MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1080 shocked

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"The curator is also here."

In the archery field, some of the archers are training, some are at rest, seeing the coach and Jing Dingyue and others come together, and also push a big box, there is some doubt.

"Xiao Ming, A Yun, come over and try these two bows." The archery team head coach said, a man and a woman came over and the others were curiously surrounded.

When you look at the two bows, you can't help but blink.

"No mistake, the bow made of wood."

“It looks so simple.”

"This string is too thin, it won't break."

They don't understand why, why bother to try these two bows? Everyone needs a long time to run to the best level, and now the Tokyo Olympics is about to begin. Even a good bow is not suitable for this time. Not to mention the bows made by these two pieces of wood, there is no value at all.

"Coach, are you kidding?" said Xiaoming, a young man.

"Coach where you got these two antiques." The woman Xiaoyun laughed.

"Less nonsense, let you try and try, seriously." Archery team head coach said.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Yun see the coach as a serious look, can't help but think that this is a new type of training? They put their minds together and got serious.

The two came to the archery point, and the other teammates saw the excitement around them. Xiao Ming and Xiao Yun are among the best archers in the men's archery team and the women's archery team. Everyone wants to see what level they can shoot with their bows made of wood.

Xiao Ming first raised the bow, pulled the bow to aim, let go of the archery, the whole set of movements was smooth, with a bang, the arrow shot in the blue near the black area, five rings.

Xiaoyun followed the raised bow and pulled the bow to aim. Her aiming time was a little longer than a second, before she let go of the archery and shot in the blue near the red area, the six rings.

"This bow is not easy to use, the string is too thin." Xiao Ming said.

"Hey, Ming Ge, you still laughed at me shooting the five rings. You didn't shoot the five rings anymore. Isn't the level better than me?" a young man smiled.

"You have the ability to try this bow, maybe you can't even hit the target." Xiao Ming smiled and said that they obviously have a good relationship and are purely ridiculous.

"Sure enough, at the level of Xiao Ming and Xiao Yun, there are few cases of shooting out of the seven rings. Now one shot five rings and one shot six rings, which shows how much impact." The weightlifting team's head coach said.

"The bow that I just used, of course, is not easy, continue to try." The archery team head coach said, he can not afford these two bows, just to say a fair word. Even if it is a good bow, it will not be easy to use at first. The archery requirements can be accurate, and the loss is a thousand miles. You are slightly biased, which may be the difference between several rings.

Xiao Ming continues to try, the second arrow six rings, the third arrow or the six rings...

Xiaoyun also shot two arrows, the second arrow six rings, the third arrow seven rings...

The results have improved, but this kind of achievement obviously does not really play the level of Xiao Ming and Xiao Yun. I am afraid that even the first round of the Olympic archery competition will not pass.

The archery team head coaches are already thinking about calling Xiaoyun and Xiaoming to stop. This is enough to give Su Shi a face. It is Su Shi’s bow and arrow. No, they don’t need it.

Qian Jixuan was anxious at the side, thinking that the bow and arrow that Su Shi had brought, wouldn't really be impossible? So if you put it down before, wouldn’t it be a joke? However, no matter how anxious he is, there is nothing he can do now. After all, he can't go up to the archery to prove that no matter how good the bow is in his hand, it is difficult to hit the target.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Xiaoyun suddenly said: "Coach, this bow is a bit strange, I want to try again."

"Hey, Xiaoyun, you think so too. This bow has a feeling that you can't say it. It only takes a few times, and it obviously feels good. Moreover, it always feels that it can be controlled more finely. It should be adjusted several times. More precise.” Xiao Ming seems to be trying to find words that can be accurately described.

"Then try again." The archery team head coach yelled and said.

Xiao Ming shot more than a dozen arrows in succession: six rings, seven rings, seven rings, eight rings, nine rings, nine rings, ten rings, ten rings, nine rings, ten rings, ten rings, ten rings...

Xiaoyun also continuously shoots arrows, which are seven rings, eight rings, eight rings, nine rings, nine rings, ten rings, ten rings, ten rings, ten rings, nine rings, ten rings, ten rings, ten rings...

Xiao Ming and Xiao Yun, the more shots are a surprise, Qian Jixuan is relieved, showing the color of excitement. Others, including Jing Dingyue, the archery team head coach, the weightlifting team head coach, the walking team head coach, and other archery team athletes, were all shocked. The change in this situation is completely out of their expectations, and it is completely unscientific and simply unbelievable.

The bows and arrows they usually use are top-notch. Of course, the archery athletes of other countries certainly have not suffered any losses on the bow and arrow equipment. The real difference, the entity is now on the individual level, want to improve the performance, do not think about improving the bow and arrow, but it is common sense to think about improving their own standards.

However, now they feel that common sense has been broken. The level of Xiaoming and Xiaoyun is very high, but they can't do it continuously and continuously shoot out the ten rings. They can't make such a short time, they will make rapid progress. The only explanation is that Two bows.

"How is this possible?" The archery team head coach felt that the world view was almost collapsed. I couldn't believe it. "Xiaoming, Xiaoyun, you treat each other as opponents, take this as a game, concentrate on it and come up with all the strength."

Xiao Ming first shot an arrow, ten rings.

Xiaoyun followed an arrow and ten rings.

Xiao Ming shot another arrow, or ten rings.

Xiaoyun shot another arrow, still ten rings.

Xiao Ming shot the third arrow, nine rings.

Xiaoyun shot the third arrow, or the ten ring.

In the first game, Xiao Ming shot twenty-nine rings and actually lost. They continued to compare, and as a result, both of them basically shot ten rings, and the worst were the nine rings.

This time, they did not believe and believe, if you maintain this level, even if you face the Korean archery team, you can sweep them. The Chinese archery team has always been a yin and yang, and the men’s archery team has basically not won the prize. It is not difficult to get the men’s gold medal at this level.

"My God, what are these two bows."

"The bow made of wood can actually be such a god?"

"Let me try."

Other archery players have stepped forward and want to touch the two wooden bows.

"Don't grab it, let it go." The archery team head coach shouted and rushed to stop them. These two absolute bows, what if they were broken by their hands and feet? This year's Olympic gold medal for archery can be relied on.

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