MTL - Fucking Beauty In Escape Game-Chapter 81

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This small world couldn't bear such a violent energy impact. Less than ten minutes later, the whole world began to vibrate, cracks appeared in the space, and the ground shook.

"Be careful." Sun Le grabbed Xia Qirong next to him: "It doesn't seem right here."

"This is the first time I've experienced the collapse of the world." Xia Qirong was almost taken down by a crack just now, when he looked down, there was actually rolling magma underneath.

"Oh, it's dangerous." Xia Qirong took two steps back.

The crack seemed to separate them skillfully. Shan Zuo and Shen Su were separated on the other side, and the crack was getting bigger and bigger. The cracks appeared, and they were so far away that they couldn't even be seen clearly.

"Shen Su has a problem." Sun Le whispered next to Xia Qirong.

"Shan Zuo said every day that I have a small brain, now it's time to protect myself with IQ." Xia Qirong said, he patted Sun Le on the shoulder: "I don't think we need to worry about him, he is just a Shen Su, he can play with people Round and round."

As he spoke, the ground shook again. He quickly stood firm and continued, "Let's worry about ourselves. Is there any way to make them pay attention to us mortals?"

"Don't worry, you won't really forget us." Because the surroundings were so chaotic that he couldn't hear the people around him clearly, Sun Le grabbed Xia Qirong tightly and tapped: "Brother Duan is still here."

Xia Qirong immediately felt relieved.

On the other side, Shen Su directly grabbed Shan Zuo, his face pale: "I can't stand... help!"

"Don't move." Shan Zuo grabbed one of his arms and frowned: "Follow my direction."

"I, I can't." Shen Su gripped his arm tightly, his nails almost embedded in his flesh.

His grip was so tight that Shan Zuo could barely move.

"Calm down." Shan Zuo narrowed his eyes slightly, sensing something was wrong.

Anyway, Shen Su is also a person who has experienced the Ninth World, and may even collude with the Demon King. It is impossible to be so nervous and frightened just because of this scene. If it is false, then the other party must have a plan.

Several demon kings wanted to kill him, Shan Zuo knew it well, but he didn't tell the truth, he just continued to look at Shen Su, and said indifferently: "If you don't want to die, you can move your legs away. We must stay away from the crack. It is magma, as long as you fall into it, you will definitely die."

After hearing his words, Shen Su became even more terrified, his body trembling: "My legs are weak and I can't stand up."

Shan Zuo glanced at him faintly with downcast eyes, and dragged him out with force with his arms.

"Eh..." Shen Su was stunned, he didn't seem to have thought that Shan Zuo looked thin, but his strength was so great, even if he secretly exerted force, he couldn't stop the opponent's pace.

It shouldn't be.

Shen Su's road of persecution had just started, but he suffered serious Waterloo, and he even suspected that he might not be able to beat Shan Zuo. But soon, he shook his head again, thinking it was impossible.

he is...

Shen Su gritted his teeth, glanced back to confirm that the crack was constantly expanding, and jumped up from the ground, trying to push Shan Zuo over.

Unexpectedly, Shan Zuo had been waiting for him a long time ago, and he fell to the ground with his strength.

"You discovered it a long time ago? When?" Shen Su was startled and struggled vigorously.

"You have a lot of flaws." Shan Zuo said coldly, he squeezed Shen Su's neck with his hands, pressing on his artery, but he didn't feel any beating.

And the hands are cold, not like the body temperature of a living person.

"You..." Shan Zuo was stunned, and quickly realized: "You are seeking refuge with Clemens?"

"Didn't expect that." Shen Su sneered, he suddenly bit Shan Zuo's arm, and the paralyzing venom unique to vampires was immediately injected into the opponent's body.

Shan Zuo felt his body go numb, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably. He watched Shen Su get up from the ground with a stiff body, his still-clear face was already ferocious.

"We were born and died over there, and we did everything to survive, but you can rely on the devil to reach this height comfortably." He stared at Shan Zuo with hatred: "In order to survive that guy's hands, you don't Know what I have paid for."

Shan Zuo couldn't speak and could only look at him.

"As long as you die, I will be free." Shen Su whispered: "Anyway, dying here is just returning to the real world."

With that said, he picked up Shan Zuo and was about to throw it into the magma.

"This is not allowed." Someone grabbed his wrist, and the black-haired demon king said with a hostile expression, "This is my reward."

Shen Su let out a cry of pain, his arm was actually pinched off.

The vampire's strong recovery ability allowed him to start recovering in the next second, but the other party obviously didn't intend to give him this chance, so he just picked up the collar and was about to throw it out.

Shen Su tightly closed his eyes, his skin already felt a burning sensation. He was trembling nervously, but after a few seconds, the pain still hadn't arrived.

"Don't attack my son secretly." Clemens hung Shen Su on the stone wall with a knife.

"You'd better take care of yourself." Hewlett sneered lazily: "You can't even beat a human, so you still have the nerve to talk."

Clemens' face suddenly darkened. His current image was not very good. His clothes, which were always neat and tidy, were damaged in several places, and there were even a few unhealed **** wounds on his body. It was unbelievable to him, but it just happened.

Duan Zhen's blood restrained him more than he imagined.

Of course, the blood that Clemens is afraid of is not only the blood of the person of Nine Suns, but also needs that person to have justice in his heart. This may be a bit metaphysical, but the fusion of righteousness and yang will even double his restraint Increase.

"You have already planned this way." The arc of the corner of his mouth was evened out.

Hewlett curled his lips toward him.

The chatting time ended here, Duan Zhen supported his shoulders, just now he was sent flying by Clemens, so he gave the other party a chance to save Shen Su.

Li Xi forced Hester back with an attack, and went to Hewlett and said, "You can't fight like this anymore. Not only will the world collapse, but the main system may also be directly destroyed."

Hewlett frowned: "Won't the main system resist the destruction?"

"If you want to resist..." Li Xi thought for a while, and suddenly realized that they had been almost everywhere until now, but the smart bracelet in their hands didn't send out a reminder once.

Is it the wrong location, or is the main system hidden too deep?

He pursed his lips, and was about to say something when there was another violent shaking, and a powerful energy burst out from the ground, almost pushing all of them back.

"It's the main system!" Li Xi stabilized his body in the air, and with a wave of his hand, several waves of energy enveloped Xia Qirong and the others, protecting them in it.

He didn't expect that the other party would appear by himself just after mentioning the main system, which saved him trouble.

Li Xi and Hewlett looked at each other, and then looked at Duan Zhen's state.

Duan Zhen is now standing on the ground, although the ground has been shaking, but he is standing very firmly, as if on a flat surface. His body was damaged a little due to the battle, but he didn't seem to be seriously injured, only his hands were dripping with blood.

Li Xi knew that he was fighting Clemens with his own blood, but he still felt distressed when he saw it. But before he had time to ask a question, he had to stretch out his hand to resist the attack coming from the side.

"Now is not the time to be distracted." Hewlett said: "When this thing is done, how you want to get tired of your little lover is your business."

Read The Mage of Eternity