MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 388 Shenshu Underground Garden

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After removing the ghost face tribe, Han Lang returned to the base to continue his cultivation and study. The space law chord theory is so magical that Han Lang does not want to waste any time to improve himself. (

Compared with the past, Xiaobao came to the base more times and stayed longer. He not only went to the Blue Lake, but also went to Hanlang to their main base. After being mixed with everyone, no one stopped him. On the contrary, everyone welcomes the arrival of Xiaobao. After all, this small octopus is very well-behaved and sensible, and it is very flattering.

As for the Shushen tribe, Han Lang did not send people to protect them, because in this crisis-ridden tribal territory, protection by others will not last long.

It is better to teach people to fish than to fish. The first teacher sent by Han Lang to the Shushen tribe is Zong Wudao. He is famous for his strict and obsessive martial arts. He wanted to use Han Wu to learn martial arts when he was early. I have already learned his strictness and harshness. I believe that under the ignorance of Wu Duo, the people of the Shushen tribe will have a qualitative leap in a short time.

Of course, it is still far away from their self-protection. After all, the tree **** tribe is relatively small. After the massacre of the ghost face tribe, there are only more than 1,000 adult warriors left. The whole tribe adds up, and it is about 8,000. It is a tribal area that is too small to be small.

But they finally had a good start. After a tragedy, the enthusiasm of the soldiers and children of the Shushen tribe to learn and cultivate was high.

Han Lang gave the tree **** tribe a second prescription called a corner car.

The gene beasts of Wuyun, the drugs of the night blacks, the attacking plants of Fengtaiji, etc., are all handed over to the tree **** tribe to learn and master.

I have to mention Feng Taiji here. The bloodthirsty vines and king vines that Han Lang likes very much are from his handwriting. He is an expert in studying alien plants in the forgotten environment.

The tree **** tribe is named after the tree and lives on plants. All of them are geniuses on how to control the fighting plants. Feng Taiji did not spend much effort and taught a group of good apprentices.

In the future, if there is another war, the weak tree **** tribe can take advantage of the alien plants to improve their combat effectiveness. In the past, when Han Lang did not have such a high level today, it still survived the disaster and died. A large part of the reason is He will use a lot of means that the enemy does not understand.

It is said that the art is not overwhelming, and the soldiers of the Shushen tribe are unlikely to become excellent fighters in a short period of time. They are allowed to master small tricks and small means in addition to cultivation, and they can also come in handy at key times.

To put it bluntly, Han Lang’s theory of turning the car is actually to take the evil road. It is necessary to learn martial arts. The evil way to kill people is to learn. He himself is doing this.

After a few days, Feng Taiji suddenly came to Hanlang with exultation.

"What? Is there a new big stove, let me try it?" Han Lang was full of hope.

Feng Taiji puts a hand in his hand: "Which is so easy, the bloodthirsty vine is cultivated by me for 435 years. The king vine used 970 years and wanted to be higher than the king. Alien plants, early, unless you are willing to learn botany with me personally, I listen to the three idiots, you learn very fast."

Han Lang waved his hand: "You spared me. Recently, 9527 is forcing me to study the space law chord theory. I don't have time to study plants. Even my three teachers, I actually have no way. There are many five cloud sciences, and I am not very proficient in night poisoning. People's energy is always limited. If you learn this, you can't learn that."

"Let's say, you are so excited to come to me, not because of alien plants, what is it?"

Feng Taiji said: "Because the tree gods may have treasures, I want to explore, but they will not let me go to life and death. You have a good relationship with them. You have to come out before you can do this."

"Baby? What baby?" Han Lang asked curiously.

Feng Taiji: "Is there a big tree in the tree **** tribe? You should know this."

Han Lang nodded and said: "Yes, the big tree is the totem of their tribe, close to 100,000 meters high. It is incredible, and I don't know how long it has existed."

Feng Taiji said: "When I taught them to use the king vines in the tree **** tribe, I accidentally heard that there was a tree hole under the big tree, and there was no bottom, and there were all kinds of strange plants."

"So I planned to go down and see if there were any rare plants, so I could take a look at it. The people of the Shushen tribe were really old-fashioned. Why didn't I let me in, so I had to come to you."

Han Lang listened and laughed and said: "I have said that the tree is the totem of others, how can the gods of others let you in? But then, how much do you have to grasp the plants you need in this tree hole? kind?"

Feng Taiji said: "There must be a demon in the abnormal situation! I have never seen such a big tree, the trunk is still hollow, and there is a tree hole? You have to know that the more precious the plant, the higher the environmental requirements, the most Singular plants grow in environments that are unimaginable."

"You just let me go, I have 90% to grasp the rare plants, and maybe even study the alien plants more powerful than the king."

A more exotic plant than the king vine?

Han Lang touched his chin and thought about it. He was a bit tempted. Although Han Lang’s current level is already high enough, Tian Wangteng’s help to him is not as good as before, but if he can really study the third generation of alien plants, that’s another. Said it.

Besides, if there is a third-generation alien plant, it is not only good for Hanlang, but also beneficial to everyone.

Han Lang nodded and said: "Well, I will go back to Wuyun to talk about it, but can I make it a package? After all, it is a totem of others. We must also make some sense. We must not save people because we want to Why, the Shushen tribe is also free."

"As long as you do your best, come with me."

"I didn't say it today?"

"If you don't go, you will die soon! If you can't make it, you have to give me a letter."

