MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 77 My master

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That "Master" call made Yun Ranran's liver tremble.

She quickly looked away, not daring to take a second look.

The Buddha behind him curled up in one place because of the pain, desperately suppressing the sobs overflowing from his throat, the low voice made the voice more ambiguous and moving.

Yun Ranran sat with his back to him, his wrist still held in his palm.

She should get up and leave immediately, but she couldn't move, the beauty was behind her, and she begged her not to leave...

Who can stand this...

She paused for a moment, turned her back to him, and said to him with the order of the contract: "Wu Nian, let me go."

As long as the coercive force of the contract is used, Wu Nian cannot defy it.

The pressure on the wrist suddenly disappeared, and it was Wu Nian who let go of his hand.

Yun Ranran breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't dare to look at him, and persuaded earnestly: "I'm doing it for your own good, you're unconscious now, you don't even know anyone, you stay here obediently, I'll stay with you outside, bear with me It's fine in the past."

The people behind did not respond.

She sighed, got up and was about to leave, when suddenly a strong smell of blood wafted through her nose, she turned pale with fright, turned her head in a hurry, and saw Wu Nian curled up in a ball, biting her own lips and tongue because of too much pain, blood gushing from his mouth out, staining the pillow and white mattress.

His eyes gradually became lax, and a pair of dark eyes were filled with tears and despair.

Yun Ranran was terrified, and in desperation forced her finger into his mouth to stop his self-harm.

When he was confused, he bit her hand, she broke out in cold sweat from the pain, and took advantage of this gap to shout: "Wu Nian, wake up, wake up."

Only then did Wu Nian gradually regain consciousness, and her eyes regained their brilliance.

His wounds began to heal slowly.

Yun Ranran quickly pulled out her fingers from his mouth, and there was a row of neat imprints on them, which really hurt like hell.

Wu Nian raised her eyes to look at her, showing guilt, reached out to touch her, but couldn't touch her because of the contract, the corners of her eyes drooped, her face was full of disappointment and grievance.

That pitiful little look that ravishes her soul directly hits the depths of her soul.

Yun Ranran felt that she would be a beast if she didn't hug him anymore, so she didn't hesitate anymore, grabbed his hand and pulled him into her arms, saying: "Okay, okay, let you touch, don't be sad."

Wu Nian is much taller than her, she said she was holding Wu Nian, but in fact Wu Nian was still holding her. The tall man stuffed her into his arms and hugged her tightly without leaving a single gap.

Yun Ranran was about to be suffocated by his embrace, and said with a headache: "There is blood on the pillow and quilt, let's change it."

Wu Nian nodded at her neck, then got up, picked her up, walked a few steps to the study, and carried her to the small room in the study.

Yun Ranran: ...

ok, here it is...

Wu Nian put her on the soft bed, climbed up by herself, then reached out and pulled the quilt over the two of them, and after covering them, she came to hug Yun Ranran's waist.

Yun Ranran said: "I've already slept with you, so you should be honest and sleep by yourself, go inside."

Wu Nian paused, her black eyes became wet, and she felt wronged again.

Yun Ranran had nothing to do with him, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll give you a hug."

As soon as his eyes lit up, he clasped her waist, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

Yun Ranran was forced to stick to his chest, feeling extremely helpless.

But it was true, as soon as Wu Nian hugged her, his emotions stabilized, and the pain eased a lot, so what else could he do, he could only hug her.

There was a good smell on him, and her consciousness gradually sank into a blur.

In the dark, she heard him say in a low voice: "I did not admit the wrong person."

She couldn't help laughing: "Then who am I?"

He hesitated: "Qingqing."

Yun Ranran was so **** off by this guy, she stretched out her hand and pinched his waist, using some strength.

Wu Nian exhaled in pain, and after a while arched her neck, his shallow breath landed on her skin, making her itchy, he moaned: "It hurts."

This guy was acting coquettish, she tilted her head back, looked at Wu Nian's pretty little face, and narrowed her eyes: "I'll give you another chance, who am I?"

Wu Nian pursed her lips and looked at her, not daring to speak.

Yun Ranran put her hands on his waist threateningly, and the little monk's eyes became a little flustered.

