MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 332 Reappearance of the Holy Dragon

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  Chapter 332 Reappearance of the Holy Dragon

   Han Yu, who was still struggling in the thick darkness, looked at the figure exactly like himself in front of him.

  The golden snake swimming behind him slowly swam into his body, covering his body with golden silk patterns.

   "The new lord, the lord of the abyss, or the **** of space walking in the cracks of space?"

  Han Yu looked at the figure on the opposite side and asked with solemn eyes.

   "It's fine." The new owner spread his hands, "It's all just names."

   "Since you already know who I am, go to sleep obediently. Don't worry, I won't crush your soul until I call back to my body."

  The new master spoke lightly, sounding like he didn't care about Han Yu's resurrection.

   After all, if the soul is completely destroyed, the body will not last long.

  But this Han Yu's soul is much tougher than that Xu Lan's, and he actually woke up when he was awake.

   As he spoke, the new master clenched his fist with his right hand, and the golden light covering Han Yu shrank suddenly.

  Even though he had become a soul, Han Yu still felt his eyes spitting out, and an extreme oppressive feeling made him almost vomit.

  But I don’t know what to spit out without a body.

  But in the next second, Han Yu's body emitted a burst of blue light, and all the restraints suddenly disappeared, as if they had never existed.

   "Huh?" The new owner opposite frowned. Every mark of him was engraved on the soul. He never thought that Han Yu had a way to clear the marks on the soul.

   "This..." Han Yu himself didn't know how he did it.

   At such a moment, all the restraints disappeared, and he let out a sigh of relief.

   "You still have some tricks." After a layer of branding was removed, the new owner did not panic and reached out again.

  Another layer of branding was raised, and Han Yu, who had just escaped from restraint, was controlled again and had difficulty breathing.

   "Come on, try running again!"

  The new master clenched his fist with one hand, and Han Yu felt that his internal organs were about to be crushed. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no more blood, he might spit out a mouthful of blood.

   But this uncomfortable feeling only lasted half a second, when Han Yu almost screamed out.

   Another layer of faint blue light flashed, and all the restraints disappeared invisible again.

   "This..." Han Yu looked at his body, and he felt something changed in his body.

   But I can't see what happened, but at least from now on, these are all good things.

   And seeing the frown of the new master opposite, Han Yu felt extremely happy in his heart.

   "That's it? That's it? That's all you can do?" Han Yu not only started to taunt, but also continued to rush towards the viscous dark space around him.

  He doesn't know how to leave this empty space now, but now that the new master has come in, it shows that his efforts are useful.


  The new owner didn't know what happened, but he didn't stop.

   He clenched his fist again, and this time he clenched his fist firmly.

  He couldn't stand Han Yu's inexplicable method anymore, he couldn't even see what ability Han Yu used.

   Now it is decided to kill Han Yu directly, and his soul will be crushed.

  Before the basic functions of its body in the urban area, all the human and elf coalition forces outside will be eliminated, and it will be able to summon its own body with peace of mind.

   This solid clenched fist caused Han Yu's forward body to fall down again.

  The body was trapped by golden threads like rice dumplings, and the flesh was squeezed out from all parts of the body.

  Han Yu seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking—but here, he should have no bones, but severe pain still came from all over his body.

  But in the next second, there was the same blue light again, making all the constraints disappear.



  Han Yu felt that the restraints on his body disappeared again. Looking at the new master opposite, he looked at his hands suspiciously, obviously not expecting the current result.

   Unscrupulously mocking the guy on the opposite side who claimed to be a god: "God? You are worthy of being called a god! Come kill me, come kill me!"

  The new master looked ferocious, looking at his arm without saying a word.

  According to common sense, just one brand mark is enough for him to crush Han Yu to death.

  But originally thought that the first two times, it was only because of his mercy that Han Yu had time to react.

   This time, he failed again, which made him realize that his brand had been weakened again and again, and it was about to disappear.

   "What kind of power have you gained?" The current situation has exceeded his expectations, and the new master finally asked Han Yu.

   "What power?" Han Yu sneered: "There is no power, but you are too weak!"

  Han Yu let out an angry roar, and slammed into the surroundings. It seemed that he hit something hard this time, and the pain came from Han Yu's head.

   But this made Han Yu even more excited, indicating that this place is not a real empty space, but has edges.

