MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 9 Chic leisure young man

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That evening, Deng Deng wept and wet the boy's clothes.

The young man was in such a hurry that he couldn't coax her well, so he finally cried with her helplessly.

The two hugged and cried together, and the crying moon hung on the treetops.

She finally stopped and sat cross-legged in his palm.

"But, I don't know anything... What can I do if I stay?"

The boy rubbed his red and swollen eyes, then rubbed his face, trying to help her find a way.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Deng Deng said honestly: "The candle demon."

The boy's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Then can you shine?"

The little girl hung her head in shame and shook her head.

The young man knocked on her head, annoyed: "You are a candle demon, how can you not shine?"

The little girl lowered her head lower and lower, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"I was only focused on running for my life, I haven't practiced much..."

The boy said: "Send one and I'll have a look."

The little girl was silent for a moment, and finally overcame her inner shyness, clenched her fists hard, gathered all the spiritual power in her body, and tried her best to show off her skills.

A moment later, with a soft "bang", a star and a half, green and imperceptibly small flames burst out from the top of the little girl's head.

How small is it?

It's so small that if you don't take the time to watch it, it will go out by itself...

The young man was startled for a moment, then he clutched his stomach and laughed and fell to the ground...

The little girl's face turned black, and she threw herself on his arm, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"I just said I don't want it, but if you insist on watching it, just watch it and laugh at me."

"I will never do this again."

The young man pressed her head, pressed her to his chest, suppressed a smile, and said seriously.

"Puppy, no matter how small it is, it still shines."

She froze for a while, then jumped on it and bit even more fiercely.

In the next few days, the young man hid her on his body to protect her under the eyes of his fellow disciples.

The day he left, the weather was fine.

They went down the mountain to practice, and they only took a short rest in Qingxi Village.

She was weak and could not leave Qingxi Village yet. They bid farewell by the river in Qingxi Village, and he promised to come back to see her after the training.

The boy sat on the grass and held her in his palm.

"You know what."

"This world has always been like this, it's not that good, it's not that bad, you can only change it if you accept it first."

The little girl didn't understand.

"But I don't know anything. Compared with those big men, I'm too bad."

The young man smiled, and the vast mountains and rivers were reflected in his dark eyes.

His hair and the cloud-white hair rope were flying in the wind.

"It's never them who change the world, it's us."

Denden couldn't understand.

The boy stroked her hair and said goodbye to her.

"No matter how small it is, it still shines."


Since he left, she practiced to shine day after day, and then she became more and more powerful.

She just thought that as long as she lived one day, she would wait for him in this mountain.

When he walked through this forest path, she would set the whole forest on fire and show him the most dazzling stars.

But until Qingxi Village was covered by mountains and forests, isolated from the world and overgrown with weeds, he never came back.

She didn't know where he went, and she didn't know why it took so long to experience.

But she has nothing else to do, so there's nothing wrong with waiting.

Later, it was inconvenient for the villagers to travel at night, so she lit a will-o'-the-wisp to guide the way. At first everyone was scared, but after a few times, they found that the will-o'-the-wisp didn't hurt people and was still warm, so they relaxed.

She was embarrassed to come out and hid in the woods.

The uncle of the village head would deliberately walk slowly and tell her some interesting things.

Until one day she noticed his existence, he was buried in the ground, and the overflowing yin energy covered the entire mountain, and even changed the topography of Qingxi Village, she knew how terrifying he was.

She was afraid, but she didn't want to leave. If she left, where would brother go to find her?

Since then, she has become more careful, she shines carefully, and guides the way carefully.

She has no other skills, she can only shine, if she can light the way forward for others, she thinks it is worth it.

But she is already so powerful now, he hasn't seen it yet...

All he remembered was the way she was crying, biting him, and furious...

She is not reconciled...

The sword came to the front in the blink of an eye, and stabbed fiercely at the soul fire in front of her forehead.

Deng Deng struggled hard, but it was useless. Just when she closed her eyes in despair, a breeze suddenly hit her.

The light white dress flashed past her eyes.

Immediately after, a stream of blood spurted out, and she widened her eyes in horror.

The man who stepped on her was stabbed in the chest by a sister. The man held his chest, his face full of disbelief.

And she was hugged by a pair of cold hands, and the girl's calm voice sounded in her ears.

"Going away."

Then he was hugged by her and ran quickly into the forest.

The accident happened so suddenly that everyone froze on the spot for a while.

Just as Luo Yu was about to step forward, Zhang He sullenly took out a breastplate from his chest, which was completely broken at this moment.

His face is ugly and terrifying, **** Yun Ranran!

He would never let her go, he swallowed a spirit gathering pill, and his spiritual power instantly soared, he clenched his long sword tightly, and quickly chased after Yun Ran.

Yun Ranran hugged Dengdeng, and ran wildly without looking back, feeling quite sad in her heart. It would have been better if it had been earlier, so that the little guy would not have been stabbed with a sword. Now he is miserable and cold in her arms trembling.

Dengden lost a lot of blood and was in a daze. He buried his head in her chest, sobbing.

"You are finally back, do you know how much I miss you?"

The little girl started talking nonsense...

Yun Ranran guessed that she regarded herself as someone else, so she didn't say anything.

