MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 302 Honor my order! kill

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  Chapter 302 Respect My Order! kill

   "There's nothing to talk about." Leng Chi had already thought of this result, after all, at least the same strength is required to persuade surrender.

   Even though the mountains and seas are powerful now, with absolute strength to suppress, Cui Junzhi still wants to take a risk.

   "Park Lixian, it seems that you are useless now." Leng Chi slashed at Park Lixian's chest with a sword, and blood spattered out.

   "General Leng! Don't kill me, I'll try again!" Park Lixian panicked when he saw Leng Chi attacking him.

  He is now wearing a control bracelet, without any ability to resist.

   "Take it down! I'll deal with you later." Leng Chi was too lazy to waste time entangled with him.

   Turning his head to face the army under the city: "Everyone, the Shanhai army will come here in half a day! We only need to hold out for half a day!"

   "Defend the city! Defend the city!"

   None of the members of the expedition team on the city wall were afraid. They were already ready to fight. After fighting on the front line for so long, facing all kinds of terrifying monsters, they no longer had the idea of ​​fear.

   "Activate the magic circle!" Leng Chi waved his big hand, and a magic circle rose above the city wall.

   This magic circle was transformed from the defensive circle in Seoul. With the help of Park Lixian, the modification of the magic circle was much simpler.

  As the magic circle rose, the attack of Cui Junzhi's army below rushed towards the face, and hundreds of fireballs rushed towards the magic circle.

  Even standing inside the formation, Han Yu still felt a burst of heat, but all attacks were blocked in front of the defensive formation.

  The members of the expedition team above the city wall also started their own counterattack.

  With the protection of the defensive circle, they can attack at will, so if there is no accident, relying on the advantage of the city wall and the defensive circle, it is not difficult for them to defend for a long time.

  But how could things be so simple, Cui Junzhi and the adjutant behind him soared into the air and rushed towards the magic circle.

  Beside him, the Japanese samurai Gosho Kaito also soared into the sky holding a Japanese long sword.

  Their goal is to destroy the magic circle as soon as possible. As long as the magic circle is destroyed quickly, those towering city walls have little protection for the players.

  But how could Leng Chi and the others let them easily succeed, and at the same time jump out of the city wall, and the air instantly turned into a 3v3 battle scene.

   But it’s not over yet. After the first wave of attacks by the ground troops, seven or eight cages were rolled out among Qingwa’s troops, in which were imprisoned naked human beings with control bracelets on their bodies.

  As they were pushed out, Cui Junzhi activated the button in his hand, and the cage exploded.

   Various elemental flames ignited on them one by one. They are the successful test subjects of Qingwa research during this period.

  Each strength is above level 50, and two of them have strength of level 60.

   But they are not high-level players after all, relying on the core in their bodies to provide energy, it is difficult to fly, but charging towards Fuyu City on the ground is enough to put enough pressure on the mountains and seas defending the city.

   "md! I knew it!" Tu Yuanwu cursed angrily. On the battlefield, even if the strength is not much different, any high-end combat power may affect the direction of the battle.

  Relying on the blessing of the city wall and the magic circle, the expedition team can barely compete with the Qingwa army below, but if the cutting-edge combat power is too far behind, then don't mention anything.

   "Steam Sharp Knife, follow me!" A man Han Yu had never seen before jumped down from the city wall, and Han Yu glanced at the level: players at level 55 can only be regarded as having some resistance.

  After him, several players jumped down, most of them were players of level 40 or 50.

  Although the strength on paper looks similar to that of the man-made monsters below, the blue tile army below is all waiting for them to come down. As long as they block and destroy the magic circle, they will face the attack of thousands of people.

   Sure enough, when the first person jumped down, hundreds of long arrows shot towards them.

  In the Qingwa team, there is also a 100-man bow and arrow team. Their single-point strangulation ability makes them like this kind of enemy without the protection of the battle formation.

   When the battle between the two sides just started, it has already entered a fever pitch.

   "Come out!" Han Yu also completed his summoning, and summoned creatures appeared in front of the city wall one by one.

  The most striking thing is the lava lizard before the man-made monsters below. As soon as it appeared, Han Yu added various bonuses to it, and its size quickly increased to 30 meters.

  Hundreds of arrows were shot into its body, causing a violent explosion.

  But even without the third evolution, the lava lizard's physique is already high enough, and with high defense, these attacks just broke the defense of the lava lizard's body surface.

