MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 312 oracle! Take control of Yaqi

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  Chapter 312 Oracle! Take control of Yaqi

  Controlling Baqi and controlling human beings is obviously something that can only be done by gods or devils, but now they are all done by the young people in front of them.

   "It's good to know." Han Yu ordered again, and the tongue on the right side of Baqi rolled up and swallowed Shangsha Dahe into his stomach.

   "Let's go." Han Yu didn't continue to threaten Shangsha Dahe, he threw his body and let him stand in the same position as Han Yu.

   Then, with the huge body of Yamata no Orochi, he jumped up from the ground. The shrine that was originally Yamata no Orochi was instantly destroyed.

  Those members of Baqi who had been guarding outside, saw the giant beast suddenly appearing in front of them, and retreated one after another.

  Looking at Shangsha Dahe who was still in a daze, Han Yu patted him on the back.

  Shangsha Dahe reacted in an instant and stabilized his emotions: "Everyone, the **** Yaqi has been resurrected, and I have received the oracle. After that, Baqi will merge with Shanhai and become a subordinate organization of Shanhai."


   "How could it be?" Those Yaqi members who were shocked by Yamata no Orochi instantly came to their senses. Shanhai had always been their imaginary enemy before.

  Why now they are going to become a subsidiary organization of Shanhai.

   "Your Excellency Dahe! You are not the chief, what qualifications do you have to make decisions!"

  After hearing the news, the members of Yaqi felt a little inconceivable, and someone stood up and pointed to Shangsha Dahe's nose to question.

   "My father has merged with Yaqi Dashen, and now I am the chief of Yaqi. If anyone disagrees, then ask Yaqi Dashen for his opinion."

  Kamisha Taihe also knew that his prestige was not enough to suppress all the Yaqi members, so he simply threw the blame on Yaqi Orochi.

   Uesa Ryosuke has been swallowed, so there is nothing wrong with the fusion of Uesa Ryosuke and Yaqi Daokami.

  After listening to Uesa Dahe's explanation, the Yaqi members below looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know whether the so-called fusion was true or not, or that Ryosuke Uesa Dahe had been seized and killed by Uesa Dahe.

  Although they believe in Yaqi God, the totem is just a totem. When they really wake up, they are not ready to deal with it.

  The key is that the oracle given is completely opposite to their previous plan, and they are also very entangled now

   After a brief silence, a man came out of Yaqi's team.

   "Baqi Great God! Please also give the oracle whether we should merge with Shanhai."

  Han Yu smiled slightly. He didn't expect that someone would come out and ask, or this was just a test, to see if what Shangsha Dahe said was true or not.

   "Yes." The Holy Spirit Silver Dragon opened its huge mouth and made a majestic voice, which rang in everyone's ears like thunder. He actually spoke the same language as a human being.

   "This..." The Yaqi members below were completely lost. Just the sound made them a little dazed. The strength of Yamata no Orochi far surpassed them.

   What's more, they have the identity of gods, and they don't have any fighting spirit to resist. They glanced at the Shangsha River above, and they were equally respectful.

  Shangsha father and son have already succumbed, and they don't know whether it is because of their faith or because they were beaten.

   After looking at each other for a few times, the other members of Yaqi didn't have the courage to attack Yaqi Great God, and they all chose to surrender.

   "Okay, we agree to follow the oracle."

   "After that, Shangsha Dahe will be your chief, and he will preside over all the affairs of Yaqi."

  The Holy Spirit Silver Dragon spoke again.

   "Yes!" Everyone bowed their heads and said yes.

  The matter has come to this point, no one asked Shangsha Liangsuke whether he was dead or alive, and they didn't know what happened inside.

  If Uesa Dahe participated in the killing of Uesa Ryosuke, they would be in trouble if they asked this question.

  The panic on Shangsha Dahe’s face has not completely faded, and he still couldn’t help being excited when he heard that he had finally become the chief of Yaqi.

  He has coveted the position of chief for a long time, but Ryosuke Kamisha has been unwilling to delegate power, and even hid key information from himself.

   Unexpectedly, with the help of Han Yu, he directly took the chief position.

Shangsha Dahe tidied up his clothes a little bit, and showed the majesty of the chief: "The first thing is to appoint Mr. Han Yu next to me as the permanent guest of Baqi. Seeing him is like seeing me. After that, any orders from him must not be violated." .”

