MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 393 Corpse eagle

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Does the Lion Eagle have the ability to resurrect the dead? This really surprised Han Lang and others.

"Impossible! My poison can't be so weak!" The night black roared angrily.

Han Lang grabbed him and said: "Don't be impulsive! You can see these people's faces, they are still blue, lifeless, so the lion flying eagle is only a group of dead people, he let these dead people re Moved up."

The night blacks listened to Han Lang’s words and carefully observed them. Sure enough, those who stood up again were still the appearance of the body. They were cold and sullen, as if they were walking dead.


The Lion Flying Eagle laughed in the air: "Your observations are very careful, but unfortunately you can't stop anything!"

"To tell you the truth, my last name is not a lion's lion, but a dead body!"

"I have been retreating for many years, because my own hands are not clean, I am afraid that I will be gossip by others, I want to whiten my identity, and my son who is not contentious will see you later."

"But today, you forced me! I have only six sons in total, and you have spent five in one breath! This is bloody! You must pay for it!"

Suddenly, the lion's eagle's figure skyrocketed, and a golden hair floated up, and the body emitted more and more intense light.

His whole body is like crazy, and the bones are sizzling. Obviously, he is running his own exercises to the maximum extent. As the exercises begin to take effect, the bodies that will walk have raised their heads and their eyes have turned red. Color, black nails stretched out of their fingers.

"Awkward fart! Meet you, he is unlucky! With your darkness, you have received his super power!"

"Let's wait." Han Lang Shen Sheng said: "I found that the lion flying eagle's practice is very similar to a legend."

"Legend?" The night blacks did not understand.

"Yes, Lu Yao used to leave me a lot of memories. One of them was about the possession of evil spirits. It is said that some extremely dark-skinned warriors can pass evil after maximizing energy, which is an extremely rare phenomenon."

Lu Yao, the dark king, did leave a lot of information to Han Lang. This information was sealed in the depths of Han Lang’s brain. Generally speaking, Lu Yao’s information and memory are of little use to Han Lang, and he is not purely dark. Secondly, Han Lang does not live in the dark system, and it is difficult to touch the weird things described by Lu Yao.

Now, the unique super power of the Lion Flying Eagle has triggered the memory of Han Lang. He remembers the evil spirit possession. This is a very powerful ability in the dark system. In the memory left by Lu Yao, it seems that It is also possible to extract a very unique energy from the possession of the evil spirit through a special transformation.

The battle is simple. It is not difficult to kill the lion flying eagle. It is just that Han Lang is hesitating. Do you want to try it according to the technique left by Lu Yao? If you succeed, you will get an extreme evil energy, maybe someday can come in handy.

Just in the hesitant time of Han Lang, the change suddenly!

Suddenly, the lion flying eagle exploded!

The appearance of the human form is divided and the golden hair flutters in the air, revealing another creature hidden in his body.

It was a dark-skinned person with strange blood-stained eyes, bald heads, and a row of small horns on the top of the head. The broken teeth were like a row of steel nails. The fingernails were half a meter long, like a sickle's sickle.

This is the body of the Lion Flying Eagle! Deaf people hiding under the normal human appearance!

The black light shrouded the lion's eagle, and even his sons looked at it. They didn't think that his father actually looked like this?

If this is their father, who was the one who witnessed them growing up in those years? Who is he?

All in all, the lion flying eagle seems to be the incarnation of the devil, which can explain to some extent why he will raise the dead and have such evil energy.

Think about it, the lion flying eagle is actually a corpse flying eagle, this name is not only strange, but also reveals some kind of evil.

"You must catch him!" Han Lang thought of it in his heart.

The lion flying eagle showed his own card, but it aroused the curiosity of Han Lang. He is now beginning to have some doubts. What kind of messy things Lu Lu left for him? About the memory of the dark? Isn't this lion-flying eagle look like Lu Yao's pursuit?

Just when Han Lang was determined to take the lion flying eagle with a strange super power, suddenly, a light was emitted from the air.

In this light, a huge coffin jumped out, black coffin, inlaid with a gimmick, directly buckled toward the lion flying eagle.

what! ! !

The lion screams and screams, his eyes are round, staring at the black coffin, his lips are already purple.

It seems that he recognizes this coffin and is full of fear.

The Lion Eagle seems to have been pinned by an inexplicable force. He did not resist, but he was squatting and loaded directly into the huge coffin.

Huge coffins fell in front of Han Lang and stirred up the dust.

When the dust was exhausted, Han Lang discovered that the coffin had disappeared. Instead, a group of people, a group of strangers who put themselves under the black cloak, did not reveal the true content, but they exude a cold temperament.

