MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 95 her little qi

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Yun Ranran entered Qin Ziqi's memory fragments again, it was the tenth day when Qin Ziqi met Yun Jian, they were standing in the field of purple flowers, he was asking why the boy didn't work hard before.

The boy replied.

[You don't know, do you? Our sword cultivators are all more and more indifferent as we cultivate, and we have become a generation of sword immortals, and the ruthless way is the best. 】

[I don't want to be so ruthless. 】

Yun Ranran stopped here, she finally understood what was wrong, Yun Jian was not telling the truth.

She is the sword cultivator of the Taihua sect. The sword cultivator has never said that the more he cultivates, the more indifferent he is. The ruthless way is indeed good, but it is not the best. He is trying to comfort Qin Ziqi.

Then why is he getting colder and colder? When he was in Lingshui Town, he said that there was a problem with the exercises. Could it be that he practiced some forbidden techniques in the exiled land?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, but how could she know what Yun Jian was thinking at that time?

She walked back and forth among the flowers of weakness, and Yupei felt slightly hot at this moment.

[There is a breath of remonstrance here. 】

Yun Ranran was startled, Yun Jian's breath? Didn't he go out? Why is there his breath?

[In the deepest part. 】

She walked along the flower of weakness, and the more she went, the denser it was, all of which were dark and painful dreams.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the sun rose and set, and she finally came to a sea of ​​purple flowers, where the flowers were thicker than those in front.

Right in the middle of the clusters of flowers, there was a cloud-white hair band, stained with blood, thrown into the soil.

This is... Yunjian's hairband...

Yun Ranran stepped forward, holding the hair tie in her palm, the situation suddenly changed before her eyes.


My name is Yun Jian, and I am an ordinary little monk in the Taihua Sect.

I don't have any big ambitions, I just want to live a simple life.

So when the master came to me and said that he would entrust me with a heavy responsibility, I refused without hesitation. The master persuaded me heartbroken, saying that this is a rare opportunity in a thousand years, this is the sect's attention, and you will eventually be the one that the common people look up to The presence.

What do I want the common people to look up to?

I want to drink freely with the common people, I want to ride horses in the rivers and lakes with the common people, I want to drink all the wind and snow with the common people, and sing all the mountains and rivers.

The only thing is not to look up to the common people.

Master was very angry, but he still persuaded me patiently, you should think about it again.

What are you thinking about?

What the master brought was the Zongmen’s taboo exercise [Canglan Sword]. Lan Jian], this time, including me.

I have heard of [Canglan Sword], this technique has advanced rapidly, the only requirement is to cultivate the ruthless way, gradually strip away the human nature in the process of cultivation, and achieve the supreme sword intent.

It sounded very boring, and when Master came to inquire again, I still refused.

What I didn't expect was that this sword technique never let me go.

After Ading was demonized, I was taken back to Taihuazong and locked in the dark prison of the Disciplinary Department. Master came to find me again and said that the result of the punishment was to be sent to the land of exile.

The master said, no one can come out of that place alive, and there is no doubt that if you enter, you will die. The only thing that can save you now is this sword manual.

He stuffed the skill of [Canglan Sword] into my arms, saying that only if the practice is successful and beneficial to the sect, can I be exempted.

But I don't want to practice. This sword manual is very evil. After practicing it, it is true that I am advancing rapidly, but I, who has stripped away my humanity, am I still me?

I rejected Master again and was sent to exile.

I have experienced endless pain here, but I have no intention of practicing swordsmanship at all. What is the point of practicing that kind of thing, even if I can survive?

Occasionally, when I was awake, I looked through the sword manual, and only then did I realize that with the advancement of the skills, the sword manual will not only strip away the human nature, but also imply the technique of puppets.

If one practices this sword manual, the sword technique will be perfect, and the puppet technique will be perfect at the same time. At this time, the cultivator will completely obey his master and become a complete puppet.

Only then did I understand that this [Canglan Sword] is not a peerless sword manual. It is a sharp sword forged for the master. In the process of cultivation, the practitioner constantly strips away the emotions and desires, strips away the human nature, and finally disappears. It is one's own consciousness, becoming a peerless fierce sword that only knows how to kill, for the master to order.

Forging a human being into a peerless sword, who exactly came up with this taboo technique?

