MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 295 seven swords

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  Chapter 295 Seven Swords Cut the Sky

  Park Lixian was startled suddenly, looking at the long sword in Han Yu's hand with something indescribably weird.

  The long sword seems a bit too familiar - it seems to be the divine weapon Tianpu sword in Jin Huarong's hand, and this divine weapon was given to Jin Huarong by Park Lixian.

   But now it appeared in Han Yu's hands, Park Lixian instantly understood that the secret of the blue tile was leaked from Jin Huarong.

   But just now Han Yu seemed to say that he was even more stupid than Jin Huarong.

  The meaning seems to be—Jin Huarong died at his hands.

   "This young man who looked less than twenty years old in front of him killed Jin Huarong? Then got his saber?"

   "It's ridiculous, how is it possible." Park Lixian hurriedly cleared the thoughts in his mind, no matter what he did, he couldn't imagine how Jin Huarong would die at the hands of Han Yu.

  Jin Huarong's domain is Jianzhou, hundreds of flying swords can be mobilized at any time, and one batch will be folded.

  Even if Han Yu has special equipment that can block long-range attacks, the Tianpu Sword can also kill directly in close quarters.

  Ordinary archers face Jin Huarong, as long as Jin Huarong has the opportunity to expand the field, the archers may be shot into a sieve before they draw their bows.

  The thoughts in his heart calmed down again, and now he was standing in front of Han Yu, with the Frost Long Saber raised high, and the next moment he would harvest Han Yu's life.

  Although his frost armor is only simulated by skills, it is equivalent to inheriting purple quality equipment.

   Two players can play against each other. Player attributes are more important than equipment quality. After wearing the Frost Armor, Park Ri-hyun's energy attributes will be added to his strength.

  After wearing the Frost Armor, his melee combat strength is not inferior to fighters of the same level, but he lacks the corresponding skills.

  The characteristics of the Frost Armor are enough to provide him with corresponding skills.

  Under the overwhelming attributes and the blessing of the Frost Armor, even if Han Yu held the artifact long sword in his hand, he could only be blown away in an instant, and cut into two pieces by the Frost Sword.

  Relying on the unexpected melee mage, he didn't know how many creatures of the same level he had killed on the battlefield. No matter who was suddenly approached by a mage, he might be careless.

  Park Lixian, who had already figured out **** Han Yu, did not change the direction of the long knife's slashing, and slashed towards the long sword in Han Yu's hand.


  The clash of swords and swords is not the piercing sound of gold and iron intersecting, but a crisp clicking sound.

  As far as Park Lixian could see, the long frost knife in his hand extended to two meters, and from the place where it collided with the long sword, a piece of ice crystal fragments fell.

  The cold-looking Frost Long Knife, starting from the first falling ice crystal, continued to fall like a building block whose key pillar was taken away.

  Park Lixian's eyes were wide open, and he never thought that this would be the result. His Frost Long Saber was equivalent to a weapon that inherited the quality of purple, and it was chopped into pieces just like that.

   This is no longer a question of equipment quality, but of violent suppression of attributes.

   "Hiss~" Park Lixian gasped, his right hand almost lost strength.

  Han Yu's huge power was transmitted to his arm, even with the ice armor to relieve the force, he still felt his arm was directly hit by a hunting vehicle

   At the moment of contact, Park Lixian understood that not only the long-range skills could not cause any effective damage to Han Yu, but even he was no match for melee.

   "I don't believe you are stupid." Han Yu sneered, and the Tianpu sword retracted: "A mage actually wants to be close to an archer. You are not courting death."

  Archers are strength players, and they always have a long sword behind them to prevent enemies from getting close.

  Park Lixian felt like crying when he saw Han Yu's contempt.

  He is not an ordinary mage either. Relying on the blessing of his battle armor, he has the strength to fight hard fighters.

   But he did not expect that Han Yu was not an ordinary archer, and his weapon was shattered at the first close collision.

  The situation is completely opposite to what I thought before.

  Knowing that the close combat was not Han Yu's opponent, Park Lixian retreated quickly and entered the core area of ​​his domain again.

   Various skills are floating around, and you can click on the skill light **** one by one.

   An ice ball the size of a meteorite, an ice tornado occupying half of the field appeared in front of him, without any power, the skill was instantly released and smashed towards Han Yu.

  Han Yu didn't dodge or evade, and raised his long sword on the spot.

  With the Holy Spirit Silver Flood Dragon and the high physical bonus of adding attributes, he doesn't have to worry about taking high damage from long-range at all. Moreover, he was not prepared to resist this attack.

