MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 317 monster rampant

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  Chapter 317 Monster Rampant

  After Xiang Liu's attack, this terrifying-looking giant unicorn was swallowed without the slightest chance.

   Until the end of the battle, this one-horned earth dragon lord can also make an effective counterattack.

  Up to now, as long as there is vitality support, Xiangliu of the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon is basically invincible.

  However, this one-horned earth dragon seems to be controlled by someone, and seems to be deliberately destroying the convoy of the Baqi team.

   But fortunately, Han Yu and the others walked in the front and gave the Baqi members time to retreat, but the vehicles were damaged, and there were no casualties.

   After finishing the one-horned earth dragon, Han Yu's unsummoning this time is not as urgent as last time. This time, Xiang Liu had received enough vitality.

   "Captain Leng, what do you think?" Ning Jiang and the others started discussing with Leng Chi without any action.

"It's weird, it's too weird." Leng Chi said, "It's weird enough that two lords of level 60 are so close. And it's still deliberately destroying our convoy, which is obviously trying to stop it. Let's go."

   "There must be something ahead." Ning Jiang looked towards the end of the road, the city of Nara not far from Dongjin.

   "What should we do now, move on, or wait for support?" Tu Yuanwu also said.

  This is just the beginning. They have already met lords of level 60. If they continue to move forward, there may be lord creatures of level 70. They really don't know who will win the battle.

   Shangsha Dahe cowered beside him. He really didn't expect to encounter such a situation as soon as he left the city.

  If these big men from Shanhai don't come, their Dongjin City may fall within a few days.

  But seeing several people lost in thought, Shangsha Dahe still said: "How about...wait a minute."

   "Let's go through this underground first to see what's going on, and wait for the follow-up convoy to come by the way?"

  Ning Jiang and Leng Chi looked at each other, and finally nodded: "Yes, let's see what the underground looks like first."

  Although he knew that the other party was deliberately preventing him from moving forward, the Lord appeared too intensively now.

  No one knows what they will encounter in front of them. If they break into the encirclement all the way, then things will get worse.

  So they chose to be more cautious in the end, and first figure out what happened underground.

  At this time, Han Yu gained 60 attribute points again, and now the Holy Spirit Silver Dragon has become stronger and stronger. Now besides biting, it can also spray venom. I deeply feel that I have come to the right place this time.

   Landed in the same position as Ning Jiang and the others, and said, "Shall we move on? My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

  Seeing Han Yu's excited look, Ning Jiang almost couldn't help but agree.

   After all, there is a fetish of Xiangliu's level, so it seems that there is no danger in continuing to move forward.

   But in the end Ning Jiang still said: "Let's wait, we don't know anything about what happened up front, we are going to see what happened underground first, and wait for the convoy to come by the way."

  Han Yu thought for a while, and then nodded. What they broke through this time may be the new bishop's big conspiracy. If they go in easily, they don't know what they will encounter.

  Han Yu and Ning Jiang fell to the ground quickly. The place where the one-horned earth dragon came out just now was buried by the ruins. There seemed to be a cavity below. After the huge body got out, it had already collapsed.

   "Get out of the way, let me do it!" The giant sword in Leng Chi's hand continued to expand, and in the middle became a giant sword that was more than ten meters long.

  The other people stepped aside immediately, and the giant sword in Leng Chi's hand fell slowly. The originally fairly flat ground shook rapidly, and there were even tiny thunderbolts in the air.

   With a bang, the ground was spread out by the giant sword, and the soil clods were separated towards the two sides, revealing a huge cavity hidden on the flat ground.

   But the inside was still pitch black, with only a faint stench coming from inside.

   "Here is a lighting technique." As soon as Kamisha Dahe opened his mouth, four members of Yaqi immediately stepped forward, and released four lighting techniques at the same time.

  The originally dark cave was instantly illuminated, and a tree root that penetrated the cave appeared in front of everyone.

   On the root of the tree, there are meat **** hanging one after another, agitating up and down as if they are still breathing.

  As the meat ball agitated, wisps of black mist diffused out, and then were absorbed back into the part.

  The entire cave was filled with black mist.

   "Go down and have a look?" Ning Jiang suggested.

  Shangsha Dahe took two steps back silently. Since lords of level 60 can appear here, they still don’t know what kind of environment it is inside.

