MTL - Fucking Beauty In Escape Game-Chapter 56

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"You are quite perceptive." Li Xi said, moved his wrist but did not break free, and raised his eyebrows: "Let go."

Maybe it's because he's said something, he looks fierce, but Duan Zhen still feels that the young man in front of him is just putting on a show, and he's not really angry with him.

He let go of his hand, and wanted to ask about the main system, but Li Xi said: "This is not something you can know, don't delve into it."

"Shan Zuo has been researching the main system." Duan Zhen blocked in front of him: "Maybe he can help you get rid of the main system."

"How do you know that I am not one with the main system." Li Xi raised his eyebrows and crossed his chest: "Aren't you afraid that I will help the main system clean you up now?"

"Not afraid." Duan Zhen said, his tone was calm: "When you heard Shan Zuo talk about the observation system before, you were very interested."

Li Xi blinked and blinked: "There is such a thing."

As soon as the words fell, he coughed again: "Well, you guessed it right, I want to find a way to separate the main system from this world. If Shan Zuo can research it, I will naturally be happy."

Duan Zhen frowned, listening to his words, he suspected that Li Xi's memory might not have recovered. However, he took a closer look at the young man's expression, and the other party looked back impatiently, as if he was not hiding anything.

"Okay, let's talk about this kind of thing later." Li Xi also frowned: "How long do you want to stand in front of me?"

Even though he is just an ordinary human being, he has such great strength, and is more than a head taller than him. Standing in front of him is like a small mountain, full of oppression.

Li Xi hummed unwillingly.

Duan Zhen made way for him, staring at Li Xi with sharp phoenix eyes, as if thinking about something.

Li Xi ignored him, walked to the door by himself, opened the door and looked out.

There was no one on this floor, and he frowned in confusion: "If I'm not mistaken, they mutate in the direction of zombies, and they will follow strangers."

The two of them are living beings here, there is no reason why they can't be attracted.

As for the other people in the room, he had set up a formation in that room at that time, which would hide the aura of the living. As long as they didn't go out, nothing would happen.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his frown, Duan Zhen couldn't help asking.

"Let's go down and have a look." Li Xi started to walk down: "I hope they will be obedient."

They walked all the way and looked around, and found nothing unusual, but when they reached the room where everyone was staying, they found that the door was wide open, and there was no one in it.

Li Xi went in and turned around, flapping his nose slightly: "It smells like blood."

Duan Zhen also smelled it, and he frowned tightly. After searching around the room, he took out a note from under the bed.

— "There are attacks, similar to zombies."

The handwriting was scribbled, and it could be seen that it was written in a hurry. However, the note was clean and not stained with blood, and the smell of blood in the house was not strong, so they should not have been injured.

"The formation has not been destroyed." Li Xi was also observing the room, but what Duan Zhen saw was different, he said firmly: "Someone must have leaked the breath after going out, and only then was discovered."

"Are you looking for them?" Duan Zhen asked.

"En." Li Xi nodded: "At least Shan Zuo can't die."

He walked out of the room and stood at the door for a while: "Where do you think they will run?"

"Outside." Duan Zhen thought for a while: "Let's go out, if those things are still chasing them, it's easy to get directions."

Li Xi shrugged: "You are right."

He tidied up his black robe and asked Duan Zhen to put it on as well, and said meaningfully: "Maybe there will be a lot of blood splashed later, if you don't want to stain the clothes inside, wrap it tightly."

Duan Zhen took out his weapon, the muzzle facing down.

"This kind of weapon is quite interesting." Li Xi said as he walked out.

"I bought this in a store. It is more powerful than normal and can be replaced with different types of bullets." Duan Zhen said, he was increasingly inclined that Li Xi might not have recovered the memory of their time together.

The other party obviously knew this too, otherwise they wouldn't have covered it up in the previous conversation.

"Can you make the main system?" Li Xi asked.

"The technology of the main system surpasses ours by hundreds of years." Duan Zhen thought for a moment: "Computers are not my forte. If Shan Zuo is here, I can explain it to you in more detail."

"I'll chat with him when I have time." Li Xi said lightly.

He turned his eyes to Duan Zhen, his eyes slowly gliding from the cold eyebrows to the corners of his lips, he didn't understand why he liked such a man who had no interest.

I like it so much that even if the memory is sealed, I still occasionally feel throbbing when looking at each other.

He was thinking about things in a mess, and suddenly he was pulled by someone. Duan Zhen hugged him to avoid the zombies jumping out of the corner, and shot him firmly in the leg.

The thing opened its mouth, obviously injured, but it seemed that it didn't feel any pain, and continued to pounce on them.

As if Duan Zhen had expected it long ago, he smashed his knee twice again. The zombie fell to the ground all of a sudden, but it still moved towards this side with its arms outstretched.

Let’s temporarily call those creatures with strange postures zombies. These people’s nails are black and sharp, and their bodies have no trauma, but their walking postures are like noodles without bones. Their skin is dry, their eyes are covered with gray membranes, and their eyeballs are protruding. , When looking at things, the eyeballs roll around.

Sharp teeth can be seen in their wide open mouths.

Duan Zhen shot him in the head for the last time, a headshot, and finally ended his life.

"It should be a branch of undead magic." Li Xi hugged Duan Zhen's waist very smoothly, resting his head on his shoulder. Although he didn't look back, he analyzed as if he had watched the whole process: "After the head was attacked, Unable to move, the weak point should be in the head, he moves very quickly, and has a certain hunting mindset."

Duan Zhen pushed him away, paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand again: "If you are afraid, you can hold me."

"I'm not afraid." Li Xi glared at him, then waved his sleeves: "Go, I don't want to collect the bodies of those people."

The sense of familiarity brought by the hug just now dissipated, Duan Zhen raised his eyebrows, and a faint sense of loss rose in his heart.

On the road, I encountered a few lonely zombies. Those zombies hid in dark corners and jumped out to attack strangers when they saw them. However, due to the small number, they did not hinder their actions.

"The direction should be right." Along the way, the number of zombies gradually increased, and Li Xi was a little tired from walking: "Why did they run so far?"

"There are also scattered." Duan Zhen said: "There are still two wounded in the team, and they will probably spread out to reduce the pressure."

Li Xi was tired. Originally, he lost a lot of interest in this game after his identity was revealed. Now half of the reason for his persistence is because of Shan Zuo who is proficient in computers, and the other half is because of Duan Zhen. He has observed Duan Zhen many times, and it is undeniable that this guy is his favorite type, like a jewel that has been polished to perfection countless times, it is beautiful and dazzling just by looking at it. He has always liked gems and shining souls, and when he meets Duan Zhen, he will be attracted involuntarily.

But... Duan Zhen has no interest at all, and he doesn't seem to have much affection for him, how boring it would be to fall in love.

Li Xi sighed, and suddenly stretched out his hand to poke Duan Zhen's muscles, the other party was on alert, his muscles were hard, and he felt very powerful. The mage with no muscles on his body clicked his tongue: "I'm tired."

Originally, he wanted Duan Zhen to find other people by himself. He used spells to track down Shan Zuo, but before he could say anything, Duan Zhen turned around and glanced at him, squatted down, and said, "I'll carry you."

Li Xi's movements paused, and some sweetness inexplicably appeared in his heart. He coughed a few times, blinked quickly, and then climbed up with peace of mind.

This was requested by Duan Zhen on his own initiative and has nothing to do with him.

The author has something to say: Li Xi: No fun at all!

Duan Zhen took the initiative to carry him.

Li Xi: ...Although it is not very interesting, it is quite good at taking care of others.

Read The First Vampire