MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 413 Silver Fox gene mutation!

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The situation of the silver fox is extremely critical. He used his fastest speed to escape. In the bag of many soul beasts, he kept rushing to the right.

Fortunately, the silver fox is short and fast, coupled with his flexibility and superior intelligence beyond the general beasts, so that those who catch him are very headaches. After all, the smaller the creature, the less likely it is to catch It is common knowledge to catch.

However, the advantages of Silver Fox are not enough to resolve the crisis, because his important bodyguard invisibility has completely failed. The silver fox is contaminated with an unpleasant smell, designed to deal with invisible opponents. Sex.

At this time, the small bean sprouts with the silver fox played an unexpected role.

The small bean sprouts keep pointing the silver fox in the direction, and he also magically controls some plants growing nearby.

This secret base of the gold family has been abandoned for a long time, the defense is not strict, and there are many weeds in the passage.

Under the control of small bean sprouts, these weeds grow wildly.


The silver fox flew through the weeds, and the soul beast that rushed to the ground suddenly fell to the ground. It was the weeds that entangled his legs as the soul beast passed!

"Amazing little bean sprouts!" Silver Fox thought excitedly, accelerated, rushed out of the entrance to the base of the mountain, and slammed through several soul beasts, but they failed to stop the fast silver fox in time. At the most dangerous time, the wild boar's fangs were only a few centimeters away from the silver fox's small head, and they were still shunned by the silver fox.

"Successful!" Silver Fox thought excitedly.

After leaving the narrow base, it was even more difficult for the open world to catch the silver fox. Silver Fox felt lucky that he managed to escape from the base.


Just as the silver fox was just a little proud, he suddenly felt a sore leg.

It is an ant!

The silver fox looked down and saw a black ant who didn't know when he climbed up and bit the silver fox with a pliers-like mouthpart.

The silver fox hurried up and opened the ant, but then fell into the siege of the second ant.

Until now, the silver fox discovered that the outside land was all ants, they spread out, and did not give the silver fox the escape gap!

The silver fox escaped from the base because of its small size and flexibility.

Now, in order to catch the silver fox, the enemy uses an ant army that is smaller and harder than him!

The situation is tough!

In a twinkling of an eye, the silver fox is already scarred, and the beautiful silver hair is constantly falling, especially on his long tail, and there are more than a dozen ants in the crazy bite!

Invisibility does not help, the ants are scattered in the earth, and the silver fox will step on the vicious little ants as long as they run on the ground. Unless he can fly, the silver fox does not have the ability to fly. His specialty is wisdom and invisibility. !

The small bean sprouts grew fast and turned into a sweeper on the silver fox. They swung hard and drove those ants off the silver fox.

Unfortunately, the ability of small bean sprouts is limited, and it is impossible to prevent so many ants from attacking at the same time. One is not careful, he will bite himself.

"Master! For the owner!"

The silver fox ran hard and tried to run out of this area full of eater ants before he was killed.

The loyalty to Han Lang is the last force to support him to live. The scars are not terrible. The terrible thing is that there is no way to send back the information that is unfavorable to Han Lang.

Unfortunately, the speed of the silver fox is getting slower and slower. If there is more than one ant on the body, it will make him more painful.

Gradually, the silver fox changed from flying to stumbling, and eventually fell to the ground with powerlessness. It was covered in blood, and the mouth was still groaning and groaning.

If you read it from the language of Silver Fox, this sound means that the owner

The small bean sprouts desperately protects the silver fox that has lost its combat power. As a plant, he has done his best. After all, he has no developed muscles and a strong nervous system, just a purple bean sprout.

At this moment, the small bean sprouts have grown to nearly half a meter high, and the body is also scarred by the ants biting. After the first attack target silver fox falls, the small bean sprouts become the main target of the ants.

Drive them away!

Drive them away!

The small bean sprouts danced desperately. In the eyes of anyone with combat experience, his counterattack was too weak, lacking strength and speed. In fact, the most important way of fighting bean sprouts is to grow up to attract attack silver. Fox ant.


Suddenly, two rounds of applause came from far away, and the ants stopped attacking.