A black warrior holding a small coffin in his hand seemed to be formed after the coffin was shrunk. He smiled and hung the coffin on the necklace on his neck.

"Thank you, if you didn't attract his attention, we didn't catch the beast so easily." The black warrior said with a smile.

Han Lang went to see the sons of the Lion Flying Eagle and found that they did not know when they were dead, the black blood came out from the corner of their mouth, and the bodies that had just been resurrected by the Lion Flying Eagles fell down. This time, they are likely Really dead.

There was a mournful voice in the distance. It was an ordinary tribal inhabitant of the Griffin family. They had gathered in the back to watch the war. For some reason, they began to fall down. The mouth was like the sons of the Lion Flying Eagle. blood.

The black man laughed again. He said: "As a reward, I have cleaned up the tribe for you. In addition, are you looking for water? The best move is faster. As far as I know, only this little guy is brought. To the Griffin tribe, the two big ones were sent to the tribal alliance."

"The blood of the fate of the creatures, known as the blue gold, is very big for human beings. I think the tribal alliance will not let the two big waters go away in vain. You want to bring them back, I am afraid I will fight hard. field."

Han Lang is still quiet, the black man said with his head: "What? You are not reconciled? If you fight with me, then go to save the water, you think you can really defeat the entire tribe with a remnant Alliance?"

Han Lang still doesn't talk. He is thinking fast. This is really bizarre. The Lion Eagle has the super power to resurrect the dead. It echoes the ancient evil legend left by Lu Yao. Han Lang wants to win the Lion Flying Eagle. At the time, he was robbed by a group of masked people.

Who are they?

Who is the Lion Eagle?

"Don't be fooled!" At this time, the black man pulled a wave of Han Lang and said in his ear: "The guys are also poisonous, and their poison is not under me."

Han Lang certainly understands the words of the night black people. Those who died, the black blood flowing from their mouths, is the best proof. If they are not worried about the other side's poison attack, Han Lang has already ordered it to rush.

At this time, the black man hidden in the cloak once again sneered, and the voice was creepy.

"You better listen to him. After all, he is a poison expert. My poison is actually no worse than that of my brother. Everyone is half-pounded. The reason why I can poison these little lions is because they have already been in the middle. Your poison."

"However, the poison is different between the poisons. If you still want to stop me, then you will lose both sides. I advise you to hurry to save the two waters. Don't waste energy on me, be careful. They have been eaten by humans, the evil of mankind, you should be clearer than me."

Obviously, this black warrior is savvy. He can't fight with Han Lang because he will use poison on both sides, and their poison can't solve each other.

Therefore, he rushed to grab the Lion Flying Eagle from the eyes of Han Lang without fear.


In the absence of any signs, Han Lang has a more bow in his hand, and the bow is flying!

Open the bow and put the arrow in one go!

The white light flashed away and shot at the black soldier who was sneering!

He seems to have forgotten that Han Lang is not only a commander of the fangs tactics, but also good at long-range attack!

The flying feather bow seemed to hit something, but Han Lang was not sure, because the yellow smoke rose from the place where the group stood and wrapped them in it.

"Don't get close! Don't get close! The guy will use poison!" The night black man shouted and pushed the emotionally excited back.

"Han Lang? Very good, I remembered your name. For many years, you were the first to dare to attack me." The voice of the black man came from afar, and they had run away with heavy smoke.

Han Lang took Xiaobao and turned away. Everyone followed him. The war did not end. They had to rush to the tribal alliance to rescue Xiaobao’s parents.

Sima Soul Wind Turbine is close to Han Lang, whispered: "You just had some smashing, the best strategy is to let them go, and the mutual poison can not be attacked."

The reason why Sima Lingfeng wants to whisper, is also for the consideration of Han Lang, fearing the confidence of Han Lang, which is the most important thing for a conductor.

Han Lang was undecided, gently wiped the wound behind Xiao Bao, the tube was inserted deep into his body, and he took a lot of blood. The little guy was weak at the moment, hiding in Han Lang's arms and twitching as if he was scared.

Han Lang snorted and said: "I just can't get used to his arrogant look. It seems that he knows everything. He wants to dominate who's destiny, hehe! The fate of man can only be dominated by himself!"

Sima soul winds a glimpse, he did not expect Han Lang to think of this is actually, the longer the relationship, the rebellion of Han Lang's heart more and more.

"Start, go directly to the tribal alliance!" Han Lang jumped on the dark ship and shouted: "Let those who control the freedom of others to be fun, all go to hell!" To be continued

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