MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 272 Venomous linnorm! control to death

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  Chapter 272 The Venomous Linnosaurus! control to death

  The low-flying elemental dragon rushed over as soon as it saw the monster, and let out an ear-splitting dragon roar head-on.

  The elemental dragon seldom roared before attacking. He felt that only low-level monsters roared, and he was a noble dragon.

  But when he came to the Dragonborn, he discovered that Longwei was so easy to use for the first time. After all, when he was summoned by Han Yu, he was just a young dragon.

   The miserable green linnorm that swooped over was frightened by Nihorgen's roar, and the suppression from the blood came instantly.

  Its flapping wings became weak, its dive stopped instantly, and its heavy body began to fall.

  But the elemental dragon didn't slow down at all, flapped its wings, and just ran into it.

   The snake dragon that was hit was knocked into the air in a daze, and landed on the hard ground, smashing a deep hole.

   "It worked again?" Han Yu didn't expect that the second-layer elemental dragon could still display its dragon power.

  This dragonborn is obviously stronger than the half-human in the previous copy, and the dragon is more obvious.

  The body is also much larger than the previous Dragonborn, and the long tail on the back makes it look like a giant python with wings.

   On its body surface, there are no scales anymore, but a layer of dark green skin. The only remaining skin is covered with potholes, which seems to be corroded by something.

  Han Yu used identification technique to look over:

  【Venomous Linnosaurus LV45】

  Beside the venomous snake dragon suppressed by the elemental dragon, there are huge bronze trees that grow twisted and twisted.

  Just now, the poisonous dragon swooped down from these giant trees to attack Han Yu.

   Ju Hongcai, who was outside the field, saw the monster on the second floor being suppressed again, and his face twitched.

   This is different from what he expected. How pure the bloodline and strength of this demon dragon is, so that Longwei can suppress a forty-five-level dragon descendant!

  Forget about the miscellaneous soldiers on the first floor, but the poisonous dragon on the second floor can be regarded as an elite monster anyway, just being pressed on the ground and rubbed.

   "It's just suppressed by the summoned thing..." Ju Hongcai noticed Zhu Xun's mocking smile and aggressive gaze, and said subconsciously.

   "Oh, what Teacher Ju means is that summoners can't rely on summoned objects?" Zhu Xun almost laughed out loud and asked sarcastically.

  As soon as Zhu Xun's words came out, everyone present burst into laughter. No one wanted to offend Ju Hongcai, but it doesn't matter if everyone is laughing.

  Ning Jiang shook his head, this Ju Hongcai was really stunned, he even said that he was only relying on summoned objects.

  If the summoner does not rely on summoned objects, then players of other professions should not use skills.

  Ju Hongcai blushed when he heard the laughter. Last time, the students of their own school were killed by Han Yu at the first level, embarrassing Jiaozhou University.

  So he had the impression that apart from the summoned objects, Han Yu's own strength was not weak, so he said such nonsense.

   "Suppression is useless!" Amidst the laughter of the crowd, the embarrassed Ju Hongcai could only turn his gaze to the screen.

   But just in time to see the poisonous dragon was freed from the suppression of the elemental dragon, flew up again, and immediately shouted excitedly.

  As soon as Ju Hongcai reminded, everyone quickly turned their eyes back to the light curtain.

  Now Han Yu alone has attracted the attention of the organizing committee and all the deans who lead the team, and they have no time to pay attention to other students.

  In the dungeon, the snake dragon shook its head in a daze, and let out a heart-piercing roar at the elemental dragon in the air, its eyes were red.

   Finally got rid of Longwei's suppression, finally climbed up from the ground, and his wings flew.

   But even so, they still didn't dare to fly up to the sky, and only hovered at the low altitude, with the leader staring at Han Yu and the others who descended to the second floor area.

  Before Han Yu could react, the venomous snake dragon opened its mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of green and viscous breath towards the front.

  This dragon's breath is not a breath, but completely composed of venom, with an extremely dangerous luster on it.

  But this distance—there is no chance to attack Han Yu at all.

What Han Yu didn't expect was that after the dragon's breath was sprayed out, it didn't land on the ground, but scattered into hundreds, turning into venom balls, and the speed became faster, like a rain curtain, flying towards Han Yu's team at a high speed .

  Each water polo contains boiling venom. Once contaminated, it will have various negative effects.

  At this time, Han Yu's team's weakness of not having a front row was revealed.

