MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 212 The 12th and 12th white sheep that collapsed were slanted and ended.

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They are basically equal to being unable to communicate in the classroom.

But Jiang Yi also knows that Xie Wei is not happy.

He usually has a small head to sleep with him on weekdays. This will turn his head to the inside, leaving only a furry little **** against him.

The river was a little anxious, and he felt so cute that he couldn't help but touch him.

Xie Zhen took his tail and swept him.

Jiang obliquely called him: "Little Rose."

Xie Tao is not really angry, it is the normal mentality of normal people.

Lovers have received so many confession letters, saying that they don't care if they are fake.

... It’s hard not to be crowded out, and it’s over-loved. This guy can’t live a normal life!

Think about it in the same way in the center, as if the normal word is insulated from him.

Xie Tao ran around in the middle of the night last night. She was very tired this morning, thinking about thinking about actually giving herself a sleep.

This day can smash the river.

He has already disposed of those envelopes and seriously rejected the wishes of others, but Xiao Wei still ignored him.

The two outsiders can't communicate, and the river can only be anxious.

The days of March are still very short. When I came home from school, it was already dark and the moon came out.

The river slanted very quickly, and almost just took home and took the kitten out.

Xie Zhen looked up at him.

Jiang Yan kissed him.

After a mist, young young trembled the cat's ears and stood in front of him.

River ramp: "I have refused all the letters during the day."

Xie Tao went to the curtain and said: "Well."

The river slanted up and said: "Don't be angry, I don't know there will be those..."

Xie Tao looked up at him: "I have something to be angry about."

The river was slanting and couldn’t catch up.

Xie Tao deliberately said: "You have refused now, and you will marry your wife and children afterwards. You...we don't all do this." The back is still pretending to be awkward.

This tone is simply a knife on the tip of the river. When he can stand it, he immediately said, "No, I won't."

Xie Wei waited for his next words.

Jiang Xie is not eager to promise, because he has never held anything, is accustomed to losing, and is afraid of actively fighting for him.

Just like people who don’t disappoint without hope, they don’t have to lose.

But this time...

Jiang slanted the hand of Xie Tao, the scorpion was like a tight rubber band, as if to break off and tried to say: "I only want you, as long as you are, I am enough in this life."

Speaking of export, with uneasiness and fear, broke through the obstacles in my heart and said it.

Xie Tao wanted to force him to say it, but he couldn’t do it when he said it.

In fact, he does not know what he said.

Just trying to get the river to face up to itself and find a response to some beliefs.

It is not painful to push away happiness, but to work hard to protect the happiness at hand.

Xie Wei asked him: "Do you like me?"

The river slanted.

Xie Tao looked at him and seemed to be looking into his heart.

Jiang skewed slowly and smiled.

In an instant, like the spring back to the earth, the grass grows long, and the innumerable warmth melts into his clear voice: "I love you."

I like it more than I like it. I can only love it.

Xie Tao also smiled. He held him and put it in his ear and said, "Me too."

The river leaned firmly against his waist, and the breath buried in his neck and shoulders was hot and eager.

Xie Wei gently touched the neck.

It was like the last trace of Mars that ignited firecrackers, and it completely burned the river.

Aries oblique is the birthday at the end of March, and it is seven or eight days from adulthood...

Xie Tao feels almost the same.

Who knows that in the end, the river has stopped.

"No..." His voice filled with desire was full of restraint. "You are still too young."

Xie Wei: "........."

Jiang did not dare to look after him after he got up: "I am going to shower."

Xie said: "I..." Well, he doesn't know how big his cat is.

Jiang sighed and said: "I want to be with you forever, these... no hurry at this time."

This is the river animal that is endless in the middle of the world!

However, Xie Wei thought about it, and then waited for nothing.

Jiang leans to cherish him, and he cherishes him.

Sex is certainly the expression of love, but it is definitely not the only one.

The two people who love each other can only be expressed in this way, and it is too pitiful.

After the mutual understanding, Xie Tao’s mission has not changed. The so-called spirit still has no clue, and he does not mean to leave here.

What should I do?

Xie Tao is not very anxious. As long as he is with the river, he is happy.

On the day of Jiang’s birthday, Xie Zhen asked him: “Are we going out?”

Jiang said: "I will take time off in advance." His birthday is not a weekend.

Xie Tao said: "No, we will go out after school and come back tomorrow morning."