  The other summoned objects on the city wall also started attacking instantly.

  The Demon Destroyer Dragon flew down from the city wall, and its target was none other than the archer squad at the rear. High-level archers, the single-point attack ability also has a great impact on the magic circle.

  Several lightning **** flew out and flew towards the blue tile army on the ground, but when the attack was about to fall, a shield appeared above the bow and arrow camp, blocking all the lightning balls.

   "Earth fire!" The flame-tailed demon fox couldn't even light it up, so she released the earth fire directly, but her attack range was limited, and her target was the Qingwa army in the front row.

  None of the lightning **** broke through the defense of the Qingwa Army, but the opponent obviously underestimated the attack of the Destroyer Dragon. When all the lightning **** disappeared, the shields protecting them also disappeared.

   After all, the level of Destroyer Demon Dragon is still level 39, but his energy attribute points have already exceeded 500 points, and his strength is no worse than that of ordinary level 50 players.

   But the lightning ball was blocked, and the Tyrannosaurus Sky Zhan's attack hadn't ended yet. The Desolation Demon Dragon rushed towards the ground, dodging and moving in the air, avoiding the attack below.

   Then he sat down physically and landed in the middle of the bow and arrow camp. As soon as he landed, dozens of archers around him were instantly knocked into the air!

   "Thunder Prison!"

  The Destroyer Demon Dragon folded its wings the moment it landed, and the boundless Thunder Prison was released from his side. The surrounding archers were all caught off guard by being knocked into the air and shocked by electric shocks, and fell into a paralyzed state.

   Ellie above was already ready, and shot three arrows in a row, harvesting the lives of three archers.

   "Huh?" Cui Junzhi was taken aback when he saw that the archer camp behind was instantly disrupted.

  These monsters are obviously not as unbearable as they can be seen at the level, and they can be used as high-end combat power in the team.

   "Okay!" Leng Chi never thought that Han Yu's attack could cause such an astonishing change. Just two summons disrupted the opponent's back row.

"Kill me! Our combat power is not inferior to them at all!" Leng Chi was determined when he saw Han Yu's summons. If Han Yu's summons had such strength, then they would not lose in high-end combat power. .

   Even if it is five thousand to one thousand, they are confident that they can keep it.

   "Kill kill kill!"

  Seeing Han Yu's attacking meritorious service, the morale of the people in the expedition camp was also greatly boosted, the crowd was excited, and even the speed of skill release was a little faster.

  Cui Junzhi watched the Destroyer Demon Dragon wreaking havoc in the rear, but he had no intention of rescue, he just wanted to break through the defensive circle of Fuyu City.

  At that time, it was only a matter of time before the city was broken, and if there was no way to break through the defense, they would have to be beaten passively.

   After fighting with Tu Yuanwu on the opposite side and retreating, Park Lixian took out a horn in his hand and blew it by his mouth, and the piercing sound came out, like metal scraping on a blackboard.

   "Damn it! You can't beat disgusting people, right?" Tu Yuanwu rushed up again. The sound didn't seem to belong to any sonic attack, and Tu Yuanwu didn't feel any skill fluctuations.

  But the man-made monster below, whose eyes were still clear, turned red, and rushed towards Fuyu City quickly. The mere area of ​​the body was enough to make the sharp knife team in front of them feel uncomfortable.

   Moreover, they had to face the attack of the Qingwa army. Half a minute hadn't passed yet. Many members of the sharp knife team who went down first were seriously injured, but facing the fierce attack of the opponent, no one retreated.

  Han Yu gave battle orders to all the summoned creatures again, and Hu Yun appeared beside him, leading him to fly down the city wall.

   "Han Yu! Don't!"

  Leng Chi noticed Han Yu jumping off the city wall immediately, and immediately wanted to stop him.

  The Sharp Knife Squad is all strictly selected front-row players, what effect can Han Yu, a summoner, play if he jumps down.

  Although he has seen the battle process between Han Yu and Park Lixian, he can also infer from Han Yu's fighting style that his strongest state can only last for thirty seconds.

   On the real battlefield, thirty seconds is just a fleeting moment. Thirty seconds later, a summoner standing in the middle of the battlefield may not be instantly annihilated.

  Different from Leng Chi's worried reaction, Cui Junzhi never dreamed that there would be such a good thing. Originally he was still worried about Han Yu's summoning object, but now the other party rushed directly.