  Park Lixian also knows that ordinary long-range damage may not be able to cause effective damage to Han Yu, but most of the skills he chooses are ice attributes, in order to stop Han Yu's attack speed.

  He took the initiative to rush forward just now, pulling the distance between himself and Han Yu as close as possible, fearing that he would let Han Yu get close again. With the strength just now, he would be seriously injured if he couldn't carry two swords.

  However, Han Yu didn't pursue immediately, but raised the long sword on the spot, and turned it into seven in the air, and the seven long swords surrounded Han Yu.

  The long sword was held high again, and the seven swords that had just been differentiated quickly merged into one.

  Tianpu Sword Traits: Seven Swords Slashing the Sky, originally a one-meter-long Tianpu Sword, turned into a huge sword, and the blade became as black as black iron. In the next five seconds, this long sword can cause seven times the damage.

  Han Yu, with a long sword in his hand, stood on the spot, like a sword fairy who melted into the air, showing his sharpness, just the aura radiating out made Park Lixian's domain fade slightly.

Seeing the seven swords in Han Yu's hands, Park Lixian sweated. This long sword was given to Jin Huarong by him. The Heavenly Waterfall Sword with seven times the damage, plus Han Yu's perverted strength attribute, is not him at all. can be blocked.

  Park Lixian hit Han Yu with two skills again, and at the same time retreated again, so that he could get out of Han Yu's attack range as soon as possible, at least he was dragged into the attack range of Han Yu's Sky Waterfall Sword.

   But Han Yu still didn't pursue, but just swung his sword towards the air in front of him, as if he was just adapting to the power of Tianpu Sword.

  He had never tried the quality of the Heavenly Waterfall Sword before. Just activating it made his right hand feel numb, indicating that the power of this sword was close to the limit of his control.

   It can only be said that the Heavenly Waterfall Sword was a bit violent in Jin Huarong's hands before, and I am afraid that with Jin Huarong's strength, it will not be able to display the true power of the Heavenly Waterfall Sword.

  The speed of Han Yu's sword swing instantly increased, and the Tianpu sword just slashed towards the air, bringing a stream of light.

   This sword is so powerful that it seems to be able to cut through all the defenses in front of it.

   But Park Lixian had already escaped ten meters away. Even if the Tianpu sword turned into a giant sword, it seemed impossible to attack Park Lixian who had already retreated.

  Han Yu can use the skill: Divine Speed ​​while the Heavenly Waterfall Sword is falling.

  Under the high amount of agility attribute and the blessing of ten times the speed of the gods, Han Yu's speed has been raised to the extreme.

  The Tianpu sword was originally slashing downwards, but with Han Yu's movement, it brought a sword light horizontally.

  The sword light is like pure white brocade, like the sky and white clouds, like the sky full of stars, passing through all the skills from where Han Yu was originally standing, and landing on top of Park Lixian.


  No one thought that it was possible to attack like this, or that Han Yu could swing his sword with all his strength, move at such a fast speed, and pass through the skills blocked by Park Lixian one by one.

  The huge sword fell, and Park Lixian felt that his body was temporarily frozen.

  All his skills did not affect Han Yu's speed in the slightest.

  Han Yu passed through the glacier path and various skills in an instant, and the sword light reached the top of his head in an instant.

   "Ah!" Park Lixian only had time to let out a scream, and the giant sword fell.

   Chopping on the Frost Armor without any hindrance, like cutting melons and vegetables, cutting Park Lixian's body from it.

  Tianpu sword was completely retracted, and the blood in Park Lixian's body had time to splash out, and his body fell from the middle to both sides, his eyes were full of disbelief.

  But when the two halves of the body fell to the ground, Park Lixian's body instantly turned into ice crystals and shattered inch by inch on the ground.

  Park Ri-hyun's body re-condensed five meters away.

   Just appeared, Park Lixian knelt down on one knee, covering his mouth with five fingers, blood oozing from his fingers.

  Even if he escaped with a secret technique, the attack just now still caused him serious injuries.

   "I knew you didn't die so easily!" Han Yu raised his sword again and chased forward. Park Lixian was almost frightened when he saw Han Yu charging again, and the path of the glacier under his feet retreated crazily.

   "General! General, I was wrong! Stop fighting!" While begging for mercy, he avoided Han Yu's pursuit.

  He didn't even know Han Yu's name, a level 60 player, he just begged for mercy in front of Han Yu.

  He really deserves to be a bully and shy, but in just a few seconds, he changed his camp again.

