MTL - Game Invasion: I Chose the Weakest Professional Summoner-Chapter 7 shopping flow brush map

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  Chapter 7 Shopping flow brush map

   "Tsk tsk, the female university can't help you." Wu Ao smacked his lips, the meaning was very clear, Jiang Ziqi used equipment that violated the cabinet, or a scroll in order to help Han Yu graduate.

   "Don't mess with me, I feel like I can spray a fireball with my mouth!" Jiang Wen also thought of this possibility, so his face was cloudy.

  Wu Ao immediately turned off his voice and concentrated on watching the scene on the screen.

  Han Yu and the two finally entered the third floor. They were still a group of cat monsters. When they saw someone coming in, they immediately stood upright, their eyes glowing red.

  Behind them, there are two shimmering cat demons.

   "It's a mutant fluorescent cat demon that can heal your companions. Ellie, attack the two glowing ones first."

   "Yes!" Ellie's small body took a bow and shot an arrow. When she drew the bow, a beam of augmented light fell on her.

   It was Jiang Ziqi's power increase, and Han Yu didn't neglect, and directly summoned the fire totem, adding a layer of buffs to Black Panther and Ellie.

  Ai Li felt that she had reached the best state, her eyes were slightly fixed, she shot an arrow, then quickly drew the bow, and shot two arrows in succession.

  Three arrows hit the eye socket of the fluorescent cat demon almost at the same time, forcing it to retract its sharp claws that had just opened, but it also only had a **** skin left, and immediately jumped back, trying to bleed back for itself.

   "Ellie, don't let it reply."

  Just as the cat demon made a move, Ellie shot another arrow, nailing him to the ground, and he lost his breath.

   "Sure enough, it's a high-level elite monster. It's impossible to lose even a few seconds." Han Yu sighed. As the number of layers increased, the monster's strength also began to become stronger.

After solving a fluorescent cat demon, Ellie didn't seem to consume much. She used the scattering skill again to shoot the ordinary cat demon that passed the black panther, leaving only blood skin. Hei Bao and Jiang Ziqi took the heads.

  She concentrated on dealing with the other fluorescent cat demon, another set of renju, plus a normal attack to take off the head of the fluorescent cat demon.

  Ai Li also started to have a little shortness of breath, and frequent use of renju still consumes a lot of energy for her.

  Han Yu discovered that the skill brought by the proficiency of this kind of summoner does not seem to be limited by the cooling time, nor does it consume mana.

   "But if you don't abide by the rules of the game, you need to abide by the rules of reality. According to Ellie's current physical strength, she can only use it twice in a row, otherwise the accuracy and precision of subsequent attacks will decrease."

  After the two fluorescent cat demons were eliminated, the battlefield entered the harvesting mode again. The black panther was like a **** of war, surrounded by several cat demons and attacked. There were also two cursed cat demons, constantly adding poison to the panther.

  The black panther seemed to be indifferent, and slapped a few flying with one palm, and then quickly caught up with the cat demons who wanted to attack Han Yu and Ellie, and stomped wildly when they were pressed.

  Ellie is like a head harvester, constantly drawing her bow to kill monsters.

  Han Yu and Jiang Ziqi wandered around the venue, as long as they ensured that they would not be attacked by cat demons.

  Seeing that the blood volume of the black panther dropped by one-tenth, Jiang Ziqi immediately threw a healing spell over it, making Hu Yun let out a happy cry.

  Han Yu is really fine after placing the totem, he just throws a few basic attacks casually to improve his sense of participation in the battlefield.

  Eight minutes later, the cat monsters on the battlefield were cleared away again, and several people began to sit cross-legged to rest. After recovering, they were ready to enter the next floor.

  Outside the field, all the homeroom teachers were stunned.

   "Eight minutes? It only took eight minutes to clear the monsters on the third floor?" Luo Shuxin looked at the time in disbelief. No wonder others are still on the first floor, but Han Yu has already entered the third floor.

"Seconds? That's an eleventh-level mutant. One Lianju will be seconds? This archer must be at the tenth level, and why does it have two skills? It's unreasonable!" Xin Zhenxuan also had a look of disbelief. .

  Who would have thought that the humanoid archer summoned by Han Yu was simply a monster.

  The damage is higher than that of the mage, and there are range of attack skills, plus the single-target instant kill Lianzhu, this is simply a dream teammate in the early stage.

"It should be an archer with particularly outstanding attributes. Although it is only level ten, the attribute points are only concentrated in strength, and the rest of the attributes are very low, so it is possible to shoot such a powerful arrow." Lu Baofang, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. .