The small bean sprouts protect the silver fox with the body, and soak the transparent liquid flowing down on the body of the silver fox.

“It’s a super-level spiritual plant.” Moon Linda said as she walked over, “It’s true that our beasts and plants should be in the same camp. Do you know? The squirrel you are protecting, First of all, he is an artificial genetic synthetic beast, not the same as the real orc."

"Secondly, he is loyal to human beings, a traitor in the beast. Why do you have to fight to protect a traitor?"

The small bean sprouts shook their heads desperately. In any case, the moon Linda did not hurt the silver fox, and the moon and Linda and the small bean sprouts were really puzzling. After all, it was just a weak bean sprout, but it was actually Moon Linda is called a super-level spiritual plant?

Moon Linda sneered, his fingers moving, and the ants once again surrounded the bean sprouts and the silver fox.

Moon Linda said coldly: "You are useless to the master anyway. I will give you two choices, either leave him, return to the master, become one of us, or you will accompany the beast. The traitors go to die together!"

"The three major systems of nature, beasts, worms, and pedigrees, if you don't participate in our confrontation with humans, at least you should be neutral. For a traitor who loyal to humanity, is this inappropriate? ”

The small bean sprouts still shook their heads desperately, and the silver fox was even more tightly protected. At this time, he heard the screaming sound of the silver fox.




That is the silver fox is giving up the bean sprouts to give up, do not die, if you have the opportunity to see his master Han Lang, tell him that he is dead, otherwise the owner will find himself everywhere.


If the small bean sprouts will shed tears, he will burst into tears at this moment.

Loyal, brave, this is simply the dna written in the silver fox bones! They are all dead, and what he thinks is still small bean sprouts and Han Lang!




The small bean sprouts shook his head desperately, releasing a magical light from his purple body, which was quietly healing the wound on the silver fox.


Yue Linda set her eyes up and said very seriously: "You are a spiritual plant. He is a beast. Do you want to pass the duty as a spiritual plant!?"

"At the beginning of this world creation, you have vowed to remain neutral forever!"

The small bean sprouts don't listen. He doesn't want the silver fox to die. He continues to use the magical light to heal the silver fox.


Moon Linda snorted and said: "I would like to see if your cure is fast, or if these **** soldiers ants start faster!"

"I want to kill him in front of you!"

Moon Linda will wave her wrist.


Millions of black ants rushed up and showed their mouthpieces like pliers.

So many soldiers and ants, in a few seconds, will not leave the silver fox's bones!

Rubbing ~

The first **** soldier squatted on the silver fox's leg, and the little guy made a very light scream. He was too weak at the moment and had no strength to shout.



The silver fox used his last strength to make a sound, let the bean sprouts ignore himself. In addition, he kept calling the owner's name.

Whether it is a person, a beast, or a plant, as long as they have a wise life, they all have one thing in common, called reason.

Reason is wisdom. If only wisdom is not rational, such a person is a madman.

Finally, when the silver fox life is about to disappear, the rationality of the small bean sprouts collapses.

He lowered his head and drilled in from the wound of the silver fox, turned into a tiny cell and entered the body of the silver fox!

The next second, the change is protruding!

From the silver fox body, a powerful and incredible energy wave broke out! The ants that besieged the silver fox are all opened!

The white energy rushes into the sky, forming a swirl of several kilometers! Any ant can't get closer to the silver fox even one step!

This special kind of energy does not have any violent ingredients. It is not like the blood power that a warrior provokes when it is furious. It is holy, innocent, pure, just a powerful energy.


The white energy vortex is strengthening, and the silver fox, which was already dying, actually stood up again.

No, he is jumping!

Jumping up, it is like a resurrection of the original blood!


The silver fox made a whistling sound, the sound rolled up the air, overturned countless soul beasts, and even the moon Linda stood unsteadily. As for the **** ants, they had already been blown to the horizon!


The sharp claws came out from the hands of the silver fox, like a small scimitar.

Although the silver fox looks terrible, but in his body, still can not detect the power of anger, the sacred, innocent power has surpassed the power of the silver fox itself, clearly possessing the ability to kill, but it does not show up So introverted.

