MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 284 Level 60 Lord Frostfall

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  Chapter 284 The Frost Falls of the Sixtieth-Level Lord

  Han Yu took a look at the scattered monsters in the valley, and gained another 70 attribute points. He was very satisfied with this battle.

   Compared with the wilderness, it is too slow to obtain attribute points in the dungeon.

   "Why are you standing still, see if there are any spoils of war." Han Yu said to Yan Yue and the others who were still in a daze.

  If these monsters come through the original crack of the front line, the materials left behind after death will also be an important loot.

   "Oh, oh," Yan Yue reacted instantly, he felt that the four of them could not keep up with Han Yu's fighting speed.

  At first they could still help, but as they walked farther and farther in the wilderness, Han Yu was no longer willing to let them intervene.

  The name is to let them preserve their strength and deal with emergencies, but in fact they don't want them to slow down the fighting speed.

   After all, Han Yu's summons are a complete team, and they don't really need their help.

   Yan Yue and the others walked down the valley, and all they could do now was collect the loot.

  Han Yu stood by the side of the valley, not in a hurry to cancel the summoning, to prevent sudden attacks by undead monsters.

  Yan Yue and the others had just jumped down the valley when they suddenly felt cold, and a gust of cold air came through their bodies.

  Han Yu frowned slightly, and a small mist began to spread around the valley.

  Han Yu fixed his eyes on the location where the mist appeared, and opened his mouth to remind: "Be careful! There are abnormal creatures!"

   "Huh?" Yan Yue and the others took out their weapons and looked at the place where the cold air was radiating.

   I don't know when a 'woman' appeared on the edge of the valley, and the so-called mist escaped from her.

   Several of them are players above level 45, and they didn't even notice when this woman appeared.

  Han Yu looked at the woman who appeared suddenly. She was naked, her skin was blue and purple, like a corpse frozen to death in the Arctic, without a trace of blood.

  One red eye and one blue eye, head slightly raised, ignoring Yan Yue beside him, looking at Han Yu above with strange eyes.

  She didn't seem to have moved since she appeared, just stood there, like an ice sculpture, and the fog continued to spread in the valley.

  Hua Tong's voice trembled slightly: "A lord of level 60: Frostfall, why is there a lord of this level here!"

  Her occupation is the Apostle of Healing, and she also assumes more of the appraisal duties in the team. Seeing this unusual woman, she immediately used the firmness technique.

   "Yan Yue, come up!" Han Yu didn't need to identify it, and knew that this was not something to mess with. Humanoid monsters are really rare. And this human form doesn't seem to be its real body yet.

  Yan Yue and the others began to move towards the top of the valley cautiously. Frost Waterfall didn't seem to notice the moving people, but just looked at Han Yu above.

   Seeing that the opponent didn't intend to make a move, Han Yu didn't make a move either.

  A monster of level 60, and it is in human form, and its intelligence is no worse than that of ordinary people. Even if it makes a move, it will have to wait for Yan Yue and the others to withdraw.

  But this sentence just fell, as the fog around the frost waterfall spread.

   Those pale termites that had been lying on the ground climbed up again, but their bodies had an extra layer of white ice shell.

   "Get out!"

   Seeing dozens of dead monsters stand up again, Han Yu shouted.

  As soon as the Pale Ant Beast got up, Yan Yue stepped forward to cover Huatong and the others to retreat.

  Huatong released a power and defense enhancement to Yan Yue, and began to retreat quickly.

  Hu Yun quickly spread his wings, flew down from the valley, brought up Liuguang, followed by Huatong, and Zhou Ling flew up the valley.

  Yan Yue was not in a hurry to leave. He had always been in the team just to act as the front row. When facing the crowd of monsters, he subconsciously stayed at the front.

  Four or five pale ant beasts that should have died long ago rushed towards Yan Yue. Yan Yue swung his gun, but did not use any particularly powerful skills.

   The monster on the opposite side didn't know whether it was alive or dead. The first shot was just a test, and he was already ready to dodge.

   An unremarkable shot pierced through a pale antelope that was coming back towards him.

   "It's so fragile." Yan Yue muttered, this kind of defense doesn't look like what a level 40 monster should have.

   But before he could relax, the ice shell on the surface of the pale ant beast on the opposite side suddenly shattered, and countless ice flakes shot towards Yan Yue.

  The shield on Yan Yue's body was shattered almost instantly, leaving fine wounds and blood on his body.

  The first explosion only shattered Yan Yue's shield, and did not cause much damage.

  But with the explosion of the first pale ant beast, a chain reaction was triggered.