Yun Ranran said with a dark face on purpose: "Didn't you say you wouldn't admit your mistake? Why don't you dare to say it?"

Wu Nian stared at her for a long time, and said seriously: "This time I won't admit my mistake."

Yun Ranran raised her eyebrows.

Wu Nian is confident: "Yuyou."

Yun Ranran exerted force on his hands instantly, and the little monk hissed in pain, his pretty little face wrinkled together.

Aggrieved, he burrowed into her neck, unconvinced: "I didn't admit my mistake."

As soon as Yun Ranran put his fingers on his waist, his face turned pale, and he said repeatedly: "I was wrong, master."

Yun Ranran didn't want to ask anymore, anyway, he was so confused that he didn't know who she was, and the person he wanted to find was not her.

His embrace was very warm and comfortable, and she gradually fell into a deep sleep like this.

But Wu Nian, who was holding her, kept his eyes open, and his eyes fell on her face without blinking.

He still couldn't figure it out, he didn't admit the wrong person, since the first time he saw her, he didn't admit the wrong person.

Why doesn't she believe it?

The more Wu Nian thought about it, the more wronged she became, her eyes turned red quietly.

There are some things that even Wu Nian himself doesn't know.

He had always known her, he just didn't know himself.

He always misremembered his identity, which was why he called her by the wrong name every time.

But every time he calls the name, it is the person he loves most deeply and unforgettable.

He is Jiang Yan, she is Qingqing,

He is a scholar, and she is Yoyo.

He is a boorish man, and she is Ning'er.

He is a swordsman, and she is Luo'er.

In fact, he really never recognized her.

Wu Nian hugged the sleeping girl, his eyes became blurred and clear from time to time, he was very distressed that every time he called her name it made her angry, so he tried hard to remember.

He is Jiang Yan, so she is Qingqing, that's right.

But every time he called her Qingqing, she would get angry, and he began to think seriously again. After thinking about it for an unknown amount of time, the girl had already fallen into a deep sleep and couldn't hear anything.

He is also sometimes sober and sometimes chaotic.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally planned to give up, and closed his eyes angrily.

In the darkness came the aggrieved and angry voice of the Buddha in red.

"I am Wuxuan, and you are Ran Ran."

"I obviously did not make a mistake."


When Yun Ranran woke up the next day, she saw Wu Nian looking straight at her.

The eyes are gentle and happy.

Cute and lovely.

She couldn't help pinching his face.

Wu Nian threw her into his arms like a dog.

In the next few days, Yun Ranran stayed with him all the time.

He was like a puppy who couldn't leave his master. If he didn't let him touch him, he would tearfully collapse, causing himself all wounds.

Yun Ranran had no choice but to hold his hand from time to time.

Wu Nian's waking time became longer, and he began to improve day by day.

A few more days passed like this, when Wu Nian was holding Yun Ranran and sitting on the edge watching the morning glow, she suddenly called softly: "Ran Ran."

Yun Ranran shouted in surprise: "What did you call me?"

Wu Nian thought that she was calling the wrong thing again, and said in a panic, "Qingqing...isn't...Yuyou?"

Yun Ranran laughed angrily at him, and said softly: "Don't panic, think about it seriously, who am I?"

The morning glow in the distant sky is gorgeous, and the shallow golden light covers the sky.

That's when the sun will break.

The flustered eyes of Buddha in red gradually calmed down. He looked at her seriously, and after thinking hard, he said tentatively.


Yun Ranran's heart suddenly felt sore, he recognized it, and she didn't know why she was moved, but she was very happy.

She pointed to the sky, and said to him with red eyes.

"Wu Nian, look, it's dawn."

Wu Nian glanced at the sky, then at her, her pupils curved.

"Yes, it's dawn."



After several days of recuperation, Wu Nian really recovered, his mood became more and more stable, and he no longer committed suicide easily. Yun Ranran was very happy, and secretly thought about breaking the contract with him.

Forming a pact with Wu Nian is an urgent choice, she can't take advantage of the ghost like this, not to mention that there are so many girls she likes, she has to set him free, whether to return to Wangchuan to reincarnate or continue as the ghost king Cultivation, let him go.

