbed her temples, gritted her teeth and said, "Where did you and Yoyo meet?"

Wu Nian said: "Yuyou, have you forgotten? That day you strayed into the ancient temple to avoid the rain. I was copying the scriptures, and you ran in front of me recklessly. The rain drenched your hair. Then For a moment you are amazingly beautiful."

Yun Ranran: ...

Well, she can't be Yoyo at all, she has never entered any ancient temple by mistake to avoid the rain.

She suddenly remembered what Jiang Yan had said about Wu Nian before.

[Many people have heard him calling different girls by their names when he was drunk, each calling them affectionately. 】

[I don't know how many people I loved before my death. 】

Are these girls the ones Du Wunian liked before? Even after death, you can't forget it, and even love everyone so deeply?

This guy looks cute and affectionate, but is he so scumbag?

There will be two in just a short while, will there be more later?

Seeing her silent for a long time, he was flustered and asked, "Master, do you want to make a contract?"

Yun Ranran said: "Be a ghost, let's get married with your Qingqing."

Wu Nian whispered: "Did I do something wrong? I can change it for you."

Yun Ranran thought, where is it for her to change, it is for Qingqingyouyou, she is not angry because she is jealous, but because she was played by him, she has been getting along with him with guilt and anxiety, she feels that she is taking advantage of it It is somewhat shameless for him to enjoy his affectionately while he is delirious, and it is immoral to obtain his contract of allegiance by relying on Buddha bones and fragments, but he did not expect that she was just a substitute.

It's not just one person's stand-in, it's several girls'...

This made her somewhat angry, and this guy still had the nerve to continue to say those affectionate words.

She said unhappily: "Forget it, save it and tell your Qingqingyouyou."

Looking at her helplessly, this was probably the first time he was so bewildered.

Although Yun Ranran was angry and resisted before, she felt sorry for him to some extent, would gently wipe the blood stains for him, and would obediently lay on his chest, but now she sensed the deception, and became indifferent.

Wu Nian noticed the change, but he didn't understand why she was like this, his eye circles were slightly red, and he moved closer to her, but she moved away angrily, making him even more sad.

"What's wrong? Don't you want me anymore?"

Yun Ranran asked, "Who am I?"

Wu Nian looked carefully for a moment, and said seriously, "It's Ning'er."

Yun Ranran: ...

Damn, it's outrageous!

"Who is Ning'er?"

Wu Nian said with red eyes: "Did you forget again? Didn't we go boating on the lake?"

Well, she shouldn't have asked.

Wu Nian looked at her pitifully, not understanding why she became even more angry, and only said: "Is it okay to form a bond?"

Yun Ranran said: "No knot."

Wu Nian didn't understand: "Why?"

His pitiful and red-eyed look made people feel soft, Yun Ranran said, "I'll give you one last chance, who am I? Do you know me or not?"

Wu Nian sat on the spot, watching her carefully, until the water vapor gushed out of her eyes, but she still didn't dare to answer.

He finally wronged and said: "You are my most important person, I know that I want to form a bond with you, it is you, only you."

Ah, this person who didn't name him is really high-ranking scum, Yun Ranran was about to laugh angrily, and asked, "Who the **** am I, tell me."

Wu Nian was bored for a long time, and understood that if he didn't speak out, she would never form a bond with him, so she had to look at it seriously again, and after watching for a long time, she finally asked tentatively, "Luo'er?"

Yun Ranran: ...

Okay, it's hopeless, Yun Ranran pushed him away and said coldly, "Get out."

Wu Nian refused to leave, Yun Ranran said harshly: "If you don't leave, I will commit suicide."

Wu Nian had no choice but to stand up and look at her sadly.

"You are really my most important person, I didn't lie to you."

Yun Ranran raised his hand and condensed out a spirit sword, resting it on his wrist.

Wu Nian had no choice but to walk out the door.

After the door was closed, Yun Ranran threw away the spirit sword.

Really mad, at least today do not want to see him.

She never expected Wu Nian to be such a scumbag...

But just being with him these few days, if he is in a normal state of mind, no girl can resist it...

She was bored in the room alone for a while, and the feeling of depression subsided, and she suddenly remembered that she was alone, so why not study the chains on her ankles?

No matter how much trouble she made before, Wu Nian would agree, but she just refused to untie her chains and let her go. If she could untie her chains, tonight would be a good time to go away.

She jumped down immediately, sat cross-legged on the ground and began to study.

The chain was red, and it was very light to touch. She tried to penetrate the spiritual power, but the chain changed instantly, easily turned into a ball of flame, and gently stopped in her palm.

It was just like that.


The chains were originally made from karmic fire, but he had fed her the medicinal soup for so long, and she could easily control the karmic fire long ago, so the chains couldn't trap her at all.

She was slightly taken aback, and suddenly thought that it was impossible for him not to know about this...

So he didn't really want to trap himself here... he locked her and gave her the key on the first day...

She couldn't help but think of the guy's slightly red eyes, and the phrase don't leave me.

My heart softened...

Wait, calm down, Yun Ranran, what he said to his girls has nothing to do with you, you should run away by yourself, go back and find Wuxuan...

She shook her head to shake off those strange thoughts, then walked to the window, carefully took off the window frame, jumped out of the narrow window with a light body.

The wind suddenly filled her clothes.

The karma under her feet scrambled to her foothold, as if trying to catch her.

Soon, she stepped on the gentle flames and landed lightly.

As soon as he landed, Jiang Yan ran over from the dark, weeping with joy.

"Master, you finally escaped."

Yun Ranran only said: "Come on, get out of here."

Jiang Yan nodded immediately, walked in front of her to help her open the way, and asked as he walked, "How did the master figure it out?"

Yun Ranran said: "Don't mention it, the person he wants to form a bond with is not me, but other girls, who are young and long."

Jiang Yan was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked strangely, "Qingqing?"

Yun Ranran: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yan frowned, and said, "It sounds familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

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