   "Second thing, I will take out the Dongying League of Nations order and combine it with the Shanhai League of Nations, and then increase the bonus to jointly resist the raging demon tide. Do you have any opinions?"

   "I have an opinion! Is it necessary to slow down the integration of the League of Nations? Besides, there is a sea between us and the big Han, and it is a bit fake to resist the evil tide together?"

   There are still some people who are unwilling to just hand over the League of Nations order like this. After all, they have been the emperor of the country well, and no one wants to suddenly have an extra supervisor on their head.

   "This matter has been decided, and if someone raises an objection later, kill him on the spot!" Shangsha Dahe didn't care about his feelings at all, and opened his mouth to kill.

  This person still wants to talk, the Holy Spirit Yin Jiao let out a sigh of relief

  The person who spoke just now felt a sudden explosion in his ears, and blood flowed out from his seven orifices. He held his chest and kept retreating, but fortunately he saved his life.

   Seeing the plight of those who opposed it, everyone fell silent.

   "Okay, let's disperse now, I will go to get the League of Nations order."

  Shangsha Dahe looked back at Han Yu, seeing that there was no dissatisfaction on his face, so he was a little relieved. This at least shows that he handled it well.

   "Let's go, show the direction." Han Yu said.

   "To the south, Master Han Yu." Shangsha Dahe bowed and said.

   This surprised the Yaqi members who were just about to leave.

  They were all guessing Han Yu's identity just now, a person who had never met before, turned out to be the highest-ranking guest minister in Baqi.

  At first, they all guessed that Han Yu was a peace envoy sent by Shanhai, and they did not know how to persuade Yaqi Dashen and Shangsha Dahe.

  But the appearance of Shangsha Dahe now is not like being persuaded at all, but more like being beaten.

  In front of Han Yu, he didn't even dare to speak loudly.

  Everyone guessed Han Yu's strength in their hearts. They hadn't seen the previous battle, and they hadn't even entered the cellar.

   I haven’t seen Han Yu recovering from Shangsha Kota, and I don’t know anything about Han Yu, but from Shangsha Dahe’s attitude, it can be seen that Han Yu is not simple.

  Among these people, one of them was silent from the beginning, and his face was full of horror.

   This person is none other than Wusuo Kaidou. He still hasn't realized why Han Yu, who was in Seoul before, suddenly appeared in Baqi.

  In such a short period of time, he went to sleep when he came back, how come he woke up and ran to the shrine, Yaqi suddenly changed.

  Before, Baqi, who was still thinking about swallowing elephants, has become a subordinate organization of Shanhai, and their former rival Han Yu has just become the highest-ranking guest minister of Baqi.

  He has seen Han Yu's strength. Although he is very strong, his level is only forty.

  But with an extremely weird ability, he can directly fight against players at level 60.

   But relying on these alone, there is probably no way to persuade Shangsha Dahe to become Shanhai's running dog.

  He originally wanted to ask loudly whether Shangsha Dahe was controlled by that weird red moon.

   But looking into his eyes, he remained clear, even excited, and his frightened expression was no different from that of ordinary people.

  Gosho Kaito confirmed that Shangsha Dahe had really succumbed, and behind the body of the so-called Yaqi Great God, there was still a familiar person lying on his stomach.

   It was Cui Junzhi, who had a deadly feud with Han Yu before, and now he was lying on Baqi's huge body like a follower, not daring to say a word.

  Gosho Kaito finally did not express his doubts, but he did not leave, and followed the huge body of Yaqi Dashen.

   "Well, Master Han Yu, can you make Yaqi God shrink a little bit, or return to the Kingdom of God..." Shangsha Dahe said cautiously.

   "Such a huge body may destroy all the buildings in Yaqi."

  Han Yu turned his head and looked at Shangsha Dahe.

  Shangsha Dahe trembled, thinking that he had said something wrong, and quickly changed his words: "Of course, I am just a suggestion, just a suggestion. It is not too difficult to rebuild these buildings."

   "Okay." Han Yu breathed a sigh of relief, as if reluctantly agreeing.

   After speaking, he waved his hand, and the body of Yamata no Orochi continued to shrink, and finally turned into a ring in Han Yu's hand.

  Different from the previous sterling silver ring, there was a dark black head on it, wearing it in Han Yu's hand, it had a strange feeling.

   "Okay, let's go."

  Han Yu looked calm, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although Yamata no Orochi is very strong, it consumes a lot of energy!

  Han Yu and Yamata no Orochi are not in a summoning relationship, as long as they keep summoning with the Holy Spirit Silver Flood Dragon.