   Until now, Park Lixian realized that Jin Huarong really died at the hands of Han Yu, and it was not a loss at all.

  He just wanted to ask what kind of monster was in front of him. Long-range attacks were basically ineffective against him, and close combat was almost invincible.

He really couldn't think of a way to defeat such an opponent, but he also guessed that Han Yu had used some special method to improve his strength, but he didn't know how long Han Yu's state could last, and his current injury would have to be repeated again. Being hit by Han Yu, whether he will survive or not is a question.

  Han Yu didn't bother to listen to his begging for mercy, his state was only thirty seconds, even if he couldn't kill him within thirty seconds, Park Ri-hyun would have to lose his fighting power to disrupt the situation.

  So in the research room where the bosses gathered, there was a strange scene—a player of level 37 was chasing the chief blue tile of level 60.

  The chief of the 60th level ran away with his head in his arms, still begging for mercy.

  Park Lixian confessed, but the speed of escape was not slow, relying on the continuously superimposed glacier paths and the blessing of various skills.

  According to the principle of speeding up and slowing down the opponent, he quickly opened up a lot of distance with Han Yu.

   Relying on his own speed alone, it was really difficult for Han Yu to catch up for a while.

   Simply choose talent sharing: Shadow Blade Mantis.

  Holding the long sword in his hand, a shadow leap easily landed in front of Park Lixian, and a sudden sword slashed out horizontally, cutting a gap in his chest.

  Park Lixian spat out another mouthful of blood. He had already been chased by Han Yu to the point where he gave up his domain advantage. Under the fast movement, his domain could not play any role at all and might slow down his escape speed.

   But after leaving the domain, he is really no different from an ordinary mage. Without the cooperation of his teammates, he can't even release a high-level skill, and it is difficult to confront Han Yu head-on.

  Watching Park Li-hyun flee for his life under Han Yu's attack again and again, everyone present was stunned.

  Leng Chi originally only planned to let Han Yu stand up.

  As long as Park Ri-hyun doesn't come to disrupt the situation and gives Shangsha Kota a chance to use the teleportation circle, he is sure to kill Shangsha Kota quickly.

  But I only have a slight advantage here, why Han Yu has already chased Park Lixian to fight.

  Shangsha Kangta's face turned blue and white, and said bitterly: "Trash!"

  He couldn't figure out why Park Lixian was chased so embarrassingly by an unknown level 30 player, and also suffered such a serious injury.

   It is only a matter of time before I face Lengchi, and I will lose, so I have to persuade Park Lixian to help me delay time and use the teleportation circle.

  He asked Yaqi Dashen to take the upper body. The biggest enhancement is the strengthening of physique and defense.

   and Baqi's own unclean power, infecting the surrounding creatures and turning them into snake demons to fight for themselves.

   But Lengchi has already expanded his domain, and his unclean power can't infect it at all. He can only use the unclean power to infect the experimental subjects around him, turning them into snake demons to participate in the battle.

  But those experimental subjects were not strong in the first place. Even after being strengthened by Yamata no Orochi's aura, they still didn't exceed level 50, and they couldn't stop Leng Chi's attack rhythm at all.

  Up to now, two ends of Baqi's body behind him have been cut off, so he can only fight in a hurry, let alone activate the teleportation circle.

  At this time, the only people in the audience who were calm were Yan Yue and Fan Siqi, who were the lowest level.

  Even if Park Li-hyun attacked suddenly at first, they didn't panic too much. After all, Han Yu was right in front of them, and he was their strongest defense.

  After traveling in the wilderness, they are now extremely confident in Han Yu's strength.

  It seems that no matter who the opponent is, Han Yu can show more strength to crush him.

  While watching the battle indifferently, Yan Yue took the time to introduce to other members of Shanhai next to him.

   "This is the captain of our team. Although he has just graduated, his strength, tsk tsk, you can see that it is not comparable to ordinary people..."

   "But he's only level 37, isn't that a bit too heaven-defying..." Several members of the expedition team who came in with Leng Chi almost dropped their jaws to the ground.

   The young man in the hood who was standing next to him just now turned out to be this kind of monster. After traveling together for so many days, they didn't realize it at all.

   "Grade does not represent a person's strength on the battlefield, haven't you heard this sentence before going on the battlefield?" Yan Yue said with disdain, it seems that it is not Han Yu who is fighting on the field, but him.

   "I've heard it, but it's too exaggerated." The Shanhai member squatting next to Yan Yue muttered silently.

   On the real battlefield, low-level anti-kills abound. A piece of equipment or a control skill may change the outcome of the enemy.

  (end of this chapter)

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