She buried her for a while, then pulled her head out suddenly, crying even more fiercely.

"You are not him, he is hard here, not soft at all."

Yun Ranran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked, "Is the person you miss a boy?"

Deng Deng became sober after being hit, and realized that she was running for her life. She was taken aback for a moment, sniffed the air, her face changed, and she said, "Sister, leave quickly, he, he is about to wake up..."

Yun Ranran was puzzled and asked, "What him?"

Deng Deng's voice was trembling with fear, she said: "Buried in the ground, eating, eating people... go... go..."

Yun Ranran's heart trembled when she heard that, it turned out that the terrifying existence was buried in the ground, this should be the correct answer for her [died from dismemberment].

The countdown to death on the jade pendant was only half a quarter of an hour left, and she had to run in silence to escape from the forest with this little guy.

She asked Denden: "What do you know?"

Denden: "I didn't..."

Zhang He has been chasing after him like lightning. This guy has eaten Juling Pill, and she is bringing the little guy with her. It is impossible for him to be his opponent.

It will be a matter of time before you are caught up, if you are entangled by him...

So she said again: "Think about it carefully."

Deng Deng was ashamed and whispered: "I, I will shine..."

Yun Ranran froze, what's the use now...

The countdown to death is fast passing, and her premonition of crisis has already exploded. After the countdown to death is over, that person will definitely wake up...

they all have to die...

At this moment, a sword light cut down suddenly, she almost turned her face sideways, and a section of black hair disappeared with the wind.

being overtaken...

Zhang He stopped in front of her, his eyes were red because of anger, he raised his sword and stabbed, Yun Ranran had to keep dodging, but under such restraint, the countdown to death had come to an end.

It's too late, I can't get out...

The jade pendant became hot, and the countdown to death disappeared, replaced by five new characters.

【The crisis is in progress...】

Yun Ranran knew that there was no hope of going out, and Zhang He was aggressive, so he gritted his teeth and made a bold decision.

She pressed her eyes, and said with Dengdeng: "Show me the nearest location to him."

Deng Deng was so frightened that his soul flew away, he stammered and asked, "Who?"

Yun Ranran: "The bottom one."

Deng Deng was more transparent in fear, but the moment was critical, and he couldn't control that much, so he congealed a will-o'-the-wisp and showed her the way ahead.

Yun Ranran followed the will-o'-the-wisp, passed through the weeds and dead branches, jumped among the dark forests, and quickly ran towards the most terrifying abyss.

Zhang He wanted to kill her wholeheartedly, so he followed without hesitation.

The air became more and more viscous, and the Yin Qi was enveloped layer by layer, and the bones were almost frozen into powder.

There was a sudden turbulence of the soil under the feet, and the whole forest seemed to be moving, and something was slowly waking up from a deep sleep...

Yun Ranran almost sprained her ankle, she ran forward with difficulty, and finally approached the central area.

At the same moment, Zhang He also came behind him. He clenched his long sword tightly and slashed it down.

She no longer had the strength to dodge, so she could only barely turn her body, the sword light cut on her right shoulder blade, she staggered and spat out a mouthful of blood, but she didn't run away, but stayed where she was.

She glanced back at Zhang He, and then at the soft soil under her feet. Something was struggling to break through the ground. She knew that she had enough time to stay, so she bit the tip of her tongue, stayed awake, and gritted her teeth.

"Deng Deng, our lives are in your hands."

Denden was terrified and confused, and had no idea what she was talking about.

Yun Ranran said: "Didn't you say you can shine?"

"From now on, find me the safest path, we are going down the mountain at full speed."

Deng Deng was stunned for a moment, she can only shine, how could this sister leave this kind of thing to...

But when she looked up, she only saw trust in this sister's eyes...

The girl hugged her, feeling the aggravation of yin at her feet, her eyes rolled down, and she shouted, "Are you ready?"

she, she, she...

Denden gritted his teeth and said, "Ready."

At this moment, a pale arm broke through the ground and grabbed her feet.

This is the time!

Yun Ranran mobilized the spiritual energy in her whole body, and rushed down the mountain suddenly.

Countless pale arms rushed out of the soil and grabbed the air suddenly. When she didn't know where to go, clusters of will-o'-the-wisps suddenly lit up on the dark ground under her feet.

The will-o'-the-wisp bloomed uninterruptedly, forming a prairie fire and spreading rapidly, from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, like a continuous sea.

A secret passage is formed between the ghost fires, interweaving a green sea of ​​flowers.

Yun Ranran followed Deng Deng's guidance and ran wildly without hesitation.

Although there are obstacles wherever he passes, the resistance is much weaker.

The eyes are full of green flowers, as bright as stars.

Yun Ranran was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of her, but her footsteps did not stop at all.

Deng Deng clenched her small fists, her face was covered with sweat and blood. She kept condensing will-o'-the-wisps and scattered around to explore the way. She had to explore more places to ensure the safest way.

Her body gradually became transparent.

The will-o'-the-wisps also gradually became nothingness.

She pointed the way to countless people.

For the last time, she wanted to send this sister home.

Her vision gradually became blurred, and she remembered the gentle eyes of the young man on a warm spring day.

elder brother.

This is the star I planted for you.

I'm glowing now, can you see that?

Read The Duke's Passion