MTL - Fucking Beauty In Escape Game-Chapter 42

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The evening sky was fiery red, and the light of the setting sun made the maroon horse even more red.

"Philot, haven't you hunted?" Andre's horse dragged three or four prey behind him, and he came back contentedly, only to find that Li Xi was standing alone at the exit, and asked in surprise.

"No." Li Xi yawned: "It's not interesting."

Having said that, his eyes swept away from Andre's prey.

"The quality of the prey this time is very good. It's hard to come here once. It's a pity to go back empty-handed." Andre came over: "Why don't I give you one."

"Who said I would go back empty-handed." Li Xi didn't even glance at the person he pulled over with the whip.

"Could it be that guy Sauron..." Andre frowned.

"It has nothing to do with him." Li Xi said impatiently.

Recently, he has been feeling that he has forgotten something, but no matter how he thinks about it or asks other people, he finds nothing, so he is not in a happy mood. It was also because of this that his elder brother suggested that he go out hunting with other affiliated families to change his mood.

Thinking of the special prey he saw today, Li Xi's heart moved, and the boredom he had been feeling all this time dissipated a lot for no reason.

Sauron came back on horseback with only one person behind him.

Andre sneered, "That's it?"

"This is enough." Sauron smiled slightly.

The people behind him had their heads down, and their bodies were covered with dirt and broken leaves. They seemed to have fled for a long time before being caught.

"Wait a minute." Li Xi frowned.

"Could it be that there will be prey delivered to the door automatically?" Andre asked.

"The prey will not be delivered to the door automatically." Li Xi raised the corners of his lips: "But the followers will."

He looked at the person who came out of the forest, with a smile on his meandering face: "Let me introduce to you, this is my new follower."

"What? You took a prey as a follower?" Andre asked in a hurry, his eyes fell on Duan Zhen with jealousy: "He is just a prey...even if he has a better temperament and appearance, he is not worthy of your identity !"

"Do I need your approval even to accept my followers?" Li Xi's smile faded, and he ignored Andre, but said to Duan Zhen: "Follow me."

The caught prey will be locked in a cage and transported back behind. Li Xi frowned, looked at Duan Zhen's dirty clothes, and said: "You go with them first."

"Yes." Duan Zhen turned around and went into the cage with the tied people.

He chose the position next to Sauron's prey, and glanced at the smart bracelet on the opponent's wrist.

When he was evading, he also watched the scene of other people catching prey. Andre and Sauron had good strength, but it was obviously not enough to capture the captain of a team. In other words, this person was deliberately caught for clues.

Duan Zhen didn't speak. After testing, he knew that the two people's hearing was very keen. Even when they were attacking, there would be a faint light on the weapon, and the position where the light extended could cause harm to people.

This should not be a purely Western country background.

Sitting in the cage, the three prey on the other side were dressed in ragged clothes, huddled together and shivering, mumbling something. Duan Zhen glanced outside to make sure that the three people were not looking this way, then lightly touched the shoulder of the person next to him, and mouthed: "Cooperation?"

After about two sticks of incense, they passed a city gate. Inside the city gate is an extremely prosperous city, which seems to be more advanced than the Middle Ages. The road surface is very clean, and the stone buildings and wooden buildings on both sides are interlaced. Many young women cover their faces with fans or handkerchiefs and secretly look at this side.

Duan Zhen could feel that the focus of their eyes was Li Xi.

He also looked along, and from this angle, he could only see the slender back of the young man, sitting lazily on the horseback, his back straight, and his riding boots outlined his straight and slender calves.

For some reason, there was a feeling in his heart that some children had grown up.

At an intersection, Sauron led his prey to say goodbye to them, and then Andre also left from the other side.

"Come down, we're almost there." Li Xi got off his horse, looked at Duan Zhen who was standing next to him, and frowned: "Stand farther away, you are too dirty."

Duan Zhen stood far away obediently.

What they finally came to was a place that could be called a mansion at this time. When they entered the gate, the first thing they entered was a yard that had no end in sight. A middle-aged man with a kind face came from the side, and took the rein from Li Xi's hand: "Your Excellency Hewlett is waiting for you in the restaurant."

"This is my new follower, take him to take a shower, change into clean clothes, and send him to my room." Li Xi nodded, and pushed Duan Zhen out casually.

"Yes." The butler nodded.

When Duan Zhen heard Hewlett's name just now, his pupils shrank, but he could only suppress the uneasiness in his heart, and walked to the other side with the housekeeper.

"You were brought back from the hunting ground by Your Excellency Lance. It is your great honor to accept you as your entourage. You must recognize your identity." Leaving Li Xi, the butler immediately changed his face and said critically After looking at Duan Zhen for a while: "The temperament is still good."

"I will do my best to serve Your Excellency Lance." Duan Zhen took the opportunity to inquire about the news: "It's just that I come from a humble background, and I really don't understand the situation.

The housekeeper looked at Duan Zhen suspiciously, but saw nothing unusual, nodded and said: "You are right, I will ask someone to tell you about the rules in the Duke's mansion."

Duke... Duan Zhen's expression changed.

After changing into the black entourage, he also got the desired news from the servant next to him.

Here, Li Xi's identity is the Duke's second son, Lance Phillot, and Hewlett is the Duke's eldest son and heir. As for the Duke himself, he is not in the Duke's mansion at the moment. It seems that he has been summoned by the king a few months ago and went to the royal city.

The two people who accompanied Li Xi today are the same age as the affiliated family, in the housekeeper's words, it's just a matter of saving face, don't worry too much about it.

"The Duke loves His Excellency Lance very much." The servant said, "If it wasn't for His Excellency Lance...he wouldn't be sent away by the king for a few months and never come back."

He spoke vaguely, Duan Zhen frowned: "What's wrong, Your Excellency Lance?"

"Anyway, don't mention his eyes before Lord Lance." The servant kept secret.

What happened to Richie's eyes? Duan Zhen's heart tightened slightly, but then he thought that it should be the setting of the game, so he relaxed again.

"Your Excellency Lance asked you to wait in his room." The servant led him to a door and pushed it open: "Go in, and don't come out unless you are ordered by Your Excellency Lance."

It was late at night, Duan Zhen walked into the house, turned his head to look at the servant, and felt that the servant's face was buried in the shadow, and it looked a little scary. The shadow seemed too thick and dark, as if something would appear from it in the next second.

The servant's voice became stagnant: "Here, wait, Lord Lance."

After saying that, he slammed the door shut, shutting Duan Zhen in darkness.

The author has something to say: the world will reveal some of Li Xiaoxi's background. And, in order to prevent everyone from being confused, let me tell everyone that Li Xiaoxi's real name is Lance Senafel Philot. Philot is the last name.

Read The First Vampire