Moon Linda simply does not believe in her own eyes. In the last moment, the super-level spiritual plant chose to merge with him in order to protect the silver fox!

Even among all beasts, silver fox and blue star are the lowest-ranking beasts because they are made by humans.

Now, the silver fox has a kind of nobleness and purity that has never been seen before. At the same time, he is also a battle, and this contrast is enormous.

Rubbing ~

Rubbing ~

The two soul beasts that had been rushed up were cut down on the ground by the silver fox with their claws. It was not his opponent.

Come again, kill again!

Who dares to approach the silver fox step, all are obliterated!

He is like a peerless master who never shows the dew. He has no murderousness, but he has killed countless people.

After merging the power of super-level spiritual things, Silver Fox has become as powerful as ever!

Even if the black egg with the golden eyes of the eyes is here, I am afraid to avoid the edge of the silver fox!

Because the current silver fox has already skyrocketed!

"This is impossible! This is impossible!" Yue Linda shouted as she slid back and forth.

Cross-racial integration is not an easy task. How much resources and people are used to make the corps and the zerg merge with each other in order to let the corps and the genus fuse together?

Why are silver foxes and small bean sprouts so easy to blend together?

"Step aside!"

The voice of majesty behind the moon Linda is her master, the mysterious black man from the gold family.

He came quietly.

Those soul beasts saw him as if the mouse had seen the cat, and he dared not listen to the order, and flew back like the fly, and the black man took a few steps forward and looked at the silver fox.


The silver fox screamed at the black man.

Although the integration has been completed, it does not affect Silver Fox. At this moment, Silver Fox has a strong killing effect. It has forgotten to leave this and insist on killing, even if it is facing the mysterious figure from the gold family. Willing to give in.


The black man licked his mouth and immediately upgraded his energy index. The silver fox was fearless and followed the energy index.

Two energy whirls bite each other on this black earth, and they don't give each other.

"I understand!" The black man raised his hand and said that the silver fox said: "I want something to be with you! Clever little things, you actually got the book! No wonder you can communicate with spiritual plants, even fusion, I All understand!"

"In this case, I can't let you go, come on! Let me see what kind of combat power is there after the night and purple!"

"The soul!"

"In the name of the gold family! You can never escape from me today!"

The mysterious black man burned a strong fighting spirit. He discovered the secret of the silver fox and knew that the silver fox had a book of spiritual plants in his hand, and that book was exactly what he longed for.

There is no doubt that this black man has great strength and absolute confidence.

Although he has just completed a difficult genetic evolution to create a powerful fusion beast, at this moment, he is still approaching the silver fox.

Silver fox has been stunned by energy. Controlling energy requires skill. Silver fox is not an energy beast like black egg. He is an invisible skill and a scout. Nowadays, with so much energy, the little guy is immediately I was faint, and I feel that no one in this world can win.


The silver fox and the black man, their energy field is constantly strengthening, and the two energy hurricanes are getting bitter and bitter.


The silver fox suddenly screamed and looked down, showing his sharp claws and rushing toward the black man.

"It’s counted! This little thing really lacks battlefield experience!" The black man ecstatic in his heart.

He was very clear that the silver fox got the power of the night, and anyone who wanted to beat him had to pay the price, so the black man used a trick to calculate the silver fox.

Just in the moment when the silver fox was launched, the earth suddenly vibrated suddenly. On the route of the silver fox, a soft and powerful arm popped up!

It’s an eight-claw fly! A powerful behemoth that has just been created! He wants to attack the silver fox!

Silver fox, mysterious black man, eight claws flying!

The three strongest peaks collide!


The earth collapses, the energy field is stirred and broken, and everyone feels like the chaos of the end of the world!

After a while, the dust was exhausted, and the eight-clawed fly appeared behind the black man. Eight powerful arms were cut off and a burst of angry roar.

The black man, in a puzzled manner, walked into the black soil and looked closely. He whispered to himself in his mouth: "Who is it? Who is it?"

"The Lord, look!" Moon Linda pointed to the corner of the ground.

The black man went over and bowed his head.

I saw a drop of blood on the ground, golden blood (to be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion