MTL - Fucking Beauty In Escape Game-Chapter 31

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"Let's go." Duan Zhen took the lead and swam into the darkness.

Li Xi hurriedly grabbed his sleeve from behind, for fear that he would rush too fast and be swept away by something.

The moment they stepped into the abyss, everyone felt the temperature drop. The coldness seemed to be able to soak into the bones, even the few mermaids in the team couldn't help but hugged their arms.

Duan Zhen noticed it immediately, he turned his head and asked Li Xi: "Is it cold?"

"It's okay." Li Xi whispered: "Mermaids are more resistant to changes in seabed temperature, so don't worry, Brother Duan."

The temperature was indeed lower, but he used magic power to run around his body, and the chill was dissipated.

Li Xi rolled his eyes, and quietly took out a pebble-like ruby ​​and stuffed it into Duan Zhen's pocket.

Warmth surged in, and the unbearable cold just now receded like a tide.

Duan Zhen glanced at Li Xi in surprise.

"Just two yuan, I made it before." Li Xi pointed **** at him.

Duan Zhen gently touched the little curly hair on his forehead, but didn't ask if there were really only two pieces. He is willing to protect those people, but that doesn't mean everything will be properly arranged. After all, this is a world of crisis every step of the way, and people still have to learn to be self-reliant.

"Octopuses have eight tentacles, and they like to attack secretly." Before the lure operation started, Duan Zhen said solemnly: "Be vigilant at all times, this is a matter of life and death."

During the battle, Duan Zhen may not care about everyone, not to mention, the danger from the outside may not only be the octopus, but also other deep-sea creatures that will be attracted.

Li Xi nodded first: "I understand!"

The others seemed to have no objection, and after feeling the atmosphere of the abyss, they all raised their vigilance to 120.

Duan Zhen took out the long sword at the place he had investigated in advance. The long sword didn't shine at this time, it looked ordinary, and it couldn't be seen that it had just beheaded five giant sharks yesterday.

The blood was scattered in the water, slowly spreading out.

No one moved, and for a while there was only the sound of water flowing past the ears.

Suddenly, Duan Zhen moved, and the sword in his hand quietly slashed along the direction of the water flow, and a large handful of blood bloomed—it turned out to be the tentacles of an octopus!

Li Xi quickly grasped it with a heavy hand, as if he hadn't reacted, the tip of the tentacle was still wriggling.

He was a little disgusted, and simply threw it to the side of the open space.

The others were somewhat surprised, because none of them noticed when the tentacle struck. Look at the length and thickness of the tentacles, it must be a huge octopus, but no matter how they observe, they can't see the shadow of the octopus.

"It's below." Duan Zhen said: "The tentacles are very long, at least three meters, be careful not to get caught."

"Gather together, and if anyone is caught, immediately cut off the tentacles." He directed the crowd.

The octopus attacked several times, but it either ended in failure or lost a tentacle. When the tentacles piled next to it became three, there was no movement on the bottom of the sea.

"Have you run away?" The red-tailed mermaid asked in a low voice, "I heard that the octopus is very smart, so it probably sensed that it was invincible and sneaked away."

"It's possible." Duan Zhen said.

He frowned, always feeling that things might not be that simple. However, as a human being, he doesn't have a good command of the water, and he can't tell if the octopus is still there.

"Wait a little longer, if it doesn't show up, we'll send the tentacles back to another place..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed a change in the water flow. The movement wasn't coming towards him, the octopus seemed to be aware of his difficulty, and set its target on the few people behind.

"Scatter!" Duan Zhen said loudly.

The mermaid and humans immediately scattered around, but it was still too late, a person was wrapped around his waist by thick tentacles, and was about to be pulled away in an instant.

When Duan Zhen chopped off the tentacle, he thought it was a simple action, but when he came on the stage, he found that the tentacle was so fast that he didn't have time to react.

Duan Zhen has been paying attention to the situation on that side, and almost when the tentacles rolled around his waist, he swam towards that side with his legs. Although it was thrilling, he finally caught up. He cut off the tentacle with a sword, and pulled out the person caught in it.

Suddenly, he heard a sound of caution, and was knocked away.

In the blink of an eye, a sapphire blue fish tail floated in front of my eyes, and after a moment of entanglement with the tentacles, I was dragged away because I was lost.

"Li Xi!" Duan Zhen only felt that his heart almost stopped beating, his mind went blank, and he subconsciously chased after that touch of blue.

After all, his speed was not as fast as the octopus tentacles. He saw the huge octopus head and the mouth full of sharp teeth. The mouth was already open, ready to welcome the delicious food that was finally caught.

Li Xi's hands tightly grasped the octopus tentacles, for the sake of truth, he let the suckers leave horrible marks on his body.

This scene of the beauty saving the hero was his temporary idea, and it was a coincidence. When he found out that Duan Zhen was really unaware of the sneak attack behind him, he bumped into it without hesitation, and was captured instead of the other party. Anyway, even if it was really swallowed, a mere deep-sea octopus would not be able to do anything to him.