  Preparing to charge up to do it again, the new owner held his right hand falsely, and the golden light on his body appeared again.

  But it was only for a moment, the golden light disappeared, Han Yu did not disappear except for the perception of severe pain, all the scars and marks disappeared.

   "That's it? That's it? You can't kill me! But I will kill you! And get my body back!"

  Han Yu is used to the pain that comes and goes quickly.

  After removing the brand several times, he finally knew what happened at that moment.

  He gets younger every time the blue light flashes...

  Yes, just like what happened to him in that 'Original World', he is becoming younger time after time.

   "A dozen more chances!"

  At the current speed, he may still be able to clear the brand control of the new owner more than a dozen times by constantly getting younger and shelling out, but before that, he may lose the ability to resist.

  Han Yu counted silently in his heart, and now he began to regret why he appeared here because of his own age, not his sixties.

  In that case, he might have more opportunities, but now, if the age returns to zero again, he doesn't know what will happen.

   But no matter what happened afterwards, seeing the new master ready to extend his right hand again, Han Yu did not hesitate at all, and swooped towards the surroundings.

  And this time, Han Yu heard the sound of vomiting blood, which made him see hope again.

   As expected, he was entangled in the golden thread again and forced to fall to the ground.

   "md! How many marks have you put on me!" Han Yu fell down again and cursed angrily.

   "Not many, only once a year." The new master said in a gloomy tone, and then slowly took a step back.

   "Don't struggle anymore, I can give you a chance to live, and we can use this body together."

   "No, when I find my real body, I will return my body to you, and then you will be the pope of the new bishop, one person below ten thousand!"

   "You have to continue to stick needles, we will die together!"

  The new master did not choose to attack for the time being, but started a language offensive.

   "Really?" Han Yu sneered, and slammed into the viscous space next to him again.

   This time it was completely softened, and he didn't feel any breakthrough.

  The new master's complexion changed, he could no longer control Han Yu's body—it wasn't that Han Yu could regain his body by doing so, but it would constantly interrupt the process of summoning his own body.

  At this time, he didn't want to waste any time, not to mention that there was a coalition of humans and elves outside.

  Han Yu's summons were indeed strong enough, but after controlling Han Yu's body, he found that the most important holy dragon was missing.

   And now that he wants to wipe out the human and elf alliance, it will take some time for him now.

  But as long as you can summon your own body, all the creatures here are just ants.

   "Then I will see how many times you can be resurrected!"

  In reality, the new master spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his control over Han Yu's summons became weaker.

  The Dragon of Destiny began to release water secretly, and the skills became more and more deflected, and Ellie's arrows gradually deviated from the vital parts.

  They all felt the breath of the real Han Yu, and now they are trying their best to remedy the mistakes they made before.

  And in this case, the coalition forces of humans and elves are advancing closer and closer.

  If this physical body is destroyed, he will have to return to Xu Lan's body, and there is no chance of winning.

   "People of the abyss! Come out!"

  The new master gritted his teeth, raised his hands, and gave up directly summoning his own body.

   Instead, the entrances to the abyss were summoned, and the black mist billowed. Behind the new master, the exits of the mist appeared one after another, and strange and frightening monsters came out of the mist, roaring.

   "Go! Go hunt your food!" The new lord waved again, and countless abyssal creatures rushed towards the human army in front of them.

   Their huge size, they can be used as lords in every dungeon, but now they are hunting these fifty-plus players.

   "Okay, now I will concentrate on solving you, Han Yu!" The new master slowly closed his eyes.

   It is impossible for him to let Han Yu interrupt the process of summoning his main body.

   But before closing his eyes, the sun above the Primordial Forest suddenly dimmed a lot, as if someone had put a lampshade on the sun.

  The new master, who was about to close his eyes, frowned slightly, only to realize that the previous sun was too dazzling.

  He summoned the original forest to this world, which is equivalent to splitting the space. It is reasonable to say that the influence of sunlight will be reduced to the weakest.

  The luminosity is just right now, but the light just now was a bit too intense.

  When the sun changes, everyone looks up.

  The people of the human coalition also frowned, and the sun dimmed, which was obviously not a good sign.

  The people who looked up saw a snake shadow flying down from the sun at the same time.

   When they get close, everyone can really see the creature coming down from the sun: antlers, bull's head, crocodile mouth, tortoise eyes, snake belly, fish scales...

