MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 90 That brave little general...

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"Qin Ziqi, Moxiu is attacking the city, are you going to join the army?"

"Of course I want to go. Guarding the city gate with long guns is my lifelong dream."

"Qin Ziqi, I'm afraid we won't be able to go back."

"What are you afraid of? I'll keep watch. You go first. Remember to take care of me... Oh, I don't seem to have anything."


"Then take care of yourself for me!"

"Qin Ziqi, you've been promoted!"

"Isn't that what it should be? Look at the scar on my chest, isn't it handsome?"

"Qin Ziqi, the reinforcements won't arrive..."

"Here we are."

"I can't make it..."

"I will arrive as I said, open the city gate."

"Qin Ziqi, are you crazy? You will surely die if you go out like this!"

"Let you see how powerful my spear is."

A solitary moon shines on the humble city, the young man in iron clothes is light and cold, with a long spear and a spear, standing under the huge city gate with a straight back.

Countless pairs of painful, desperate and worried eyes fell on his shoulders behind him.

Ragged, skinny, and bruised, someone shouted.

"Little General Qin, don't go..."

The young man with long hair and a gun resting on his shoulder turned his face to the side and smiled.

"If you can survive, take care of...yourselves for me."

The huge city gate opened a narrow mouth, like a ferocious monster that devours people, the young man was not afraid, and he raised his foot to leave, when there was the sound of galloping behind him.

He heard a snort and smelled wet breath.

He turned his head and saw the black steed that had followed him for several years. It had slender limbs and bright black eyes.

It used to step on the wind and quench the fire, majestic and majestic, but now it has not eaten for many days, and it is emaciated and weak.

The boy raised his hand to touch its head.

"You want to go together?"

The horse lowered its head and rubbed against his chest.

The young man smiled: "Then let's go together."

In the oppressive and desperate black city, the young man turned over and rode his horse, raised his spear and spear, and left the city gate.

After this trip, the brave little general who loved to laugh and fight never came back again.


Yun Ranran wondered vaguely who she was. She felt that she was Qin Ziqi at one moment, and at another that she was Yun Ranran. Just thinking about it gave her a splitting headache.

She vaguely remembered that she left the city gate alone, rushed into the enemy camp in the dark, turned the enemy's people on their backs, and fled again and again, finally buying time for the reinforcements to arrive.

In the end, the reinforcements from all sides converged and defeated the demon army. When the demon army retreated, he was taken back to the demon cultivator's lair. Because of hatred, he was imprisoned in the dungeon and tortured in every possible way, but he was not allowed to die.

He was imprisoned in a dark room, alone, unable to perceive the outside world, and could only hear the sound of water dripping in the deep corridor outside the cage.

He had seen it when he came here, just in time for winter, the Demon Realm was covered with snow and ice, which would not melt for several months.

Now that the drops of water are dripping, it must be that the snow on the dark room has melted. It turns out that he has been here for so long.

Those weird and tricky punishments came one after another, the body couldn't bear it, and they fell into a coma. They would stop for a few days, and they would do it again when they were able to catch their breath.

The bones were broken and healed, and the blood dried up several times. He suddenly walked onto the Naihe Bridge, but was dragged back.

He heard the demon cultivator leader Shi Ning say: "Kneel down and beg me, and I will let you go."

He sneered and fell into a deep sleep.

Later, Shi Ning's hatred for him turned to weird places. He no longer asked him to tell the secrets of Tianxiang City, but asked him to kneel and submit to him. He couldn't understand his stubbornness, and couldn't understand his stubbornness. , he said: "People always have to bend their spines, people always have weaknesses."

Shi Ning intensified the punishment on him, and hanged his life with demon energy, but he was broken countless times, but he always dismissed him, and never took the initiative to give in to him.

Shi Ning became increasingly crazy.

Today he cut open his wrist and poured the magic leech into his meridians. The pain was endless. He lost all his strength and lay on the ground unable to move.

The blood mixed with dust stuck to his body, smelling bad and pungent, he closed his eyes and listened to the dripping water.

Drop by drop.

The next few years will be spent like this.

The happiest time is the days when the snow melts, and the saddest is the silent darkness left.