  Leng Chi was also a little hesitant. They didn't know what was going on here, so it might not be good to go down hastily.

  Han Yu stepped forward: "I'll let the summoned creature go down."

   Now letting the summoned object go down should be the best choice, even if there is danger, you can cancel the summoning.

  But Han Yu didn't choose to let Xiang Liu go down. Now he consumes a huge amount of vitality, once summoned, it will be consumed once. It will be a big loss if he goes down without supplementing it.

   After hesitating for a moment, Han Yu summoned the Lava Lizard.

  Besides Xiang Liu, the most resistant is the Lava Lizard. Even if something happens below, Han Yu still has enough time to cancel the summon.

  The lava lizard appeared beside Han Yu. Now the body of the lava lizard is close to 20 meters, but it is more than a circle smaller than the one-horned earth dragon just now, and it is still enough to enter the burrow.

  Receiving the command in Chinese, the Lava Lizard slid down from the edge of the cave entrance.

   At this time, the duration of the lighting technique had passed, but the lava on the lava lizard still illuminated a small area around him.

  Just as he went down, the surface of the lava lizard's body kept making crackling sounds. It was the black mist colliding with the molten flames on his body surface.

  Han Yu didn't care, the black mist didn't seem to be very aggressive, and couldn't affect the Lava Lizard at all.

  Closing his eyes, Han Yu controlled the lava lizard to approach those meat balls.

  Though the meat **** were breathing, they didn't seem to be conscious, and didn't respond to the lava lizard's approach.

  The lava lizard stood up, grabbed a meat ball in front of it with its front paws, exerted force with both claws, and the fragile membrane of the meat ball was pinched and burst.

  A little bit of black juice remained, and inside was a curled up strange beast. Although it was still a juvenile body, its unfolded body was estimated to be two to three meters long.

   "This is... a cub?" Ning Jiang said in surprise.

  The new bishop actually cultivated monster cubs underground in Dongpu. No, it may be that Mochaofang was involved here.

   Moreover, once these cubs are born, they are not mortal in this size. If they break out of the ground in Dongpu, it is estimated that this place will completely become a world of monsters.

   "Stamp him to death!" Han Yu ordered directly. Seeing this kind of monster, Han Yu naturally couldn't let him stay.

  The lava lizard trampled on the unrecovered cub, and the monster died before it even opened its eyes.

   And Han Yu also received a reminder: [Acquired attribute points: 20]

   "Huh?" Han Yu's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that these monster cubs could also get attribute points. Han Yu looked at the tree roots spreading from the burrow, his eyes sparkled.

   "So many attribute points! Is this a waste of time!"

   "Destroy them all. They must not be bred." Ning Jiang's face was ashen now, and now he was glad that he came here.

  If the high-level monsters here are bred, it will not be the problem of Japan, but the problem of the entire human race.

   "Okay!" Ryosuke Uesa immediately took out his weapon, ready to strike at any time.

  He doesn't have the guts to go into the burrow, but he has the guts to destroy these monster eggs from a distance, and it's big.

   "Wait!" Han Yu said immediately, "I'll come, I'll come!"

   "But..." Uesa Ryosuke didn't expect Han Yu to stop him. These meat **** are not particularly powerful monsters. Is it necessary not to let him do it?

   "Han Yu, is there a problem?" Ning Jiang couldn't figure out what Han Yu meant. If these low-level monsters were encountered in the wild, they might not even take a look.

   It might be the best way to let the Baqi members in the back deal with it quickly, but Han Yu has to take care of it all by himself. These low-level monster eggs probably won't give him much experience.

   " method is faster!" Han Yu couldn't think of any excuses, so he simply started.

  Fin was summoned by him, still holding a hoe, looking at everything around him, but couldn't find any enemies to fight.

  Ning Jiang saw that Han Yu's summons had come out, and replied with a smile: "Okay, okay, then we'll watch your performance."

  Han Yu chuckled, let the Lava Lizard come out, and gave Finn an attack command.

  The **** in Finn's hand fluttered, and a handful of corpse blast poisonous spores flew out and flew into the cave.

  Under the order of Shangsha Dahe, four more lighting spells were released, and the cave was instantly illuminated.

