MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 250 Only half of the body remains

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  Chapter 250 Only half of the corpse remains

   "Hiss..." Qu Zhuo and Lu Yuanbo took a breath at the same time: "This kind of talent shouldn't be something that ordinary summons should have."

   This kind of talent is rare even among players. If it enters the battlefield, it will be a real magic machine gun.

   "Is this the only fireball that can be triggered?" Qu Zhuo asked anxiously. Looking at the Flametail Fox, he almost wanted to recruit her as a student at Nanzhong University.

  With summons of this level, it is understandable that Han Yu is so powerful.

   "No, there are other skills as well." Under Han Yu's order, the Flame-Tailed Demon Fox cast a spell again, and the Earth Fire was accumulating power at the foot of the target.

  Wait for a while, the pillar of fire gushes out, enveloping the entire target. After three bursts of eruption, the blood volume of the target at level 50 has been emptied, and the surface has already been burned to tatters.

   "This... damage." Lu Yuanbo was surprised when he saw that the ground fire's damage was greater than that of the blazing fireball.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the standing target didn't have much blood, I'm afraid it would have to deal more damage.

   "How about Lu Chu, principal, I still have three or four summons of the same strength, and my talent is stable summoning, which should be enough to enter the plot of the original battle."

  Han Yu chose the Flame-Tailed Demon Fox because her skills look more gorgeous, but can be released continuously, in order to let the two people recognize her strength.

   "Of course, if your summoned creatures are at this level, then we welcome it very much."

  If Han Yu's summons are at this level, he can surpass three or four ordinary level 50 players by consuming one pass, and it's too late for Lu Yuanbo to welcome him.

   "Not bad, not bad." Qu Zhuo also looked at Han Yu with satisfaction, he never thought that Han Yu would get this kind of promotion after going to the companion space.

  The level seems to have become completely irrelevant to Han Yu.

   "Alright, the Primordial Battle hasn't been determined yet, so I'll show you two people first." Lu Yuanbo was very satisfied with Han Yu's performance, worthy of the name of a genius.

  Han Yu knew that Lu Yuanbo was talking about the two of them, the dead and the young, so without asking any further questions, he followed Lu Yuanbo to a small black building next to the Shanhai Building—the office of the Black Ice Branch in Zicang City.

  Although it looks much shorter than the building next to it, the real building is underground. Follow Lu Yuanbo on the elevator and enter the sixth underground floor.

   Here are all kinds of heinous criminals caught by Heibing. Just as Han Yu stepped out of the elevator, Han Yu felt an aura similar to the abyss.

   "Leave these two people, originally we wanted to find out your whereabouts, or the new bishop came to replace you."

   "Now that you are back, if you can ask useful information, it will be a great help to us."

   Now Han Yu is not only a genius, but also a special weapon for the new bishop.

  Only he can ask the news from the mouth of the new bishop members.

   "I'll try." Han Yu also had no confidence, after all, both Si Yousheng and Si Yousheng were senior members, and their minds were not comparable to that of ordinary members.

  Lu Yuanbo took Han Yu to the deepest part of the sixth underground floor. In a room, two creatures that could barely be called human were curled up in it.

  The Earl of Blood Prison, Jailbeard, can still barely see the human form. After Si Yousheng was suppressed by the control bracelet, his body was covered with cracks and tentacles, as well as various abnormal-shaped skeletons drilled out.

  Opening the door of the prison, the two looked over at the same time.

   "Han Yu!" Si Yousheng ignored the one standing in front and saw Han Yu behind him.

  It seems that Si Yousheng really remembers himself deeply, and he can still recognize him wearing a mimic mask.

  Han Yu stopped pretending, took off the mask, and looked at Si Yousheng and the two: "What's the matter, Master Simu, are you a little dissatisfied seeing that I'm still alive?"

   "No, I'm very satisfied." Si Yousheng giggled: "I've been waiting for you, just waiting for your return!"

   "Will I kill you myself when I come back?" Han Yu couldn't understand, Qu Zhuo and Lu Yuanbo were behind him. And they are also wearing control bracelets, how can they do it to themselves.

   "Yes, seeing that the Son of God is still alive, I will die without regret. The new church will always welcome the return of the Son of God." Si Yousheng didn't have any dissatisfaction on his face, and he couldn't hide his excitement when he looked at Han Yu.

  Han Yu's attitude towards Si Yousheng is no surprise. No matter what, this Si Yousheng has identified himself as the Son of God, and he looks like a fanatic.