But he didn't expect that Duan Zhen would work so hard to save him. At the last moment, the man stepped on the tentacles and turned around, holding him in his arms, and facing the octopus' mouthparts with his back.


There was a crisp cracking sound, followed by a dazzling golden light.

The strong smell of blood spread, and Li Xi even felt that he was soaked in blood.

There was no sound for a long time, and Duan Zhen did not move.

Li Xi couldn't bear the smell, and arched his head in his arms, wanting to poke his head out to see the situation. But the next moment, he was hugged even tighter, this seemed to be the first time Duan Zhen took the initiative to hug him.

Before Li Xi was happy, he heard Duan Zhen's slightly hoarse voice: "You shouldn't have rushed up."

Li Xi leaned on his shoulder, closed his eyes and brewed his feelings, and then said in a trembling voice: "I, I know I caused you trouble, but I didn't think too much about it at the time, so I rushed up involuntarily, I'm sorry."

"You saved me, why do you say sorry?" Duan Zhen asked in a low voice.

"Even if Brother Duan is swept away, he can cut off that tentacle immediately." Li Xi said, "It won't help me block the octopus with my body like now..."

Speaking of this, the young man's voice became anxious: "Brother Duan, are you alright?"

His hands touched Duan Zhen's back.

Of course Li Xi knew that Duan Zhen was fine, the amulet he gave wouldn't be able to stop even an octopus' tooth. However, in order to pretend to be genuinely anxious... well, in fact, to eat tofu, he still fumbled around without a method.

Duan Duan's muscles are really good.

Duan Zhen didn't notice his little thoughts this time, and thought he was really frightened, so he quickly explained: "I'm fine, the amulet you gave me blocked it for me."

"That's also very dangerous." Li Xi frowned: "If you poke its eyes with a sword, any method is better than blocking it with your body."

Duan Zhen rubbed his little curly hair, but didn't speak.

He has always been rational, but just now it was true that his body was faster than his mind. Of course, he also made that choice knowing that he had Li Xi's amulet on him. At that time, it was the safest way to use the body to block the sharp teeth of the opponent, and then kill the octopus with a backhand.

"Let's go, let's take the octopus tentacles back." Li Xi spoke first, and he looked back at the few people who stopped not far away to look at them, his eyes flashed coldly.

Although he seemed to be in chaos just now, his magic power has been observing these people. After he was swept away and Duan Zhen rushed to rescue him, these people stopped instead, instead of continuing to run away, they chose to watch quietly not far away.

If they had any plans to help, Li Xi would not hate them as much as he does now.

"Don't ruin your mood for other people." Duan Zhen saw his thoughts, patted his shoulder, and let those people walk back with their tentacles.

Li Xi stretched out his hand and pulled Duan Zhen's clothes: "Let's come back quietly in a while, there seems to be some treasure under here."

"Okay." Duan Zhen nodded.

They swam all the way back to the kingdom, piled their tentacles on the giant shark's tail too.

"I'm exhausted today, let's rest for the rest of the time." The man who was almost swept away by the tentacles said, he lifted up his clothes, revealing the red and purple circular marks and a circle of strangulation marks on it: "That octopus is too scary , You can strangle people to death with just your tentacles."

Duan Zhen saw it, was startled, and turned to look at Li Xi.

Li Xi was still wearing the tulle she bought before, and her body could not be seen clearly behind the tulle.

"I'm fine." Li Xi saw his gaze and smiled: "The mermaid's physique is better than that of a human, so it's not so fragile. But you should be exhausted today, let's go back and eat something before going to sleep."

Duan Zhen pursed his lips and said hello.

They pretended to go back to the room, Li Xi poked his head at the door, and waved to Duan Zhen after a while: "They seem to have really gone to rest, let's go."

"Wait." Duan Zhen's eyes darkened, he stretched out his hand to embrace the young man, and lifted his gauze: "Let me see your injury."

When Li Xi froze, he blocked it with his hands: "What's so interesting."

He panicked: "Men and men can't kiss each other, you will be misunderstood if you lift other people's clothes casually!"

His performance only made Duan Zhen more suspicious. If it was really all right, according to Li Xi's temperament, he would have lifted up his clothes to show him at this time, and he might hint him to touch them.

"Let me take a look." Duan Zhen lowered his face.

Li Xi was aggrieved: "It's fierce."

Having said that, he still let go of his hand on the clothes, and the thin gauze was gently lifted, revealing the red and swollen strangle marks underneath and the bruises that were sucked out by the octopus sucker.

On the white and soft skin, those scars were shocking.

Duan Zhen's hands holding the gauze clothes tightened slightly.

Li Xi clenched her fingers nervously: "Look, let go after reading it, the mermaid's recovery ability is very good, and these traces will disappear after a night's sleep."

He looked at Duan Zhen's serious face, and thought that the other party was going to scold him in the next second. Unexpectedly, Duan Zhen just gently covered those wounds with his hands, and asked him in a low voice: "Does it hurt?"

The author has something to say: Li Xiaoxi: The correct way to say no!

Read The First Vampire