MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 442 Isolated

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Although Han Lang was prepared, he was taken aback when he really saw the blood vortex.

I saw a space entrance in the depths of the dark net. This entrance is not a space barrier, but a **** wall.

The bright red blood whirls continuously, and Han Lang sees someone throwing a wide back knife made of three titanium alloys into it, only listening to the bang, this sturdy chopper is torn by the blood vortex powder.

A strange soldier laughed happily: "How? I didn't lie to you? When the blood vortex could not be opened, even a fly could not enter."

A group of people apparently saw the **** vortex warriors nodding their heads for the first time, and they were full of awe in this mysterious space.

There are many people, divided into five camps, Han Lang walked down the dark ship alone. When even feeling a lot of hostility and doubtful eyes, some soldiers have been to the golden giant tower, and they whispered and the people around them explained the origin of Han Lang.

Seeing that Han Lang is so young, but it is already the actual controller of the cursed land, everyone is a little surprised, but no one has taken him seriously. After all, they come from the five major groups, the five giants that control the eastern dark network. .

Han Lang was looking for the team of the gods group. When his eyes were in contact with the dew Qiu Lin, Lu Shuqiu immediately turned his head and gloomy face.

But the rushing around him, surprise and surprised said: "Han Lang! You really come? How can you be alone?"

Han Lang’s face was difficult to say, and he coughed two times and said: “After hearing about the danger of blood vortex, other people are not willing to die.”

Rumors: "A fool! They don't come, you don't want to come right! This place is really dangerous!"

Han Lang said with a smile: "No, I promised, can't make your grandfather difficult to do."

When I heard this, my tears are coming down. She needs to hold back and let her tears flow down.

"Sure enough, it is a good brother!" He took a wave of Han Lang, regardless of the weird eyes around him, and took Han Lang to find the dew Qiu Lin.

"Do not worry, you talk about loyalty, I will let Grandpa protect you, blood vortex is dangerous, and no one dares to move you a hair!" He said, grinning.

"Grandpa! What do you say with me? You see, Han Lang really came, I know, he is a loyalty, enough brother!" He said to Lushui Qiulin.

At this time, the dew Qiu Lin can no longer be loaded without seeing Han Lang.

He turned his head and his face was ugly.

"Hey, go to the side first, I have something to say to Han Lang." Lushui Qiulin said.

"Don't go, I have to listen! In short, Han Lang said that to do it, you must also guarantee his safety!"

Who knows, dew Qiulin has actually rushed his eyes, from small to large, he has never seen his grandfather so fierce to himself, scared her suddenly.

"Oh, obedient." The voice of Lushui Qiulin was majestic.

At this time, my father’s dew came over and took her arm and took her to the side.

Han Lang discovered that the face of the dew was as dark as the dew Qiulin.

It was a suffocating repression. Han Lang had seen it. On the eve of the fall of the earth, the brothers were such faces and eyes.

And Han Lang also found that the people of the Dew home are here.

Although the dew family has a great reputation, in fact, there are very few people, an old man who lost his wife, and an older man who lost his wife, with a beggar, this is all three of the dew family.

In the team, there are also some warriors with the logo of the gods group and the dew-shaped mark of the dew. They should be the family guards of the dew family.

Seeing all of this, Han Lang raised a hidden worry in his heart, frowning slightly, and the brain began to calculate quickly.

Dew Qiulin said: "Why are you alone?"

"They are not willing to come to die."

"Include that person?"

"If you are talking about 9527, he is the one who is the most opposed to the blood vortex."

Dew Qiulin sneered a sigh: "Sure enough, the old fox is the old fox, of course he will not come here."

"You call him 9527? It means that he also doesn't trust you, otherwise you don't know his real name."

Han Lang did not say anything, trust this thing is not to use the mouth to say, but to use actual action!

Where did the dew Qiu Lin know, just as they spoke empty, 9527 had gone with the brothers around the blood vortex.

Han Lang said with a smile: "I don't understand anything."

"Just ask."

“Why are you here?” Han Lang looked at the sulking sigh.

Dew Qiu Lin said: "I took her to see and see, the foundation of the dew family, she is her sooner or later."

Han Lang shook his head slightly, and suddenly changed from ordinary dialogue to the source of only one person who can be heard in Lulin Qiulin. He said: "You should not lie to me. Your family is coming to this dangerous place, it is not you." The style of this elite person."

"Looking at the eyes of the sea, it is clearly staring at your family. The relationship between the military **** Kabri and me is not bad, but I did not say hello to me, and he also deliberately stood far away from you, let alone Those warriors with distinct ambitions, their eyes are full of alert."

"All of this only shows one thing. The dew family has been suspected in the gods group and has been isolated!"

