MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 455 The most important second lesson in life!

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"Let me go out! I want to kill him!" The black egg roared over and over again in the moon mark of Han Lang.

Although Han Lang shut down the body of the black egg, he could not keep his pride and militancy.

Han Lang’s judgment will not be wrong. The black egg has no fighting power. He will continue to let him stay on the battlefield, waiting for his death.

Black eggs are vastly different from other beasts or warriors. As an energy beast, the fighting power of black eggs comes from the energy stored in his body.

When energy is sufficient, black eggs are a terrible existence that scares the world.

Only once the black egg has no energy, it will become weak, weaker and weaker, and eventually die.

This is like a double-edged sword. The black egg uses its own energy reserve to change the way the enemy lives. It is also a way of fighting life.

Han Lang certainly cannot see the black egg dying. Although the black egg can't look down on Han Lang, although the black egg has always been disobedient, in the eyes of Han Lang, the black egg is his friend, and Han Lang has never been able to see a friend dying, but An indifferent cold-blooded animal.

In addition to a hard bone that supports Han Lang to the present, there is a blood full of body.


Han Lang’s targeted attack began. From the first second, Han Lang adjusted his combat power index to the limit, alien plants, drugs, soul power, all the power that Han wave can use, and broke out. The momentum is like a rainbow attack!

The three-eyed white ghost is still immersed in the excitement of defeating the black egg and absorbing all the energy of the black egg. Suddenly encountering the Han wave of the mad dog, he is somewhat unprepared, and it is only the strong attack by Han Lang. Parry, no effort to fight back.


Suddenly, the bones of the three-eyed white ghosts protruded from the body, and the bones were all deformed, like a person, with a sharp knife.

Accompanied by this strange change is the energy shock wave, which pushes out Han Lang’s bang, and the demon vines who besieged the three-eyed white ghosts, burst into a bang, and are broken from the roots, showing the three-eyed white ghost burst. How powerful is the energy impact.

Han Lang pressed his hand against the ground and relied on his extraordinary annihilation method to barely fall, but he knew in his heart that with this level of energy index, he was no longer an opponent of the three-eyed white ghost.

You must know that the three-eyed white ghost completely deprives the black egg of energy. It is the most essential and the highest level of energy. Han Lang has never been the opponent of the black egg. Now the three-eyed white ghost has the energy of the black egg peak level, and naturally In terms of various indexes, it is pressing Hanlang.

Han Lang is proud of the two * ug-level attack, no road and dark extinction can not be used, this situation makes Han Lang's situation worse.

Call ~

Call ~

After the three-eyed white ghost blocked the attack of Hanlang’s mad dog, he gasped and gasped, and after absorbing almost all the energy of the black egg, the energy index of the three-eyed white ghost reached a crazy level. Now he is already a standard. The appearance of an adult, even his breathing, also has strong energy fluctuations.

It seems that his gasping is not caused by Han Lang's suppression, but too much energy needs to be digested.

"Human!" The three-eyed white ghost raised with one hand and pointed to Han Lang: "The ridiculous little dragon just can't treat me, just rely on you? I dare to stand in front of me? I really admire your courage. !"


The surface of Han Lang is not moving, but the heart is a storm.

Pluto specially talked with Han Lang about the dragons. He also encouraged Han Lang to go to the Dragon Valley and get a mount of his own.

But Pluto never said that black eggs are dragons. Why should he lie to himself? Is there anything hard to say about Pluto?

Han Lang does not know the fate of his own body. The reason why Pluto said this is because he feels that the black egg is not strong enough. To break through the blockade of fate, the only hope is that Han Lang can get the support of the top dragons.

In this respect, Pluto can't determine which level of the black egg belongs to the dragon. Therefore, he is not willing to let Hanlang venture into a life and death contract with the black egg. After all, the dragon ride has only one chance to make a life and death contract.

The trinocular white ghost looked at himself as a brand new body, his muscles were sharp and his bone density was amazing. He felt very satisfied. Then he looked at some thin Han waves, and the eyes of the three eyes changed.

Han Lang noticed the third eye of the three-eyed white ghost. The hidden eyes on the forehead have been completely formed. The slightly upward arc is so weird. I don’t know when the three-eyed white ghost will open his third eye. This third What kind of ability will it bring to him?

Through the fierce battle with the Three-Eyed King, Han Lang has understood that the third eye is the product of the top genetic mutation. Originally, there is only one super-powerful person. After possessing the third eye, it is likely to acquire new abilities, accompanied by the soul. The same horrible exponential energy enhancement as force.

Thinking of this, Han Lang swallowed a spit. At this moment, the three-eyed white ghost has made him in a difficult situation, and this three-eyed white ghost is still not his strongest state. This war is only fierce.

The brain really started to confuse, and the super anti-poison physique could not withstand the chain reaction brought by a whole hundred mad gods. Han Lang tried his best to keep himself awake, but the vision and thinking are still changing.

"Almost." Three eyes of white ghosts stared at Han Lang, faintly said: "Your death is now."