"Okay, OK, I am going, you don't pull me."

Feng Taiji is a temper, and if he does not say anything, he will take Hanlang to the tree **** tribe and look for Yunsan to negotiate.

Yunsan is of course very polite to Han Lang, but Han Langyi said that he would go to the tree hole to explore, and Yunsanang even hesitated.

"I don't want to help you, but when my grandfather is a patriarch, I will swear that no one can enter the tree hole. The reason is that my grandfather once brought people to explore once, but in the end only he came back alone. ""

"You don't know, this tree is very weird. Entering it is like entering another world. No communication tool can transmit information. Once you enter, no one can guarantee your safety." Road.

Han Lang curiously asked: "What happened to your grandfather in the past? So that you will lose money?"

Yunsan shook his head and said: "I asked him, but he refused to say anything about his life and death. He just warned us that no one can go in, otherwise it would be a disaster."

Han Lang thought for a moment and said: "In fact, I understand your difficulties very well, but you have to know that today is different. Not only do you have a terrible tribe, but we are also very dangerous. Have you said that, tribes and The things between the tribes cannot be intertwined by outsiders. We have destroyed the ghost face tribes and become equals to all the tribes."

"The situation is very difficult now. We are working hard to open the third generation of alien plants. It has not been successful. Because of the lack of some rare special plant genes, if we can find the genes we need in the tree hole, we can do more with less. Your people and My people can protect themselves with this advanced alien plant."

Sometimes Han Lang is also embarrassed. He complained to Yunsan. The meaning is very obvious. You see, in order to save you, create a big wave of enemies. Now we have to study new weapons. If you don’t help, then it’s too Not derogatory.

Who is Yunsan?

Typical indiscriminate people!

A few days ago, the Ghost Face tribes hit the doorstep, and Yunsan had to plead for the enemy.

Han Langyi talked about his own difficulties. Where does Yun San still sit and live, even the enemy is helping the good people, and can't treat Han Lang these benefactors.

“Do you really need some special plant genes?”

"I am very anxious!"

"Can't find anywhere else?"

"Not found."

Call ~

Yunsan grew a breath: "Well, my grandfather's vows are important, but the problems at the moment cannot be ignored. There are indeed many magical plants in the tree hole, I hope to find what you need."

Feng Tai was very happy and almost didn't pick up, Chongyun three again and again thanked.

Under his leadership, Han Lang and Feng Taiji came to the big tree.

"This tree is a long time, we are called the **** tree, and the tree hole is going through the hollow trunk. You come with me." The cloud pointed to the miraculous tree of God.

The trunk of the **** tree is hollow, and the people of Yunsan have already established their homes, storage rooms, children's classrooms, etc. in the trunk.

It is easy to reach the bottom along the ladder in the trunk. It is also the hall of the tree gods. It is extremely open, and there is an altar in the center of the ancestors.

"Where you are going, you need to enter from the bottom of the altar, go down and deep into the roots of this big tree."

"According to my grandfather, there is a magical garden, it is huge and wonderful. If the plants you are looking for really exist, you should find them there." Yunsan explained.

The altar quickly moved away, revealing a downward spiral staircase. Since the tree gods prohibited the people from entering the underground garden, this road has been passed for thousands of years. The ladder of the wooden board has been somewhat corroded, and people walked in it. Oh, with the sound of squeaking.

After a few hundred steps, it is a platform, surrounded by darkness and deep bottomless.

Fortunately, there are many tree vines that are vertically downwards. Down the tree vines, you can enter the legendary, located in the roots of the **** tree, the magical garden.

Han Lang and Feng Taiji naturally do not have to climb any tree vines. They simply jumped down and lowered the degree of falling with an air cushioning device that can be mounted on the armor. Feng Taiji also took out the handheld micro radar, but just like the cloud. As mentioned in the third, there is an unstable magnetic field here, and the micro radar cannot operate at all.

However, Han Gao and Feng Taiji, who are daring by Yi Gao, did not care. They continued to fall down close to the free fall. The entrance to Yunsan and the platform and the entrance to the altar were long gone. The long fall even made Hanlang somewhat sleepy. He estimated that the depth of this tree hole is probably more than 100,000 meters, to pass the height of the **** tree itself.

It is normal to think about it. Usually, the roots of a tree are far beyond the trunk. The tree is also a tree. It still cannot violate the laws of nature.

"You see, there is light below!" Feng Taiji said at the foot.

Han Lang fixed his eyes and looked down. It was like watching the night from space to the earth. There was a little bit of light everywhere. It was only a tens of thousands of square kilometers. If this is the underground garden, it’s really a bit. The meaning of miracles.

Both Han Lang and Feng Taiji have come to the interest. Looking closely, it is a kind of lantern grass.

Unlike the small lantern grass that grows on the earth, the lanterns in the underground garden are seven or eight meters high and the light is brighter.

It seems that someone deliberately arranged, the lanterns scattered throughout the underground garden, and people would not feel dark in it.


When approaching the ground, the aerodynamic system began to work, Han Lang and Feng Taiji gently fell in the garden, on the bluestone floor.

“Is it artificial here?” Han Lang frowned slightly, talking to himself.

"The tens of thousands of square kilometers of artificial gardens! You see, that is the phalaenopsis, I have never seen this sample of Phalaenopsis in my life!" Feng Taiji excitedly shouted. (To be continued.) 8

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