   There was a call in my class before, which made him unable to lift his head. Now that the call is not so weak, he can finally raise his head and speak.

   "That is to say, she has high strength, but her physique and energy are ridiculously low? Such a low may be able to be touched by him. This is very lucky." Xin Zhenxuan said.

  Based on the current player's attributes, the four attributes should be basically balanced before free points are added, and one item should be prominent.

   Few are particularly balanced like Han Yu, but even fewer are particularly unbalanced.

   "But this is the only thing that makes sense, otherwise there is no way to explain how a tenth-level elf can instantly kill an eleventh-level fluorescent cat demon."

   "Hmph!" Jiang Wen snorted coldly, "Didn't you say that I cheated on my daughter!"

"Ah! Principal, I was in a hurry just now, so hurry up, it's... it's okay, it's okay, it's not that I just let it go." Xin Zhenxuan, who was still immersed in the unbelievable, was startled by Jiang Wen, and quickly explained road.

   "That's right, principal, I was led astray by brother Zhenxuan. How could you be that kind of person, principal? I was confused." Luo Shuxin also hurriedly opened his mouth to explain. "Hey! Xin Zhenxuan, why are you stepping on me! I won't help you take the blame!"

   "You two, clean the toilets of the whole school for a week."

   "Ah! No, principal..." Luo Shuxin was about to speak when Xin Zhenxuan covered his mouth.

   "If I find out that you asked the students to help, don't blame me for throwing the fireball at your home." Jiang Wen's eyes were fixed, and he knew what Xin Zhenxuan was thinking about.

   "No skills are allowed, clean it by yourself!"

  As soon as he said this, Xin Zhenxuan stopped covering his mouth, and Luo Shuxin also had an expression of wanting to cry.

   "I didn't expect this kid to be okay, the summoning is so fierce, don't wake up some special talent." Wu Ao said next to Jiang Wen.

"What special talent? Good luck? To be able to summon such a powerful summoning object, and my daughter has taken a fancy to it. This kid has already spent all his luck in this life. Next time he enters the dungeon, he may summon a slime." "Jiang Wen took a sip of the tea in front of him, and finally put his mind back.

  No matter what, the daughter didn't use the equipment he gave her, and she seemed to be able to get a good grade, so she felt relieved.

  In addition to the school, there are also a large number of people on the Internet who are concerned about the three-yearly test.

  The current number one blog search is already: This year's player's college entrance examination copy turned out to be a cat demon dungeon, which greatly increased the difficulty.

  The most concerned about Haicheng is the test sites of major high schools. Countless people watched the live broadcast in the dungeon of the secret realm on the Internet.

  Following Jiang Wen's perspective, everyone saw Han Yu's summoned creature killing all directions.

  Countless bullet screens floated up. This is the fastest team to scan pictures after watching so many test live broadcasts.

   "I feel that the summoning is okay, not as weak as imagined?"

   "Weak? Don't you think this is too strong? What kind of monster is summoned?"

   "Does strength matter? You straight guys! Look at those pointed ears, that's obviously a loli elf, my God, I want to change my job to summon! Summoner is really great!"

   "@administrator, immediately block the pervert upstairs, thank you."

"This summon is indeed very strong, but the greatest weakness of a summoner is instability. This time, a powerful summon may be summoned, and next time it may be a slime. If you want to summon a powerful summon with a name, it will take three Level ten, you can only do it after completing the second turn."

   "And there is only a maximum difference of three levels between the summoned object and the master. In the mid-term, even if a summoned object is summoned that is three levels higher than the master, the level gap will be widened by the equipment and skills of players of the same level."

   "So, maybe this Han Yu was just lucky. He summoned a powerful summoner this time, but it might not be the case next time."

   "Thank you for the answer, brother upstairs, but Lolita is so cute, I still want to change my job as a summoner!"

   "Don't think about it, this thing depends on the face, maybe you go up and summon a skeleton. Sleep with your arms every day."

   "The speed of his team is too fast! It won't be in the top 100 this time, right? It's the most useless profession, and the test results are in the top 100 in the country. It's exciting to think about it."

"What are you thinking? Summoned objects have a duration. Once the time is up, the summoned object will leave even if it is not injured. The summoner needs to summon again. Han Yu can't be so lucky to summon such a powerful monster again. Bar."

   "That's a pity, I thought I could witness a miracle today."

  (end of this chapter)

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