   "Since you think I am the Son of God, can you tell me who your current pope is?" Han Yu approached Si Yousheng and asked.

   "If you can tell me about the new bishop, maybe I can spare your life."

   "Haha, when Master Shenzi returns to the church, you will know everything, and I will definitely give you a big surprise then."

  Seeing Si Yousheng's crazy look, Han Yu knew that he couldn't ask anything.

  If torture is used, there are so many wounds on Si Yousheng's body, and ordinary pain may not be able to do anything about him.

   "Lu Chu, knock him out, I'm upset." Han Yu turned around and said this to Lu Yuanbo.

   "Okay, make sure to make him dizzy." Lu Yuanbo stepped forward, his fist swelled, and he punched Si Yousheng on the back of the neck.

  Si Yousheng, who had been affected by the control bracelet, had no ability to resist, glanced at Han Yu, and passed out.

  Han Yu turned around and walked out of the prison. Si Yousheng was grabbed by Lu Yuanbo's neck with one hand and brought to Heibing's interrogation room.

  According to the original plan, Lu Yuanbo and Qu Zhuo exited the interrogation room, leaving Han Yu alone in the interrogation room.

  Han Yu opened his palm, and threw out the seeds of the Yumeng vine, and the Yumeng vine grew rapidly, binding Shi Yousheng like a rice dumpling.

  Tiny tentacles penetrated into Si Yousheng's body. After the tentacles continued to penetrate, Si Yousheng slowly woke up, his eyes were blurred, and he was dizzy.

   "My lord, who is your pope?" Han Yu approached and asked.

  This is what he wants to know most now, whether the Pope of the new bishop is Xu Lan.

  At this time, Si Yousheng is already in a daze. After wearing the control bracelet, his attributes are no different from ordinary players, and he will naturally be affected by Yumeng Toxin.

  "Pope, Pope..." Siyousheng's mouth kept opening and closing.

   "My lord, the Pope will lead us to a new life... On the day our Lord comes, the world will be recast..."

  What the Desire Vine can do is to make people confused, let people relax their vigilance, and then take the opportunity to ask questions.

  The principle is similar to that of Veritaserum, but this dead Yousheng has been brainwashed too badly, so he directly ignored Han Yu's question and started chanting slogans.

  Han Yu can only control the Yumeng Vine to increase the toxin invasion: "Master Simu, what is our most important task next?"

   "Bring back the Son of God, my lord will bestow great power on the Son of God... Followers will be resurrected under the leadership of the Son of God..."

"Why does this involve me again?" Han Yu didn't expect the new bishop to take the task of bringing him back to him so seriously. I'm afraid that the real high-level people in the church have already noticed him. It seems that his hiding is still necessary of.

   "Aside from bringing back the Son of God, are there any other tasks?" Han Yu could only ask again.

   "Huh~huh~" Si Yousheng suddenly panted heavily, his eyeballs seemed to fall out of their sockets, and stared at Han Yu firmly.

  "Master Shenzi, don't waste your energy, can't ask anything!" Si Yousheng actually woke up with his own willpower.

  Even though all the attributes are suppressed by the control bracelet, his willpower has been tempered in battles and the pain of degeneration, and the dream poison can't affect him for too long.

  Han Yu turned his head to look at Lu Yuanbo and Qu Zhuo outside the glass window, and picked up the microphone: "Lu Chu, you've been brainwashed so badly that you can only read a few words of religious propaganda when you're dizzy."

Seeing the end of the questioning, Lu Yuanbo opened the door and walked in: "I guessed it a long time ago. If you want to brainwash members of this kind of high-level members, your own brains may have already been washed clean. That prison beard Do you still want to ask?"

  Lu Yuanbo didn't intend to ask anything at first, he was just trying his luck.

   "Ask, this Si Yousheng is a bit too crazy, and there is nothing to be afraid of." At least from the appearance, the prison whisker is much more normal than Si Yousheng.

   "As for him, let's search the soul." Han Yu didn't bother to do it himself, seeing him like this, even killing him would make his hands dirty.

With a wave of Lu Yuanbo's hand, two Black Ice members came out to take Si Yousheng away. As soon as Si Yousheng was pulled up, he let out a piercing laugh: "Master Shenzi, you have been discovered, what will you do next?" Be careful, don't die."

   "Hmph, don't worry, I will kill every scum of the new bishop."

  Han Yu not only wanted to kill the members of the new bishop, but also wanted to find the new master. If he was not fully awake, he could be killed directly, and that would bring about world peace.

