MTL - Forty Millenniums of Cultivation-~ The enemy of Tekken (22) grows up

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"Tiequan calendar 10235, September 7.

"Today, I went to the temple of the boxing and listened to Lei Lie to explain the "Tiequan Way."

"It’s weird. I used to think that the truth of the past is justified from his mouth, but it’s a shit. The more I want to think, the more I don’t understand.

"Yes, no matter whether it is a sword or a machine, it will erode the will of the human being. It is impossible to concentrate on cultivation, and cannot break through the limits of flesh and blood, and reach the ultimate realm of broken voids.

"However, how many minds and determinations in the world are as strong as iron, and the talented warriors can blast the three major barriers of ‘the earth, the deep sea and the sky’, and achieve the ultimate realm of broken voids?

"Just say me, I can work hard to become the 'Fist of the Deep Sea', but I feel that my limits are only limited to this. Even if I give me decades and more resources, I will only be in the deep sea. Thousands of mammoth terrorist pressures are alive and dead.

"I am already the leading genius boxer in the 500-kilometer radius of Chijin Town. In the face of the undamaged vacant void, I still can only hope to sigh.

"For the vast majority of ordinary boxers, even ordinary people who are poorly gifted, physically disabled and unable to cultivate, why can't they use the 'mechanical and steam power' to hunt the beasts, defend their homes, and let themselves Life is getting better?

"The real boxer, the will, like steel, will never be tempted by the power of machinery and steam.

"Inversely, if you are tempted, it is not a real boxer. No matter how you cultivate, there will be no great achievement. Since these people are not faithful believers who need to be trained, they are allowed to study machinery and steam. What is the relationship?"

"Tiequan calendar 10235, September 30.

"Today, Gus is back from the nose and face."

"It seems that he is being bullied in the iron fist school.

"I see it in my eyes, I feel in my heart, but I don't know how to comfort.

"The strong is the king, the fist to decide the outcome, the original is the iron fist school, no, this is the law that the world has been running for tens of thousands of years.

"If Gus is not talented, people who are not good at practicing martial arts are destined to fall to the bottom of the world. They will be bullied and ridiculed for a lifetime. Can I help him for a while, can he help him?"

"I looked at Gus lost, and my heart hurts."

"I thought about burning this experimental log a few days ago, severing contact with the evil sects, forgetting about this **** thing, and returning to the right path of the ‘Tiequan Way’.

"But now, I saw that Gus Mingming's nose and face were swollen, both angry and confused, but still squatting in the practice room to pray for the blessing of the boxing god. I suddenly felt very angry.

"How is the boxing **** unfair!

"My son Gus, obviously so devout to you, his cultivation, hard work and crazy than any classmate in the iron fist school!

"Why, you can't generously give him a little bit of power, so that he can straighten his waist and be a man of righteousness?"

"Going on like this, Gus's life will be destroyed.

"I can forget everything and always believe in the iron fist, but Gus can't, I can't tolerate him becoming a waste and a joke.

"All methods have been exhausted. I have taught all of my life to Gus, but his problem is congenital. There are so many poor people, the congenital meridians are cut off, the body is weak, the limbs are weak, and there is no way to cultivate superiority. Boxing method.

"Since I can't change Gus, maybe I can change the whole world?

"If this world is no longer dominated by boxing, but by the power of machinery and steam, maybe Gus can live better in a new world?"

“Yes, Gus’s child has been ingenuity since he was a child. He must like and be good at ‘the power of machinery and steam!’”

Gus saw it here, it was already bursting into tears.

He bit his lip tightly and tried not to let himself cry.

It turned out to be the case.

It turned out that Dad was trying to get him more powerful power before he broke into the magic.

To be honest, Gus has forgotten what kind of bullying and grievances he suffered on September 30 of that year.

- After all, the bullying and ridicule of others is a common practice for him, and he has long been used to it.

But this kind of thing, as the father of the mocked person, will never get used to it.

Gusmer silently wiped away the tears and continued to read.

"Tiequan calendar 10235, November 20th.

"Steam Army! Steam Army!

"It is really earth-shattering news. It is said that the steam army has already held up the Yiqi flag in the south and officially declared war on the boxing temple. The first expeditionary army sent by the boxing temple was beaten by the steam army!

"In the face of the power of machinery and steam, in the face of the raging steel bullets, in the face of the turbulent waves, even the strength of the boxing gods must be retreated!

"It’s ridiculous. In the north of the self-styled land, people were deceived by the lie of the boxing temple. The whole world is like a dead corpse. The insects that are parasitic in the corpse have not yet smelled the smell of corruption.

"I really want to go to the south to see the steam army's prestige!"

"But, Lie still has Grey, Gus two brothers and sisters what to do, especially Lier, she always listened to the big brother Lei Lie, how should I explain to her, the truth of this world?"

"Lille" is the mother of Gus and Grey.

When writing this diary, Dad and Mom are still not dead, they are still a happy family.

Recalling the warmth and serenity of the past, Gus's mouth could not help but put on a smile.

But this smile was quickly ruined by the cold wind and cold rain that came in from outside. Gus took a bite on the back of his hand and used his tingling to make himself concentrate on it.

The next few logs are the parameters and results of various experiments, as well as the use of some mechanical and steam weapons.

Gus also saw some contact methods and secret numbers scattered in the secret “Altar of Mechanical and Steam God” in the north. Through them, they might be able to find the steam army in the south. The sister asked him to remember it. It should be this information. .

Gus also wants to find clues about the cause of his father's death from the experimental log.

However, turning to the last page is still a normal experiment, grievances and doubts, it seems that my father died very suddenly.

Closing the log, Gus looked at the sleepy sister, and looked at the demon "Lv Dengchen" who was looking around.

"Tell me the truth about this world." Gus made a very serious request to the devil.

"I said, you won't like the truth." The devil smiled and responded.

"I have grown up and have the ability to accept the truth that I don't like." Gus answered, the young boy seems to have grown up to ten years old.

"So, what are you willing to exchange for the truth?" asked the demon.

"What do you want?" Gus asked.

"Let me think about it... Usually at this time, the devil will ask for the human soul, right?"

Lv Dengchen smiled. "Gus Little Brother, are you willing to use the soul to exchange the truth?"