MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 410 Thief Silver Fox!

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The clever silver fox adventure caught up with the two men in black cloaks.


After traversing the space crack, Silver Fox saw a black world and a huge space fracturing gate.

The space fracturing door is made of gold and is covered with a complex and ancient pattern. The whole is semi-circular and is placed on the black ground.

There are countless gullies on the earth. There are burning magma in the gully. Under the torrent, the magma will splash out and show a golden color. Obviously it is not a real magma, but a high-temperature liquid after the gold is melted.

This space is very hot. The air is like a flame barbecue. Breaking an egg on a black rock can only be cooked in a dozen seconds. Normal people can't stay here.

Silver Fox curiously looked at the space fracturing door. The smart silver fox realized that this is a more advanced means of transport than the dark ship. It is because of this big guy that they can calmly enter and exit the underground garden. 9527 can also develop this thing just fine.

The silver fox didn't complain, but was hidden in a piece of broken black rock, paying attention to the state of the two cloaks wearing cloaks.

I saw them coming to a small space shuttle and squatting.

"I will say this later and the master. Don't say anything wrong. Recently, the mood of the master is not very good."

"Don't worry, let's say the same thing, the master is not unreasonable and will not treat us."

"Well, then let's report to the master."

Two people took the space shuttle, this aircraft is very small, more than half more than Lufeichi, only the front and rear seats.

When the transparent protective cover is closed, the silver fox comes out and comes to the shuttle to catch the tail position.


The shuttle took off, facing a black mountain in the distance. The center of the mountain was full of smoke, and the air pollution was covered with clouds. The clouds covered the clouds and could not see the whole picture of the mountain without going through the black clouds.

There is an already completed landing platform in the center of the mountain. Many of the same space shuttles are docked here. There are about fifty or sixty ships, and there are some guarded soul beasts.

Silver Fox discovered that some of these soul beasts he had seen before, that was earlier, when the silver fox followed Han Lang to meet the moon Linda, and got the flying feather bow battle, now they have arrived here, perhaps following the moon Linda Come, the mother soul beast who deceived the master, actually hiding in this place?

In addition to this, there are some more powerful soul beasts, which are large-sized wild boars with barbs that are harder than steel and whose teeth are sticking out of their mouths.

The soul beast is actually a kind of beast, how many kinds of beasts there are, and how many kinds of soul beasts.

The only difference is wisdom and spiritual strength. Soul beasts usually have higher IQs, and after their mental power is compressed and released, they will form a mental storm, which is a soul kill. This kind of mental storm has a great impact if it is hit by the storm. If the human spirit is not strong enough, it will be spiritually obliterated.

Of course, the soul beast's housekeeping stunts are not used casually. Most soul beasts will die after using a soul kill, and powerful soul beasts can be used twice or even three times in a lifetime.

As for the heterogeneous black egg, the silver fox is not clear. After using the soul kill several times, the black egg is still in spirit, but the huge energy consumption has caused him to hungry for the energy he can eat.

It’s just that the black egg is too proud to have a very noble blood. For ordinary energy sources, he would rather starve than die.


A soul beast seems to have discovered something, bowed his head, sniffed with his sensitive nose, and silver approached the silver fox.

Silver Fox discovered that the Soul Wild Boar has a huge nose, and from a biological point of view, the pig's sense of smell even exceeds the best purebred hounds. They have extremely high abilities, but few people can take them. Trained out.

These Soul Beasts are not furnishings, they are used to prevent intruders!

The silver fox was terrified and quickly approached the two guys wearing black cloaks, and couldn’t care about the safe distance.

"Get out of the way!" One of the guys kicked a close to the soul beast, kicked it, screamed and slammed his head, and decided not to take care of the suspicious smell.

At that moment, the heart of the silver fox scared and jumped. Fortunately, the invisibility of the silver fox belongs to a very special category, which is the integration of light and life.

In the silver fox body, he was made a large-scale transformation by his makers, so that the silver fox has almost no breath. He said that he and Pluto are perfect match, precisely because Pluto and Silver Fox do not have the source fluctuation or any taste. In the crowd, like a humble little grass.