   And those flying spores quickly attached to the meat balls, and the hyphae began to grow rapidly, gradually invading the fragile defenses of the monster eggs.

  After the monster egg was invaded by the corpse blast poisonous spore, it began to expand rapidly, and then exploded with a bang, leaving only black juice all over the ground.

  From the first explosion, it seemed that a switch was turned on, and the meat **** in the hole began to expand continuously, and then exploded one after another.

   Moreover, the explosion is still spreading, and the sound of the explosion gradually fades away, but no matter how far away, Ning Jiang and the others can feel the weak vibration of the ground.

  As Han Yu listened to the reminder in his ear, his smile widened little by little, almost reaching the corner of his mouth.

   "I'll go..." Cui Junzhi, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but speak: "Master Han Yu, you are too fierce."

   "So-so, just beating these mobs, what's so fierce." Han Yu was in a good mood now, so he replied.

   Ning Jiang and the others didn't expect Han Yu to have such a move, and their expressions were almost unanimously surprised. According to Han Yu's speed, it is indeed much faster than the Baqi members attacking together, and it spreads automatically without much consumption.

  But Tu Yuanwu glanced at the Korean expression: "I'm going, this is an addiction, it's more serious than my murderous intention."

  Ning Jiang looked at Leng Chi. He hadn't forgotten that they had another mission here, which was to see if Han Yu could be trained as the chief heir.

   Originally Ning Jiang was very satisfied with him, but now seeing Han Yu's state, he hesitated.

  Ning Jiang said softly to Leng Chi: "Isn't this killing intent too serious, isn't it..."

"Hmph." Leng Chi snorted coldly: "I think you have stayed in the city for too long, and his murderous intention is only to face these monsters. Doesn't this just mean that he and the new bishop have absolutely no common possibility? This On the contrary, it shows that our previous worries were unnecessary."

  The voice of the conversation was completely covered up in the explosion, only the two receiving the award could hear it.

  Ning Jiang nodded slightly after listening to Leng Chi's words. Perhaps in this world, a person like Han Yu is needed to completely end the demon tide.

And the Chinese are still observing the burrow unnoticed. The infectivity of the spores makes them spread rapidly in the burrow. No matter where the burrow spreads, as long as it is connected, the influence of the spores cannot be avoided. .

   "Someone is here." At this time, Ning Jiang, who was still thinking, heard Leng Chi's reminder.

  In the distance, three black dots are approaching rapidly. Judging from the speed of flight, they should be human players like them.

   "I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry." Tu Yuanwu chuckled: "It must be a member of the new bishop, this time let me have a good time!"

   "Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities." Leng Chi also guessed that the members of the new bishop came. How could the new bishop just ignore Han Yu's destruction of their base?

  The three rushed towards here quickly, Ning Jiang and the three quickly lifted off, and Shangsha Dahe and Cui Junzhi quickly followed.

  As the three black dots approached, Ning Jiang also saw their appearance clearly.

  The costumes of the three are similar, the body is completely wrapped in a black robe, and the face is also wearing a mask, which is completely invisible.

  But the surface of their black robes is tattooed with blue and yellow straight lines, an obvious sign of the new bishop.

  When Ning Jiang and the others took off, the three of them immediately stopped and set their sights on Han Yu below.

   "Boy, die to me!" Seeing that the three of them stopped moving forward, Tu Yuanwu immediately started provoking.

  They all want to catch up, but there are still Han Yu and a group of Baqi members on the ground.

  This is the future base camp planned by the new bishop. If they are transferred away from the mountain, Han Yu and the others are very likely to be in danger.

  But the three people on the opposite side were unmoved, just stood from a distance, looking at Han Yu below.

   They don't seem to be too nervous, just to see what's going on here.

   "Grandma! You cowards, you can't make it!" Tu Yuanwu shouted again, glanced at Leng Chi, and after gaining affirmation in his eyes, he rushed over directly.

  But the three men in black robes still had no intention of attacking. Seeing Tu Yuanwu attacking them, they finally took a look at the collapsing underground cave below, and turned and left directly.

  Tu Yuanwu wanted to chase again, but was stopped by Leng Chi. He was not sure whether the other party set up an ambush behind him or diverted the tiger away from the mountain.

  (end of this chapter)

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