I will never be that kind of thing.

But I met Qin Ziqi.

The young man's meridians were all shattered, his muscles and bones were all broken, but he survived because of me saying don't die.

He is so good, how can I let him die.

If I was alone, I could bear this boundless pain, but if someone suffers in front of me, I will be weak and soft-hearted after all.

I know that with my aptitude, practicing this sword manual will definitely improve my progress rapidly, and it seems that the only way to break through the barrier is to practice.

I've always been quick to make decisions, so let's practice.

Every time I break through, I will peel off a part of myself. Sometimes I want to kill everything I see. Once I saw Adin crying in a real nightmare, but I was indifferent. At that time, I was really scared.

Fortunately, a genius like me, finally persisted until the day of breaking the boundary.

After this sword strike, I am afraid that I will never be able to return to the past. I will become more indifferent and more violent day by day.

The big deal is, after this time, I will not use the sword in the future. If I don't use the sword, I won't be able to use my spiritual power, and I won't be able to enter the realm. I can barely control the current situation.


I am so fragile and soft-hearted, how could I not use the sword?

I couldn't help laughing.

Then...the last day you can live to control yourself.

Holding the sword in both hands, I poured all my spiritual power into the spirit sword, and slashed forward with all my strength. The huge sword turned into a blue dragon, and suddenly slammed into the barrier. Cheers.

I controlled my bloodlust and looked for Qin Ziqi in the crowd.

Everyone was happy, but he looked at me with red eyes.

I originally wanted to say that there will be no future, but after thinking about it, this guy is too fragile.

So I smiled at him and changed my words temporarily.

[Qin Ziqi. 】

[There will be a period later. 】


Yun Ranran held the cloud-white headband, tears fell one by one.

A phantom of a young boy suddenly appeared on the cloud-white hairband, his brows were picturesque, and there was a brisk smile on the corner of his lips.

She knows what it is.

This is Yun Jian's lost self.

That boy willingly practiced puppet swordsmanship in order to split the black tortoise shell. He lost himself in the process of cultivation, and this cloud-white hairband is the remnant of those consciousnesses.

That's why he refused to use the sword in Lingshui Town, saying that there was a problem with his skills, and he did follow his promise, and cast a death curse on himself on the last day when he couldn't control himself.

The boy with the cloud-white hairband turned into a lifelike boy, dressed in blue, standing gracefully among the purple flowers.

That kind of grace, just like the first time I saw it.

Just when Yun Ranran was in a complicated state of mind, there were hurried footsteps in the distance, she suddenly turned her head and saw Qin Ziqi who was out of breath.

Qin Ziqi ran all the way in front of her, saw the phantom of the young man among the flowers, and burst into tears immediately.

He found it.

He has always wanted to enter the land of exile, and what he wanted to find was not his own self-esteem, but this former boy.

In fact, he had discovered the clues in the last few days, and the bloodthirsty red light that occasionally flashed in the boy's eyes made him terrified.

He knew that Yun Jian must be hiding something.

But if he didn't tell, he didn't ask.

Not to mention that this warm young man must have wanted to protect him, he didn't want to disappoint his good intentions, he guarded the place where the young man entered the nightmare, and was stuck in the safe boundary waiting for him to come out.

Every time the young man ran towards him, the sharp sword light would cut him. He was terrified, but he pretended not to care.

He often cried bitterly after the boy entered the nightmare.

If such a good boy really turned into that bloodthirsty monster, what would he do?

Will anyone still be willing to hug him, and will anyone accept him?

Later, when he left the Land of Exile, his memory was erased due to the barrier restriction, but he was still unwilling to leave, always feeling that something was left in the Land of Exile, and he wanted to come back to get it. Even if he was tortured by Lin Qinghuang, even if he was alive like a dog, he would not leave.

Just now, after he couldn't bear to rush into the land of exile, he realized that what he had been trying to find all along was Yun Jian's past.


Yun Ranran finally understood Yun Jian's past, and at the same time sorted out the sequence.

Yun Jian had split open the black tortoise shell decades ago, and his memory was erased by the barrier of the black tortoise shell after he got out. The black tortoise shell was later repaired by Tianxiangzong, and then Cang Jue's soul was suppressed here.