   "Hehehe, son of God, you will eventually return to the embrace of my lord. This is fate. When you are chosen by my lord, you are already doomed."

  Han Yu didn't bother to talk to this lunatic, watching him being taken out of the interrogation room.

   After a while, Prisoner was brought over. His body still looked like a human, but his body was also alienating towards a bat-shaped monster.

   "Son of God! You're back!" Prisoner saw Han Yu almost the same as Si Yousheng, but apart from surprise, he was also afraid.

  Han Yu's return means that they are worthless and are not far from death.

   "Yeah, I'm back, thank you so much for taking me to a good place."

  Han Yu looked at Prison Shu, his reaction was much more normal than that of Si Yousheng, maybe he could ask something.

   "It's good that the Son of God is alive." Prisoner immediately showed a flattering smile on his face: "Then, can the Son of God save my life?"

   "Of course, as long as you are willing to speak." Han Yu also smiled. This prison guard seems to be saving his life, and maybe he can really ask something.

   "Speak, of course! Son of God, you can just ask directly." Prisoner looked very cooperative, and was taken aback when he saw Lu Yuanbo. Is Han Yu's identity so useful.

   "Then let's go out first." Lu Yuanbo and Qu Zhuo still walked out of the interrogation room, leaving Han Yu inside alone.

   "Tell me, is the new bishop planning any big moves recently?" Han Yu asked, revealing the mark on his hand at the same time: "Don't worry, tell me that I won't be influenced by the new bishop."

   "Of course I want to take Shenzi back." Prisoner looked at the golden mark on Han Yu's arm and immediately replied.

"except this."

   "It's gone, son of God, don't be fooled by these lowly people from the mountains and seas. The new bishop is the place where you are most welcome."

   "Just answer my question and don't say anything else."

   "Don't worry, Son of God, you will return to the head teacher soon, and you can take me with you when you leave."

   "Okay, but tell me first, what is the branch of your new bishop in Zicang City, or information about its members?"

   "Go back, Son of God, go back to the new bishop, become the pope, and you will become the strongest in one step!"

  Han Yu looked at the prisoner's flattering face, and directly punched him. The man just seemed to be cooperative, and he didn't have any intention to speak at all.

   "Hahaha, Son of God, return to my lord, and you will gain the most powerful power."

  Seeing Han Yu make a move, Lu Yuanbo and Qu Zhuo rushed in immediately after watching from the outside.

   "Son of God! I've said it all, you must save my life. There are only a few members in the Zicang City branch, and the location of the headquarters is where I said!"

  Seeing Lu Yuanbo coming in, Prisoner directly hugged Han Yu's thigh, looking like he was trying to survive.

   "Did he say anything?" Lu Yuanbo looked at the prisoner, and didn't think about a new member of the bishop who was over fifty.

   "No, it's just trying to persuade me to join the new bishop, it's just a trick." Han Yu kicked the jailbeard out, and blood spurted out of his mouth, whose attributes were already suppressed.

   "Son of God, I've said it all! Save me, save me!" The wound on Prisoner's body kept opening, bleeding all over the floor, and he tried his best to crawl towards Han Yu.

   "Take it away." Lu Yuanbo looked at him and waved for him to take him away.

  Prison Whisker's move was really disgusting, even if Lu Yuanbo didn't believe it, Si Yousheng and the two of them kept calling for the Son of God, which inevitably left a lump in Lu Yuanbo's heart.

   "I can still see this level of infidelity. It's normal for this kind of lunatic not to be able to ask. Let's search all the souls." Lu Yuanbo patted Han Yu's shoulder, signaling him not to think too much.

  Han Yu didn't even bother to look back, walked out of the interrogation room, and waited for the results of the soul search with Lu Yuanbo. Although he was destined to not get much information, he had to watch the two of them die to feel at ease.

  But only ten minutes later, a staff member in protective clothing walked up to Lu Yuanbo.

  Through the mask of the protective suit, Han Yu could see that the face of this member of the Black Ice had also begun to distort, obviously a degenerate professional.

   "Lu Chu, something happened."

   "Si Yousheng's body is only half." The man said hesitantly.

   "What do you mean?" Like Han Yu, Lu Yuanbo couldn't understand what this person meant.

   Could it be that just after he died, the other half of the body has already disappeared.

   "After we searched for the soul, Si Yousheng was executed, and his mutated body began to fall apart, but in the end we only assembled a half human torso..."

  (end of this chapter)

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