"The person you just mentioned, he asked me to bring you a sentence, thinking that in the past, not that he wants to leave, but if he does not leave, he will never want to leave! All better than Yakai. People, all will die!"

Although Lushui Qiulin tried to cover up, Han Lang saw a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Lulu Qiulin certainly knows that he has encountered a big problem, but he can't believe that Han Lang has noticed his own dilemma through just a few minutes of observation!

How can this be!

Is he going to be through the heart! ?

Of course, Han Lang will not be through the mind. He is only high in intelligence and good at observation and thinking.

The last words of Han Lang made Lu Yu Qiu Lin thunder.

Dew Qiulin is loyal. He wanted to help Yakai to fight the world with 9527. The gods group was from nothing, from weak to huge. Dew Qiulin was a great man. He did not believe that Yakai would start with him.

Even today, he received a command from Yakai, and Lushui Qiulin only felt that Yakai was testing him. It would be a little more convergent in the future. After all, Yakai is his big brother, and the younger brother is better than the big brother. Big Brother is of course not satisfied.

But Han Lang told him that all the better people than Yakai would die!

This sentence made Lu Xiu Qilin completely shocked!

In an instant, he not only remembered his own experience, but also remembered many people who had been suppressed. Those people, without exception, are the best people in the group. What is more tragic is that many of the things that were suppressed were still dew. It is handled by hand, including 9527.

This is called the authorities' fans. Dew Qiulin is out of his loyalty to Yake. He never thought about why he should suppress these people. Now he began to think.

However, Lu Shui Qiulin was difficult to reverse his solidification thinking for so many years. In any case, he felt that Yakai was his big brother, and his older brother should not harm him.

Han Lang observed the changes in the eyes of Dew Qiu Lin. He knew that it was not so easy to see Lu Xiu Lin. This time, he only succeeded in planting a seed in the heart of Lu Xiu Lin. He wanted to convince him that he still needed time.

Dew Qiulin’s definite god, Shen Sheng said: “Han Lang, you said it is done, I appreciate it, but you have to know that this time you represent the cursed land, and your wolf organization.”

"So, I can't let you stay with me, at most, I don't want my people to attack you, that's all I can do."

"Understand." Han Lang nodded and said.

"Then please go where you should be." Dew Qiu Lin waved his hand and pointed to an open space.

Han Lang shrugged and walked easily.

The five major groups are well-respected and crowded.

In this crowd of people, there is a person who is particularly lonely, isolated by everyone. One person, standing in a large open space, surrounded by ridicule and full of malicious eyes.

Han Lang saw the step, this little temperament, he used the source to pass the sound, and said to Han Lang: "Little brother, I can't help you, but you can rest assured that my men will not move. Yours, what you need to pay attention to is the gods and the devils. I heard that you have turned the little daughter of Luo Shuihan away? Really yours!"

Han Lang smiled, what turned away, he and Luo Ying had nothing to do with it. If you want to blame, you can only blame Luo Shui for being uninhibited. His daughter betrayed him and he will kill.

Han Lang is a good man, can't you launch Luo Ying to die?

Time Guangqi and Dark North are also there. Although they didn’t say anything to Han Lang, they should not look at Han Wave if they look at their eyes.

As for Luo Jinglin, he reached out to Han Lang early and made a beheading action with a sneer on his face.

Han Lang was not surprised. He had already understood the risks he had to bear before he came.


Han Lang saw that Qi and Lushui Qiulin had quarreled and said loudly: "Isn't it Yakai? What are you afraid of? Why don't you believe that he dares to take our dew home? If there is no you, the gods are so big." He can't play at all!"


Han Lang’s heart was lifted up, Miss Dajie, how can I say this! This is not to put your grandfather on the fire! ?

If you pass it to Yake's ear, it is going to be bad!


Sure enough, a big ear scraper was drawn on his face, and the beautiful white face was swollen.

Dew Qiu Lin’s hand is groaning, and hey, can’t believe it, this is the first time she has been beaten in her life, and the person who beat her is actually the grandfather who loves her the most.


The stubborn screaming slammed and walked toward the South Korean wave.

Dew Qiulin said: "If you dare to go, don't come back!"

He slammed and stopped, his face pale and snowy.

But she still barely walked to Han Lang.


Han Lang sighed and said, "You said that I am stupid, I see you are a little fool."

Wronged, angry, sad, all emotions burst into a heartache.

She was hugged in the arms of Han Lang, and cried in his arms.

The scene was silent and the air was almost solidified.

No one believes that this happens!

Han Lang glanced at the audience and sighed helplessly.

This time, the trouble is really big.


Read The Duke's Passion