MTL - Fucking Beauty In Escape Game-Chapter 65

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There seemed to be nothing more to be concerned about in the room, and Duan Zhen walked around the bed twice in a nonchalant manner, and felt a little more at ease when he found no more strange things above or below.

Li Xi originally thought that according to Duan Zhen's character, he would just walk around his bedroom and leave, but he didn't expect the other party to look at him, so he moved vigilantly to the cabinet where the books were just now, and blocked it with his body.

He thought he was doing it without anyone noticing, but in fact, Duan Zhen could see it all.

Duan Zhen comforted himself in his heart, it is normal for children to read pornographic books, and it is also normal for children to be afraid of being discovered by their lovers. While brainwashing himself, Duan Zhen subconsciously ignored the fact that Li Xi was over two hundred years old.

"This is a place to sleep, nothing to see." Li Xi urged him to leave quickly.

Duan Zhen hummed, and when passing by Li Xi, he took Li Xi's hand and persuaded him earnestly: "Although you are young, there are some things that you should not do too often."

Li Xi was stunned: "What?"

"It's normal for a boy to read that kind of book, but it's not good for his health to read it every day." Duan Zhen saw that his confused look did not seem to be fake, so he pointed it out.

Li Xi slammed into the door frame with a bang.

"Does it hurt?" Duan Zhen was startled, and hurriedly looked at his forehead.

Although the mage is delicate and frail, Li Xi has magical powers to protect his body, so it's okay to bump into it. He slapped Duan Zhen's hand away aggressively: "What book, I haven't read that kind of book!"

Duan Zhen was photographed, and he was still a little happy: "Then what are you hiding?"

Li Xi hesitated and couldn't explain clearly: "That's right, it's just about interpersonal communication."

As he said that, he felt that his reason was good, and immediately put on a dejected look: "You also know that there are many differences in our world. I wanted to pursue you at that time, so I bought a lot of books to study your world. how people communicate.”

He went through the contents of the guidebook in his mind, and leaned weakly on Duan Zhen's shoulder: "It's not a book that you can't see people, I just feel a little embarrassed."

Duan Zhen recalled the dozen or so thick books, he didn't expect Li Xi to do so much before they met, his throat seemed to be blocked, and he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the other person's shoulders. Compared with him, Li Xi's body is quite thin, he just lightly hugged her into his arms.

He, who has always been not good at words, didn't know what to say, so he could only hug each other tightly.

The young man in his arms was like a relative's cat, burying his head in his neck and rubbing his head. The soft and soft hair brushed against Duan Zhen's cheeks, causing a soft itch.

The two of them hugged quietly for a while, before Li Xi raised his head, held his hand and smiled and rolled his eyes: "Let's go, I'll take you outside to have a look."

Duan Zhen nodded.

Li Xi dragged him out, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this time it was a pass.

When he came back later, he put those books in the space, and he would never put them outside like this again, it was really exciting. But Duan Zhen actually thought that he read that kind of book, and said that it is normal for boys to read that kind of book... He never read it at all!

Li Xi was very strict since he was a child, and when he reached the age when he could relax a little, Li Xi was indignant when something happened at home. Hearing what Duan Zhen meant, the other party must have seen it.

Li Xi wasn't interested in that kind of thing, so he might as well study a few more fire-reducing spells if he had that time.

Although he was thinking about messy things in his heart, Li Xi didn't show it. The place where he lived was not too big, it looked like an ordinary small villa, with a garden about half the size of a square outside.

The roses were in full bloom when they came out.

"Actually, I haven't taken care of the garden much." Li Xi wanted to cover it up: "At the beginning, I just sprinkled some rose seeds casually, but I didn't expect it to grow so many. It is estimated that there are nine hundred and ninety-nine roses."

No matter how puzzled Duan Zhen was, he knew the meaning of nine hundred and ninety-nine flowers, and couldn't help but bent his lips and rubbed Li Xi's head.

— This is not a number that can be thrown out casually.

"I'm in the suburbs, I'll take you into the city to have a look." Li Xi's complexion seemed to be flushed by the bright red rose, he took Duan Zhen's hand, and teleported away with a teleportation magic .

Duan Zhen has fully adapted to the second teleportation, he landed steadily, and still has the energy to look at the surrounding environment.

It seemed to be an alley, there was no one around, and it was very quiet.

"Mages who can use teleportation spells are considered high-level in the mainland. If they suddenly appear on the street, they will attract attention." Li Xi explained: "By the way, we also need to change our clothes."

He blinked and snapped his fingers, and the style of his clothes changed.

Duan Zhen stretched out his hand to touch it, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"It's just a spell that can produce hallucinations cast on the clothes." Li Xi said with a smile: "Only people stronger than me can see what's wrong."

It sounds very convenient, Duan Zhen's curiosity about spells has increased by a degree, but before he can get to the bottom of it, Li Xi tugged at his arm: "Don't worry about it, let's go, let's show you the world."

They walked out of the alley together, and faced with buildings full of medieval style, there were almost no people on the road, and occasionally a carriage passed by. Looking up and looking into the distance, you can see the steeple of the white church.

"That's the branch of the Temple of Light." Li Xi read a lot of their books, and combined the terms of the two worlds: "It's equivalent to a chain store or something, with the headquarters in the capital."

"Is there really a God of Light in this world?" Duan Zhen asked.

"Yes." Li Xi nodded: "Didn't you meet the sea **** of the small world before? The God of Light is similar to him, but usually he won't come over if he has nothing to do."

He thought for a while, and added: "I haven't seen the gods descend for hundreds of years, so I guess they have been sleeping for a long time."

"You belong to the opposing side?" Duan Zhen frowned.

"His opponent is the believers of the Dark Sacred Cult, and we belong to the third party." Li Xi shrugged: "I don't believe in darkness, nor do I advocate light."

"Don't talk about it, I'll take you to see the fountain." Li Xi shook his head and smiled briskly: "I watched them build this fountain."

The fountain is in the center of the square, and the number of people here gradually increased, but no one made a sound, they just admired it quietly, or bowed their heads in prayer.

Duan Zhenben thought that the fountain he was talking about was similar to modern fountains, but when he actually saw it, he was surprised. After the water in the fountain spewed out, it actually floated in the air and condensed into a huge transparent whale. The whale was alive and well, after wandering around in the air, it suddenly dispersed and turned into colorful butterflies.

In the few minutes they watched here, the water turned into several different creatures, some of which Duan Zhen knew, but some of which were obviously characteristic creatures of this world.

"This fountain is controlled by spells. A powerful mage can control the water in it to turn into any shape." Li Xi said, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and the water turned into a huge rose.

The rose lasted for a few seconds, and then suddenly turned into a sea of ​​roses. The roses almost occupied the entire sky, but each one was so delicate that it seemed real.

Those roses were in a budding state at first, but after a few seconds, all of them suddenly turned towards this side, slowly opening their petals.

The scene of nearly a thousand roses blooming together was so spectacular that everyone present did not look away until the roses disappeared.

"This time it's not a random seed." Li Xi whispered in Duan Zhen's ear, "I've counted, no more, no less, nine hundred and ninety-nine roses."