Finally, on the day when he was emotionally stable, Yun Ranran found him and told him what he thought.

She originally thought that the little monk would be unhappy, after all, he has always been dependent on her, but as soon as she said it, he accepted it calmly, saying that the contract can be terminated, and she can terminate it whenever she wants.

Yun Ranran breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Nian is so cute.

She then said: "Let's untie it now, I've been out for too long, I have to go back."

Wu Nian said: "Okay."

Then he put his finger to her lips, and said softly: "Master, take a bite, you will see blood."

Yun Ranran couldn't bear it, but in order to understand the deed, he still put his finger in his mouth, bit hard, and blood beads came out.

Wu Nian whispered: "Master, swallow it."

Yun Ranran blushed inexplicably and swallowed the blood bead.

Wuxuan hugged her and said, "This is solved."

ah? so easy?

Yun Ranran didn't notice anything, but he said it should be solved, right?

She asked, "Where are you going?"

Wu Nian smiled and said: "I plan to go to Wangchuan to reincarnate, if there is a destiny, we will meet again in the future."

Yun Ranran was a little sad, wiped away her tears, and said, "You have to be good."

Wu Nian rubbed her hair, smiled: "Understood, goodbye."

Yun Ranran let out a "hmm", and Wu Nian turned around and walked to the edge of the pavilion.

Her tears fell and she waved to him vigorously.

Wu Nian smiled at her with sideways eyes, and then disappeared between the pavilions and left.

Yun Ranran suddenly felt empty and uncomfortable, so she simply cried out.

Jiang Yan, who had been guarding the tower, saw Wu Nian disappearing, and cried loudly, louder than Yun Ranran.

Yun Ranran couldn't get angry, and the two of them began to cry loudly on the pavilion.

When Yun Ranran was crying, she was suddenly pulled into her arms with her waist clasped.

"Why are you so sad? Who bullied you?"

Yun Ranran raised her head with tears in her eyes, and saw Wuxuan's beautiful face, she couldn't see it clearly, but she still had a good look.

She choked up and said, "Why are you here?"

Wuxuan turned her around, made her face him, raised his fingers to wipe away her tears, and said softly, "I'll pick you up."

He wiped her face carefully and asked, "Why are you crying?"

Yun Ranran pointed to the distance, unable to explain to him for a while, so he could only say: "My friend is gone, these are the sad tears of parting."

Wuxuan was amused by her, he leaned over to look at her, and coaxed: "How can a friend leave so easily, he will definitely come back to see you."

Yun Ranran thought, she had already been reincarnated, how could she see her again, the sadness couldn't be dispelled, and the tears fell.

Wuxuan smiled and took her hand, leading her downstairs.

Jiang Yan, who was crying and out of breath, looked at the newcomer Wuxuan in shock. He looked at the place where Wunian disappeared in disbelief, and then went to Wuxuan again. He just looked at it three or four times. Suddenly the corners of his mouth parted and he smiled.

This his Wunian...

Before the tears were dry, he started laughing foolishly again.

The Buddha who was about to disappear around the corner suddenly turned his head to look at him, and said softly, "Why don't you hurry up and follow?"

Jiang Yan hurriedly wiped away his tears, and jogged happily to keep up.

Yun Ranran looked at the toe of her shoe sadly, unable to get out of the sadness for a while.

Wuxuan glanced sideways and asked, "Would you like to hug you?"

Yun Ranran sobbed: "I can go by myself."

Wuxuan stopped talking and just led her to walk slowly.

Yun Ranran cried and cried, and suddenly said: "I'm so sad, I want to get drunk."

Wuxuan laughed.

Yun Ranran looked at him with swollen eyes, and said softly: "Buy me some jars of wine, I want to relieve my worries tonight."

As soon as the little girl said this, the Buddha's heart suddenly felt hot, and the contract came into effect, which was an order from the master.

The corner of his lips twitched, and he said to the dizzy little girl who was crying, "Okay."

The little girl turned around contentedly, and went sad to herself.

Wuxuan looked at her back with sincere and moving eyes.

"Of course, I can do anything for you."

Then he lowered his volume and said with a slightly red cheek.

"My master."

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