So Cang Jue is still in the Land of Exile, where is he being suppressed at this moment?

Looks like I'll have to search in the Exiled Lands.

Thinking of this, she asked Qin Ziqi to join her in investigating every corner of the Land of Exile.

The two searched like this for ten days, but they still couldn't find the slightest clue, but they saved two dying monks. Yun Ranran imitated Yun Jian's method, injected spiritual power into the two people's bodies, and killed the two monks. Pulled back from before the gate of hell.

The number of people investigated became four, and another ten days passed, Cang Jue disappeared, and Yun Ranran picked up a few more people, and the number of partners had increased to ten.

But Yun Ranran was thinking about another thing. So many days have passed, so the plot that she will be stabbed to death by Luo Yu three months later has passed?

Yupei felt hot indifferently.

[The speed of time in the black tortoise shell is different from that of the outside world. 】

[You have spent ten days here, and the outside world is only half a stick of incense. 】

Yun Ranran: ...

All right, she continued to search in the barrier with everyone, and another twenty days passed like this.

The number of rescued companions has reached twenty, but there is still no news from Cang Jue.

And on this day, they found the boundary of the enchantment.

It is the same as in memory, although what you see in front of your eyes is an endless flower of weakness, but when you reach out and touch it, you will touch a thin barrier.

Those twenty people were on the verge of collapse, so she thought, if it's really what she got, she might as well find a way to get out first.

So she discussed with Qin Ziqi, Qin Ziqi ran in impulsively, there was nothing he could do at the moment, after all, the barrier was split by Yun Jian back then, and he didn't really help.

Her current cultivation level is not as good as that of Yun Jian's at that time, but this mysterious tortoise shell has become dozens of times stronger under the nourishment of decades of soft underbelly.

Yun Ranran naturally knew, but he had to try it himself to be sure.

So she condensed her spiritual power dagger and cut it on the barrier, and it was the same as before, leaving no trace.

Everyone followed her example and began to try to break the barrier, but no matter how hard they tried, the barrier remained motionless.

Everyone rested overnight. On the second day, Yun Ranran concentrated her spiritual power and swung a huge sword towards the barrier, but the sword impacted the barrier and disappeared without a sound. Only then did her expression change drastically. Secret channel is bad.

Everything she could rely on was used, but she didn't even cause the slightest damage to the barrier, so how would she get out?

At this moment, she remembered another terrible thing.

Ten days inside, only half a stick of incense outside. She has been in for nearly two months, and the outside world has not even been there for half an hour. The three adults in the family may not know that she is gone.

What's even more frightening is that she can't get out now, and the twenty people inside can't get out. They would die in pain after experiencing a real nightmare, but they were saved by her. With the passage of time, the mental power will slowly recover, and there will always be a moment to enter the real nightmare again.

At that time, aren't they dead?

And she will also be dragged into a real nightmare because of the recovery of Qin Ziqi's mental strength. She is very fragile and will definitely collapse completely.

What should I do?

She won't die here silently, they don't know, right?

After coming in for so long, she finally felt fear for the first time.

Anyway, she's going to try again.

She adjusted her breath, concentrated all her spiritual power on the sword again, and slashed towards the barrier with all her strength, with a loud "bang".

Everyone looked over expectantly, but after the loud noise, the barrier was still standing intact without any signs of damage.


Yun Ranran covered her eyes in pain.

The sun rises and sets.

During this period, Yun Ranran no longer tried, but worked hard to cultivate, and her cultivation base steadily improved with her breathing.

During this period, another twenty days passed.

Qin Ziqi found Yun Ranran, and said with a pale face, "My mental strength is recovering soon."

This was what Yun Ranran told him, telling him to notify her as soon as his mental strength recovered. She woke up from the trance and asked, "How long will it take?"

Qin Ziqi said with lingering fear: "Tomorrow will definitely recover, if I can't go out today, I will enter a real nightmare."

Yun Ranran's scalp tingled, she came in with the help of Qin Ziqi's memory fragments, Qin Ziqi's mental power recovered, she will go in too...

The trouble is serious, she is the most cultivated among these people, if she enters the real nightmare, her vitality will be seriously injured, then it is absolutely impossible for them to leave here.

Everyone is dead.

She looked up at the sky, gritted her teeth and stood up.

