MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 81 Brain full of yellow trash

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The scene fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone was lost in thought because of this thoughtless remark, and the eyes they looked at Yun Ranran became even more strange.

Yun Ranran was also in a daze, she didn't understand, the man opposite looked at her expressionlessly, and there was no flirting in the slightest, it was very strange to say this...

Unbeknownst to everyone, Cang Jue was also in a daze...

He himself does not understand!

Where did this instinct come from, when I saw this girl, I wanted to kiss her?

As soon as he saw this girl just now, he couldn't hide his love for her. He wished he could immediately hug her up to a tall building and press her down on the ground... Cough cough...

He could feel his heart beating wildly inside her, and he couldn't restrain his desire to hug her at all.

How could his heart be on her? Was it given by the guy outside? This girl actually moved him? And it drives him crazy...

It's terrible...

He has been in Wangchuan for many years, he has become a ghost, so naturally he can do whatever he wants, this place is the place where desires are most indulged, plus he occasionally meddles in his own business, sending those obsessive guys out, he is somewhat affected , restraint is the worst...very weak...

Usually do whatever you want...

So his obsession with the little girl soared to the extreme in an instant. He wanted to hug her, take her as his own, and wanted her to never look at anyone but himself...

he's going crazy...

what to do…

He looked into the little girl's surprised and shy eyes, and his heart was beating wildly.

Does this little girl know about his crazy and passionate love? Know his thick, dirty thoughts?

I know he wants to hold her down...

Yun Ranran was frightened by the naked eyes, that guy stared at her, his eyes became more and more terrifying...

She couldn't help but took a step back, her eyes were slightly red because of that look... as if she had offended someone she shouldn't have...

This guy is more terrifying than the one under the Xiaoyao Zongwan Cemetery...

Cang Jue frowned deeply.

The little girl backed away! Farther away from him!

In an instant, murderous aura overflowed.

Qin'er became transparent in an instant because of this spiritual pressure, as if it would dissipate in the next moment.

Yun Ranran glanced at it numbly, then looked at Cang Jue in horror.

The guy lowered his eyes, pursed his thin lips, and looked cold.

She must have misheard just now, how could it be what she thought, if she misunderstood, she would be too stupid to kiss, it is impossible...

The trouser leg was suddenly grabbed by a hand, she lowered her head hastily, facing Shang Qin'er's eyes full of tears, she begged in a low voice: "Sister, help me."

"Dear, just one bite, kiss."

Yun Ranran: ...

Seeing that Qin'er was about to dissipate, she was really not sure, so she raised her face and asked Cang Jue: "You, what you just said, does it count?"

Cang Jue didn't respond to her, but leaned slightly, and brought her pretty face to her lips.

This guy actually wants her...

Yun Ranran didn't have any principles in the first place, let alone such a beautiful woman, she didn't suffer much from a kiss. As soon as she closed her eyes, she gently moved forward, kissed his cheek like lightning, and then quickly withdrew. Come, and then the cheeks are burning red.

But she waited for a while, but Cang Jue still didn't respond, he still kept the posture of bending over her, his expression didn't change at all.

In public, this bastard...

If he denies it now, or laughs at her, she will fight him immediately!

Cang Jue at this moment: Did she kiss me? Really kiss? It's like a dream... My heart is beating so fast... I have guarded myself like a jade for eighteen years, just to wait for this girl? It's so fragrant and soft, I can't bear it...I want to take her up to a tall building, I want to press her on a collapsed floor...right now...I can't bear it anymore...

Just when Yun Ranran couldn't suppress her anger, the man suddenly moved. He grabbed her wrist and said, "Let's go."

Yun Ranran was caught off guard and asked, "Where are you going?"

The man didn't look back: "Go upstairs."

Yun Ranran: "What are you doing upstairs?"

The man turned his face, excited: "It's all done!"

Yun Ranran: ...

What is this guy thinking, she can't figure it out at all, this guy is not the same as the last one, she is going to cry...

She desperately wanted to hold him, but he was impatient, and immediately picked her up horizontally. After a few ups and downs, the wind was heard in his ears, and he carried her up to the tall building.

After carrying her up to the tall building, he went straight to Ruantai, put her on the top, and the person pressed up, and then started to pull her belt.

Yun Ranran was really frightened, she hurriedly reached out to stop him, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Cang Jue faced his heart sincerely: "I want to hug you."

Yun Ranran: ...

Yun Ranran was devastated and said, "Come on, isn't it the first time we met?"

Cang Jue said: "So what?"

Yun Ranran said: "Give me some time, I need time to adapt."

Cang Jue's face darkened, such a beautiful girl was left here, and the desire to hug her grew wildly, he couldn't bear it at all, she actually asked him to wait?

He can't wait! !

The little girl was stared at by him for a moment, her eyes turned red, and she whispered: "Don't look at me like that, I'm really scared."

Cang Jue: ...

Damn, she was about to cry!

He clenched his fingers, restrained and restrained, and then said: "Don't be afraid, I won't touch you, if you don't agree, I won't touch you."

Yun Ranran didn't expect him to say that, so he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Really?"

Cang Jue said in pain: "Really, what you say is what you say."

Yun Ranran was finally relieved, the way he looked at her just now, as if he wanted to eat her, was really terrifying...

