MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1090 Million reward

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"Auntie, that oil lamp is your latest invention?" Lin Biao could not help but question.

"Even if the oil lamp is good, it is not needed now. In any case, must I use the oil lamp?" Shi Lei asked.

"In fact, the research results are not on the lamp, but on the lamp oil, that is, the energy?" Qian Yingning's eyes turned, and Wang Hao was a brow.

Su Shi appreciatively looked at Qian Yingning, she really guessed it, but she thought of it at the most, I am afraid that it is relatively clean and relatively high utilization of energy, far from the truth, still a bit far.

"Don't you talk about the direction of the aunt, is the candle?" asked a little boy who was short and handsome, and everyone wondered why he guessed this because he was working at a candle manufacturer and looked very High-end, not tied to college majors, but his salary is actually good.

"No." Su Shi shook his head and smiled. "You guess slowly, guess it. I will be boring when I say it."

The center of the square is also a questioning voice. At this time, the professional costume woman with a microphone explained: "Don't underestimate this oil lamp, it is not an ordinary oil lamp. It is really the latest research result of our time-space group."

"You will fool, when we are fools."

"Little girl, don't think that you look good, you can lie."

"Small age, I still want to brainwash us and blow up the oil lamps."

"Whether you are a time-space group, will it not be a special abduction?"

The professional women’s women heard some of their arguments and couldn’t help but rushed. “I’m really representing the Macross Group. I didn’t lie to you. I’m not turning around, just say the rules of the event. We’re here, There are a million."

She said that it stopped, next to two brawny men wearing suits and sunglasses, opened two suitcases, which contained a stack of new hundred dollar bills. Seeing so much money, the people around me couldn’t help but breathe.

The professional wear woman continued to introduce: "Under the premise of not destroying the hemispherical guardrail, not directly or touching the oil lamp with a hard object, if anyone, first extinguish the oil lamp, you can get one million, genuine, The virginity is not bullying."

Everyone groaned, and then there was a heated discussion. It is necessary to know that this hemispherical guardrail has a radius of only one meter. Such a short distance, a person with a large lung capacity may blow out. Moreover, the professional dress woman said that as long as the semi-spherical guardrail is not broken or the oil lamp is touched with a hard object, isn't that a splash of water?

"Little girl, according to your statement, isn't it true that you can splash water? You are too big to talk about it. Are you sure you will not be fired?" A middle-aged man snarled.

"I am not talking about loopholes. I just said in the words of our bosses. You didn't understand the mistakes and you can splash water." The professional woman said.

"I am going, really fake?"

"Isn't that a fire extinguisher?"

"Yes, you can use a fire extinguisher."

"That's not easy, I come to me, come first."

"Why do you come first, I will come first first."

"Don't worry, please come here to line up." Business women tried to control the scene, but many have already rushed forward. At this time, the eight strong men who were guarding the hemispherical guardrails shot, and the people who rushed to the front, all flew out, and one could not be close.

Some people were scared, and the eight brawny people, not only look strong, but have real things.

Everyone did not dare to sneak out, and quickly went to the side to line up. When they lined up, some people were squatting at their own heights, bullying the weak, forcing the team, and some people bullying women, old people, children, and jumping in front. However, the eight strong men looked like a torch, but they all looked in their eyes. When they stepped forward, they would bring them up and throw them into the back. A young man over one meter tall was lifted up by them, just like a chicken. Everyone was shackled by them, and they no longer dared to chase them. The order was restored.

Because there are too many people, a total of six teams are ranked. The first team is the first person, the second team is the second person, and so on.

The first one came forward. He was a tall and thin young man. He was a little excited. He was just an ordinary office worker. His monthly salary was four or five thousand. One million is an astronomical figure for him. How can he not be excited? .

Eight strong men gave up a position, the tall and thin young man walked forward, took a bottle of mineral water from the bag, unscrewed the lid, and then got the top of the hemispherical guardrail, ready to pour directly on the oil lamp . This was originally a very simple matter, but because of his nervousness, he even had some shaking hands and his movements were more cautious.

This slow-looking look, suddenly let the people behind the queue, very dissatisfied.

"You can't do it quickly, there are people behind."

“It’s too much to use water when it’s up.”

"How do I feel that he might be a support?"

"It is very likely that this water will fall down. How can there be immortality? Why are you waiting in line behind the queue? Are you not being used as a monkey?"

The reason why they are dissatisfied is that they can't afford this time, but they are afraid that this tall and thin young man will directly extinguish the oil lamp, and some will deliberately talk, disturb the young man, hope that his hand will shake more, it is best to take it directly. The unstable mineral water bottle fell to the ground.

There are still some people who think that this is a pit at all. The tall and thin young man is definitely a supporter, so he is out of the ranks and ready to leave. They feel that being brushed by a monkey is very uncomfortable.

"I went, really destroyed a million?" The second floor of the Dragon International Hotel, Lin Biao, Xiao Rui, Shi Lei and others, were amazed.

"Auntie, can't you really use water to smash it?" a male student excited.

Other classmates are also short of breath. They have higher wages and lower wages, but even if they are paid 20,000 or 30,000, one million is not a small amount. If you destroy such a small lamp, you will get one million. Who wouldn’t want to go on, this big good thing, where to find it? They all feel that there must be fraud in this, or what kind of word game they play.

"Really, according to the little girl, blowing, fire extinguishers, watering can do, as long as it is destroyed, you can get a million, virginity." Su Shi smiled.

"I am going, you are letting us watch the show, it is just torturing us. We knew that we would go down below." The eyes of the people are coming out quickly. If it is not too long, it is too late. I just can’t wait to rush.

Seeing the tall and thin young man, finally calmed down, his hands did not shake, dumped the bottle, the mineral water fell straight to the burning wick, they all felt that the heart was bleeding, nearly a million in the distance, It fell into the hands of others.

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