She stretched out her hand to condense out the spirit sword. This is the last chance. If she can't split it this time, it will be over...

She gritted her teeth and stood in front of the barrier.

Everyone was in a trance, but now they couldn't help looking at her.

Yun Ranran's hand holding the sword was trembling slightly. She suppressed her uneasiness and carefully poured spiritual power into the spirit sword, bit by bit, almost draining all the spiritual power in her body.

A blue light flashed across the spirit sword, faintly transforming into a dragon shape.

Just when the sword light was at its peak, she suddenly swung a huge slash towards Xiang, and when the slash met the weathered dragon, it sent out a shocking roar and slammed into the barrier viciously.

There was a "click" sound in my ear.


Everyone looked at the barrier in surprise. After the dust settled, they finally saw a huge crack appearing on the barrier.

The crowd couldn't help cheering.

Yun Ranran also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is a crack, even if it doesn't break, if she adjusts her breath slightly and strikes at the same position again, it will be broken.

At this moment, a white light flashed across the barrier, and the crack was completely repaired in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was stunned.

Yun Ranran's heart skipped a beat.

Desperation welled up in my heart at this moment, what should I do...

Everyone looked at her in agony, and then silently looked away.

can't get out...

everyone is…

The atmosphere fell into dead silence for a moment, and someone sobbed softly.

Yun Ranran's eyes turned red, and she couldn't hold back anymore...

Suddenly there was the sound of hurried footsteps behind him.

She was startled, turned around with tears in her eyes, and saw a young man walking quickly from among the purple flowers.

His black clothes were tattered, and his beautiful face was covered with blood stains and bruises, as if he had experienced a lot of suffering.

She froze on the spot in surprise, how could it be Xiao Qi...

Is it a dream?

Or did she enter the real nightmare early?

The boy ran all the way towards her, and soon came to her.

She stared at him blankly, speechless.

The young man held her by the shoulders, looked down, saw her eyes were red, pulled her into his arms, and softly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Before she could recover, she was pressed on her chest by him. Until the familiar smell came from him, she still felt like a dream.

How could it be Xiao Qi? How did Xiao Qi appear?

She couldn't react, she couldn't speak at all.

Xiao Qi explained to her: "I searched everywhere and couldn't find you. Then I saw Qin Ziqi coming in, so I followed him in."

The warmth and security of the boy's embrace made her broken thoughts finally become clear again.

This is not a dream, Xiaoqi is really here...

The tight strings finally relaxed, and the tears she had held back for a long time could no longer hold back, she pressed her face in his arms, and the moisture wetted the cloth on his chest.

Xiao Qi put her hand on her head and rubbed it lightly.

But after she nestled for a while, she realized that something was wrong, Xiao Qi smelled so strong of blood...

She raised her head to look at his face in doubt, his face was also full of wounds, she was about to ask him how he made himself like this, but suddenly she was startled and couldn't say a word.

She knew why he was like this...

She came in with the help of Qin Ziqi's memory, so she didn't experience the real nightmare, but Xiao Qi ran in by herself, so it was impossible for him to avoid the real nightmare.

It has been more than two months since she met Qin Ziqi...

If Xiao Qi really followed Qin Ziqi, then he would fall into a real nightmare when he entered the exiled land.

Tears blurred the eyes for a moment.

Xiaoqi suffered repeatedly for more than two months in the real nightmare?

He came to find her **** all the way like this?

She broke down completely, tears fell uncontrollably, and she was so sad that she clutched the cloth on his chest, trying to ask him if it hurt, but she couldn't say a word.

The boy leaned down and asked worriedly, "Why are you crying so hard? Does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Let me see."

She broke down in tears and wanted to say that I am not in pain, are you in pain?

The young man hugged her in his arms distressedly, and blamed himself.

"Blame me, blame me, I will be faster next time."

She shook her head while crying, it's not this, is it hurting you?

But she couldn't speak, she was overwhelmed by great sadness, and she couldn't even control her emotions. When she thought of what Xiao Qi had gone through for her, she felt so painful that she couldn't bear it.

Just when she was on the verge of collapse, one hand rested lightly on top of her head.

She looked up blankly, tears still falling.

The boy whispered in her ear.

"Hey, don't cry.

"I don't hurt."

"It was my happiest thing to find you."