Shi Ning never got what he wanted.

Nobody remembers him here either.

Until one day, someone opened the door of the darkroom and walked in front of him.

It was someone he had never seen before.

Over the years, he has been like a puddle of mud, with no part of his body intact, and he can't speak.

The man smiled: "Qin Ziqi, I'll pick you up."

The man said his name was Lin Qingyou, now that Xiangzong has captured the Demon Realm, and even Shi Ning has become a prisoner, he can go home.

He never thought that there would be a day when he would go back. In a daze, Lin Qingyou hugged him. Before he passed out, he saw his own blood flow all over the floor.

Lin Qingyou brought him back to Tianxiangzong, and he fell asleep and woke up in a daze. He took the elixir to heal him tirelessly, soaked him in medicinal baths, and combed his knotted hair.

Lin Qingyou asked: "You have a backbone, why don't you bow your head?"

He said: "I don't want to, it's nothing to say."

Lin Qingyou looked at it carefully: "The spiritual power is far superior to ordinary people, but he is a good seedling. It is a pity that the spiritual root is mottled and the improvement of cultivation base is limited."

Lin Qingyou sighed again and again, only saying it was a pity.

He doesn't think there is any pity, even if his cultivation base is not high, he still has to do his best to do his best, what pity?

Lin Qingyou asked him again: "How did Shi Ning treat you?"

He recounted them all.

Lin Qingyou was greatly surprised: "Does it not hurt? How can you bear this?"

He said, "It hurts, but it's nothing more than that."

Lin Qinghuang looked at his face and smiled: "Oh, don't care about this."

He didn't understand what he meant at that time, until he was recovering, Lin Qingyou said to take him home, he happily bought a few talismans, thinking of giving them to friends he hadn't seen for many years.

But Lin Qingyou didn't let him go, but took him to meet a person, and he suddenly realized when he saw that person.

Lin Qingyou took him to see Shi Ning in prison, and he was standing outside the cage. Lin Qingyou didn't shy away from him at all, and said clearly to Shi Ning, "Did you see this? This is Qin Ziqi, don't you just Do you want to see him kneeling in front of you willingly breaking his spine?"

"Your wish, I will fulfill it for you. If he is really useless, will you be willing to hand over the magic stone?"

Shi Ning said with a gloomy face: "I haven't done it for so many years, why do you have it?"

Lin Qingyou smiled and said, "You will see it soon."

He was stunned after hearing this, was Lin Qingyou joking? Why can't he understand a word he said? Could it be that he had a conspiracy to bring himself back?

He looked at Lin Qingyou in a daze, and wanted to ask him something, but found that he couldn't speak at all.

Lin Qingyou smiled and said, "Come with me."

Then he found that he obeyed his orders uncontrollably, it must be something wrong with the medicine bath he took these days.

Lin Qingyou took him out of Tianxiangzong, went all the way to Tianxiang City, and walked along the long street to the entrance of the Land of Exile.

Lin Qingyou released his confinement, he could finally start to speak, he asked: "You didn't cure me to save me."

Lin Qingyou said: "No."

He asked again, "For what?"

Lin Qinghuang raised her face and smiled very kindly: "It's to destroy you."


He was pushed into the land of exile by Lin Qinghuang. Lin Qinghuang ordered him to stand on the chain and walk to the end, and he followed him to the island.

Then Lin Qinghuang smiled at him, stretched out his hand and pushed him, he broke through the wave-like barrier in a trance, and fell into the island.

He wanted to go out immediately, but he jumped forward, the barrier for him to come in was gone.

In front of you is just an island overgrown with wild grass, which is boundless.

Just when he was worried about some man-eating monsters, he fell into darkness, and when he opened his eyes again, he returned to the dungeon of the Demon Realm.

It was the dark dungeon where he stayed for several years.

Is it an illusion, or is it real? Or is it a dream? He could no longer tell the difference, the pain on his body was real and intense, even if it was an illusion, it was no different from reality.

Heh, Lin Qinghuang is nothing more than that, he has never surrendered in the Demon Realm, will he admit defeat again? How can it be!

It's just another desperate situation, it's nothing...