  Those monsters approaching Yan Yue, fine cracks appeared on their bodies, approaching Yan Yue, the next explosion is coming.

   Facing this self-destructing monster, Yan Yue completely lost his ability to attack.

   But behind him, Ice Master Fan Siqi was still standing behind him. As a soldier in the team, he had no way to retreat, so he raised his shield and moved forward.

   But the Pale Ant Beast is coming from all directions, and his shield can only block one side.

  The magic staff in Fan Siqi's hand danced, forming an ice crystal shield on Yan Yue's body again.

   But judging by the power of the explosion last time, it is still unknown whether this ice shield can block it.

  At this time, a silver light fell on Yan Yue, and the silver snake of the Holy Spirit had already attached to him.

   After Hu Yun brought Zhou Ling and the others to the valley, he turned around and bit Fan Siqi, leading her away from the valley.

  Han Yu saw that the monsters below would only explode, but he was relieved, and shouted to Yan Yue: "Don't panic, take back the shields, just smash them!"

  Yan Yue heard Han Yu's order, he was a little confused, and if he directly attacked him, he might be blown to pieces.

  But now in the battle, he still chose to trust Han Yu's judgment, put away his shield, stepped forward, and swept across with a single shot, attacking all the pale ant beasts in front of him, and instantly bombarded the corpses that were about to explode.

  Countless ice crystal sharp blades flew towards him, and Yan Yue subconsciously blocked the vital parts, but when those fragments bombed in front of him, they were suddenly isolated from the silver light.

   None of the fragments could break through the defense. Only then did Yan Yue notice that a nearly transparent silver snake was entrenched on his shoulder.

  "Han Yu's summoning object?" Yan Yue was a little dazed. He also noticed that Han Yu had a ring on his hand before, which could block most long-range damage.

   Unexpectedly, this ring, which has been inactive all year round, turned out to be one of Han Yu's summons.

  As the silver snake of the holy spirit circled in the air, Yan Yue recovered all the damage caused by the first explosion!

   "Die me again!" Yan Yue's confidence increased greatly. With such a summoned creature escorting him, he had nothing to be afraid of. Like a dragon entering the sea, it rushed towards the corpses of the pale ant beasts.

  Han Yu felt relieved when he saw the revived Pale Ant Beast, whose damage was completely blocked by the Holy Spirit Silver Snake.

   At this time, the huge lava lizard also stood up from the valley, crushing an unknown number of ant beasts with one foot, but the explosion did not cause any effective damage to it, but only slowed down its speed.

  The Lava Lizard didn't care about anything else, and ran towards the Frost Falls standing beside the valley.

   Apart from causing the corpse explosion of the pale ant beast, this woman named Frostfall didn't make any extra moves.

  Han Yu stared down, ready to deal with the opponent's skills at any time.

  He didn't want to fight against the 60th-level lord suddenly, and it was not so easy for him to deal with the 60th-level lord alone.

   Zhibao, who had not moved all this time, suddenly turned his neck slightly, looking at Yan Yue who was fighting in the valley.

   The movement was minimal, and then turned around, looking up again.

   At the same time, a blue-purple ice crystal lotus appeared at the foot of the Frostfall.

  Han Yu felt a bone-piercing chill coming from his side, and even his breathing became difficult.

  Han Yu shared the talent of the Shadowblade Mantis at the fastest speed, and immediately jumped out of the original position with a shadow leap.

  Just standing still on the other side of the valley, Han Yu turned his head and looked over, and saw that Frost Waterfall had already stood where he was just now.

   And under her feet, there is an ice lotus that is constantly growing and dying. Beside the lotus is a field of extreme ice.

  Han Yu turned his head and looked down the valley. He thought it was a teleportation skill, but the Pale Queen in the valley was still standing there, as if she had never moved.

   "Two?" Han Yu froze for a moment, if there were two lords of level 60, they would really run away.

   But under careful observation, the eyes of the Frostfall who stayed in place had lost their color.

  The lotus petals on the soles of the feet exploded and differentiated into four incarnations of Frostfall, each with a thick ice shell on their bodies.

  Seeing the five Frost Waterfalls moving towards him, Yan Yue's breathing almost stopped. It wasn't because he was afraid, but because the temperature in the air was dropping rapidly. Even before they got close, it already made him a little difficult to breathe.

   "Yan Yue, retreat!" Han Yu glanced at the situation underground, and reminded in time.

  Yan Yue glanced back, Fan Siqi had already been taken away by Hu Yun, leaving him alone in the canyon, and Hu Yun had already flown towards him again.