  But the strength of the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon is countless times stronger, and Han Yu is a little bit stretched just to maintain contact.

  At the beginning, Han Yu didn't notice it, because the sacrifice of Ryosuke Kamisha had left a lot of vitality in the body of Yamata no Orochi, and the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon could rely on these remaining vitality to drive the body.

  So the consumption is not large, but when he walked out of the shrine, Han Yu felt the pressure. The Holy Spirit Silver Flood was consumed too much, and he kept wanting to sleep.

  In order to ensure his majesty, Han Yu had no choice but to support his nine heads, almost holding back the bleeding, and now he finally waited until Shangsha Dahe took the initiative to speak.

  Han Yu also has a reason to take back Yamata no Orochi. If Kamisha Taiga sees that he is now in a weak stage, he might attack him.

   After all, I just killed his father. Although he made Shangsha Dahe the chief, after those Yaqi members left, it is estimated that Shangsha Dahe's reputation will not improve.

  Shangsha Dahe looked at the ring in Han Yu's hand with an unbelievable expression on his face.

  Of course he also saw that the so-called Baqi God was controlled by Han Yu's summoned object. It's not the real Yaqi God.

   But it was hard for him to accept Han Yu wearing it like a ring.

   And he was thinking, if he can get that ring, can he also control Yamata no Orochi.

  Looking at Shangsha Dahe's fiery eyes, Han Yu took off the ring with a smile: "How about it, do you want to try wearing it?"

   "Huh?" Shangsha Dahe instantly realized that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly took a step back.

   "Don't dare, this is your item, Mr. Han Yu, how can I take it casually!"

   "No? There will be no chance in the future." Han Yu put the ring in front of Shangsha Dahe again like a demon.

  Shangsha Dahe's throat was dry, and his hand seemed to stretch towards the ring uncontrollably.

   In front of it is the power of the most powerful **** in Japan, just in front of it, few people can refuse.

  Han Yu put his hand on the spot and didn't take it back, just watching Shangsha Dahe's movements.

   This ring is just an appearance. As long as Han Yu summons, the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon will still appear by his side. He just wants to see how much ambition Shangsha Dahe still has.

   Just when Shangsha Dahe's palm was about to touch the ring, his other hand suddenly stretched out, hit the outstretched hand with a palm, and patted it off.

   "Master Han Yu! Don't be joking! I can touch this kind of thing."

  Han Yu chuckled, and put the ring back on his finger.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of awareness, but even if I give it to you, you can't use it. The body of Yamata no Orochi has been fused with my summoning object, and now only I can summon it." Han Yu didn't hide anything, directly Tell the truth.

  Shangsha Dahe saw the process of what happened, so naturally he would not believe in any oracle, so Han Yu simply let him give up completely.

   "Yes yes yes." Shangsha Dahe wiped the sweat from his head: "I understand, this is not mine, I will not touch it."

  He also thought of this layer just now, so he didn't touch the ring with his hands.

  He was worried that as soon as he touched the ring, Yamata no Orochi would appear again and swallow him in one gulp.

   "Okay, let's lead the way ahead and get the League of Nations Order, and then I may help you solve the problem of the demon tide."

   "Thank you, Master Han Yu!" Uesa Dahe quickly adjusted his messy mood, turned his head and led the way again, and led the way to Uesa Ryosuke's room.

  The Gosho Kaito at the back saw the Yamata no Orochi disappear, and finally touched the back, and ran to Cui Junzhi's side.

   "Cui Junzhi, it happened! Why did Yamata no Orochi wake up? That's not the Han Yu I saw in Seoul before. Don't you take revenge?"

   Before he finished speaking, Cui Junzhi directly covered Gosho Kaito's mouth: "Revenge? What kind of revenge?"

   "I am now in the same camp as Lord Han Yu! Don't harm me."

   As for revenge, he can't even think about it now. The entire Baqi is no match for Han Yu now, let alone him.

   "Then what happened?" Gosho Kaidou asked again as he watched Han Yu leave.

"To put it simply, Ryosuke Uesa was unwilling to surrender and was swallowed by Master Han Yu, Dahe Uesa surrendered, and Baqi was annexed. Although we had conflicts with Master Han Yu before, at least we are acquaintances. Now It might be too late to build a good relationship."

   "Chief Lord? Dead?" Although Gosho Kaito had already guessed it, he still couldn't believe it.

  (end of this chapter)