The three-eyed white ghost suddenly disappeared from the place, and the next second he appeared at a distance of less than half a meter from the Han wave. Han Lang could not even see the movement of the three-eyed white ghost, and the whole person flew out.



Han Lang bit his teeth and twisted his body in the air with his thoughts and adjusted his body angle.

When he landed, it landed in a standard attack posture!


The left rib is still suffering from severe pain. The powerful enemy brings pressure that Han Lang can't describe, but Han Lang still withstood and continued to attack!

The three-eyed white ghost stunned and looked a bit confused.

No matter when he was in the shape of a beast, or when he was now adult, he killed many opponents, but none of his opponents was Hanlang, a type that only attacked and did not understand.


Han Lang was once again shot and flew out. He once again used his signature annihilation method to maintain balance and then attack again.



Time and time again, Han Lang has been scarred, and the route he charged has spilled blood.

However, Han Lang’s attack has never stopped. He is like a machine that will only attack forever. He is constantly being beaten and constantly attacking.

This situation is like Han Lang is facing a huge stone that cannot be destroyed, and then his head is hard, and he uses his body to hit it again and again! Continue until the body is broken!

This situation is like a sea tide constantly slaps the reef, every time it is broken, but attack, never stop!

The black egg is no longer roaring. He finds that he no longer understands Han Lang. It turns out that a person, in order to survive, to believe, can be so fierce.

Black eggs hate themselves!

Hate your own stupidity! Pushing Han Wave to a desperate situation!

If it’s not because of your own stupid enemies, why’s it!

It is clearly the strongest creature in the universe, but the black egg has brought itself to the point where it needs Han waves to save!

This is not a black egg owed to Han Lang's human feelings, black eggs feel that this is a life owed to Han Lang!

On the verge of death, the black egg has closed his eyes with pain and humiliation, and Han Lang took him from the hands of death!

Now, Han Lang is fighting his own life!

you are wrong!

you are wrong!

you are wrong!

You stupid!

The black egg screams at home over and over again, and it is almost impossible for a proud dragon to admit it. But the black egg really feels that it is the dumbest creature in the world!

Do you think that Han Lang is not worthy of yourself?

Open your eyes and see! How can you be worthy of this idiot? ?

See who sees the head, who is the real tough guy!

Han Lang has been faltering. This is a hopeless battle. He knows that he can't win.

But he has the heart of a real warrior, a strong belief that he will never give up, and he can only fight hard until he dies.

At this moment, Han Lang has been vague and bloody, not adult, but the three-eyed white ghost has not produced a sympathy because of Han Lang’s struggle. He is only laughing at the weakness of Han Lang, and at the same time he feels very annoyed. He has been entangled by a human for so long. Lost his dignity.


The trinocular white ghost disappeared, and when he came back, he raised a flustered little thing, which was round.

The round is very tragic and is carried by the three-eyed white ghost. Grasing the thin mechanical calf and shaking it gently, as if a hound is playing his own prey.

"This little thing is also brought in by you?" asked the three-eyed white ghost coldly.

"Let him go." Han Lang whispered, and the blood continued to flow from his fingertips. His body was groaning, and the intense pain had prevented him from standing upright.

Rubbing ~

The three-eyed white ghost pinched his hand and cut off the round calf, then left the circle on the ground and stepped on him with his foot.

"Yes, I will let him go now." The three-eyed white ghost said with a mockery.

"Master, run!"

"Run with the black egg!"

"Master, I am really stupid, I have no ability to attack the golden tower system, they, they will not come!" Yuan Yuan shouted in a crying voice.

As a former ruler, the gold family has a very high technology, and the round has not broken the system, which means that Hanlang will not have any support.

The round is very guilty. When he was cut off a leg, he did not feel a little bit of pain for himself. He still cares about the owner of Han Lang and the friend of the black egg, their safety.

Really a loyal little guy.

what! ! !

The black egg can see it all, he feels he is going crazy.

why? Why is it so painful! ?

Why am I so painful!

The black egg feels that his heart is broken, and even the round is thinking for himself? What is wrong with this world! ?

The black egg thinks of the claws and ghosts. They are the predecessors of the Blue Star and die to save themselves. It is the most important lesson in the life of the black egg.

Now, it is the most important second lesson in the life of black eggs.

"I won't leave you, I promised." Han Lang looked up and raised his mouth slightly, revealing a signature smile: "When I am away, you, black egg, silver fox, blue star, Xiaobao Everyone in the base, you have to live well."

What do you mean?

Han Lang said what this sentence means! ?

The round was shocked, and the black egg was also shocked. This sad statement is not like the words of Han Lang, a optimistic person.


The next second, Han Lang's finger gently wiped the mark on the moon, took out a bottle filled with golden liquid, finger force, crush the bottle directly, then lift the arm, and then do not know what the golden liquid All swallowed!

Broken glass **** cut through Han Lang's mouth and throat, but he didn't care!


The empty bottle was smashed on the ground by Han Lang, and then accompanied by the golden liquid, Han Lang whole person, the whole life began to burn intensely!

"I am dead, who can not live with his mother!" Han Lang blood red eyes, shouting this declaration of life. (To be continued.)


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