The silver fox followed two people wearing cloaks into the mountain. It was a long dark tunnel with blurred light and shadow. There is no longer a soul beast, and the situation of silver fox is temporarily safe.

In the hall in front, Silver Fox saw more guys wearing black cloaks.

"Back? Look at your face is not very good, is the task of the master's confession not completed?"

"Exactly, but that doesn't matter to us. Someone is the first to get started. The timing of the task of assigning tasks to us is not a step away. Don't just say us, how about you?"

"That also used to say that the quantum compass has been stolen, and the master ordered us to put it into the storeroom, along with other treasures collected."

"Hey, it seems that the master still can't decide how to take the next step. He ordered us to get so many babies, but most of them are useless."

"Don't say this, the master gave us orders, and we performed it. After all, this time the evolution is very important. The masters reserve so much, perhaps for the sake of insurance."

"Unfortunately, our brothers were tired, and they rushed to the west, and they stole and robbed them. They all couldn’t see it. When can we just do what the humans are doing right?"

"Don't worry, chances are always there. Anyway, we are back, let the humans go crazy for a few days."

"Well, then let's go see the master and see you."

"See you."

After listening to this conversation in the corner, Silver Fox said: "It seems that the people in this base are group actions, two people are a group. Their most important task at the moment is to collect what evolution may use."

"Evolution? Who evolved? How did it evolve?"

This problem is a bit difficult for Silver Fox. He shook his head and thought: "Forget it, this time you should want to be the owner here, what will he do?"

"Well, the master will say that all the enemy wants to do is to destroy the old man." Silver Fox had an idea and said in his heart: "Not bad, the owner likes to destroy it. He doesn't even need it." I know that as long as the enemy is going to do it, he will not let the enemy do it."

The silver fox cleverly turned around, no longer followed the two guys who went to see the master, and ran to track the two people who were going to the warehouse inventory.

After a long day in the complicated passage, the two of them came to a metal-enclosed door. There was an old man standing at the door, with a goatee. The two eyes twitched slightly, like no woke, the skin was black. , and those ordinary warriors have obvious differences.

"What is this?"

"Quantum compasses, from the Wanmo, the master let me save first, may be useful in the future."

The dark-skinned old man frowned: "Save it again? It seems that the master still has no idea, let me give it to me."

Immediately, the old man picked up a big palm-sized box, opened it and looked at it, wrote down the name of the item on the register, and who the person handed in.

Immediately, he opened the sealed door and used his own DNA as a verification.

The old man just walked in, the door was not closed, and the silver fox quietly followed in. He hid in the corner, and the old man left the quantum compass on the shelf.


Upon hearing the sound of the closed door, the silver fox finally breathed a sigh of relief, hammering his heart with small claws like a human being, and regained his spirit and watched it in this room.

The storage room is full of shelves. Recently, the guy wearing the cloak has been plundering all over the place, and has got a lot of valuable things. If he hasn't had time to sort it, he will still be on the shelf.

Although the silver fox is just a genetic beast, he has extraordinary wisdom and innate intuition. Soon he found a thin soft armor, as light as silk, conjoined design, obviously It is an additional protection system in the armor.

"The owner of this thing should like it, his king A is broken." The silver fox thought of his chin with his small claws, so he quickly rolled up the set of ice silk underwear and collected the space he hung around his neck. In the ring.

"Oh, there are a lot of things, what can I do?"

Silver Fox is a bit guilty. His body is a silver squirrel, and the squirrel has the habit of storing grain, so his ten cubic meters of space ring is filled with messy things. If you don’t clean it, there is no way to get it. Too many and more valuable beings are stolen in the warehouse.

"I have to give up some snacks."

Thinking of this, the silver fox was reluctant to take out a pine nut and put it in the original place of the ice silk underwear.

"this is not bad."

"This, and this, all are good."

"Bring back to the owner, this is also brought back to the owner, um, that's it."

The silver fox searched the baby in the storage room. The ten cubic meters said that there were not many, and that it was not too small. He used his instincts to feel what it was worth, and what was more weird.

At the same time, the original reserve in the silver fox space ring is also rapidly decreasing, pine nuts, cherries, pink strawberries, unknown wild fruits, meat clips stolen from Han Lang.