   "Dragon? A fantasy creature from a hundred years ago?" Qu Zhuo said the name of the creature that came out of the sun with some doubts.

  Leng Chi took a deep breath: "Shenglong, Han Yu's strongest summoner, we are in big trouble."

  He and Ning Jiang have seen the true strength of the holy dragon, which can almost infinitely help the surrounding creatures recover from injuries. With the holy dragon, let alone the creatures of the abyss, they can't kill those treants.

   and Qu Zhuo briefly talked about the ability of the Holy Dragon, Qu Zhuo looked solemn: "Scatter your positions! If you can't do it, fight guerrilla warfare in the primeval forest!"

   "Anyway, it only has a range of 100 meters, just avoid him!"

  Human coalition forces are best at group combat. Facing those abyssal creatures and treants in a scattered company is no different from sending them to death.

   But this is the final decisive battle. Qu Zhuo and everyone knew that the casualties would not be small, and they couldn't think of a better way for a while, so they could only pay with their lives.

  As Ning Jiang and the others guessed, the holy dragon fell into the beast tide of abyssal creatures as soon as it appeared.

   Qu Zhuo looked solemn, and waved his hand. The command flag below fluttered, and all the players immediately avoided that area.

  The new master, who just wanted to close his eyes, also had a solemn expression.

He didn't even know which side the holy dragon belonged to, so he got into the camp of abyssal creatures like this, and he was also very panicked. It's also a bit out of place.

  The new master did not rush to deal with Han Yu, but tried this order.

   "Attack the human alliance."

  The holy dragon that fell into the abyssal creatures shook its slender neck, and its fine scales shone with dazzling golden light in the sunlight.

   At this moment, the new owner felt that he had completely controlled all of Han Yu's summons.

  But just when this idea came up, the scales on Shenglong's body reversed one by one like dyeing, and the golden scales became like ink dyeing.

   During the twist, heads gradually grew out around the body of the holy dragon, showing the second form belonging to the holy dragon.

  The Second Form of the Holy Dragon—Xiang Liu

  Mutation Talent: Darkness: The dark dragon emits unclean power within a range of 100 meters at all times, and the enemy creatures within the range will increase the damage taken by 50%, and the four-dimensional attribute will be reduced by 50%.

Unholy Power: Enemy creatures within the range of the Dark Wheel will be infected by the Unholy Power, and after three seconds they will die and be reborn as Unholy Snakes. The bitten creatures will also be affected by the Unholy Power Influence.

   "This..." The new master sensed that something was wrong, although the change of the holy dragon made it more like a creature belonging to the abyss.

   But this transformation in one's own camp, just working, did not know how many nearby abyssal creatures were crushed to death.

   "Holy Dragon! Attack the Human Alliance!"

  The new lord ordered again to let the holy dragon attack again.

  He didn't know what happened to the holy dragon, since he took control of Han Yu's body, the holy dragon disappeared without a trace.

   Now that it reappears, the new master still can only feel a faint connection with it, and he doesn't even know what his ability is.

  Or from the very beginning, Han Yu didn't really control the summoned creature. Even if it wasn't summoned, the Holy Spirit Silver Snake could still remind Han Yu like telepathy.

  From the beginning, the Holy Spirit Silver Snake was different from other summons.


  The new lord's order seems to have taken effect. The holy dragon finally let out a roar like a demonstration. Countless jet-black mucus spewed out, and when it fell on those abyssal creatures, it formed a big hole.

At the same time, the unclean power began to slowly radiate from Xiang Liu's body, and wisps of black smoke emerged from the bodies of the abyssal creatures around him. Unfortunately, this little bit of black smoke was inconspicuous compared to the black mist caused by the abyssal creatures. .

  However, although the abyssal creatures are not afraid of death, they are also frightened by the dragon's might, and flee from this behemoth one after another.

   "This... Shenglong, it seems to be different from what you said." Qu Zhuo asked Leng Chi in surprise.

   This Han Yu's strongest auxiliary summoner seems to be a bit special, isn't it said that the healing ability is top-notch, and it crushed more than 800 teammates to death.

   Is this intentional, or is my brain a bit out of control?

   "This..." Ning Jiang also couldn't figure out what kind of path this holy dragon was.

  (end of this chapter)