   "Kill that summoner for me!" Cui Junzhi didn't hesitate at all. Han Yu's summoned item is indeed a high-end combat power on the battlefield, but rushing down like this is no different from sending him to death. ,

  As long as he is killed, all his summons will return to nothingness.

   At this time, Leng Chi also looked serious, ready to rescue at any time, no matter what, he would not let Han Yu die so easily, even if he was fighting to break the city, he would not let Han Yu sacrifice like this.

  When the eyes of both sides were focused on Han Yu, Han Yu didn't stop at all, and rushed towards the position of the Sharp Knife Squad.

  Countless skills flew towards him.

   But before he landed, a blood moon rose above his head.

   Domain: Red Moon! open!

  The blood-red light covered the surrounding 30 meters, and at this time, Cui Junzhi discovered that Han Yu did not fall into the camp of the sharp knife team, but rushed directly into their camp of artificial monsters.

   "Looking for death!" Cui Junzhi didn't expect Han Yu to be so anxious to die, so they wouldn't even need to use their skills.

  Although they can't completely control those test items, all creatures that enter their domain will be directly torn into pieces by them.

"You people in Shanhai really have morale and no brains." Cui Junzhi sneered. Although the Destroyer Dragon boosted Shanhai's morale, as long as Han Yu was killed, the morale that just got up would be instantly hit. broken.

  Tu Yuanwu, who was opposite him, didn't care at all, and rushed over like a madman again.

  As for Han Yu, with the help of Hu Yun, he floated to the ground, with the red moon shining over his head.

  Cui Junzhi looked at Han Yu who had landed on the ground. He wanted to see with his own eyes how this summoner, who was too powerful to match his strength, was torn to pieces.

   But when Han Yu actually landed, he was surprised to find that those test subjects who were originally extremely manic stopped their movements almost at the same time, and the red light in their eyes was faintly visible.

  Most of the skills flying towards Han Yu were blocked by a layer of silver light.

   "Follow my order!" Han Yu waited until the blood moon really rose before opening his eyes.

  When the Red Moon Realm rose, Han Yu seemed to be a different person, his eyes were red, his cloak fluttered behind him, and the blood moon standing tall seemed to prove that he was the real master here.

  As Han Yu opened his mouth, all the test subjects who had just stopped attacking let out deafening roars.

  Every cry is full of fighting spirit! Ying cooperated with the mediocre level 40 summoner in front of him.

   "Kill!" Han Yu ordered again, those test subjects who had just rushed out of the cage tore up the only shackles on their wrists, turned around and rushed towards the blue tile camp behind.

  The field around him unfolded, like a dozen shooting stars of various colors, rushing into a pool of calm lake water, instantly arousing thousands of waves of water.

   The Qingwa army, who was preparing skills, never thought that their biggest reliance would be controlled by the opponent so quickly.

  Under the impact of those powerful experimental products, a player in the front row of the Qingwa Army was instantly sent flying, blood splattered.

   Just the first attack, dozens of Qingwa soldiers were killed and dozens were injured.

   And those experimental products, even though they left the domain, did not regain their sanity, and they were still raging in the Qingwa Army camp.

   Qingwa can only send out the players on his side who plan to use for the second round of siege to go up to protect those low-level members.

   "This is it?" Cui Junzhi's eyes were tearing apart, those were all their secret weapons, how could they follow Han Yu down, those experimental products that were extremely difficult to control by themselves were all driven by Han Yu.

   "Haha, kill them all for me!" Tu Yuanwu guessed at first that Han Yu was going down to expand the domain,

  After all, Han Yu said that the effect of his domain is dominance, but he never thought that the effect of Han Yu's domain is so amazing.

   "Damn it!" Cui Junzhi didn't have the heart to fight Tu Yuanwu, now Han Yu was the one he wanted to kill the most, holding a long knife in his hand, he slashed towards Han Yu on the ground.

  He never expected that this 40th-level summoner would become the one who disturbed the overall situation.

   "I want to go, but it's good to think about it!" Tu Yuanwu directly expanded his field in the air, blocking Cui Junzhi.

   "Haha, do you want to rely on Tunxiang? It's only at this level, I really laughed out loud." Seeing Han Yu controlling all the test subjects, Leng Chi didn't hide the sarcasm on his face at all.

  Han Yu's move was regarded as a relief for the expedition team. Although he didn't know how long it would last, at least it gave the sharp knife team below a little chance to breathe.

  (end of this chapter)

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