Han Lang probably doesn't know. The original silver fox is so fond of snacks. From the pattern and number of snacks, a pile of unobtrusive theft in the restaurant is all done by this kid!

"Hey? A strange bean sprout."

The silver fox suddenly found that in a small pot, there was a plant like a bean sprout.

This bean sprout is very strange, actually purple, not blue or yellow-white, thin and small, as if it is malnourished.

“Why is there a bean sprout in the place where the baby is stored?” The silver fox touched the small chin and thought.

"The owner said that if something goes wrong, it will be a demon. Listening to the master's is right, take it away."

The silver fox decided to put the bean sprouts into the space ring.

Suddenly, the purple bean sprouts grew a few centimeters in height, like a silver fox waving desperately.

"What? You don't want to go with me?" Silver Fox is not surprised at all. Since getting the book of spiritual plants, all the plants have become very friendly to the silver fox, and he greeted him and showed him the flowers in full bloom.

The small bean sprouts shook his head and stretched again, pointing to the top of the next shelf, a golden amber.

"That thing?"

The silver fox ran over, climbed the shelf, took the amber down, and saw a seed sealed in amber.

"I understand, you are letting me bring this too."

The small bean sprouts nodded quickly. Obviously, this is the higher plant that has the power of nature and wisdom and spirituality.

The silver fox installed the amber and the sealed seeds, picked up the flower pot, and the small bean sprouts pointed to other places.

"A piece of broken wood? You let me bring this too?"

"Well, look at your lovely part, I will bring this piece of wood, but when I give this broken wood to the owner, if he is angry, it is your fault."

"What? Golden pomegranate? Are you sure that this thing is also valuable?"

The small bean sprouts desperately nod.

"Hey, it’s up to you, there’s still some space in the ring anyway."

"I said brother, this is my last meat folder, the owner's favorite food, I also like it, you really let me drop this precious meat clip, just to put this string of white hemp?"

The small bean sprouts keep pointing, and the silver fox is forced to put more and more things in the space ring, mostly the existence of some plant species, perhaps this little bean sprouts and their feelings, let the silver fox do this. .


Just when the silver fox was hesitant, this purple bean sprout suddenly jumped out of the pot.

This is really a magical bean sprout. The whiskers at his roots can catch the silver fox like the octopus's tentacles, but they can move, but his movement is very slow, like a clumsy snail.

"You let me throw the flower pot, so that you can put on your companion?" Silver Fox asked in surprise.

The small bean sprouts nodded desperately.


Silver Fox sighed, this weak bean sprouts and the owner are more like, and desperately want to protect their companions, the silver fox feels infected with small bean sprouts, it is really bad to reject him.

"Forget it, the pot is still there. Although the meat is delicious, it is not so important. Do you still need to take away with your companion?"

The bean sprouts hesitated for a long time and finally pointed to the corner. There was a cactus, black cactus, and half a person high.

The silver fox knows why the bean sprouts hesitate, because the cactus is very tall, and if the silver fox wants to take him away, he must abandon some of the gifts for Han Lang.

The silver fox thought about it and threw a six-blade dish out.

"Forget it, the owner has a flying feather bow, you don't need this stuff, let me say, I can also be incarnate in the dagger, and these boots, there are a lot of good boots in the 9527, and throw it away."

This is really a tough choice. Silver Fox has also made it difficult for him to drop the items selected by Han Lang just to be able to hold the plants in the room.

The small bean sprouts were very moving, and the relatives’ squatting on the silver fox’s face provoked the silver fox’s itch. He felt that his choice was correct. Metals and equipment were always dead, and these plants were one. A fresh life, although they can't talk, but they are also a life.

The ten cubic meters of space ring was filled with these plants, and the silver fox was forced to leave a flower pot to let the small bean sprouts stick to themselves and grab their own silver fluff.

"Hurry up, when the old man opens the door again, we rush out." Silver fox confessed to the bean sprouts.

"What? You let me go out there? It seems to be ventilated."

"Well, I listen to you, give it a try."

Then the silver fox slammed into the roof, stretched out his claws, cut a hole in the metal cover of the vent, and the body was drilled flexibly.

"Go here?"



The silver fox flew up in the narrow, dark airways with small bean sprouts. (.)

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