MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 717 A family in crisis?

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  Chapter 717 Family members in sudden crisis?

  After listening to Yamato Mijiu's explanation, Yuto didn't find it strange that they wanted to expel Yamato Kuka from Yamato's house.

  With the foresight of the Yamato couple, it is natural to see that the current spirit-eliminating forces have begun to be at a disadvantage in the confrontation.

  And this situation will only get worse as stronger gods continue to descend into the realm, and the current situation of being able to fight against each other will sooner or later be broken.

  And in this battle, the party other than the Healer has no choice to surrender, because in order to complete the ideal planned world of the gods, the existence of the Healer is unnecessary.

  The glory of the Yamato family is very important, but when it comes to the survival of the family, if there are some things that can be discarded, they must be discarded.

  Many Exorcist families have abandoned the past traditions, saying that they can choose to join forces with the monsters who have been enemies in the past.

   After all, in the face of powerful gods, no matter whether it is a monster or a spirit master, a single force is weak, and in the final analysis, they are all enemies of the gods.

  The enemy of an enemy is a friend. Although the relationship between healers and monsters is not good, but now is the time for the survival of inheritance and race. The two vulnerable groups must learn to hug each other for warmth in order to survive.

  In fact, the Spirit Elimination Alliance has also sent people to find the three major monster forces, no, now it should be said to be the four major monster forces...

   Among them, the forces of the Tengu clan are still arrogant, saying that they are transformed by the vengeful spirit of a certain big man, and their blood is extremely noble, and they will never choose to cooperate with humans, even in the face of gods.

  The monster force that Prajna belongs to has neither agreed nor rejected, and seems to be in the wait-and-see stage all the time.

  As for the strongest and warlike ghost clan force, the leader Ibaraki Doji said that if his nephew "Hyakuyaki" chooses to cooperate with humans, then the ghost clan will follow closely.

   As for the last fourth monster force, it was only recently discovered by everyone.

  The nominal leader is the Yukino from Daxue Mountain, but anyone who knows about Yuki knows that the other party is a cadre under the command of "Hyakuya Ghost".

  That is to say, these monsters are actually monster forces belonging to the Hyakuyaki.

  Originally, Hyakuyaki’s team of monsters and the spirit-eliminating forces in the Tokyo area are not unknown, they are nothing more than the monsters that were taken in from the Tokyo area.

   Back then, those monsters could not be said to be weak, but compared with the other three major monster forces, the overall quality was still much worse.

  But I don’t know why, when these monsters reappeared after many days, what surprised everyone was that the strength of these monsters had generally improved by more than several levels.

   Now that the aura is more and more abundant, it is not surprising that the strength of monsters is advancing by leaps and bounds.

   But the point is that the Hyakuyaki faction was originally far weaker than the three major monster forces, and the strength of the monsters has come from behind and surpassed the former.

   You must know that most of the monsters under the command of Hyakuyaki belong to the type of monsters that are difficult to collect "fear".

  The harmless monsters like Zashiki Doji and Yamahasa can grow to S rank, can you believe it?

  The major forces were shocked by the growth of Youdou Hundred Ghosts' strength, but Youdou didn't find it strange at all.

   Just kidding, his prestige during this period of time, first krypton gold forced krypton to krypton high-level demon power crystals, and then exchanged a large number of crystals for Xue Ji and the others.

  With such a sufficient supply of resources, even a little monster can take off on the spot.

  If those hundred ghosts under his command can't surpass the so-called three major monster forces, then wouldn't his Yuuto have been wasting his efforts in vain?

   It is also because of this reason that the first partner of the Elimination Alliance to try to cooperate with monsters is Hyakuyaki Tianshangyuan Yuto.

  On the one hand, it is because of the strength of the Hyakki under Yuuto itself, coupled with the attitude of Ibaraki Doji, as long as the other party agrees to cooperate, it means that more than half of the youkai are willing to cooperate.

   Another reason is that they feel that the possibility of persuading Yuto is the highest.

  After all, from what the other party's other identity "Redemptor" has done, it can be seen that Yuto has a more friendly attitude towards humans than other monsters.

  Yamato Miku's mission this time, originally wanted to ask Yuto about his plan for the disaster of the gods through Masami's relationship.

  But now that Yuto actually appeared by himself, it would be easier for Yamato Mijiu to ask him.

   In fact, Yamato Mijiu's heart is also quite contradictory. On the one hand, she hopes that Yuto will agree to fight together, so that maybe the Yamato family and the Kurasu family can be saved.

  But on the other hand, Yamato Mijiu thought that this would be very dangerous. After all, as the leader of the monster, he would be regarded as a thorn in his side if he confronted the gods.

  Yuto is his son-in-law after all, if he uses his own strength to protect Jiuxiang and Yami and the few others from disaster, it shouldn't be a problem.

But just when Yuto thought about it and was about to say something to Yamato, his expression suddenly became serious, and then his body stood up abruptly, and directly passed Yamato, towards the rushed out of the room.

   "Auntie Weijiu, let's talk about the disaster of the gods before, my mother and the others are in danger.

   As for the enemy, it seems to be the wild **** you mentioned descending from the lower world! "

  Hearing what Yuto said, Yamato Mijiu was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he also showed a look of anxiety, and followed Yuto to catch up.

  When choosing this place to travel, she should have found someone to eliminate the danger in advance. Why did the gods from the lower realm appear here?

   No, since it is a god, it seems quite normal for those vigilant clansmen not to be able to find each other.

  Then, did the gods appear in such a place by chance, or did they come prepared?

  The relationship between Hyakuyaki and Masami of the Heavenly Court is no longer a secret. If the gods want to inquire about it, they will probably be able to gather clues.

  And Yamato Mijiu is also the heroine of the Yamato family. If they are targeted by the gods, it doesn't seem so strange.

  The time went back to an hour ago, Yuto was facing confinement, but Masami and the others chose to go camping.

  Because Yuuto is back, Masami is also very interested. It is also the first time for her to go on a family trip like this.

   Even while picking up dry firewood for camping, I was still thinking, how about releasing Yuto for a day and camping with them?

  After all, a family naturally has to be together in order to be happy.

However, when Yami was struggling, the spider princess who was the guard at the side seemed to have discovered something, and a flash appeared in front of Yami, not only protecting her behind her, but also looking at a certain place in the forest. direction.

  It wasn't until a shambling figure slowly walked out of the forest that Spider Fairy looked at the other figure and said with a surprised expression: "It's you! And why did you appear in this place?"

  (end of this chapter)