At this moment, he heard the sound of the cell door opening, and then he heard a shrill cry, the voice of a little girl.

He was stunned, and looked over with the faint light, and saw a seven or eight-year-old girl in a linen skirt who was being dragged and thrown to the ground by Shi Ning. Her body was covered in blood, and her little face was also bruised.

He knew this girl, her name was Qing'er, and every time he was injured, this little girl would give him hot porridge with few grains of rice as a gift.

Shi Ning cut her wrist, the child let out a shrill cry, she screamed and begged for mercy, crying until she couldn't make a sound, Shi Ning poured the leeches into her veins, the child's limbs began to bleed, she Curling together in pain, they looked at him in dismay.

"Brother save me."

It's an illusion, it's not real, it's an illusion, it's not real...

Isn't it real?

The sound of dripping water coming from the corridor, drop by drop, is exactly the same as before.

What if it is real? What if his rescue was just a dream? If Qing'er is really in pain in front of him now, but he thought it was just a dream?

Trembling, he walked forward to touch Qing'er's arm, it was hot, and the **** smell from her body kept rushing into his nose.

His eyes were moist.

Shi Ning stood aside and looked at him with raised eyebrows: "Kneel down and beg me, and I will let her go."

Qing'er fell into a pool of blood, fell into a coma, and kept calling for her brother to save me.

He saw Qing'er become illusory, and her body became transparent in an instant.

How could a real person be like this, it really is an illusion, it is fake, Qing'er is still at home, he is not in the Demon Realm, but in the land of exile, this is Lin Qingyou's deceiving him.

He wanted to understand, closed his eyes, let Qing'er cry, and made up his mind to ignore her.

Qing'er died in front of him.

The child's eyes were open, blood was all over her body, she was staring in his direction, in pain and despair, as if she didn't understand why her brother didn't save her.

Just kneel down and beg that person, why won't he save her.

Qing'er's body was at his feet, and it never disappeared, so he didn't dare to look at it.

It's an illusion, it's the illusion that Lin Qingyou deliberately created to destroy him...

"It's not an illusion."

Shi Ning walked forward with a grim smile.

"This is the real Qing'er. Lin Qingyou pushed her in with her own hands. The moment of transparency you saw earlier is a deception."

"It's Lin Qingyou who wants you to think it's an illusion, he just wants you to not be able to tell the difference."

"Qing'er really died in pain in front of you, but you didn't save him because of your ridiculous dignity."

"Qin Ziqi, you killed Qing'er with your own hands."

Impossible... Impossible...

He didn't believe it, his tears fell instantly, he knelt in front of Qing'er trembling, he hugged the child's body in his arms, it had become cold and stiff, the touch felt extremely real.

"This is...really Qinger..."

Shi Ning said: "It's true, that guy Lin Qingyou is cruel and merciless, he can do anything, don't you know it by yourself? Illusion can be so real?"

"Qin Ziqi, you are a sinner. This little girl was crying so badly just now. You can be ruthless. You can obviously save him."

He can obviously save her...

But he thought it was a dream...

Tears fell crazily, he hugged her and cried loudly, the little girl was so nice, she died in front of him like this, when he went out of the city gate, she still grabbed his sleeve and cried and said: " Brother, don't go, Qing'er doesn't want you to die."

He can obviously save her...

At this moment, Shi Ning dragged another person in, it was an old man, his pupils shrank, this was Qing'er's grandma...

The old man trembled and couldn't stand still. When he saw Qing'er on the ground, his tears rolled down his face.

Shi Ning cut the old man's throat with a knife, and the blood gushed out instantly. He smiled and asked, "Qin Ziqi, do you think this is an illusion or reality?"

The psychological defense line that he had insisted on for so long collapsed in an instant, and he knelt down at Shi Ning's feet crying.

"Don't hurt her, I beg you, I will be your dog, and I will obey you in everything."

He couldn't help crying, begging for no dignity.

He's scum, he's trash, he's a broken dog.

In the blood-stained cage, the young man knelt on all fours and finally bent his lonely spine.

The brave little general went through many hardships and finally died on the day he returned home.

Read The Duke's Passion