   There is no one in the front row who is huge or holds a shield.

   Faced with such a large range and such intensive attacks, it is difficult to dodge.

   "This can only be resisted." Ning Jiang muttered.

  Han Yu's summoned creatures appearing now are all main output, and they probably don't have high physique. After resisting this wave of attacks, coupled with the negative effect of venom, it is estimated that they will have a lot of influence on them.

   Among the summoned objects, the only one that can resist venom is the elemental dragon. His magic skin can block most of the venom damage.

  Hundreds of attacks came, and it didn't matter if the other summons were injured, as long as the elemental dragon stood in front of Han Yu, the battle could continue safely.

  But when the rain of venom was about to reach his eyes, Nihorl's wings vibrated and he jumped into the sky.

   In this way, Han Yu and all the summoned creatures were completely exposed to the venomous dragon's breath.

   "Here, the summoned creature doesn't obey orders?" Ju Hongcai looked at Zhu Xun. Could it be that the dragon clan is too powerful to be out of the control of the summoned creature?

  Zhu Xun couldn't think of why this happened. Han Yu's summoned creatures were as powerful as before, but this has never happened before.

  In the arena, Han Yu sat on Hu Yun's back, but he didn't panic at all.

  From his finger, a silver light flew out, quickly wrapped around his wrist, and Hu Yun's speed suddenly accelerated before the rain came.

   Draw a black line on the ground, the speed is so fast that people even forget that this is a cheetah, more like a bolt of lightning.

  As the green venom ball approached, the interval between the venom barrages also became larger.

   And Hu Yun took Han Yu to shuttle constantly between these attacks, without a trace of snake dragon venom on his body.

  While Han Yu was dodging, Ai Li also tore off a black rosary from her wrist, and shot an arrow with the rosary at an ancient bronze tree next to her.

   When the arrow shot out, Ellie's body blurred and disappeared on the spot.

   Appeared on an ancient bronze tree almost at the same time as the arrow, and drew the bow again to shoot at the green poisonous dragon below.

  In just a split second, the only ones standing still were Finn and the Flametail Fox.

   "The speed is so fast, is this to reduce losses?" Ning Jiang couldn't help but sigh.

  Han Yu's reaction speed was indeed very fast. At the beginning, the dragon's breath obviously could not attack a few people.

   But in the end it turned into a venom ball with a long range, Han Yu also reacted immediately.

  However, in their opinion, the best way is to let the elemental dragon stand in front of the flame-tailed fox and Finn, while Han Yu and Archer avoid it.

   In this way, by relying on the magic skin, the loss can really be minimized.

   "Such a good talent, he was abolished by the teaching." Ju Hongcai finally found the point of dissatisfaction. In his opinion, Han Yu's handling method was not better.

   "It's better than going to Jiaozhou University and being stabbed in the waist by a freshman."

  Zhu Xun also felt that Han Yu's handling was not perfect, but he was able to achieve this kind of reaction in a very short period of time, so Zhu Xun had no reason to blame.

  However, when they were discussing, the reaction of Han Yu's summoned creature was not over yet.

  Fin threw a few seeds forward, and then the hoe-shaped staff in his hand left afterimages in the air.

   Almost instantly, a large pit with a length of one person appeared quickly, and Finn lay down straight, and there was still time to bring the soil by the way.

   Within the venom attack, there was only one flame-tailed demon fox left, but she was unmoved by the attack like a curtain, and the fireballs hit the linnorm one by one.

  Countless venom **** were bombarded, but the venom **** were as dense as a curtain, and there was no way to clear them all with a fireball every six seconds.

  Dozens of miserable green, bubbling venom **** splashed towards the flame-tailed fox.

  However, Fenghuo still didn't make any movements, just kept casting spells, the speed in his hands was getting faster and faster, and his face gradually became excited.

  The highly poisonous linnosaurus, watching everyone else dodge, its eyes turned into flames, and another venom formed a huge arrow and shot towards the flame-tailed fox.

  Finally, spheres composed entirely of venom hit Fenghuo's body—

  The terrifying venom ball fell on Fenghuo, but it was like clear water splashing on a transparent glass.

   Flowing down Fenghuo's body, it only caused a little damage, let alone any negative effects.

  A green poison arrow that followed immediately turned into a pool of venom in front of Fenghuo's body, without causing any substantial damage.

  Maplefire didn't show any expression of fear or wanting to avoid from the beginning to the end. Everything looked so natural, as if he had guessed the result.