  The Lava Lizard took a step forward and stood in front of Frostfall.

  When it came into contact with the lava lizard, a clone of Frostfall instantly shattered, and then, the huge body of the lava lizard tens of meters was instantly frozen, turning into a giant ice sculpture.

  Seeing how terrifying she was, Yan Yue stopped attacking, and thrust his spear into the ground, the body of the gun bent, and the impact brought by the body of the gun made him escape from the siege of the pale ant beast in an instant.

  Hu Yun lowered his body again, drew a perfect arc in the air, and led Yan Yue away from the canyon.

  As Yan Yue also left the canyon, only the four clones of Frostfall and dozens of corpses of pale ant beasts remained below.

   But without a target, the corpses began to move towards the canyon, and it was obvious that the corpses around Frostfall were changing, with lotus marks appearing on their bodies.

   "Ai Li, Yan Yue! You attack the corpses in the canyon, I will deal with this lord!"

  Han Yu assigned the battle command, and while he was speaking, Frostfall standing opposite him had already started attacking.

  A piece of ice crystal shards shot towards him, shattered into dozens of pieces in the air, covering all Han Yu's escape range.

   "But this is... a 60th-level lord." Yan Yue didn't expect that Han Yu planned to fight a 60th-level lord-level monster alone.

   "Just don't let them come up!" Han Yu used Shadow Leap again, dodging the almost inevitable blow, and at the same time approached within ten meters of the Frost Falls.

  The corpses of the pale antebeasts below, with the blessing of the Frost Falls avatar, became faster and faster, and kept moving towards the top of the valley.

  Ai Li shot out a bow and arrow, and the target was a lord clone walking in the forefront.

  But before hitting the target, it was shrouded in white mist, and the arrow shattered in the air, turning into debris.

   "The field of extreme ice is difficult to enter with ordinary attacks!" said Ice Master Fan Siqi. As an Ice Master, she is extremely sensitive to ice-type monsters.

  Han Yu saw that Ellie's attack was ineffective, and immediately added a fire attribute blessing to Ellie, helping her attack to enter the extreme ice field.

   However, the power of the attack after passing through the extreme ice field is still greatly reduced. It is difficult to shatter the armor when shot at the body of Frostfall, and even one arrow cannot shatter the body of the strengthened antelope.

   "Attack below with all your strength, don't let him disturb my battle!"

  Han Yu saw that the effect was negligible, so he could only let the flame-tailed fox and the demon dragon block them all.

  He himself could only aim at the body of Frostfall standing in front of him.

   On the other side, the molten core in the lava lizard's body continued to flow, finally melting the ice on the surface of its body.

   With a roar, flames spewed out from the surface of the lava lizard's body, covering all the rock armor. This was the defense obtained by consuming the molten flames in its body.

   Frostfall seemed to know that this giant titan was too difficult to kill, so he didn't intend to attack, and continued to move towards the top of the mountain.

  The lava lizard took a step forward, stepped on a pale antebeast, and at the same time carefully guarded against the clone of the pale waterfall in front of it.

   If another avatar is smashed, it may be frozen again, and it is unknown when it will thaw.

  The strongest location in the Extreme Ice Domain is not the valley, but the body of the Frost Waterfall standing ten meters away from Han Yu.

  Just standing there, the air around Frostfall began to condense, and pieces of ice crystals kept falling in the air.

  This is also the reason why Han Yu didn't let other people participate in killing Frost Falls. Without the protection of the Holy Spirit Silver Snake, no one could effectively attack Frost Falls.

  Han Yu raised one hand high, and a small, almost transparent silver snake fell from the air, wrapped around his wrist, and swam continuously.

  Lihuo Knife appeared in Han Yu's right hand, and Youshui Knife itself is also of water attribute, so it is not suitable for the current battle.

   Facing the Frost Falls, Han Yu did not choose melee combat. To deal with monsters in this field, long-range attacks can play very little effect.

   As for the Lihuo Dao, it has also changed a lot from the last time Han Yu used it.

  The original fiery red blade was mixed with a touch of blue, and the original smooth blade was not full of fine bronze lines.

  At the corner of the straight blade, there is a pattern of red eyes. As Han Yu swings the blade, the eyes at the tip of the blade instantly open, and a round eye flows in the air with flames.

  The change of Lihuo Dao comes from the loot obtained from the City of Bronze: Bronze and Fire cards.

  After the copy of City of Bronze ended, he found Ning Jiang and found someone in Qingyun City to enchant him.

  (end of this chapter)

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