River ramp: "If you meet an acquaintance..."

Xie Tao said: "I will take you to a farther place."

Jiang's oblique eyebrows wrinkled: "We still don't take risks."

Xie Xiao smiled and said: "Well, there will be nothing, only one for the 18th birthday."

River ramp: "Which birthday is only one."

Xie Yanxuan: "But this is my first birthday for you."

This is so good, the cautious teenager has finally agreed.

On the day of school, Kang Hong came to block him and wanted to celebrate his birthday.

The river slanted with Xie Zhen, and the family did not return. He directly found a place to become a person.

Xie Tao took him and asked: "Are you afraid of height?" This guy seems to be not afraid.

River ramp: "Not afraid."

Xie Tao used a transparent aircraft, which is one of the most popular aircraft in the world.

Sitting inside and looking out is completely transparent, and all the scenery is unobstructed, but the people outside can't see the scene inside.

When the river leaned in, he jumped into his heart: "Is it going to be discovered..."

Xie Xiao smiled and said: "Do not worry, no one can see."

Xie Tao deliberately let the aircraft drive through the bustling streets, and the river was nervous and clenched his fists. He was relieved to see the pedestrians feel nothing.

Is the invisible character a joke? It works very well.

Of course, this time-limited restriction, Xie Tao flew with the river obliquely and then stopped in the open sea without people.

The aircraft was transformed into a spacious living room.

Xie Tao will have put out the dinner that she has already prepared: "Happy birthday."

As his voice fell, the aircraft fired brilliant fireworks and bloomed in the air, one after another.

The river looked stunned.

Xie Tao said: "Like?"

River slanted like a nightmare: "Like."

The beauty that does not exist in dreams, the exhaustion of some imagination and fantasy.

Xie Wei took his hand and said: "That's good."

Jiang turned his head and saw the smile on his mouth. At this moment, he felt that the people around him were a hundred times more beautiful than the fireworks on the horizon.

He De He can, he can meet him.

Jiang slanted his hand firmly, and his heart rose like a sun-like thing.

After the birthday, the two men turned to the honey.

Kang Hong, this giant light bulb, didn't bother to disturb. There was no reason for it. The college entrance examination is coming soon, and Comrade Xiaokang is going to make up the class crazy.

Jiang Xie is also very serious review.

Xie Wei was on the table and swept his hand with his tail.

Jiang skewed and said: "Write this paper."

Xie Wei: "Come into me." Hey!

River ramp: "I will kiss you when you finish writing."

Xie Wei: "..." Sure enough, when it grows up, it gets worse!

Before the river **** was black, the kitten turned into a human.

Since the beginning of the assault on the college entrance examination, Jiang Xie has just finished writing homework and thanked him.

There is no reason for him. Looking at the kitten can still study quietly. When I see a cat-ear boy, someone just wants to do something that adults should do.

In Xie Zhen’s heart, what is wrong with the college entrance examination, what about a good university? There is him, Aries oblique in this life, although happy and happy.

But obviously the river **** does not think so.

He didn't want to use Xie Zhen's ability to use it, and he didn't want to blame him. The only way to do this is to strengthen himself and let Xie Tao live the same thing if he can keep things out.

What's more, Jiang Xie is always worried. He is afraid that Xie Tao's special exposure will not protect him.

Xie Tao wants to protect him, isn't it the river?

No matter how strong your lover is, two people who love each other will want to protect each other.

At the end of the college entrance examination, when the results were issued, Jiang’s inclination was the first in the province.

Xie Zhen thought: Fortunately, each province has a different question, otherwise you can't give yourself the first place in the country?

Compared with the river, of course, Kang Hong is very pleasantly surprised: "I am a super line!" This is the ecstasy of normal people.

Jiang skewed congratulations to him.

Kang Hong was so happy that he jumped with his face and his face was red. He was excited to say to the river: "Rely on the academic spirit!"

River ramp: "It is the result of your own efforts."

"No..." Kang Hong said. "I think it's really related to you. Since I transferred to school, after I became friends, I really had everything to do, even rhinitis and urticaria have not been committed! And I I always feel that the quality of sleep is much better, and I have a lot of learning every day..."

As soon as he said, the younger brother who often asked questions from the river to the river said: "This is really true. I feel that I have a very good spirit in the past six months and I am learning very fast."