  Seeing that the attack failed, the Flametail Demon Fox still had an impatient expression on his face.

  The poisonous dragon couldn't hold back at all, let out a hoarse roar, flapped its wings and rushed towards the flame-tailed fox!

   But just as he was flying, a more powerful dragon roar came from above him.

  It was like a pendulum hammering violently on the head of the Venomous Linnosaurus, causing its movements to stop violently.

  After one time, the venomous linnosaurus had become resistant to Longwei, and shook its head, trying to regain its sobriety.

   But before he could react, he was hit to the ground by a heavy object. It was the elemental dragon that had just flown into the sky. He had been waiting for the opportunity to attack.

   Swooped down as soon as the venom barrage disappeared, and knocked the poisonous linnorm to the ground again.

  As soon as it landed, the poisonous dragon was immediately entangled by crazily growing vines, tying it up.

  With soft control and hard control, Dulong even became extremely difficult to open his mouth.

  Ai Li, who was standing on a high place, was full of long arrows in her hand, and shot out the bow and arrow with Qifa Lianzhu.

  The arrow pierced through the poisonous dragon's body, and green juice flowed out, nailing the struggling poisonous dragon to the ground.

  Under the siege of three summoned creatures, the defeat of the poisonous dragon is set.

  He only had one chance to resist, but the massive venom barrage did not cause any substantial damage to Han Yu's team.

   "Is this the Summoner? Completely seamless control connection! I'm afraid Han Yu has thought about the attack strategy from the very beginning, so that the elemental dragon can avoid it."

  The Elemental Destroyer next to Ning Jiang muttered that the Summoner had a unique advantage in team coordination.

   After all, no matter how much other people train, they can't be like a summoner. All members share one brain, and orders are forbidden.

   Facing the rain of attacks, the elemental dragon gave up its protection, and the flame-tailed fox could completely trust its teammates and stand there without any reaction. This is not something ordinary players can do.

  Everyone thought that Han Yu could pass the second floor smoothly, but they didn't expect to pass in such a gorgeous and fast way.

  The forty-five-level poisonous dragon, when facing the thirty-fifth-level Han Yu, didn't even have the strength to resist at all.

   "Hahaha, did you see, Teacher Ju, when you laughed and Han Yu didn't think about the best way to dodge, he was already thinking about how to win."

   Zhu Xun clenched his fists and looked excited. How could he miss such a good opportunity to mock Ju Hongcai.

  Ju Hongcai did not expect that Han Yu could grasp the battlefield to such an extent that he was not at all like a student who had just entered school for a year and had not undergone systematic tactical training.

  But in front of so many people, how could he admit defeat: "But... But, this is not taught by Nanzhong University, didn't you think of it before?"

  Before Han Yu acted, Zhu Xun did not expect that Han Yu could solve the battle in such a wonderful way.

  He was still thinking about how to defend Han Yu, but no matter what, Han Yu won wonderfully: "So what, this is our Nanzhong student!"

  Ju Hongcai stopped talking, the words just now were his last stubbornness, Han Yu had already demonstrated his fighting power and super high level of battlefield.

   If he continues to entangle, he may be treated as a clown by everyone present, and not only will he lose face, but also the face of the entire Jiaozhou University.

  Ju Hongcai stopped answering, and Zhu Xun had no reason to continue questioning, so he could only turn his head to look at the light curtain.

  On the light curtain, the poisonous dragon was already dying. It tried its best to struggle against the pressure of the vines and the elemental dragon, but how could it leave since it was not good at strength.

   It's just that Ellie is constantly consuming a small amount of health.

   There is no suspense in the battle here, and the members of the organizing committee are finally willing to turn their attention to other people.

Unlike Han Yu, the other players had a very difficult time clearing the level from the first floor. Even though they did not choose high-level dungeons, these three dungeons were carefully selected by Qingyun City in order to stimulate everyone's potential .

   And most people also choose the difficulty of nightmare, in order to reflect their own strength.

  So Han Yu is about to finish off the monsters on the second floor, and the fastest progress of other players is just about to clear all the monsters on the first floor, and there are already several cracks in the equipment on his body.

   "Han Yu's strength...maybe just right for that task."

  The woman sitting next to Ning Jiang approached Ning Jiang and said.

   "It's too dangerous for him." Ning Jiang thought about it before saying, "Nanzhong University probably won't agree."

  (end of this chapter)

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