Cang Jue didn't dare to look at her anymore, looked away, and said in a low voice, "Take you out for a stroll?"

Yun Ranran didn't dare to refuse... so she just nodded...

Cang Jue then got up and walked out, originally wanted to hold her hand, but just promised her not to touch it, so he patiently clenched his fingers and motioned for her to follow.

Yun Ranran tidied up her clothes and followed behind him, she thought silently, it would be good to go out with him for a walk, and get to know him better, so that she can confirm whether she should take him out or not.

But he was really scary, she didn't dare to get too close, so she deliberately kept a distance.

Cang Jue took a look, his eyes were cold, but he didn't say anything after all.

The two of them got out of the tall building and walked slowly on the long street.

The long street was noisy, and countless souls walked through it. When they saw the two, they were shocked, and passers-by even avoided it.

Yun Ranran came back to Wangchuan for the first time, and she was surprised by everything. Today, all the vendors have seen how powerful she is, that she can actually influence Mrs. Cang Jue, and they all showed extra enthusiasm when she came over.

There are bottles of red ink on the pavement in front of me. The pavement owner is a girl. She told Yun Ranran that the red ink is made of the juice of the other shore flower by the Wangchuan River. Use this ink to paint on your hands. Then you can have a sweet dream.

The talisman drawn by the boss is quite beautiful, whether it can make you dream or not, it is very interesting, Yun Ranran turned to look at Cang Jue, Cang Jue said: "Draw it."

She sat down, the girl untied her tunic sleeves, turned up her sleeves, revealing her fair arms, and then the girl picked up a brush and dipped in ink, and began to draw stroke by stroke.

Yun Ranran felt cool and comfortable.

Cang Jue behind him held his breath for a moment.

That ink is so white...

The dazzling white eyes, the uncontrollable waste once again filled his brain, the girl's small chin, red lips, and those white, tender arms stretched out...

He suddenly closed his eyes...

Too tormented...

Yun Ranran finally finished drawing, she looked down at her wrist, the beautiful red patterns were laid out delicately on her wrist, so beautiful, she turned to look at Cang Jue, passed her wrist over, and asked with a smile: "Look, it looks pretty Is it?"

ok, so cute...

heartbeat stopped...

Cang Jue's mind went blank at this moment...

He is a madman of desire, he is a monster of sinking, at this moment, he just wants to hug her...

Clenching his fingers tightly, pursing his thin lips, he lowered his eyes and said nothing...

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Yun Ranran was a little scared, and immediately changed the subject: "Let's go ahead and have a look..."

After she finished speaking, she left, looked back at him quietly, and was relieved to find that although he was silent, he still raised his heels.

She kept walking forward, and before she knew it, she came to the broad river bank, where large tracts of Bana flowers were in full bloom, the red color was brighter than fire, forming a continuous sea.

A cool wind blows from the river, and the black water ripples.

At this moment, she heard an exclamation, which was still somewhat familiar, and upon closer inspection, it was Ning'er. She pointed forward anxiously and shouted "Help".

Yun Ranran looked forward, and saw the female ghost floating in the heart of the Wangchuan River, it was Qin'er, this girl must have jumped off the Wangchuan Cliff again.

At this moment, the soul body was floating on the river fragilely, and his consciousness fell into a coma.

Without even thinking about it, she immediately jumped into the River of Forgetfulness and swam towards Qin'er. The water in the river was dark and cold, except for some inconvenience in movement, there was no other abnormality. She quickly swam to the center of the river, and fished Qin'er into her arms. Swimming towards Ning'er, after a while, finally brought Qin'er to the shore.

Ning'er immediately ran over and took Qin'er worriedly.

Yun Ranran sighed: "You watch Qin'er and tell her not to jump off the Wangchuan Cliff. I'll see if I can ask Lord Cang Jue to help me."

Ning'er was so grateful that she thanked her again and again.

Yun Ranran then went to Cang Jue's side, and soon returned to the man.

She just came up from the River of Forgetfulness, her body was dripping wet, her clothes were tightly attached to her body, and her hair was also wet and uncomfortable, so she simply took out her hair band, put her hair up and tied it in a high ponytail, revealing her beautiful neck out.

Cang Jue sat on the bank of the river, watching her quietly.

His heart was already churning like a storm, he couldn't control it, he couldn't bear it, and he couldn't even look away.

His mind was full of her fair face and slightly swaying waist.

The drops of water streaked across her sharp and small chin, and fell on her slender collarbone.

He is the ghost of desire, the puppet of her disconnection, and the prisoner of her delusion.

His patient heart began to ache.

The little girl walked in front of him like this, getting closer and closer to him.

He restrained himself with his last rationality, not to scare her.

The little girl stood still in front of him, then squatted down to look at him at the same level, her body was covered with moisture, tick-tock.

She looked at him with some fear, hesitating to speak.

He rolled his Adam's apple gently, swallowing a mouthful of saliva carefully.

Be calm, be restrained, not indulge...

Just when he restrained himself with all his rationality, he heard the little girl ask apologetically and shyly.


"If I kiss you, can you send Qin'er out of Wangchuan?"

? ? ?

! !

The string of reason broke completely at this moment.