"Oh..." Someone joined the discussion. "I seem to be too. I used to learn until twelve o'clock. I woke up in the morning and I couldn't get enough. I didn't know it at all. I slept for the day and the lunch break was saved."

"me too……"

"I seem to be..."

A kitten in the bag huddled together, madly wanting to give these people a curse!

Shut up well, don't sell it if you take advantage of it!

However, it is said that the sharp nerves of the river **** must be fully understood.

Xie Yucheng cat cake, thinking about how to marry this sorrowful teenager after returning home...

The river slanted to stay, and he clearly took the provincial champion, but it was like the last.

Everyone is still having a lively discussion, and the river has already left.

When he got home, he locked the door with his backhand.

Xie Tao explored a small head, and it was not black. He became unadult.

Jiang did not say anything, sat down at the window and sat down until dark.

Xie Wei was playing drums in his heart and knew that he was really angry this time.

When the moon rises, the cool kiss of the river falls on his lips.

Xie Wei stood by his side.

After a boring afternoon, Jiang did not say anything and asked him: "Why?"

Xie Tao did not know what to say...

The river slanted tightly to the eyebrows, and the handcuffs placed on the table became fists: "Is it to cover up the previous rumors?"

One year ago, the river slant was sheltered by everyone. After one year, the river slant became close to everyone.

Why is this happening?

Because Xie Tao's painstaking efforts.

Xie Tao said: "There is really nothing, no one will find out." He knows that Jiang is afraid that he is in danger, but such a world can't really hurt him.

River ramp: "You protect the people around me, right?"

Xie Zhen’s heart jerked.

Jiang slanted his voice and revealed the truth: "If you don't care for Convoy, will he die? And those who are close to me and talk to me, if you don't secretly protect them, they will..."

Jiang slanted and smiled: "In the past ten years, whoever is close to me will be very miserable. It is no wonder that this year suddenly changed..."

Xie Tao can lie to him and say no, but he can't say it.

He can't lie to the river.

This is indeed the case, Xie Tao is busy every day to protect all people close to the river.

Because once he is relaxed, these people will encounter unfortunate or light or heavy misfortunes.

Like being cursed, anyone who is close to the river will really be stared at by the disaster.

Xie Tao protects these people while looking for reasons, but unfortunately they have been unable to find them for so long.

Xie Tao approached him and carefully held the river sitting on his back: "I will be more careful not to let them find out."

Jiang oblique low voice: "No."

Xie Yan tightened her lips.

River ramp: "I won't be close to anyone, I don't need anyone, as long as you are there." So no one will be embarrassed because of him, and Xie will not need to work hard to protect anyone.

Xie Wei sighed softly, his chin on his top, whispered: "But you are not happy."

The river leaned and the body froze.

Xie said: "I hope that you are happy every day, I hope that you are full of hope and enthusiasm for life, I not only want to be with you, but also want to give you happiness."

"I..." The river slanted like a block of stone, and countless words squeezed him, so that he could not tell what to say.

Xie Tao loosened him and kissed him under his forehead.

Jiang obliquely held him on his lap and locked his waist, as if he wanted to put his whole person into his own soul.

"I hate them." Jiang Yan's repressed voice seemed to tremble from his chest.

Xie Yu lived.

Jiang leaned to hold him and spread out all his innermost and most unfathomable places:

"I have nothing, no one needs me, no one is close to me, no one even looks at me..."

So, he hates them.

Hate all who ignore him, hate all those who isolate him, hate this world that has abandoned him.

This is the deepest part of the river, the most unbearable and most difficult to understand.

But at this time, the darkness of this group was blown away.

Xie Tao’s eyes were red and his voice was dumb: “Nothing... you have me in the future.”

Yes, Jiang has him, and Xie Zhen used his unreserved love to incite this knot.

Until now, the river has let go of himself and let the world go.

Xie Tao felt a sigh of relief. He looked at the river and saw his teenager revealing a pure smile than the sun.

"thank you."

Xie Wei heard the sound of the river slant, he still wants to touch him again, but when he returns to God, he has returned to the space with eleven light groups.

Rose flowers are delicate, and Xie Tao is standing there, but it is a bit embarrassing.

The red light group representing Aries disappeared and replaced by the young river slanting in the flowers.

Xie Tao rushed over and saw a line of words floating above him.

Countdown to wake up: 3:00:00.

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